Stats 统计 OpenTSDB offers a number of metrics about its performance, accessible via various API endpoints. The main stats are accessible from the GUI via the "Stats" tab, from the Http API at /api/s
光有执行DBMS_STATS的权限还是不够的 DBMS_STATS.GATHER_DATABASE_STATS (ESTIMATE_PERCENT => 30); * ERROR at line 1: ORA-20000: Insufficient privileges to analyze an object in Database ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS
基于influxDB+graphite+grafana+statsd+collect+elasticserach+zabbix打造 一个全方位监控系统。 这个是基于kamon+statsd+graphite+grafana的jvm,api,socket等信息截图 -------------------------- In this article I’m going to look