前言 前两天画KEGG的分类图师兄路过看到了让帮也画一个,一问是两个分组,于是建议参考这篇 Multi-omics reveals that the rumen microbiome and its metabolome together with the host metabolome contribute to individualized dairy cow performance 画差异
https://journals.asm.org/doi/epub/10.1128/msystems.00320-22 题目:Metabolism Interactions Promote the Overall Functioning of the Episymbiotic Chemosynthetic Community of Shinkaia crosnieri of Cold Seep
先看文章介绍吧:DRAM for distilling microbial metabolism to automate the curation of microbiome function | Nucleic Acids Research | Oxford Academic (oup.com) 1、安装 默认使用conda安装吧,也建议使用conda,pip安装其实都差不多,但
今天给同学们分享一篇5+单细胞+脂质代谢+预后模型+实验的生信文章“Single-cell transcriptome analysis reveals the metabolic changes and the prognostic value of malignant hepatocyte subpopulations and predict new therapeutic agents fo
今天给同学们分享一篇生信文章“Identification of new co-diagnostic genes for sepsis and metabolic syndrome using single-cell data analysis and machine learning algorithms”,这篇文章发表Front Genet.期刊上,影响因子为3.7。 结果解读: