WCDMA (UMTS) Deployment Handbook: Planning and Optimization Aspects

2024-04-19 00:32

本文主要是介绍WCDMA (UMTS) Deployment Handbook: Planning and Optimization Aspects,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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A complete and practical guide to WCDMA/UMTS cellular network deployment.

After introducing the network architecture of such a system, the WCDMA (UMTS) Deployment Handbook defines the coverage and capacity concepts associated with the dimensioning and design phases. Progressing to a discussion of the main system parameters associated with network optimization and detailing optimization techniques for the main services supported by UMTS, and includes the specifics of indoor deployment and HSDPA networks evolution.

*Covers all stages from planning to optimization with sufficient details as required on a day-to-day basis, and thorough reference information for the reader who wants to understand the concepts in more detail
*Relevant for daily tasks: The approach taken in this book is similar to the work flow of network planner and optimization engineers, allowing such personnel to easily find the relevant information
*Written by the company which made CDMA a household name: QUALCOMM was the first company to use CDMA technology for cellular application and is a technical leader in this domain
*Based on industry feedback: All the contributors to this book have been working in direct interaction with WCDMA operators, throughout the world, since the early days of WCDMA commercial deployment
*Looking to the future: This book addresses the next level of challenge that WCDMA operators will face - deployment of indoor systems and HSDPA

Providing a complete introduction and reference guide to everything associated with the life cycle of a WCDMA/UMTS cellular network, from initial dimensioning through to the successful deployment of indoor solutions, or migration to HSDPA, this book is a must-have for network planners and optimization engineers as well as Telecommunication Engineering students.


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