Dialogue System for Unity文档中英对照版(简雨原创翻译)第四篇(关于主流ui插件拓展相关)

本文主要是介绍Dialogue System for Unity文档中英对照版(简雨原创翻译)第四篇(关于主流ui插件拓展相关),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


UnityQuest Log Window (Old)

Thissection applies to the old Unity Quest Log Window.


TheUnity Quest Log Window component displays a quest log window using Unity GUI.You can use it as-is or use it as a template for implementing your own questlog window in another GUI system such as NGUI or Daikon Forge GUI. As-is, thiscomponent is already quite flexible because you can assign any GUI layout toits properties, allowing you to completely change its look and feel:




统一的任务日志窗口组件显示使用Unity GUI任务日志窗口。你可以像或使用它作为另一个GUI系统如NGUI或萝卜伪造的GUI实现您自己的任务日志窗口模板使用它。例如,该组件已经相当灵活因为你可以指定任何界面布局的特性,让你彻底改变其外观和感觉:

TheDialogue System provides pre-built prefabs for some Unity Quest Log Windowsusing the default, JRPG, Necromancer GUI, and Wheel2 styles. You can find themin the Prefabs/Unity Dialogue UIs folder.


How toConfigure a Quest Log Window

Whenopen, the window displays active and completed quests. It gets the titles,descriptions, and states of the quests from thePixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.QuestLog class, which in turn gets the data fromthe Item[] table.


To setup a quest log window, add a prefab from the Prefabs folder or create your ownGUI layout and add the Unity Quest Log Window component. The Prefabs foldercontains prefabs with different appearances.


Ifyou're creating your own layout, you'll need to create and assign the followingcontrols:







•Gui Root: The GUIRoot object.

•Scroll View: A GUIScrollView control that willcontain the list of active or completed quests.

•Active Button: When clicked, the scroll viewis populated with the list of active quests. This button should send theOnShowActiveQuests message.

•Completed Button: When clicked, the scrollview is populated with the list of completed quests. This button should sendthe OnShowCompletedQuests message.

•Quest Heading Source: Specifies whether to usethe item name or its Description field when displaying the quest heading. Ifyou've localized to different languages, set this to Description.

You donot need to assign the Close button. Instead, your close button (if you haveone) should send an OnClose message to the Unity Quest Log Window when clicked.


If youexamine any of the provided quest log prefabs, you'll see that you can addadditional controls, too, such as a containing window or other ornaments.


You canalso optionally set the GUI styles used by quest heading, body, and entry text.Different GUI styles are available for entries in the active, success, andfailure states – for example to use a GUI style with a green checkmark next tosuccessful entries and a different GUI style with a red X for failed entries.


You canalso customize the messages shown when there are no active or completed quests.You can create different copies of the layout with different text to localizethe quest log.


















QuestTracker HUD

You canadd a basic quest tracker HUD to the Dialogue Manager object using the menuitem Window > Dialogue System > Component > Supplemental > QuestTracker. This HUD uses Unity GUI, and updates itself at the end ofconversations and when the player toggles tracking in the quest log window. Itdisplays quest titles as well as any entries if the quest has entries. You canuse it as-is or as a base for your own quest tracking HUD.




Questsand the Game World

TheDialogue System's Quest Log System provides the means to manage questdescriptions, quest states, and quest-related variables in the Lua environment.It doesn't, however, provide functionality to make changes in the game world,such as spawning monsters for a "kill" quest, because every game hasdifferent needs. In Blizzard's World of Warcraft, for example, the gameconstantly spawns mobs regardless of whether you have a quest or not. Inadventure games, on the other hand, you might not spawn generic mobs butinstead activate very specific, handmade boss characters. How quests take formin the game world is up to you.


TheDialogue System does provide some help, however. When you accept a quest in aDialogue System conversation, you can set the dialogue entry's Sequence field.There are many sequencer commands that you can use such as SetActive() toenable a deactivated boss character, or SendMessage() to send a message to aspawner to tell it to spawn a certain number of prefab monsters.








UsingCore GameKit with Quests

If youuse Dark Tonic's Core GameKit, the Dialogue System provides custom sequencercommands to control Core GameKit's spawners. You can See the GameplayIntegration with Core GameKit section for more information.




Usingthe Increment On Destroy Component

For"kill" quests and "gather" quests, you can use the DialogueSystem's Increment On Destroy component to update a Lua variable whenever thetarget object (e.g., a monster or a resource to gather) is destroyed.


Forexample, for a "kill 5 rats" quest you can add Increment On Destroyto the rats and set Variable property to the name of a variable in the dialoguedatabase such as "NumRatsKilled". When you kill a rat and its objectis destroyed, it will increment NumRatsKilled. (To decrement, simply set theIncrement property to a negative value.) In your conversation, you can checkthe value of Variable["NumRatsKilled"].







Save/Load System


Theprimary purpose of the Save/Load System, from the Dialogue System'sperspective, is to save and load the Lua environment, which containsinformation about which dialogue entries have already been visited, statusesand relationships, quest information, and more.


TheSave/Load System also allows you to save and load other game data. Using thePersistentDataManager class, you can save or load a game with a single line ofcode. Using the GameSaver component, you don't need to write any code at all.The LevelManager component adds functionality to save and load the player'scurrent level in multi-level games.






SavedGame Data

A savedgame contains the current state of the dialogue database (e.g., quest states,which dialogue entries have been visited, etc.) as well as any data thatGameObjects have recorded into the Lua environment.


Savingconsists of two operations:


1.Recordingthe current state of GameObjects into the Lua environment, and

2.Retrievingthe Lua environment as a savegame string, which can be saved in PlayerPrefs orhandled however you want, such as writing to a file on disk, or saving to adatabase.

Loadingconsists of two similar operations:


1.Retrievinga savegame string (e.g., from PlayerPrefs, file, or database) and applying itto the Lua environment, and

2.Applyingthe Lua environment to the GameObjects.
















WhatData Gets Saved

To keepthe saved game data size small, only the following information is recorded fromthe Lua environment:


•Actor[] table: all data

•Item[] table: only State,Entry_[1,2,3...]_State, and Track (for quest log system), ujnlessPersistentDataManager.includeAllItemData has been set to true.

•Location[] table: nothing

•Variable[] table: current value of eachvariable

•Conversation[] table: the SimStatus (whethereach dialogue entry has been offered or displayed), unlessPersistentDataManager.includeSimStatus has been set to false.

•Relationship and status information (see thestatus and relationship Chat Mapper Functions)

If youwant to capture specific data in your saved game, make sure it's recorded inone of the fields listed above. For example, the UFPS and Realistic FPSintegration scripts use the Variable[] and Actor[] tables, which are alwaysincluded in the saved game.





?演员表:[ ]的所有数据


?项目[ ]表:唯一的国家,entry_ [ 3 ] _state……,跟踪(任务日志系统),ujnlesspersistentdatamanager.includeallitemdata已设置为true。


?位置[ ]表:无


?变量[ ]表:每个变量的当前值


?[ ]表:谈话的simstatus(是否每个对话进入已提供或显示),除非persistentdatamanager.includesimstatus已设置为false。




如果你想捕捉你保存的游戏的具体数据,确保它的记录在上面列出的域。例如,超微粒子的和现实的FPS集成脚本使用变量[ ]和[ ]演员表,它总是包含在保存的游戏。

How ToSave Additional Data

To saveadditional data, write a delegate method and assign it toPersistentDataManager.GetCustomSaveData. The method should return a stringcontaining Lua code to run when reloading the game. See the Saving Custom Data(Inventory Table) recipe for a detailed example with code.




PreparingGame Objects for Saving

Toprepare a game object for saving and loading, add one or more PersistentData*components. These components respond to messages to record the GameObjects'data to the Lua environment when saving, and to retrieve the GameObjects' datafrom the Lua environment when loading.


Whensaving a game, the persistent data manager sends an OnRecordPersistentData()message to all GameObjects to give them an opportunity to record their state inthe Lua environment. You can use the components described below or write yourown scripts that respond to OnRecordPersistentData.


Likewise,when loading a game, the persistent data manager sends anOnApplyPersistentData() message to all GameObjects to let them retrieve theirstate from the Lua environment and apply it.


NOTE:Call PersistentDataManager.LevelWillBeUnloaded() before loading a new level!Some persistent data components, such as Persistent Destructible, record datain the Lua environment when a game object is destroyed during play. Gameobjects are also be destroyed when you load a new level. In this case, youdon't want to record it in the Lua environment. The LevelWillBeUnloaded()method tells these components to ignore the OnDestroy() message.


ThesePersistentData components are currently available:

LevelManager Component

If yourplayer can move between levels, add the Level Manager component to yourDialogue Manager object.


准备一个游戏对象用于保存和加载,添加一个或多个persistentdata *成分。这些组件响应消息的记录对象的数据,lua环境当储蓄,并从Lua环境时加载的检索对象的数据。







Whilethe name doesn't start with PersistentData, this component acts like apersistent data component. It records the player's current level inVariable["SavedLevelName"] so it can reload the player's currentlevel when reloading a game using the Game Saver component or theLevelManager.LoadGame() method. Add it to the Dialogue Manager so it's notdestroyed between level loads.


IfincludeAllItemData is ticked, saved-game data will include all fields in theItem[] table. Generally to keep saved-game data small you can keep thisunticked to only record Item[].State and Item[].Track.


IfincludeSimStatus is ticked, saved-game data will include conversations'SimStatus values. Otherwise these values will not be included, producingsmaller saved-game data. (For more info, see includeSimStatus property)


LevelManagercalls PersistentDataManager.LevelWillBeUnloaded() for you.


Thescene in the Examples/Save Load Example folder demonstrates the use ofLevelManager.


PersistentPosition Data Component

虽然名字不开始persistentdata,此组件的行为像一个持久数据组件。它记录玩家当前的水平变量[“savedlevelname”]可以重载的球员目前的水平时重新载入游戏用游戏程序组件或levelmanager loadgame()方法。将它添加到对话经理不破坏之间的水平荷载。


如果includeallitemdata打勾,保存游戏数据将包括在项目[]表的所有领域。通常要保存游戏数据小你可以保留这unticked只记录项目[ ] [ ]项。状态和跟踪。









Thiscomponent saves the game object's position and rotation.


In theexample above, Private Hart will save his position data into the Luaenvironment. When the player loads a saved game, Private Hart will be moved tothe correct position instead of the start position.


If theRecord Current Level checkbox is ticked, the object also records its currentlevel. If ticked, then when asked to apply this saved-game data later, theobject will only apply the data if the level matches.


PersistentActive Data Component








Thiscomponent sets a game object active or inactive based on a Lua condition.


In theexample above, the Force Field Controller object will activate or deactivatethe Force Field object based on a quest condition. It will activate the Force Fieldobject when the player loads a saved game in which the quest "Raise ForceField" has been completed successfully.




PersistentDestructible Component

Thiscomponent records when a game object has been destroyed. When the saved gamedata is applied, if the game object has been previously destroyed, it will bedestroyed again. You can add this to destructible crates and barrels, enemies,and gathered crafting resources.


Itworks by recording true in a unique Lua variable. You don't have to define thisvariable ahead of time in your dialogue database, but you should assign avariable name to the component. If you don't assign a variable name, it willuse the name of the game object as the variable name.






How toSave Multiple Destructibles

To savethe state of multiple destructible objects, you can:


•Use Persistent Destructible components,

•Use Persistent Active Data components, or

•Write your own script based onScripts/Templates/PersistentDataTemplate.cs.









?基于脚本的编写/模板/ persistentdatatemplate.cs你自己的脚本。


UsingPersistent Destructible to Save Multiple Destructibles

To usePersistent Destructible, simply assign a unique variable name to each one.Optionally, you can leave the variable name blank and assign unique game objectnames.




Theexample above shows an enemy with three components:


•Die On Take Damage: Destroys the game object whenit receives a TakeDamage message.

•Increment On Destroy: Increments a killcounter for a quest.

•Persistent Destructible: Records when"Enemy001" has been destroyed. The next time the level is loaded,this component will automatically destroy the game object.









UsingPersistent Active Data to Save Multiple Destructibles

To usePersistent Active Data components:


1.Giveeach object a unique variable (for example, "Crate001","Crate002", etc.). You don't have to define the variable in thedialogue database. The Increment On Destroy script (next step) will create thevariable if it doesn't already exist.

2.Addan Increment On Destroy component to each destructible object. Assign thevariable name. When the object is destroyed, it will increment the value ofthis variable from 0 to 1.

3.Add aPersistent Active Data component to each destructible object.

◦Setthe target to the object.

◦Add aLua condition that compares the value of the variable to 0. When the saved datais applied, if the value is 0 the object will be active. If the value is 1 theobject will be inactive.














WritingYour Own Persistent Data Components

Anycomponent that implements OnRecordPersistentData() and OnApplyPersistentData()can save and load persistent data. As a convenience, a template script isavailable in Scripts/Templates/PersistentDataTemplate.cs. Just make a copy ofthis script and customize it according to the instructions in the script'scomments.


任何组件,实现了onrecordpersistentdata()和onapplypersistentdata()可以保存和加载数据持久性。为方便起见,一个模板脚本在脚本/模板/ persistentdatatemplate.cs是可用的。只是复制此脚本和定制,根据脚本的注释说明。

TheGameSaver component allows you to save and load games to PlayerPrefs withoutwriting any scripts. To use this component:


1.Addthe component to a GameObject.

2.Setthe Player Prefs Key (i.e., saved game slot) where the game will be saved andloaded. To make multiple slots, you can add more GamerSaver components tochange the Player Prefs Key field in each.

3.Tosave a game, send the message "SaveGame" to this component. You canuse a GUIButton or Send Message On Dialogue Event trigger to send the message,or call SaveGame() from a script.

◦ForGUIButtons, see GUI Controls

◦To adda trigger, use menu item Window > Dialogue System > Component >Triggers > Send Message On Dialogue Event

◦Scriptreference: PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.GameSaver

4.Toload a game, send the message "LoadGame" to this component (or callit from a script).

5.Torestart the game, send the message "RestartGame" to this component(or call it from a script).

6.Torecord the state of the game without saving, for example when changing levels,send the "Record" message.

7.Toapply the saved state of the game, for example when returning to a level, sendthe "Apply" message.

8.Youcan also configure this component to save or load when the player"uses" the GameObject – that is, when the GameObject receives an"OnUse" message. To do this:

◦SetFunction On Use to Save or Load. This tells the component whether to save orload when it receives an OnUse message.

◦Sendthe message "OnUse" to this component or game object. For example,the sample Selector component sends OnUse when the player hits spacebar overthe object.

9.Ifyou tick Apply Game State When Loading Levels, then this component willautomatically apply the recorded game state as soon as the level is loaded.You're responsible for issuing the "Record" message before loadingthe level, in order to record the state of the level being exited.

If theGameSaver and LevelManager component are both on the Dialogue Manager object,then the GameSaver will use the LevelManager.LoadGame() method, which alsoloads the player's current level.


GameSavercalls PersistentDataManager.LevelWillBeUnloaded() for you.











?添加一个触发器,使用菜单项对话窗口>系统>组件> >发送消息的对话事件触发
























ThePersistentDataManager class provides static methods to:


•Record and apply persistent data to the Luaenvironment

•Get and apply savegame data

See thePixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.PersistentDataManager reference page for detailsabout the methods.


Briefly,to save game data call PersistentDataManager.GetSaveData(). The example belowsaves the game to a PlayerPrefs entry under the key "MySavedGame".












简要,保存游戏数据呼叫persistentdatamanager getsavedata()。下面的例子将游戏以一个关键的“mysavedgamePlayerPrefs条目下。

using UnityEngine;namespace PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem {/// <summary>/// Allows you to save and load games to PlayerPrefs without writing /// any scripts. To use this component:/// /// -# Add this component to a game object./// -# Set the playerPrefs key (i.e., saved game slot) where the game will be saved and loaded./// To make multiple slots, you can add more GamerSaver components to change the playerPrefsKey /// field./// -# To save a game, send the message "SaveGame" to this component (or call it from a script)./// For example, you can use the SendMessageOnConversation component to send the message./// -# To load a game, send the message "LoadGame" to this component (or call it from a script)./// -# To restart the game, send the message "RestartGame" (or call it from a script)./// -# To record the state of the game without saving, for example when changing levels, send /// the "Record" message./// -# To apply the saved state of the game, for example when returning to a level, send the /// "Apply" message./// -# You can also configure this component to save or load when the player "uses" the game /// object. To do this:/// 	- Set Function On Use to Save or Load. This tells the component whether to save or load /// when it receives an OnUse message./// 	- Send the message "OnUse" to this component or game object. For example, the sample /// Selector component sends OnUse when the player hits spacebar over the object./// -# If you tick Apply Game State When Loading Levels, then this component will automatically/// apply the recorded game state as soon as the level is loaded. You're responsible for /// issuing the "Record" message before loading the level. You can use PersistentDataManager to/// do this./// -# If the GameObject or a child contains a LevelManager, it will load using the LevelManager/// instead of just applying the saved-game data./// </summary>public class GameSaver : MonoBehaviour {public enum FunctionOnUse { None, Save, Load, Restart };/// <summary>/// The root of the PlayerPrefs key where the game will be saved and loaded./// </summary>public string playerPrefsKey = "savedgame";/// <summary>/// The default slot. This number is appended to playerPrefsKey to make the complete /// PlayerPrefs key./// </summary>public int slot = 0;/// <summary>/// The function (save or load) to perform when receiving the "OnUse" message./// </summary>public FunctionOnUse functionOnUse = FunctionOnUse.None;/// <summary>/// If <c>true</c>, applies the recorded game state/// </summary>public bool applyGameStateWhenLoadingLevels = false;/// <summary>/// If <c>true</c>, saved-game data will include all item fields. If <c>false</c>,/// it will only include quests' State and Track fields./// </summary>public bool includeAllItemData = false;/// <summary>/// If <c>true</c>, saved-game data will include the offered/spoken status of/// all dialogue entries./// </summary>public bool includeSimStatus = false;/// <summary>/// The starting level to use when restarting the game./// </summary>public string startingLevel = string.Empty;/// <summary>/// If <c>true</c>, this game object isn't destroyed when you load a new level./// </summary>public bool dontDestroyOnLoad = false;public void Awake() {if (dontDestroyOnLoad || applyGameStateWhenLoadingLevels) {DontDestroyOnLoad(this.gameObject);}PersistentDataManager.includeAllItemData = includeAllItemData;PersistentDataManager.includeSimStatus = includeSimStatus;}/// <summary>/// Upon receiving an "OnUse" message, this method saves, loads, or does nothing, based on /// the value of functionOnUse./// </summary>public void OnUse() {switch (functionOnUse) {case FunctionOnUse.Save:SaveGame(); break;case FunctionOnUse.Load:LoadGame(); break;default: break;}}/// <summary>/// Saves the game under the PlayerPrefs key, adding the slot number to support multiple /// save game slots./// </summary>/// <param name='slot'>/// The slot to use./// </param>public void SaveGame(int slot) {if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(playerPrefsKey)) {if (DialogueDebug.LogWarnings) Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("{0}: PlayerPrefs Key isn't set. Not saving.", new System.Object[] { DialogueDebug.Prefix }));return;}if (DialogueDebug.LogInfo) Debug.Log(string.Format("{0}: Saving game in slot {1}.", new System.Object[] { DialogueDebug.Prefix, slot }));string key = playerPrefsKey + slot.ToString();PlayerPrefs.SetString(key, PersistentDataManager.GetSaveData());}/// <summary>/// Saves the game in default slot 0./// </summary>public void SaveGame() {SaveGame(slot);}/// <summary>/// Loads the game from the data saved under the PlayerPrefs key./// </summary>public void LoadGame(int slot) {if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(playerPrefsKey)) {if (DialogueDebug.LogWarnings) Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("{0}: PlayerPrefs Key isn't set. Not loading.", new System.Object[] { DialogueDebug.Prefix }));return;}string key = playerPrefsKey + slot.ToString();if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key)) {if (DialogueDebug.LogWarnings) Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("{0}: No saved game in PlayerPrefs key '{1}'. Not loading.", new System.Object[] { DialogueDebug.Prefix, key }));return;}if (DialogueDebug.LogInfo) Debug.Log(string.Format("{0}: Loading save data from slot {1} and applying it.", new System.Object[] { DialogueDebug.Prefix, slot }));// Load using the LevelManager if available; otherwise just apply saved-game data:string saveData = PlayerPrefs.GetString(key);LevelManager levelManager = GetComponentInChildren<LevelManager>();if (levelManager != null) {levelManager.LoadGame(saveData);} else {PersistentDataManager.ApplySaveData(saveData, DatabaseResetOptions.KeepAllLoaded);}}/// <summary>/// Loads the game from default slot 0./// </summary>public void LoadGame() {LoadGame(slot);}/// <summary>/// Saves the game using a string parameter for the slot number./// </summary>/// <param name='slotString'>/// Slot string to convert to an int./// </param>public void SaveGame(string slotString) {SaveGame(StringToSlot(slotString));}/// <summary>/// Loads the game using a string parameter for the slot number./// </summary>/// <param name='slotString'>/// Slot string to convert to an int./// </param>public void LoadGame(string slotString) {LoadGame(StringToSlot(slotString));}/// <summary>/// Restarts the game./// </summary>public void RestartGame() {LevelManager levelManager = GetComponentInChildren<LevelManager>();if (levelManager != null) {levelManager.RestartGame();} else {DialogueManager.ResetDatabase(DatabaseResetOptions.RevertToDefault);if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(startingLevel)) {Application.LoadLevel(0);} else {Application.LoadLevel(startingLevel);}}}private int StringToSlot(string slotString) {int slot = 0;int.TryParse(slotString, out slot);return slot;}/// <summary>/// Records the state of the game./// </summary>public void Record() {PersistentDataManager.Record();}/// <summary>/// Applies the recorded state of the game to the current scene./// </summary>public void Apply() {PersistentDataManager.Apply();}/// <summary>/// If applyGameStateWhenLoadingLevels is <c>true</c>, applies the recorded state of the /// game to the newly-loaded level./// </summary>/// <param name='level'>/// Level (not used)./// </param>void OnLevelWasLoaded(int level) {if (applyGameStateWhenLoadingLevels) Apply();}}}

To loadsaved game data, call PersistentDataManager.ApplySaveData(). The example belowloads a game from the same "MySavedGame" PlayerPrefs entry.

加载保存的游戏数据,persistentdatamanager applysavedata()呼叫。下面的例子将游戏从相同的“mysavedgamePlayerPrefs进入”。

You cancall Record() and Apply() manually during level changes. For example, you mightwant to keep track of an NPC's location between levels. Normally, when youreload a level, the NPC will be reset to its initial location in the scenefile. To track its location, add a PersistentPositionData component to the NPC.Before leaving the level, call PersistentDataManager.Record() to allow the NPCto record its position in the Lua environment. When returning to the level,call PersistentDataManager.Apply() to allow the NPC to retrieve its positionfrom the Lua environment.




Bydefault, the PersistentDataManager class records only the Item[].State andItem[].Track fields (used by quests) to keep the saved-game data size small. Ifyou have changed other fields at runtime and want to record their values, setincludeAllItemData to true.



默认情况下,只记录的persistentdatamanager类项目状态和项目[ ]。[ ]。跟踪领域(的任务)保持保存游戏数据大小小。如果你在运行时改变了其他领域,要记录他们的价值观,建立includeallitemdata真实。


Bydefault, the PersistentDataManager class records the currently-loadedconversations' SimStatus values into the saved-game data. If you don't useSimStatus in your dialogue entry conditions, you may find it worthwhile to setthe includeSimStatus property to false. This will produce smaller saved-gamedata.




UseLevelWillBeUnloaded Before Loading Levels

CallPersistentDataManager.LevelWillBeUnloaded() before loading a new level.


Somepersistent data components, such as Persistent Destructible, record data in theLua environment when a game object is destroyed during play. Game objects arealso be destroyed when you load a new level. In this case, you don't want torecord it in the Lua environment. The LevelWillBeUnloaded() method tells thesecomponents to ignore the OnDestroy() message.


The LevelManagerand GameSaver components will automatically call LevelWillBeUnloaded() for you.









TheDialogue System provides a complete Lua scripting environment.



Lua isa simple, general purpose scripting language. You don't have to use Lua whenwriting your conversations, but it does provide a very powerful method ofcontrolling the flow of conversations, checking and changing quest states, andmore.


Formore information on Lua itself, see www.lua.org.


You maywish to jump straight to the Common Lua Examples for the Dialogue Systemsection.


TheDialogue System utilizes Chat Mapper's data model. In Chat Mapper, you cancontrol conversations by writing conditions and running short scripts in Lua.Information about all actors, items, locations, variables, and conversations isstored in Lua tables. The Chat Mapper manual(http://www.chatmapper.com/documentation/) has more info about Lua andspecifically the tables that the Dialogue System uses, in the section titledScripting with Lua.


TheDialogue System implements all Chat Mapper Lua functionality and providesadditional features to work with Lua in Unity. An in-game Lua Console componentis also available.


Jumpto: Common Lua Examples for the Dialogue System.














SpecialLua Variables & Functions

ChatMapper Variables

Thesedialogue system-specific variables are available to you in your Lua scripts.More details are available in Chat Mapper's online documentation.


•Actor table containing information about allactors

•Item table containing information about allitems (also aliased as Quest in the Dialogue System)

•Location table containing information aboutall locations

•Variable table containing information aboutall user-defined variables

•Conversation table containing informationabout all conversations

•Variable["Alert"]: Set this variableto make the Dialogue System display an alert. (see Alerts)

•Variable["Actor"]: The name of theactor in the current conversation (if any).

•Variable["Conversant"]: The name ofthe conversant in the current conversation (if any).






















ImportantNote About Table Indices

TheDialogue System follows a convention established by Chat Mapper: In Chat Mappertables, replace all space characters and hyphens with underscores in keys. Thisonly applies to table indices, which is the part inside the square brackets orafter the "." if you're referencing a field inside a table element.


Examples:If you have a variable named "Kissed the Frog", reference it in Luaas: Variable["Kissed_the_Frog"].


If youractor is named "Mister Big-Man", reference his table entry asActor["Mister_Big_Man"].


If theactor has a field named "Favorite Color", you can reference it asActor["Mister_Big_Man"].Favorite_Color.







如果你的主角被命名为“先生的大男人”,参考他的表条目作为演员的“mister_big_man [”]。


如果演员有一个名为“最喜欢的颜色”的领域,你可以参考它作为演员[”] favorite_color mister_big_man”。

ChatMapper Functions

TheseChat Mapper functions are available in Lua to record statuses and relationshipvalues. The descriptions of these functions come from the Chat Mapperdocumentation:




ChatMapper can track a status that is defined between any two assets, which isreferred to as a mutual status. To set or access a mutual status, use thefollowing two functions:


•SetStatus(Asset1, Asset2, "statusvalue")

•GetStatus(Asset1, Asset2)














ChatMapper will also track numerical relationship values between any two actors.Relationships can be useful for controlling NPC responses based on arelationship value. The following four functions can be used to controlrelationship values:


•SetRelationship(Actor1, Actor2, "relationshiptype", value)

•GetRelationship(Actor1, Actor2,"relationship type")

•IncRelationship(Actor1, Actor2,"relationship type", incrementAmount)

•DecRelationship(Actor1, Actor2,"relationship type", decrementAmount)

Pleasenote that the Dialogue System does not implement the functions below, sincethey have no meaning outside Chat Mapper:


•TrackVariable(Table, "variablename")

•TrackStatus(Asset1, Asset2)

•TrackRelationship(Actor1, Actor2,"relationship type")




















OtherUseful Functions


TheDialogue System provides a Lua function RandomElement(). You can use this incombination with the [lua()] tag to insert a random element from a list intoyour dialogue text.


Thesyntax of RandomElement is:








wherestring is a string of elements separated by the horizontal bar character ('|').




Say youhave an NPC that greets the character with a random honorific title. In yourdialogue database, click on the Variables tab and define a variable namedHonorifics that contains this list:





Then,in the dialogue entry, set the text to:


•Dialogue Text: Greetings,[lua(RandomElement(Variable["Honorifics"]))] One!

Theresult is that the NPC will randomly use one of the element in the Honorificslist, such as "Greetings, Esteemed One!" or "Greetings, GreatOne!"


Thesource string doesn't have to be set at design time. You can generate itdynamically during gameplay. You can use RandomElement() for other purposes,too, such giving the player a random item upon completion of a quest, or evenchoosing a random quest out of a list.



?对话的文字:问候,[ lua(randomelement(变量[“敬语”]))]一!





Lua InScripts

TheDialogue System uses Liu Junfeng's Lua Interpreter(http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/228212/Lua-Interpreter), made availableunder MIT License. The included version of Lua Interpreter has been modified tobe compatible with Windows Store and Windows Phone projects.


HistoricalNote: Versions 1.0 - used George Foot's KopiLuaInterface(https://github.com/gfoot/kopiluainterface), which is another excellent Luaimplementation. However, it heavily uses a programming technique calledreflection that is not fully supported in the restrictive Windows Store andWindows Phone environments. This prompted a switch to Lua Interpreter.


TheDialogue System provides a PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.Lua static wrapperclass which isolates the actual Lua implementation from the rest of theDialogue System. If you want to use a different Lua implementation, you onlyneed to replace this class and update the DialogueLua class, which includessome optimizations that directly reference the Lua Interpreter class for speed.


The Luaclass is the easiest way to run Lua directly.


However,the easiest way to directly access the Dialogue System's Lua data is with themethods described below in the PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.DialogueLua staticclass.



对话系统采用刘俊峰的Lua解释器(HTTP:/ / www.codeproject。COM /物品/ 228212 /Lua解释器),提供在MIT许可证。包含的Lua解释器版本已改为Windows商店和Windows手机项目兼容。


历史注:版本1 -用脚的kopiluainterface乔治(HTTPS:/ / GitHub。COM / gfoot /kopiluainterface),这是一个极好的Lua实现。然而,它大量使用一种编程技术称为反射不在限制Windows商店和Windows手机环境完全支持。这促使一个开关的Lua解释器。







Easy-AccessDialogueLua Methods

To getand set data in the standard Dialogue System Lua tables – Actor[], Item[],Location[] and Variable[] – you can use these methods:


•DialogueLua.GetVariable(): Gets the value of avariable.

•DialogueLua.SetVariable(): Sets the value of avariable.

•DialogueLua.GetActorField(): Gets the value ofa field in an actor.

•DialogueLua.SetActorField(): Sets the value ofa field in an actor.

•DialogueLua.GetItemField(): Gets the value ofa field in an item.

•DialogueLua.SetItemField(): Sets the value ofa field in an item.

•DialogueLua.GetQuestField(): Gets the value ofa field in a quest. Equivalent to GetItemField, since quests use the Item[]table.

•DialogueLua.SetQuestField(): Sets the value ofa field in a quest. Equivalent to SetItemField, since quests use the Item[]table.

•DialogueLua.GetLocationField(): Gets the valueof a field in a location.

•DialogueLua.SetLocationField(): Sets the valueof a field in a location.



获取和对话系统标准Lua表–演员[ ]集数据,项目[ ],[ ]和[ ]位置变量–可以使用这些方法:














?dialoguelua。getquestfield():获取字段的值在一个任务。相当于getitemfield,由于任务使用项目[ ]表。


?dialoguelua。setquestfield():设置任务字段的值。相当于setitemfield,由于任务使用项目[ ]表。





TheDialogueLua class automatically convert table indices' spaces and hyphens tounderscores. When using the DialogueLua class, you can ignore the note inImportant Note About Table Indices. (However, when using the Lua class, youmust remember to convert spaces and hyphens to underscores.)


TheDialogueLua.GetXXX() methods return a Lua.Result value. To get a basic datatype, use properties such as AsString, AsInt, AsFloat, and AsBool.


Elementsin the Actor[], Item[], and Location[] tables are sub-tables, so you can usethe DialogueLua.GetXXXField() methods.


Elementsin the Lua Variable[] table are regular data types (Boolean, string, number,etc.), so you cannot use the DialogueLua.GetXXXField() methods. Instead, useDialogueLua.GetVariable(). Examples:





在演员[ ]元,项目[ ],[ ]表和子表的位置,所以你可以使用dialoguelua getxxxfield()方法。


在Lua变量[ ]表元素的数据类型(布尔,字符串规则,数,等),所以你不能使用dialoguelua getxxxfield()方法。相反,使用dialogueluagetvariable()。的例子:

Elementsin the Item[], Location[], and Actor[] tables are records. A record has sub-elementscalled fields. For example, an Actor record might have fields for Name, Age,IsPlayer, etc. To use the DialogueLua functions with them, you need to specifywhich field you want. For example:

在项目[ ] [ ]元,位置,和演员[ ]表记录。一个记录的子元素,称为域。例如,一个演员的记录可能域名字,年龄,isplayer,等。利用dialoguelua功能,您需要指定哪个领域你想要的。例如:

Rememberthat these methods are in DialogueLua, which provides methods for workingspecifically with Dialogue System data. The Lua class, described below,provides more general-purpose access to the Lua environment.



ThePixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.Lua static class provides access to the Luaenvironment through these functions:


•Lua.Run(): Runs Lua code and returns aLua.Result structure with properties such as AsString, AsInt, AsBool, etc. UseLua.Run() to access Dialogue System variables from within your Unity code, asin these examples:






•Lua.IsTrue(): Runs Lua code and returns trueif the Lua result is true, otherwise false. For example:


Rememberthat Lua.Run() returns a special type (called Lua.Result) that can be aboolean, string, or number. To get the boolean value, you need to add".AsBool", as in this example:


Similarly,if your variable is a number, you can do this:


Noteabout Lua & Dialogue Database Loading

TheDialogue System delays loading of the master dialogue database until the datais needed. This avoids potentially long delays during Start() if you have avery large initial database. If you want to load the database manually (forexample to run Lua commands on its contents) before the database has been usedfor a conversation, bark, or sequence, callDialogueManager.PreloadMasterDatabase() first.




Noteabout Lua & Dialogue Database Loading

TheDialogue System delays loading of the master dialogue database until the datais needed. This avoids potentially long delays during Start() if you have avery large initial database. If you want to load the database manually (forexample to run Lua commands on its contents) before the database has been usedfor a conversation, bark, or sequence, call DialogueManager.PreloadMasterDatabase()first.


SettingLua Observers

You canset watches on Lua expressions using these methods:


DialogueManager.AddLuaObserver():Adds a watch on a Lua expression that will be checked on a specified frequency.The frequency can be EveryUpdate, EveryDialogueEntry, or EndOfConversation. Ifthe expression changes, the Dialogue System will invoke a delegate that takesthe form:










You canremove watches using DialogueManager.RemoveLuaObserver() orDialogueManager.RemoveAllLuaObservers().


Note:For best performance, limit the number of watches you set, especially when thefrequency is EveryUpdate. Each watch requires an extra Lua call to evaluate thecurrent state of the watch expression.




CommonLua Examples for the Dialogue System

Lua isa complete, full-featured language. It makes the Dialogue System extremelypowerful. Using Lua, you can add very sophisticated behavior to your games.


Buteven using only two operations – test for equality ("==") andassignment ("=") – you can still make very complex, interactivedialogue without having to do anything else in Lua.



Hereare some examples to make a dialogue entry conditional. The entry will only beconsidered if the condition is true. These Lua statements would go in theentry's Condition field.





但即使只使用两个操作平等–试验(“= =”)和分配(“=”)–仍然可以做很复杂的,交互式的对话而不必在Lua中做任何事情。





•Check if a quest is in a specific state (notethe use of double equals "==" to test equality):

?检查如果一个任务是在一个特定的状态(注意使用双等于“= =”测试平等):

(Experiencedprogrammers: Note that in Lua the logical operators are ~=, and and or, not !=,&& and ||.)


Youcould also use conditions like the ones above in a trigger's Conditions. Notethat, in triggers, you can also add quest conditions, which are more convenientfor checking quest statuses than writing Lua conditions.


Notethat, in the Dialogue System Quest[] is an alias for Item[]. So your Lua codecan use this form instead:

(有经验的程序员:注意,Lua中的逻辑运算符~ =,和,或者,不!=,&&和| |。)




注意,在对话系统的任务是[ ] [ ]项目的别名。所以你可以用这个代替形式Lua代码:

Thisalias is also defined in the provided Chat Mapper template so you can use it inChat Mapper, too.



Hereare some examples to set values. You could use them in a dialogue entry'sScript field or in the Lua On Dialogue Event trigger component described inOther Triggers.





•Set a quest to a specific state (note the useof single equals for assignment):


•Increment a variable's value:


(Experiencedprogrammers: In Lua, the string concatenation operator is .., not +.)



The LuaConsole component is available in the menu Window > Dialogue System >GameObject > Create (to create a new game object with a Lua Consolecomponent) or Window > Dialogue System > Component > Lua Console (toadd a Lua Console component to the currently-selected game object).


Duringgameplay, tilde plus the L key toggles the console, which allows you to enterLua commands and see their results. You can use the up and down arrow keys tomove through the history of your Lua commands.


The LuaConsole is useful for debugging Lua commands and to examine the internal stateof the Lua environment. For example, if you have a dialogue entry that'ssupposed to set a variable to a certain value, you can use the console to checkthat the variable is set. The console displays the return values of yourcommands. It doesn't display the output of print statements. To examine thevalue of a variable, use syntax such as:



Lua控制台组件可在菜单“窗口>> >创建对话系统的游戏对象(创建一个Lua主机组成新的游戏物体)或窗口>对话系统>组件> Lua控制台(添加一个Lua控制台组成为当前选定的游戏对象)。




Lua Lua命令控制台是用于调试和检查的Lua内部环境状态。例如,如果你有一个对话的条目,应该设置一个变量为一定值,你可以使用控制台来检查该变量设置。控制台显示你命令的返回值。它不显示报表的打印输出。检查变量的值,使用的语法等:

You canalso use the console to manually set values if you want to test specific partsof your conversations.




•Dialogue Creation (Lua conditions and userscripts)

•Triggers (Lua triggers)

•Alerts (Lua to display alerts)

•Quest Log System (Lua for checking andmodifying quest states)










Script Overview

 As a convenience, the Dialogue System comeswith precompiled DLLs that will significantly shorten your compile times.Complete source code is also provided in a Unity package. See Installation forinstructions on unpacking the source code.



Allsource code is contained within the namespace hierarchyPixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.


Incode, you'll probably only ever need to reference the scripts inPixelCrushers.DialogueSystem, and possiblyPixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.UnityGUI. However, this is the complete namespacehierarchy:







•PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem: The mainDialogue System source code


◦PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.UnityGUI:UIs implemented using Unity GUI

◦PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.DaikonForgeGUI:Daikon Forge GUI support

◦PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.NGUI:NGUI support

◦PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.TK2D:2D Toolkit UI support


◦PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.ActionRPG2D:2D Action RPG Starter Kit support

◦PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.AdventureCreator:Adventure Creator support

◦PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.BehaviorDesigner:Behavior Designer support

◦PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.CoreGameKit:Core GameKit support

◦PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.PlayMaker:PlayerMaker support

◦PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.plyGame:plyGame support

◦PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.RealisticFPSPrefab:Realistic FPS Prefab support

◦PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.UFPS:Ultimate FPS support


◦PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.FaceFX:FaceFX support

◦PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.uSequencer:uSequencer support

Luafunctionality is provided through KopiLua and LuaInterface and are used underMIT License. KopiLua is maintained by Vinicius Jarina. KopiLuaInterface iswritten and maintained by George Foot. They are contained in the namespacesKopiLua and LuaInterface.



TheDialogue System uses a Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, where theModel is the state of the dialogue database and active conversation, View isthe dialogue UI, and the Controller is the module that mediates between themodel and the view.


TheCore folder contains the Model-View-Controller scripts as well as custom editorscripts, the DialogueSystemController component that provides a single controlinterface for the MVC, and the DialogueManager singleton class that wraps theDialogueSystemController for easy access.







TheSupplemental folder contains important Dialogue System modules that are builton top of the core modules. These include the Triggers, Save/Load System, QuestLog System, and Unity GUI implementations of IDialogueUI and IBarkUI.




ThirdParty Support

TheThird Party Support folder contains Unity Packages of scripts to supportthird-party products such as NGUI, uSequencer, and PlayMaker.



支持文件夹包含脚本包的统一支持第三方的产品如usequencer NGUI,第三方,和球员。


TheTemplates folder contains templates that you can copy to create your ownimplementations of dialogue UIs, bark UIs, sequencer commands, and persistentdata recorders





Conversation,Bark, and Sequence Messages

TheDialogue System sends these messages to the participants involved:


•OnConversationStart(Transform actor): Sent atthe start of a conversation. The actor is the other participant in theconversation. This message is also broadcast to the Dialogue Manager object andits children.

•OnConversationEnd(Transform actor): Sent atthe end of a conversation. The actor is the other participant in theconversation. This message is also broadcast to the Dialogue Manager object andits children after the dialogue UI has closed.

•OnConversationCancelled(Transform actor):Broadcast to the Dialogue Manager object (not the participants) if aconversation ended because the player presses the cancel key or button duringthe player response menu.

•OnConversationLine(Subtitle subtitle): Sentwhenever a line is spoken. See the PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.Subtitlereference. This message is also broadcast to the Dialogue Manager object andits children.

•OnConversationLineCancelled(Subtitlesubtitle): Broadcast to the Dialogue Manager object (not the participants) ifthe player presses the cancel key or button while a line is being delivered.Cancelling causes the Dialogue System to jump to the end of the line andcontinue to the next line or response menu.

•OnConversationTimeout(): Sent to the DialogueManager object (not the participants) if the response menu times out. TheDialogueSystemController script handles timeouts according to its displaysettings. You can add your own scripts to the Dialogue Manager object that alsolistens for this message.

•OnBarkStart(Transform actor): Sent at thestart of a bark. The actor is the other participant.

•OnBarkEnd(Transform actor): Sent at the end ofa bark. The actor is the other participant.

•OnSequenceStart(Transform actor): Sent at thebeginning of a cutscene sequence. The actor is the other participant. (Sequencescan have an optional speaker and listener.)

•OnSequenceEnd(Transform actor): Sent at theend of a sequence. The actor is the other participant.

















Thissample script logs conversation activity:

 An extended version of thisscript is located in Examples/Scripts.


Thestring DialogueManager.LastConversationStarted records the last conversationthat was started, or the current conversation if a conversation is active.




SubtitleContinue Button

Bydefault, the Dialogue System automatically advances the conversation when eachsubtitle's cutscene sequence is finished. If you want to require the player toclick a "continue" button to manually advance the conversation, followthese steps:


1.Inyour UI, add continue buttons to the NPC and/or PC subtitle panels.

2.Assignthose buttons to the Continue Button properties on the UI component.

3.Inthe Dialogue Manager's Display Settings, select an option for Continue Button otherthan Never.

Most ofthe built-in prefabs do not have continue buttons. However, you can make a copyof them and add your own continue button if desired.


Tomanually simulate a click of the continue button, send"OnConversationContinue" to the Dialogue Manager. Example:















Questlog windows broadcast these messages to the Dialogue Manager when the playertoggles quest tracking. You can add a script to the Dialogue Manager object (ora child object) that handles the message – for example, turning on a gameplayHUD.


•OnQuestTrackingEnabled(string questTitle):Sent when tracking is enabled.

•OnQuestTrackingDisabled(string questTitle):Sent when tracking is disabled or a quest is abandoned.

You canset watches on quest states using QuestLog.AddQuestStateObserver(). See SettingQuest State Observers for more details.









你可以设置表上使用questlog addqueststateobserver()任务状态。详情请参阅设置任务的状态观测器。


You canalso set watches on Lua expressions using DialogueManager.AddLuaObserver(). SeeLua In Scripts for more details, including performance considerations.



你也可以设置表在Lua dialoguemanager addluaobserver()表达式中使用。详情请参阅脚本LUA,包括性能的考虑。





Normally,you add conditions on a dialogue entry using its Conditions field, specified inLua. However, if you need to perform extra checking outside of Lua, you can setthe Dialogue Manager's IsDialogueEntryValid delegate. This is a C# method thatreturns true or false.





通常,你加上使用条件领域对话的准入条件,指定在Lua中。然而,如果你需要进行额外的检查在Lua中,你可以设置对话经理的isdialogueentryvalid代表。这是一个C #方法返回true或false。



Here'sa real world example of 'IsDialogueEntryValid". It's in a subclass ofUnityDialogueUI, but you could put it anywhere. This class just happened to bea good place for this developer.


•The Start() method registers the delegate IsSpeakerNearby().

•Whenever the Dialogue System considers using adialogue entry, it calls this delegate. If it returns true, the entry is keptin consideration. If it returns false, the entry is rejected.

•In this example, IsSpeakerNearby() examinesthe entry's Actor ID. If the actor isn't close enough to the player, it returnsfalse. The functions to check distance aren't shown in this example.











 this pagedescribes integration support for Hutong Games' PlayMaker.


PlayMaker Events

The Dialogue System Events To PlayMaker component (accessible via Window> Dialogue System > Components > PlayMaker > Dialogue SystemEvents) can be added to an object, usually the Dialogue Manager object, to passDialogue System notification messages such as OnConversationStart andOnConversationEnd to FSMs. The full list of messages is in the Conversation,Bark, and Sequence Messages section.


You can also use the sequencer command FSMEvent() to send events fromsequences to FSMs.



对话系统事件的组织者组件(可以通过窗口> > > >对话系统组件中场对话系统事件)可以被添加到一个对象,通常的对话管理器对象,通过对话系统通知消息,如onconversationstart和onconversationend到FSM。消息的完整列表在会话,树皮,和序列信息段。



PlayMaker Actions

The Dialogue System provides the following PlayMaker actions, listedunder Dialogue System in PlayMaker's Action Browser.




Conversation Actions

•Is Conversation Active: Checkswhether a conversation is currently active.

•Start Conversation: Starts aconversation.

•Stop Conversation: Stops thecurrently-active conversation.

•Does Conversation Have ValidEntries: Checks whether a conversation currently has any valid entriesbranching from the start entry. (If all entries have conditions, it's possiblethat those conditions may all be false at the moment.)

•Update Responses: Updates theresponses for the current state of the active conversation. If the responsemenu entries' conditions have changed while the response menu is being shown,use this to update the response menu.

•Set Portrait: Similar to theSetPortrait() sequencer command, this action overrides an actor's portraitimage.















Bark Actions

•Bark: Makes a character bark.




Sequence Actions

•Is Sequence Playing: Checks whethera sequencer is currently playing.

•Start Sequence: Starts a sequence.

•Stop Sequence: Stops a sequenceimmediately.








Alert Actions

•Show Alert: Shows a gameplay alertusing the dialogue UI.





Quest Actions

•Add Quest: Adds a quest to thequest table.

•Delete Quest: Deletes a quest fromthe quest table.

•Get Quest Description: Gets thedescription text of a quest.

•Get Quest State: Gets the state ofa quest.

•Set Quest State: Sets the state ofa quest.

•Get Quest Entry Count: Gets the numberof quest entries (sub-quests) in a quest.

•Add Quest Entry: Adds an entry to aquest.

•Get Quest Entry: Gets thedescription of a quest entry.

•Get Quest Entry State: Gets thestate of a quest entry.

•Set Quest Entry State: Sets thestate of a quest entry.

•Is Quest Abandonable: Checkswhether a quest is abandonable.

•Is Quest Tracking Enabled: Checkswhether tracking is enabled on a quest.

•Set Quest Tracking: Sets trackingon or off on a quest.

•Get Quest Abandon Sequence: Getsthe quest's Abandon Sequence (if defined).






























Status and Relationship Actions

•Set Status: Sets the status that isdefined between any two assets, which is referred to as a mutual status.

•Get Status: Gets the mutual statusdefined between any two assets.

•Set Relationship: Sets thenumerical relationship value between any two actors. Relationships can beuseful for controlling NPC responses based on a relationship value.

•Get Relationship: Gets therelationship value between two actors.

•Inc Relationship: Increments therelationship value between two actors.

•Dec Relationship: Decrements therelationship value between two actors.














Save & Load Actions

•Apply Persistent Data: Appliespersistent data from the Lua environment to the objects in the scene.

•Apply Savegame Data: Appliessavegame data to the Lua environment and the scene.

•Record Persistent Data: Tellsobjects in the scene to record persistent data into the Lua environment.

•Record Savegame Data: Recordspersistent data and extracts it as savegame data.

•Reset Persistent Data: Clearspersistent data in the Lua environment.

•Broadcast Level Will Be Unloaded:If you use Persistent Destructible or Increment On Destroy components, use thisaction before loading a new level. This tells the components to ignore theirdestruction due to the level change.
















•Add Dialogue Database: Adds a dialoguedatabase to the Dialogue Manager's master database.

•Remove Dialogue Database: Removes a dialoguedatabase from the Dialogue Manager's master database.

•Reset Dialogue Database: Resets the DialogueManager's master database to an initial state.

•Set Default Dialogue Database: Sets thedefault database to use for the Dialogue Manager's master database.

•PreloadMasterDatabase: Normally the masterdatabase is loaded just before being used by the first conversation, bark, orquest update. Use this action to load it immediately.

•PreloadDialogueUI: Normally the dialogue UI isloaded just before being used for the first time. Use this action to load itimmediately.















Lua /Internal Data Actions

•Run Lua: Runs arbitrary Lua code.

•Get Variable: Gets the value of a variable inthe Lua Variable[] table.

•Set Variable: Sets the value of a variable inthe Lua Variable[] table.

•Get Lua Field: Gets the value of a field of anelement in a Lua table (Actor[], Item[], or Location[]).

•Set Lua Field: Sets the value of a field of anelement in a Lua table (Actor[], Item[], or Location[]).

Lua /内部数据的行为

?运行:运行任意Lua Lua代码。

?获取变量:获取在Lua变量[ ]表变量的值。

?设置变量:套在Lua变量[ ]表变量的值。

?得到Lua领域:得到一场在Lua表中的一个元素的值(演员[ ],[ ]项,或位置[ ])。

?集Lua场:设置字段在Lua表的一个元素的值(演员[ ],[ ]项,或位置[ ])。

Using LuaActions

Thissection describes how to use actions to access data in the Dialogue System'sLua environment.


TheVariable[] table is one-dimensional. That is, every variable (such asVariable["Actor"]) has only one value.Variable["Actor"].Age isn't valid. Variable["Actor"] andVariable["Conversant"] are string values. Variable["Actor"]contains the name of the actor in the current conversation, andVariable["Conversant"] contains the name of the conversant.


TheActor[], Item[]/Quest[], and Location[] tables are two-dimensional. Everyentry, such as Actor["Player"] has a number of fields such asActor["Player"].Age.


Let'ssay you know the name of an actor ("Fred"), and you want to get hisage. In the Dialogue System's Lua environment, this is stored in Actor["Fred"].Age,and this is what you'll use in the Dialogue Editor in Conditions and Scriptfields.


InPlayMaker, you can use the Get Lua Field action. Select the Actor Table andmanually enter "Fred" as the element and "Age" as theField. In the example below, the result is stored in a float variable named"Freds Age".





可变[ ]表是一维的。那就是,每一个变量(如变量[“演员”])只有一个值。变量[“演员”]年龄不是有效的。变量[“演员”]和[ ]是变“精通”的字符串值。变量[“演员”]包含名字的演员在当前会话,和可变[“精通”]包含了熟悉的。


演员[ ],[ ]项目/任务[ ],[ ]表是二维的位置。每一个条目,如演员[“玩家”]有许多领域如演员[ ]时代“玩家”。





Ifyou're in the middle of a conversation and you don't know ahead of time who theactor is, you can first get the value Variable["Actor"] by using theGet Variable action. In the example below, it's stored in a string variablenamed "Current Actor Name". Then you can provide the stringvariable's value to the Get Lua Field action.


The SetLua Field and Set Variable actions work similarly but come with one importantcaveat. Lua is essentially typeless. You can assign a number toActor["Fred"].Age, and then you can turn around and assign a stringto it. Of course, a string probably wouldn't make sense in context, but in Luayou can still do it if you want. The PlayMaker action will assign any/allvalues that you've specified. In the example below, to prevent the action fromtrying to assign a string or bool value, the string and bool properties havebeen set to "None" by clicking the little button to the right of eachone.


There'sone more thing to note about Lua in the Dialogue System: spaces (' ') andhyphens ('-') in indices are replaced by underscores ('_'). So in yourConditions and Script fields, you should useVariable["Another_Variable"]. (Note the underscore.)


plyGame Support

Thispage describes integration support for PL Young's plyGame and plyBlox.




TheplyGame support package includes an example scene. You cannot import theexample into an existing project as it will override all your plyData. Theexample must be run in a new project. The example is useful to study tounderstand how the Dialogue System integrates with plyGame. Then you canincorporate the same functionality into your own plyGame project.





这篇关于Dialogue System for Unity文档中英对照版(简雨原创翻译)第四篇(关于主流ui插件拓展相关)的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




自适应布局 1.1、线性布局(LinearLayout) 通过线性容器Row和Column实现线性布局。Column容器内的子组件按照垂直方向排列,Row组件中的子组件按照水平方向排列。 属性说明space通过space参数设置主轴上子组件的间距,达到各子组件在排列上的等间距效果alignItems设置子组件在交叉轴上的对齐方式,且在各类尺寸屏幕上表现一致,其中交叉轴为垂直时,取值为Vert


康拓展开是一个全排列到一个自然数的双射(也就是某个全排列与某个自然数一一对应) 公式: X=a[n]*(n-1)!+a[n-1]*(n-2)!+...+a[i]*(i-1)!+...+a[1]*0! 其中,a[i]为整数,并且0<=a[i]<i,1<=i<=n。(a[i]在不同应用中的含义不同); 典型应用: 计算当前排列在所有由小到大全排列中的顺序,也就是说求当前排列是第

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WAL 模式 VS 回滚模式 特性WAL 模式回滚模式(Rollback Journal)定义使用写前日志来记录变更。使用回滚日志来记录事务的所有修改。特点更高的并发性和性能;支持多读者和单写者。支持安全的事务回滚,但并发性较低。性能写入性能更好,尤其是读多写少的场景。写操作会造成较大的性能开销,尤其是在事务开始时。写入流程数据首先写入 WAL 文件,然后才从 WAL 刷新到主数据库。数据在开始


当你问AI助手比如豆包,如何用python禁止掉xpresso标签时候,它会提示到 这时候要用到两个东西。https://developers.maxon.net/论坛搜索和开发文档 比如这里我就在官方找到正确的id描述 然后我就把参数标签换过来

计算机毕业设计 大学志愿填报系统 Java+SpringBoot+Vue 前后端分离 文档报告 代码讲解 安装调试

🍊作者:计算机编程-吉哥 🍊简介:专业从事JavaWeb程序开发,微信小程序开发,定制化项目、 源码、代码讲解、文档撰写、ppt制作。做自己喜欢的事,生活就是快乐的。 🍊心愿:点赞 👍 收藏 ⭐评论 📝 🍅 文末获取源码联系 👇🏻 精彩专栏推荐订阅 👇🏻 不然下次找不到哟~Java毕业设计项目~热门选题推荐《1000套》 目录 1.技术选型 2.开发工具 3.功能

论文翻译:arxiv-2024 Benchmark Data Contamination of Large Language Models: A Survey

Benchmark Data Contamination of Large Language Models: A Survey https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.04244 大规模语言模型的基准数据污染:一项综述 文章目录 大规模语言模型的基准数据污染:一项综述摘要1 引言 摘要 大规模语言模型(LLMs),如GPT-4、Claude-3和Gemini的快


1.访问位与修改位的题型(淘汰哪一页) 访问位:为1时表示在内存期间被访问过,为0时表示未被访问;修改位:为1时表示该页面自从被装入内存后被修改过,为0时表示未修改过。 置换页面时,最先置换访问位和修改位为00的,其次是01(没被访问但被修改过)的,之后是10(被访问了但没被修改过),最后是11。 2.内聚的类型 功能内聚:完成一个单一功能,各个部分协同工作,缺一不可。 顺序内聚:


${sys:catalina.home} 等价于 System.getProperty("catalina.home") 就是Tomcat的根目录:  C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.77 <PatternLayout pattern="%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} [%t] %-5p %c{1}:%L - %msg%n" /> 2017-08-10

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