
2023-10-18 17:20



  • UUV Simulator: A Gazebo-based Package for Underwater Intervention and Multi-Robot Simulation
  • UUV模拟器:一个基于Gazebo的水下干预和多机器人仿真包
    • 其他信息:
    • 摘要
      • A. Thruster and fin plugins (推进器和鳍插件)
      • B. Underwater scenarios and environmental loads(水下情景和环境载荷)
      • C. Underwater sensors(水下传感器)
      • D. Hydrodynamic and hydrostatic forces(流体动力和流体静力)
      • A. Underwater manipulators (水下机械手)
      • B. Vehicle system services and control systems (车辆系统服务和控制系统)
    • V. EXAMPLE USE-CASES (示例用例)

UUV Simulator: A Gazebo-based Package for Underwater Intervention and Multi-Robot Simulation




Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes,
Sebastian A. Scherer, Martin Voss and Luiz Ricardo Douat
Corporate Sector for Research and Advance Engineering Robert Bosch GmbH Renningen, Germany Email: musa.marcusso@de.bosch.com

Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes,
Sebastian A. Scherer, Martin Voss和Luiz Ricardo Douat

Thomas Rauschenbach
Advanced System Technology (AST)
Fraunhofer-Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Ilmenau, Germany

Thomas Rauschenbach
先进系统技术(AST) fraunhofer -光电、系统技术和图像开发研究所


Abstract—This paper describes the Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) Simulator, an extension of the open-source robotics simulator Gazebo to underwater scenarios, that can simulate multiple underwater robots and intervention tasks using robotic manipulators. This is achieved mainly through a set of newly implemented plugins that model underwater hydrostatic and hydrodynamic effects, thrusters, sensors, and external disturbances. In contrast to existing solutions, it reuses and extends a general-purpose robotics simulation platform to underwater environments.



The development of applications and algorithms for unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs), such as autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), requires the availability of a suitable simulation platform for rapid prototyping and simulation in reproducible virtual environments. This is desirable in all robotics fields, but is especially relevant for underwater applications. Underwater vehicles usually rely on expensive hardware and their target domain can be difficult to access depending on the application. Whereas several good open-source simulation environments exist for aerial as well for ground based robots, the scenario for underwater robots is less appealing. This is mostly due to the difficulty to realistically model not only hydrodynamic forces acting on the robot itself, but also the complex environments in which the operations take place.

The EU-funded project SWARMs (Smart and Networking Underwater Robots in Cooperation Meshes) has as its main goal the development of a standard framework that allows to coordinate the cooperative behavior of underwater vehicles for monitoring, inspection and intervention missions [1]. In pre-defined use cases, heterogeneous groups of underwater vehicles will be applied for tasks such as berm building, plume tracking and inspection and maintenance of offshore wind turbines [1]. The need for a simulation environment that allows development of new missions strategies and high-levelalgorithms for cooperative behavior was identified as one of the challenges to be overcome in order to develop this new system. During the requirements analysis for a simulation platform, the following basic requirements were defined:
欧盟资助的项目SWARMs (合作网格中的智能和联网水下机器人)的主要目标是开发一个标准框架,以协调水下航行器的合作行为,进行监测、检查和干预任务[1]。在预先定义的用例中,异质水下航行器组将被应用于诸如护堤建设、羽流跟踪以及海上风力涡轮机的检查和维护等任务[1]。为了开发这个新系统,需要一个模拟环境来开发新的任务策略和高级合作行为算法,这是需要克服的挑战之一。在对仿真平台进行需求分析时,定义了以下基本需求:

• physical fidelity for the simulation of rigid-body dynamics and collisions,
• interface for Robot Operating System (ROS) applications (the standard middleware to be used by the vehicles and systems involved in this project),
• low complexity for the setup of new world scenarios and robot models,
• extendibility for integration of additional modules, • adequate documentation,
• regularity of updates and maintenance,
• capability of multi-robot simulation,
• open-source application with permissive license (e.g. MIT, Berkeley Software Distribution BSD, Apache).
•带有许可的开源应用程序(例如; MIT, Berkeley Software Distribution BSD, Apache)。

The focus in the search for a robotics simulation tool was set for an open-source implementation with a permissive license to facilitate the dissemination of the algorithms produced within the scope of this project and the easier cooperation between partners. The first option analyzed was the ROSbased simulator developed for in the scope of the TRIDENT project, UWSim [2]. It offers a wide range of sensor models, provides realistic renderings of underwater environments due its graphics engine OpenSceneGraph1and has been used in several academic publications, e.g. [3]. The physics engine is used only for handling contact forces and the implementation of the vehicle dynamics, including the simulation of thruster forces, is located in one monolithic ROS node, but it could be modified to adhere to a more modular structure or interfaced with an external platform such as Matlab, if necessary. Setting up a new simulation, however, requires the configuration of the scenario, vehicles, and other objects in a single XML description file, which can make this task laborious.

In order to exploit existing physics engines in a more efficient way, freefloating-gazebo was presented as an example of a bridge between Gazebo [4] and UWSim for the simulation of underwater vehicles [5]. Gazebo is a general-purpose opensource robotics simulation platform maintained and developed by the Open-Source Robotics Foundation (OSRF). It provides interfaces to four different physics engines for the simulation of rigid-body dynamics and a graphical user interface to visualize the scenario. The freefloating-gazebo package includes plugins for Gazebo to allow the generation of hydrodynamic and hydrostatic forces and apply these to the underwater vehicle links while transmitting the pose of simulated objects to UWSim via ROS to exploit the underwater effects of the graphics engine. This application, however, does not include the computation of added-mass forces because of stability concerns [5]. It also allows the modular construction of a scenario on the Gazebo implementation (also in run-time), but it still requires the monolithic XML description for the complete simulation so that the UWSim visualization can be initialized.

A similar implementation involves the extension of Gazebo to the Robot Construction Kit (ROCK)2, known as RockGazebo [6]. In this case, the ROCK visualization tool was extended with OpenSceneGraph for rendering the underwater environment while the physics simulation is run in Gazebo. At this moment, it does not yet support the simulation of multiple underwater vehicles.

Since none of the systems surveyed fully fulfill the requirements mentioned above and the effort to adapt them to our purposes would be similar to developing our own solution, it was decided to develop a new underwater robotics environment, described in the further sections in more detail, with focus on flexible and modular setup of new scenarios and vehicles. As it is also not desired to further deteriorate the already fragmented underwater simulation landscape, the extension of the already popular Gazebo simulator was evaluated as the best option. It provides a robust framework for simulation and visualization of robotics mechanisms, can be extended for new dynamics, sensors and world models through modular plugins and has a regularly updated and well-defined roadmap for new releases. Robot and world models can be added to a running simulation dynamically either programmatically or through the graphical user interface. Additionally, contributions from the Gazebo user community allow it to be regularly improved with new features. Even though Gazebo itself provides very few underwater-specific modules, the development of this package for Gazebo can count on a platform that is continuously under improvement. Additionally, the integration with ROS, also developed by OSRF, is already guaranteed through Gazebo/ROS packages.

The paper is structured as follows: Section II describes the package and its internal organization, Section III includes the description of the Gazebo simulation modules, Section IV shows an overview of applications used to interact with the simulation environment via ROS, Section V shows two example scenarios built using the UUV Simulator package, and in Section VI the modules planned for future releases and conclusion are discussed.


One of the requirements for this simulation environment in the scope of the SWARMs project is to make it compatible with ROS so that the applications developed for the vehicles can be tested seamlessly with it. However, in order to develop a simulator that can be used in the future with other middlewares since it is to be released as an open-source application to the marine robotics community, the modules in the underwater simulation package can be divided in two groups. The models for vehicles, sensors and environmental loads are implemented as plugins extending the functionalities of Gazebo through its API. These modules are unaware of ROS and can therefore be extended to allow using different middlewares. Applications and services that command and communicate with entities in the simulation were developed with ROS and can be connected to the simulation environment by using its ROS bridges, i.e. inherited Gazebo plugins that publish and receive simulation data through ROS topics. An overview of the modules included in this package within the scope in that each one was developed is depicted in Fig. 1.
在SWARMs项目范围内,该模拟环境的要求之一是使其与ROS兼容,以便为航行器开发的应用程序可以与它无缝地进行测试。然而,为了开发一个可以在未来与其他中间件一起使用的模拟器,因为它6i 将作为一个开源应用程序发布给海洋机器人社区,水下模拟包中的模块可以分为两组。车辆、传感器和环境负载的模型是作为插件实现的,通过其API扩展Gazebo的功能。这些模块不知道ROS,因此可以扩展以允许使用不同的中间件。在仿真中与实体进行命令和通信的应用程序和服务是用ROS开发的,可以通过使用其ROS桥连接到仿真环境,即通过ROS主题发布和接收仿真数据的继承的Gazebo插件。图1描述了这个包中包含的模块的概述,其中每个模块都是在范围内开发的。

Fig. 1. UUV Simulator - Software structure
图1. UUV模拟器-软件结构

The simulation currently includes typical underwater sensor models (e.g. Doppler velocity log and subsea pressure sensor), actuator dynamic models (e.g. thruster and fins), hydrostatic and hydrodynamic forces and a constant flow velocity added to the world simulation. Additionally, the vehicles can be initialized with a robotic manipulator arm for the simulation of underwater intervention tasks. Further details about this package are described in the next sections.

Vehicle system functions are implemented using ROS and currently provide simple dynamic positioning controllers, thruster allocation services, teleoperation modules (e.g. a joystick interface) and, in the case of robotic arms, Cartesian control and kinematics solver services. This set of modules provides a basic structure to interact with the simulated vehicles and the Gazebo simulation environment.


The Gazebo simulator gives the user the possibility to extend it with user-defined plugins. By using its API, the plugin has access to the simulation objects and data, can transmit information via topics by using Protocol Buffer3 messages and apply torques and forces to objects in the scenario. The plugins must be initialized with a robot, sensor or world models as described in their respective SDF4 file, an XML format designed for Gazebo. For applications using ROS, the robot descriptions are specified in URDF5, a similar file format.
Gazebo模拟器为用户提供了使用用户定义插件扩展它的可能性。通过使用其API,插件可以访问仿真对象和数据,可以通过使用Protocol Buffer3消息通过主题传输信息,并对场景中的对象施加扭矩和力。插件必须用各自的SDF4文件(为Gazebo设计的XML格式)中描述的机器人、传感器或世界模型初始化。对于使用ROS的应用程序,机器人描述是用URDF5指定的,这是一种类似的文件格式。

The vehicle and sensor robot description must also contain a geometry file. Visual geometries used by the rendering engine are provided in COLLADA format and the collision geometries in STL format. This separation is important to allow simplified collision geometries to be used since very complex meshes might slow down collision computations considerably.

Gazebo is already capable of rigid-body dynamics simulation due to its integration with four physics engines, one of which must be initialized and configured within the world model description. In underwater environments, hydrodynamic and hydrostatic forces and moments must also be taken into account, along with the appropriate actuator and sensor models. This is achieved using additional plugins implemented as part of the UUV Simulator package, which can divided into the following categories:
• actuator models (e.g. fins and thrusters)
• underwater sensors
• hydrodynamic and hydrostatic forces and moments
• underwater worlds and environmental loads.

A. Thruster and fin plugins (推进器和鳍插件)

Thruster dynamics has a highly nonlinear behavior in real systems, which is often a source of poor performance of positioning control of underwater vehicles, especially at low speeds [7]. Several models for the thruster dynamics are available in the literature (e.g. [7], [8]) but none can be considered state-of-the-art.

The model usually describes the dynamic behavior of the propeller with the angular velocity as the state variable, which is converted to the thrust force through an empirical steady-state relation between a function of angular velocity and output thrust force.

To cover the multitude of thruster models to be used in the simulated vehicles, the dynamics model and the steady-state curve are implemented as two generic blocks (see Fig. 2). The dynamics models currently available include zero-order model, first-order model, Yoerger’s model for propeller dynamic [7] and Bessa’s extended model published in [8]. Steady-state curves for thrust force conversion can be modeled as a constant gain [7], constant gain with a dead-zone nonlinearity [8], or via linear interpolation between input and output pairs. The last option allows the user directly use the manufacturer’s data from Bollard pull tests often included in the thruster’s datasheet.


Fig. 2. Thruster plugin model

One instance of the thruster plugin is created in the scope of each thruster link on the vehicle with the force generated on the direction of the x-axis as seen in Fig. 3. Each force τi, i being the thruster index, will be independently applied to the thruster frame.
在飞行器上每个推进器连杆的范围内创建一个推力器插件实例,其力在x轴方向上产生,如图3所示。每个力 τ i , i τ_i, i τi,i为推力器指数,将独立地作用于推力器框架。

Fig. 3. Visualization of the individual thrust forces (red arrows) during simulation of station keeping of an ROV with the detailed composition of an individual thruster frame

This separation of vehicle and actuators allows the thruster allocation matrix to be computed during the simulation without additional input parameters from the user, allowing also the setup of different thruster configurations for the same vehicle model with little effort. Fig. 3 shows the individual thrust forces generated by this plugin installed on a simulated vehicle.

A fin plugin has a similar modular structure to the thrusters. The dynamics block has the angle of attack of the fin as a state variable, which is then used by a model to compute lift and drag forces acting on the fin. Two models for lift and drag are currently implemented: the quadratic model described in [9] and the default Gazebo lift and drag model plugin6 .

B. Underwater scenarios and environmental loads(水下情景和环境载荷)

The dynamics model for underwater vehicles (see Section III-D) takes into account the relative velocity ν r ν_r νr of the vehicle with respect to its surrounding fluid. As explained in [10], this dynamics model is suited for underwater vehicles operating outside of the wave zone, which leads to the assumption that the hydrodynamic coefficients remain constant.
水下航行器的动力学模型(见第III-D节)考虑了航行器相对于其周围流体的相对速度 ν r ν_r νr 。如文献[10]所述,该动力学模型适用于波区以外的水下航行器,因此假设水动力系数保持不变。

The relative velocity used further on equations of motion of the vehicle is ν r = ν − ν c B ν_r = ν − ν_c^B νr=ννcB, being ν c B ν^B_c νcB the current velocity in the vehicle’s body frame, which is transformed from ν c I = ( u c , v c , w c , 0 , 0 , 0 ) T ν^I_c= (u_c, v_c, w_c, 0, 0, 0)^T νcI=(uc,vc,wc,0,0,0)T in the North-East-Down (NED) frame. The constant flow velocity can be assigned to a frame with user-defined orientation and its plugin will broadcast the flow velocity vector.
在飞行器运动方程中进一步使用的相对速度为 ν r = ν − ν c B ν_r = ν − ν_c^B νr=ννcB,即 ν c B ν^B_c νcB为飞行器本体框架中的当前速度,由 ν c I = ( u c , v c , w c , 0 , 0 , 0 ) T ν^I_c= (u_c, v_c, w_c, 0, 0, 0)^T νcI=(uc,vc,wc,0,0,0)T 在东北向下(NED)框架中变换而来。恒定流速可以分配给用户定义方向的帧,其插件将广播流速矢量。

In addition to physical aspects, setting up a visually realistic underwater scenario is also an important task in this implementation. It affects tasks involving, for example, visual servoing and realistically reproducing the visual feedback received by a ROV operator. Examples of underwater environments with wind turbine foundations can be seen in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. View of a wind turbine foundation in mint condition (left) and one with biofouling (right) (models provided by ACCIONA [11])

As stated in Section I, Gazebo does not easily allow the construction of underwater environments per default. UUV Simulator includes a world model named ocean box that consists of a water surface plane with texturized waves (see Fig. 5), a sand seabed and light attenuation provided by Gazebo’s fog module, which can be configured for color and density. These features will be expanded in the future to improve visual effects.
如第一节所述,默认情况下,Gazebo不允许轻易地构建水下环境。UUV模拟器包含一个名为ocean box的世界模型,该模型由具有纹理波的水面平面(见图5),沙海床和由Gazebo雾模块提供的光衰减组成,可以配置颜色和密度。这些功能将在未来得到扩展,以改善视觉效果。

Fig. 5. A wind park scenario simulated in Gazebo (wind turbine models provided by ACCIONA [11]))

C. Underwater sensors(水下传感器)

The deployment of underwater vehicles requires a slightly different set of sensors than the modules provided by Gazebo, which are more suitable for robots traveling on the ground or through air. A number of sensor modules were created or adapted from existing implementations for this work, their parameters being configurable by the user. Some of these sensor plugins are described below.

Although an inertial measurement unit (IMU) is already available in Gazebo, it neglects important aspects as the drifting bias. For that reason, the IMU used is the model implemented for rotors simulator7 described in [12]. Its model includes zero-mean Gaussian noise and sensor biases that follow a random walk with a zero-mean white Gaussian noise as their rate.

A magnetometer is also available to measure the heading of the vehicle. This task is performed by the compass plugin, a module based on the magnetometer provided in the Hector Quadrotor simulation package8[13].

Furthermore, the Doppler velocity log (DVL)’s four sonar sensors are modeled as Gazebo’s already existing ray sensor to provide a visualization to the user. The output measured linear velocity v m v_m vm is given by the sum of the true linear velocity v v v of the sensor frame and a zero-mean Gaussian noise n v n_v nv.
此外,多普勒速度仪(DVL)的四个声纳传感器被建模为Gazebo已经存在的射线传感器,为用户提供可视化。输出测量线速度 v m v_m vm由传感器帧的真实线速度 v v v和零均值高斯噪声 n v n_v nv的和给出。

Multi-beam echo sounders are also essential to simulate the generation of bathymetric maps or obstacle avoidance. In the easiest case they can be simulated similarly to 2D laser range finders already available in Gazebo. Fig. 6 shows the resulting topographic measurements generated by range sensor configured with the specifications of a commercial 2D multibeam echo sounder.


Fig. 6. Bathymetric map generated with simulated multibeam echo sounders installed on an AUV (color map represents the height value) measuring the seabed of the wind park scenario.

Finally, one of the drawbacks of Gazebo is the lack of tools to realistically represent underwater environments. A special camera module has been designed to further improve the light attenuation with an image post-processing step. This process imposes an exponential attenuation [14] of the pixel intensity on the image acquired by the camera as follows:
i c , m = i c e − r a c + ( 1 − e − r a c ) b c , ∀ c ∈ R , G , B , ( 1 ) i_{c,m} = i_ce^{ −ra_c} + (1 − e^{ −ra_c}) b_c, ∀c ∈ {R, G, B} , (1) ic,m=icerac+(1erac)bc,cR,G,B,(1)where ic is the original intensity value for the colour channel c, ic,m is the measured intensity value, ac is a colour-dependent attenuation factor, bc is the background intensity of the channel c and r is the distance to the object projected on the pixel computed from its visual depth d and the direction of the ray for the corresponding pixel. A comparison between the original and processed image is shown in Fig. 7.

i c , m = i c e − r a c + ( 1 − e − r a c ) b c , ∀ c ∈ R , G , B , ( 1 ) i_{c,m} = i_ce^{ −ra_c} + (1 − e^{ −ra_c}) b_c, ∀c ∈ {R, G, B} , (1) ic,m=icerac+(1erac)bc,cR,G,B,(1)其中 i c i_c ic是颜色通道 c c c的原始强度值, i c i_c ic, m m m是测量到的强度值, a c a_c ac是与颜色相关的衰减因子, b c b_c bc是通道 c c c的背景强度, r r r是从物体的视觉深度 d d d计算得到的投影到像素上的物体的距离,以及对应像素的光线方向。原始图像与处理后图像的对比如图7所示。

Fig. 7. Comparison between the original image acquired during the simulation with Gazebo’s from a wind turbine foundation with the default camera plugin (left) and the result with exponential attenuation with the addition of fog effects (right).

D. Hydrodynamic and hydrostatic forces(流体动力和流体静力)

For pure rigid-body dynamics simulation, Gazebo has to be provided with the robot description (e.g. mass, inertial tensor, collision geometry, joint parameters). Due to their roots in the robotics community, Gazebo and ROS use the more prevalent ENU (East-North-Up) convention, whereas NED (North-EastDown) is widely-used for marine vessels.
对于纯刚体动力学仿真,Gazebo必须提供机器人描述(例如质量,惯性张量,碰撞几何形状,关节参数)。由于它们在机器人社区的根源,Gazebo和ROS使用更流行的ENU (East-North-Up)惯例,而NED (North-EastDown)广泛用于船舶。

In order to support both conventions, vehicles are created with a base link frame at the center of gravity following the ENU conventions as is common in Gazebo and ROS. A second NED link is added at the same origin with a fixed transformation. This allows to easily transform data to either reference frame.

Computation of the interaction of a fluid with a submerged body is still not feasible for an off-the-shelf computer for complex geometries like underwater vehicles in real-time. The best known model that is suitable for underwater vehicle simulation is Fossen’s equations of motion [10] in the SNAME notation [15] shown in Equation 2,
( M R B + M A ) ν ˙ r + ( C R B ( ν r ) + C A ( ν r ) ) ν r + D ( ν r ) ν r + g 0 + g ( η ) = τ . ( 2 ) (M_{RB} + M_A)\dotν_r + (C_{RB}(ν_r) + C_A(ν_r))ν_r+ D(ν_r)ν_r + g_0 + g(η) = τ . (2) (MRB+MA)ν˙r+(CRB(νr)+CA(νr))νr+D(νr)νr+g0+g(η)=τ.(2)

Here M A M_A MA is the added-mass matrix and CA(νr) its Coriolis and centripetal matrix, D(νr) is the damping matrix, g0 and g(η) are the restoring forces of gravity and buoyancy, respectively, and τ are the control forces and torques. The vehicle pose in the inertial NED-frame is η = (x, y, z, φ, θ, ψ) T .
其中 M A M_A MA为附加质量矩阵, C A ( ν r ) C_A(ν_r) CA(νr)为科里奥利矩阵和向心矩阵, D ( ν r ) D(ν_r) D(νr)为阻尼矩阵, g 0 g0 g0 g ( η ) g(η) g(η)分别为重力和浮力的恢复力, τ τ τ为控制力和力矩。飞行器在惯性NED坐标系中的位姿为 η = ( x , y , z , φ , θ , ψ ) T η = (x, y, z, φ, θ,ψ) ^T η=(x,y,z,φ,θ,ψ)T

In contrast, Gazebo integrates the default rigid body equations of motion with six degrees of freedom:
M R B ν ˙ + C R B ( ν ) ν + g 0 = τ g ( 3 ) M_{RB}\dotν + C_{RB}(ν)ν + g_0 = τ_g (3) MRBν˙+CRB(ν)ν+g0=τg(3)

where τg are external forces and torques that can be computed for example within plugins. Since Gazebo itself relies on one out of four supported open-source physics engines to integrate the equations of motion above, it is difficult to change it to adhere to Eq. 2. If we instead move all necessary terms of Eq. 2 to the right-hand side and compare it with Eq. 3, it follows that we can simulate underwater effects by setting the external forces and torques to:
其中 τ g τg τg是可以计算的外力和扭矩,例如在插件中。由于Gazebo本身依赖于四个支持的开源物理引擎中的一个来整合上述运动方程,因此很难将其更改为遵循公式2。如果我们将公式2的所有必要项移到右侧,并与公式3进行比较,我们可以通过将外力和扭矩设置为来模拟水下效果:
τ g = − M A ν ˙ r − C A ( ν r ) ν r − D ( ν r ) ν r − g ( η ) . ( 4 ) τ_g = −M_A\dotν_r − C_A(ν_r)ν_r − D(ν_r)ν_r − g(η). (4) τg=MAν˙rCA(νr)νrD(νr)νrg(η).(4)

In order to add hydrodynamic and hydrostatic forces, τg is applied at each iteration of the simulation to each submerged link. Note that τg does not include forces and torques from thrusters and fins, since they are applied in independently as described in Section III-A.
为了增加水动力和静水力,在每次迭代时对每个水下连杆施加 τ g τ_g τg。注意 τ g τ_g τg不包括来自推进器和鳍片的力和扭矩,因为它们是独立施加的,如第III-A节所述。

As also mentioned in [5], the inclusion of added-mass as described above can lead to simulation instability depending on the relation between mass m and added-mass matrix coefficients in MA. This is due to the fact that the acceleration is needed in Eq. 4 as input to compute hydrodynamic forces and torques, which are then used by the physics engine to solve the equations of motion to compute the current acceleration, velocity, and pose. Only the previous accelerations can, of course, be used when computing the latest acceleration. But using its previous value to compute the current one can cause the system to become unstable if the added-mass coefficient is larger than the actual body mass, since an acceleration at the previous time step can lead to a slightly bigger reaction due to the added-mass at the current time step and an increasingly bigger value at the subsequent time step. The current solution to avoid unstable simulations is the use of a low-pass filtered version of previous accelerations to compute hydrodynamic forces and torques according to Eq. 4. On further releases, this issue will be studied in more detail to improve the simulation results.
如[5]中所述,上述附加质量的包含可能导致模拟不稳定,这取决于 M A M_A MA中质量 m m m与附加质量矩阵系数之间的关系。这是因为在Eq. 4中需要将加速度作为计算流体动力和扭矩的输入,然后物理引擎使用这些输入来求解运动方程,从而计算当前的加速度、速度和姿态。当然,在计算最新的加速度时,只能使用以前的加速度。但是,如果附加质量系数大于实际身体质量,则使用其先前的值来计算当前的值可能会导致系统变得不稳定,因为在前一个时间步长的加速度可能会导致由于当前时间步长的附加质量而产生略大的反应,并且在随后的时间步长的值越来越大。目前避免不稳定模拟的解决方案是使用先前加速度的低通滤波版本,根据Eq. 4计算水动力和扭矩。在以后的版本中,将更详细地研究这个问题,以改进模拟结果。


The ROS-specific modules are subdivided into teleoperation, manipulator control, vehicle control and Gazebo-ROS plugins. These bridged plugins are available to all Gazebo plugins presented and consist on an inheritance to a Gazebo module that will add features that will make it visible to a ROS client node or software. Further modules are described in the following sections.

A. Underwater manipulators (水下机械手)

Underwater manipulators can currently only be operated using ROS modules. They are available as units that can be added to the vehicle’s body frame using pre-defined macros.This is done to allow the generation of several configurations for the same vehicle by only adding an extra unit to the robot description.

The manipulators are initialized with ROS controllers for each joint and can be operated by using a joystick to command the reference velocity for the end-effector. A Jacobiantranspose Cartesian controller allows control of the endeffector’s pose. Each manipulator and its respective ROS nodes (e.g. controllers, kinematics solvers services) are initialized within a unique ROS namespace, allowing multiple manipulator units (on one or multiple vehicles) to be initialized simultaneously.

B. Vehicle system services and control systems (车辆系统服务和控制系统)

Even though the first phase of development of this software was focused on simulation, some service and control modules are already available to allow a basic operation of the vehicle models. These modules communicate with the extended versions of the plugins described in Section III to ROS.

A thruster allocator can be initialized to read the relative pose and orientation of a specific vehicle and generate the thruster allocation matrix at run-time. It receives forces and torques to be applied to the vehicle and transmits the command to each thruster unit described in Section III-A.


As an example application, a vehicle has been integrated in the simulation environment based on the parameters for the Sperre SF 30k ROV published in [16]. The thruster configuration has been altered to include eight thrusters and integrated in a model description named RexROV. Two instances of the ROV have been initialized, one with a simplified model of a Schilling Robotics Orion 7P robotic manipulator. The diagram seen in Fig. 9 shows the independent modules initialized with the vehicle are labeled according to the unit’s link name and their respective operating plugins.
作为一个示例应用,基于[16]中发布的Sperre SF 30k ROV的参数,在仿真环境中集成了一个车辆。推进器的配置已经改变为包括八个推进器,并集成在一个名为RexROV的模型描述中。ROV的两个实例已经初始化,其中一个具有Schilling Robotics Orion 7P机器人操纵器的简化模型。如图9所示,随车辆初始化的独立模块根据单元的链接名称和各自的操作插件进行标记。

Fig. 9. RexROV test vehicle with its constituting modules

Each vehicle’s velocity reference is given by the input of an joystick and cascaded PID controllers control the vehicle’s velocity. The manipulator arm is provided with individual joint effort controllers, a kinematics service and a Cartesian controller. Fig. 8a shows the dynamic simulation in the Gazebo environment in the wind turbine scenario. One ROV equiped with a forward multibeam sonar measures the structure, while the other vehicle is in place to execute any maintenance task necessary. In Fig. 8b, the output of the simulated sonar can be seen in the form of a point cloud with a color map along with the current frames from the cameras installed on both vehicles. As can be seen, both vehicles are setup with different sensor and actuator configurations, which can be later chosen through user-defined arguments by the initialization of the vehicle instance. The instances of world and UUVs are independently uploaded in Gazebo in run-time, making the construction of a new scenario very straightforward.

(a) Visualization of the simulation environment in Gazebo in a offshore wind park scenario.
(a) Gazebo在海上风电场情景中的模拟环境的可视化。


e wind park scenario.(风场场景)
(b) Visualization in RViz, camera output for each vehicle on the left panel, point cloud output from the simulated multibeam sonar depicted with a colormap on the main panel on the right.
(b) RViz中的可视化,左侧面板为每辆车的相机输出,右侧主面板上以彩色图表示的模拟多波束声纳的点云输出。

Fig. 8. Simulation of inspection of a wind turbine foundation using two ROVs.

In another example of simulation of multiple robots shown in Fig. 10, a RexROV and a Desistek SAGA mini-ROV are uploaded in a subsea factory scenario. The mini-ROV is used to monitor the work-class ROV while the manipulator is being deployed.
在图10所示的另一个多机器人模拟示例中,在海底工厂场景中上传了RexROV和Desisstek SAGA迷你rov。当机械手部署时,mini-ROV用于监控工作级ROV。
RexROV和desisstek SAGA迷你rov在海底工厂场景中的应用

Fig. 10. RexROV and Desistek SAGA mini-ROV in a subsea factory scenario.
The window on the left side shows the Gazebo environment and on the right the output of the vehicles’ cameras (Desistek SAGA on the top, RexROV on the bottom). Desistek SAGA 3D model provided by Desistek10 .
图10所示。RexROV和desisstek SAGA迷你rov在海底工厂场景中的应用。左侧的窗口显示Gazebo环境,右侧显示车辆摄像机的输出(顶部是desisstek SAGA,底部是RexROV)。Desistek SAGA 3D模型由Desistek10提供。


In this paper a package for simulation of unmanned underwater vehicles was presented. It extends the general-purpose robotics simulator Gazebo for application in underwater environments and provides an interface for operation of the simulated vehicles through ROS. Vehicle, actuator and sensor models are implemented with the Gazebo API and can be extended to other robotics middlewares, if desired. This package allows the setup of new simulation scenarios in runtime by allowing world and robot models to be initialized dynamically, diminishing the effort to test, build and develop new applications and mission strategies. Methods to validate the dynamic simulation implemented are currently being studied. This application is open-source and is available at https://github.com/uuvsimulator/uuv simulator.
本文提出了一个用于无人潜航器仿真的软件包。它扩展了通用机器人模拟器Gazebo在水下环境中的应用,并通过ROS为模拟车辆的操作提供了接口。车辆、执行器和传感器模型是用Gazebo API实现的,如果需要,可以扩展到其他机器人中间件。通过允许动态初始化世界和机器人模型,该软件包允许在运行时设置新的仿真场景,减少测试,构建和开发新应用程序和任务策略的工作量。目前正在研究验证所实现的动态仿真的方法。这个应用程序是开源的,可以在https://github.com/uuvsimulator/uuv模拟器上获得。

Regarding future work within this project, one of the most noticeable features missing in this underwater robotics simulator for the Gazebo environment is the lack of characteristic visual effects as floating particles and proper light damping as a function of water depth, along with the generation of waves on the sea surface. The implementation of such effects with the support of Gazebo’s graphics engine, OGRE, are currently under development since it plays an important role in the simulation of visual servoing applications and on the control teleoperated vehicles with visual feedback. A sample of the current stage of integration of waves in Gazebo can be seen in Fig. 11.

Fig. 11. Rendering waves in an offshore wind park scenario.

The implementation of an umbilical plugin is also a desired feature to improve the simulation of ROVs. Although the umbilical forces can be simulated, the simulation of contact forces on the tether will require the geometrical representation of cables in Gazebo, an implementation still not existent in this platform.

Furthermore, as seen in the examples, the vehicles are used for the simulation of missions on offshore wind parks, often in the wave zone, which requires the simulation of environmental loads originated from waves and turbulence around the wind turbines, another desired feature for future releases.

Finally, configuration tools to allow users not familiar with Gazebo/ROS development to use this tool are also included in the roadmap. They will allow creation of new vehicles and scenarios through a graphical user interface, preventing errors originated when editing the configuration files manually.


This software has been developed as part of the work undertaken for the EU-funded research project SWARMs (Smart and Networking Underwater Robots in Cooperation Meshes), ECSEL project number 662107. Thanks to DFKI Robotics Innovation Center, Bremen, for providing the 3D meshes of the Schilling Robotics Orion 7P Manipulator.


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1 记录的背景 之前只知道有这个强大语言的存在,但一直侥幸自己应该不会用到它,所以一直没有开始学习。然而人生这么长,怎就确定自己不会用到呢? 这次要搭建一个可以自动跑完所有case并且打印每个case的pass信息到指定的文件中。从而减轻手动跑仿真,手动查看log信息的重复无效低质量的操作。下面简单记录下自己的思路并贴出自己的代码,方便自己以后使用和修正。 2 思路整理 作为一个IC d


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Android模拟器的检测 需求:最近有一个需求,要检测出模拟器,防止恶意刷流量刷注册。 1.基于特征属性来检测模拟器,比如IMSI,IDS,特殊文件等等。 这个方案局限性太大,貌似现在大部分模拟器默认就是修改了的,还不需要人为的去修改。 经过测试,发现如下图所示。 如果是模拟器的话,这些特殊值应该返回true,比如DeviceIDS,Build。可是居然返回了false,说明特殊值

gazebo 已加载模型但无法显示

目录 写在前面的话问题一:robot_state_publisher 发布机器人信息失败报错一 Error: Error document empty.报错二 .xcaro 文件中有多行注释成功启动 问题二:通过 ros2 启动 gazebo 失败成功启动 问题三:gazebo 崩溃和无法显示模型问题四: 缺少 robot_description 等话题正确的输出 写在前面的话

Matlab simulink建模与仿真 第十章(模型扩展功能库)

参考视频:simulink1.1simulink简介_哔哩哔哩_bilibili 一、模型扩展功能库中的模块概览         注:下面不会对Block Support Table模块进行介绍。 二、基于触发的和基于时间的线性化模块 1、Trigger-Based Linearization基于触发的线性化模块 (1)每次当模块受到触发时,都会调用linmod或者dlinmod函数

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机器人工具箱中的SerialLink表示串联机器人型机器人的具体类。该类使用D-H参数描述,每个关节一组。SerialLink I类包含的参数如表1所示。 表1 SerialLink I类参数 参  数 意    义 参  数 意    义 plot 显示机器人的图形表示 jacobn 工具坐标系中的雅可比矩阵 plot3D 显示机器人3D图形模型 Jacob_dot