Problem Description Chika gives you an integer sequence a1,a2,…,an and m tasks. For each task, you need to answer the number of “friendly pairs” in a given interval. friendly pair: for two integers a
传送门 题意 小象喜欢和数组玩。现在有一个数组 a a a,含有 n n n个正整数,记第 i i i个数为 a i a_i ai 现在有 m m m个询问,每个询问包含两个正整数 l j l_j lj和 r j ( 1 < = l j < = r j < = n ) r_j(1<=l_j<=r_j<=n) rj(1<=lj<=rj<=n),小象想知道在 l l l到 r r r之
You come home and fell some unpleasant smell. Where is it coming from? You are given an array a. You have to answer the following queries: You are given two integers l and r. Let ci be the number of
在太阳西斜的这个世界里,置身天上之森。等这场战争结束之后,不归之人与望眼欲穿的众人, 人人本着正义之名,长存不灭的过去、逐渐消逝的未来。我回来了,纵使日薄西山,即便看不到未来,此时此刻的光辉,盼君勿忘。————世界上最幸福的女孩 珂朵莉最可爱了,珂朵莉的题最毒瘤了qwq 题目链接:传送门 这是一个自带大常数选手被毒瘤 l x l lxl lxl卡常数,从开 O 2 O2 O2才 82
题目 Q L R代表询问你从第L支画笔到第R支画笔中共有几种不同颜色的画笔。 R P Col 把第P支画笔替换为颜色Col。需要满足查询 分析 这道题看起来就是要离线的,需要用莫队,但是原莫队不支持修改,那么就弄一弄,当然还要用分块优化,就没有什么了(jzoj卡逐字符输入) 代码 #include <cstdio>#include <cmath>#include <algor
题目链接: 思路:对于只查询不修改,而且查询有关元素出现次数的要求,我们要用莫队做,但是莫队是用来处理一类双端点询问,所以我们要把式子拆成四个双端点询问。 题目中原式是这样的: ∑ x = 1 ∞ get ( l 1 , r 1 , x ) ∗ get ( l 2 , r 2 , x ) \large\sum\limits_{
问题 D: A Sequence Game 时间限制: 1 Sec 内存限制: 128 MB 提交: 148 解决: 42 [提交] [状态] [讨论版] [命题人:admin] 题目描述 One day, WNJXYK found a very hard problem on an Online Judge. This problem is so hard that he had be
Sona, Maven of the Strings. Of cause, she can play the zither. Sona can’t speak but she can make fancy music. Her music can attack, heal, encourage and enchant. There’re an ancient score(乐谱). But be
Given a sequence of n numbers a1, a2, ..., an and a number of d-queries. A d-query is a pair (i, j) (1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ n). For each d-query (i, j), you have to return the number of distinct elements in th