文章目录 声明作者列表核心思想归纳算法流程机器翻译 声明 本帖更新中如有问题,望批评指正!如果有人觉得帖子质量差,希望在评论中给出建议,谢谢! 作者列表 FEI HOU(侯飞)、CHIYU WANG、WENCHENG WANG:中国科学院大学 HONG QIN CHEN QIAN、YING HE 核心思想归纳 当一条从实体 M M M 内部发出并与等值面 F F F
The Rotation Game 描述 The rotation game uses a # shaped board, which can hold 24 pieces of square blocks (see Fig.1). The blocks are marked with symbols 1, 2 and 3, with exactly 8 pieces of each kind.
Depth Limited Search(DLS) = Limited Level + Depth First Search(DFS) Iterative Deepening means using Depth Limited Search(DLS), as the Limited Level increases until the goal node is found.