










path: ./dataset
train: images/train 
val: images/train  
test:  images/train # Classes
names:0: Pitting


# YOLOv5 🚀 by Ultralytics, GPL-3.0 license# Parameters
nc: 1  # number of classes
depth_multiple: 0.33  # model depth multiple
width_multiple: 0.25  # layer channel multiple
anchors:- [10,13, 16,30, 33,23]  # P3/8- [30,61, 62,45, 59,119]  # P4/16- [116,90, 156,198, 373,326]  # P5/32# YOLOv5 v6.0 backbone
backbone:# [from, number, module, args][[-1, 1, Conv, [64, 6, 2, 2]],  # 0-P1/2[-1, 1, Conv, [128, 3, 2]],  # 1-P2/4[-1, 3, C3, [128]],[-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]],  # 3-P3/8[-1, 6, C3, [256]],[-1, 1, Conv, [512, 3, 2]],  # 5-P4/16[-1, 9, C3, [512]],[-1, 1, Conv, [1024, 3, 2]],  # 7-P5/32[-1, 3, C3, [1024]],[-1, 1, SPPF, [1024, 5]],  # 9]# YOLOv5 v6.0 head
head:[[-1, 1, Conv, [512, 1, 1]],[-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, 'nearest']],[[-1, 6], 1, Concat, [1]],  # cat backbone P4[-1, 3, C3, [512, False]],  # 13[-1, 1, Conv, [256, 1, 1]],[-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, 'nearest']],[[-1, 4], 1, Concat, [1]],  # cat backbone P3[-1, 3, C3, [256, False]],  # 17 (P3/8-small)[-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]],[[-1, 14], 1, Concat, [1]],  # cat head P4[-1, 3, C3, [512, False]],  # 20 (P4/16-medium)[-1, 1, Conv, [512, 3, 2]],[[-1, 10], 1, Concat, [1]],  # cat head P5[-1, 3, C3, [1024, False]],  # 23 (P5/32-large)[[17, 20, 23], 1, Segment, [nc, anchors, 32, 256]],  # Detect(P3, P4, P5)]


# YOLOv5 🚀 by Ultralytics, GPL-3.0 license# Parameters
nc: 1  # number of classes
depth_multiple: 0.33  # model depth multiple
width_multiple: 0.5  # layer channel multiple
anchors:- [10,13, 16,30, 33,23]  # P3/8- [30,61, 62,45, 59,119]  # P4/16- [116,90, 156,198, 373,326]  # P5/32# YOLOv5 v6.0 backbone
backbone:# [from, number, module, args][[-1, 1, Conv, [64, 6, 2, 2]],  # 0-P1/2[-1, 1, Conv, [128, 3, 2]],  # 1-P2/4[-1, 3, C3, [128]],[-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]],  # 3-P3/8[-1, 6, C3, [256]],[-1, 1, Conv, [512, 3, 2]],  # 5-P4/16[-1, 9, C3, [512]],[-1, 1, Conv, [1024, 3, 2]],  # 7-P5/32[-1, 3, C3, [1024]],[-1, 1, SPPF, [1024, 5]],  # 9]# YOLOv5 v6.0 head
head:[[-1, 1, Conv, [512, 1, 1]],[-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, 'nearest']],[[-1, 6], 1, Concat, [1]],  # cat backbone P4[-1, 3, C3, [512, False]],  # 13[-1, 1, Conv, [256, 1, 1]],[-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, 'nearest']],[[-1, 4], 1, Concat, [1]],  # cat backbone P3[-1, 3, C3, [256, False]],  # 17 (P3/8-small)[-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]],[[-1, 14], 1, Concat, [1]],  # cat head P4[-1, 3, C3, [512, False]],  # 20 (P4/16-medium)[-1, 1, Conv, [512, 3, 2]],[[-1, 10], 1, Concat, [1]],  # cat head P5[-1, 3, C3, [1024, False]],  # 23 (P5/32-large)[[17, 20, 23], 1, Segment, [nc, anchors, 32, 256]],  # Detect(P3, P4, P5)]


# YOLOv5 🚀 by Ultralytics, GPL-3.0 license# Parameters
nc: 1 # number of classes
depth_multiple: 0.67  # model depth multiple
width_multiple: 0.75  # layer channel multiple
anchors:- [10,13, 16,30, 33,23]  # P3/8- [30,61, 62,45, 59,119]  # P4/16- [116,90, 156,198, 373,326]  # P5/32# YOLOv5 v6.0 backbone
backbone:# [from, number, module, args][[-1, 1, Conv, [64, 6, 2, 2]],  # 0-P1/2[-1, 1, Conv, [128, 3, 2]],  # 1-P2/4[-1, 3, C3, [128]],[-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]],  # 3-P3/8[-1, 6, C3, [256]],[-1, 1, Conv, [512, 3, 2]],  # 5-P4/16[-1, 9, C3, [512]],[-1, 1, Conv, [1024, 3, 2]],  # 7-P5/32[-1, 3, C3, [1024]],[-1, 1, SPPF, [1024, 5]],  # 9]# YOLOv5 v6.0 head
head:[[-1, 1, Conv, [512, 1, 1]],[-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, 'nearest']],[[-1, 6], 1, Concat, [1]],  # cat backbone P4[-1, 3, C3, [512, False]],  # 13[-1, 1, Conv, [256, 1, 1]],[-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, 'nearest']],[[-1, 4], 1, Concat, [1]],  # cat backbone P3[-1, 3, C3, [256, False]],  # 17 (P3/8-small)[-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]],[[-1, 14], 1, Concat, [1]],  # cat head P4[-1, 3, C3, [512, False]],  # 20 (P4/16-medium)[-1, 1, Conv, [512, 3, 2]],[[-1, 10], 1, Concat, [1]],  # cat head P5[-1, 3, C3, [1024, False]],  # 23 (P5/32-large)[[17, 20, 23], 1, Segment, [nc, anchors, 32, 256]],  # Detect(P3, P4, P5)]


# YOLOv5 🚀 by Ultralytics, GPL-3.0 license# Parameters
nc: 1 # number of classes
depth_multiple: 1.0  # model depth multiple
width_multiple: 1.0  # layer channel multiple
anchors:- [10,13, 16,30, 33,23]  # P3/8- [30,61, 62,45, 59,119]  # P4/16- [116,90, 156,198, 373,326]  # P5/32# YOLOv5 v6.0 backbone
backbone:# [from, number, module, args][[-1, 1, Conv, [64, 6, 2, 2]],  # 0-P1/2[-1, 1, Conv, [128, 3, 2]],  # 1-P2/4[-1, 3, C3, [128]],[-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]],  # 3-P3/8[-1, 6, C3, [256]],[-1, 1, Conv, [512, 3, 2]],  # 5-P4/16[-1, 9, C3, [512]],[-1, 1, Conv, [1024, 3, 2]],  # 7-P5/32[-1, 3, C3, [1024]],[-1, 1, SPPF, [1024, 5]],  # 9]# YOLOv5 v6.0 head
head:[[-1, 1, Conv, [512, 1, 1]],[-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, 'nearest']],[[-1, 6], 1, Concat, [1]],  # cat backbone P4[-1, 3, C3, [512, False]],  # 13[-1, 1, Conv, [256, 1, 1]],[-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, 'nearest']],[[-1, 4], 1, Concat, [1]],  # cat backbone P3[-1, 3, C3, [256, False]],  # 17 (P3/8-small)[-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]],[[-1, 14], 1, Concat, [1]],  # cat head P4[-1, 3, C3, [512, False]],  # 20 (P4/16-medium)[-1, 1, Conv, [512, 3, 2]],[[-1, 10], 1, Concat, [1]],  # cat head P5[-1, 3, C3, [1024, False]],  # 23 (P5/32-large)[[17, 20, 23], 1, Segment, [nc, anchors, 32, 256]],  # Detect(P3, P4, P5)]


# YOLOv5 🚀 by Ultralytics, GPL-3.0 license# Parameters
nc: 1  # number of classes
depth_multiple: 1.33  # model depth multiple
width_multiple: 1.25  # layer channel multiple
anchors:- [10,13, 16,30, 33,23]  # P3/8- [30,61, 62,45, 59,119]  # P4/16- [116,90, 156,198, 373,326]  # P5/32# YOLOv5 v6.0 backbone
backbone:# [from, number, module, args][[-1, 1, Conv, [64, 6, 2, 2]],  # 0-P1/2[-1, 1, Conv, [128, 3, 2]],  # 1-P2/4[-1, 3, C3, [128]],[-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]],  # 3-P3/8[-1, 6, C3, [256]],[-1, 1, Conv, [512, 3, 2]],  # 5-P4/16[-1, 9, C3, [512]],[-1, 1, Conv, [1024, 3, 2]],  # 7-P5/32[-1, 3, C3, [1024]],[-1, 1, SPPF, [1024, 5]],  # 9]# YOLOv5 v6.0 head
head:[[-1, 1, Conv, [512, 1, 1]],[-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, 'nearest']],[[-1, 6], 1, Concat, [1]],  # cat backbone P4[-1, 3, C3, [512, False]],  # 13[-1, 1, Conv, [256, 1, 1]],[-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, 'nearest']],[[-1, 4], 1, Concat, [1]],  # cat backbone P3[-1, 3, C3, [256, False]],  # 17 (P3/8-small)[-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]],[[-1, 14], 1, Concat, [1]],  # cat head P4[-1, 3, C3, [512, False]],  # 20 (P4/16-medium)[-1, 1, Conv, [512, 3, 2]],[[-1, 10], 1, Concat, [1]],  # cat head P5[-1, 3, C3, [1024, False]],  # 23 (P5/32-large)[[17, 20, 23], 1, Segment, [nc, anchors, 32, 256]],  # Detect(P3, P4, P5)]





def plot_mc_curve(px, py, save_dir=Path('mc_curve.png'), names=(), xlabel='Confidence', ylabel='Metric'):"""Metric-confidence curve"""fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(9, 6), tight_layout=True)if 0 < len(names) < 21:  # display per-class legend if < 21 classesfor i, y in enumerate(py):ax.plot(px, y, linewidth=1, label=f'{names[i]}')  # plot(confidence, metric)else:ax.plot(px, py.T, linewidth=1, color='grey')  # plot(confidence, metric)y = smooth(py.mean(0), 0.05)ax.plot(px, y, linewidth=3, color='blue', label=f'all classes {y.max():.2f} at {px[y.argmax()]:.3f}')ax.set_xlabel(xlabel)ax.set_ylabel(ylabel)ax.set_xlim(0, 1)ax.set_ylim(0, 1)ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.04, 1), loc="upper left")ax.set_title(f'{ylabel}-Confidence Curve')fig.savefig(save_dir, dpi=250)plt.close(fig)def plot_pr_curve(px, py, ap, save_dir=Path('pr_curve.png'), names=()):"""Precision-recall curve"""fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(9, 6), tight_layout=True)py = np.stack(py, axis=1)if 0 < len(names) < 21:  # display per-class legend if < 21 classesfor i, y in enumerate(py.T):ax.plot(px, y, linewidth=1, label=f'{names[i]} {ap[i, 0]:.3f}')  # plot(recall, precision)else:ax.plot(px, py, linewidth=1, color='grey')  # plot(recall, precision)ax.plot(px, py.mean(1), linewidth=3, color='blue', label='all classes %.3f mAP@0.5' % ap[:, 0].mean())ax.set_xlabel('Recall')ax.set_ylabel('Precision')ax.set_xlim(0, 1)ax.set_ylim(0, 1)ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.04, 1), loc="upper left")ax.set_title('Precision-Recall Curve')fig.savefig(save_dir, dpi=250)plt.close(fig)def ap_per_class(tp, conf, pred_cls, target_cls, plot=False, save_dir='.', names=(), eps=1e-16, prefix=""):""" Compute the average precision, given the recall and precision curves.Source: https://github.com/rafaelpadilla/Object-Detection-Metrics.# Argumentstp:  True positives (nparray, nx1 or nx10).conf:  Objectness value from 0-1 (nparray).pred_cls:  Predicted object classes (nparray).target_cls:  True object classes (nparray).plot:  Plot precision-recall curve at mAP@0.5save_dir:  Plot save directory# ReturnsThe average precision as computed in py-faster-rcnn."""# Sort by objectnessi = np.argsort(-conf)tp, conf, pred_cls = tp[i], conf[i], pred_cls[i]# Find unique classesunique_classes, nt = np.unique(target_cls, return_counts=True)nc = unique_classes.shape[0]  # number of classes, number of detections# Create Precision-Recall curve and compute AP for each classpx, py = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000), []  # for plottingap, p, r = np.zeros((nc, tp.shape[1])), np.zeros((nc, 1000)), np.zeros((nc, 1000))for ci, c in enumerate(unique_classes):i = pred_cls == cn_l = nt[ci]  # number of labelsn_p = i.sum()  # number of predictionsif n_p == 0 or n_l == 0:continue# Accumulate FPs and TPsfpc = (1 - tp[i]).cumsum(0)tpc = tp[i].cumsum(0)# Recallrecall = tpc / (n_l + eps)  # recall curver[ci] = np.interp(-px, -conf[i], recall[:, 0], left=0)  # negative x, xp because xp decreases# Precisionprecision = tpc / (tpc + fpc)  # precision curvep[ci] = np.interp(-px, -conf[i], precision[:, 0], left=1)  # p at pr_score# AP from recall-precision curvefor j in range(tp.shape[1]):ap[ci, j], mpre, mrec = compute_ap(recall[:, j], precision[:, j])if plot and j == 0:py.append(np.interp(px, mrec, mpre))  # precision at mAP@0.5# Compute F1 (harmonic mean of precision and recall)f1 = 2 * p * r / (p + r + eps)names = [v for k, v in names.items() if k in unique_classes]  # list: only classes that have datanames = dict(enumerate(names))  # to dictif plot:plot_pr_curve(px, py, ap, Path(save_dir) / f'{prefix}PR_curve.png', names)plot_mc_curve(px, f1, Path(save_dir) / f'{prefix}F1_curve.png', names, ylabel='F1')plot_mc_curve(px, p, Path(save_dir) / f'{prefix}P_curve.png', names, ylabel='Precision')plot_mc_curve(px, r, Path(save_dir) / f'{prefix}R_curve.png', names, ylabel='Recall')i = smooth(f1.mean(0), 0.1).argmax()  # max F1 indexp, r, f1 = p[:, i], r[:, i], f1[:, i]tp = (r * nt).round()  # true positivesfp = (tp / (p + eps) - tp).round()  # false positivesreturn tp, fp, p, r, f1, ap, unique_classes.astype(int)class Annotator:# YOLOv5 Annotator for train/val mosaics and jpgs and detect/hub inference annotationsdef __init__(self, im, line_width=None, font_size=None, font='Arial.ttf', pil=False, example='abc'):assert im.data.contiguous, 'Image not contiguous. Apply np.ascontiguousarray(im) to Annotator() input images.'non_ascii = not is_ascii(example)  # non-latin labels, i.e. asian, arabic, cyrillicself.pil = pil or non_asciiif self.pil:  # use PILself.im = im if isinstance(im, Image.Image) else Image.fromarray(im)self.draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.im)self.font = check_pil_font(font='Arial.Unicode.ttf' if non_ascii else font,size=font_size or max(round(sum(self.im.size) / 2 * 0.035), 12))else:  # use cv2self.im = imself.lw = line_width or max(round(sum(im.shape) / 2 * 0.003), 2)  # line widthdef box_label(self, box, label='', color=(128, 128, 128), txt_color=(255, 255, 255)):# Add one xyxy box to image with labelif self.pil or not is_ascii(label):self.draw.rectangle(box, width=self.lw, outline=color)  # boxif label:w, h = self.font.getsize(label)  # text width, heightoutside = box[1] - h >= 0  # label fits outside boxself.draw.rectangle((box[0], box[1] - h if outside else box[1], box[0] + w + 1,box[1] + 1 if outside else box[1] + h + 1),fill=color,)# self.draw.text((box[0], box[1]), label, fill=txt_color, font=self.font, anchor='ls')  # for PIL>8.0self.draw.text((box[0], box[1] - h if outside else box[1]), label, fill=txt_color, font=self.font)else:  # cv2p1, p2 = (int(box[0]), int(box[1])), (int(box[2]), int(box[3]))cv2.rectangle(self.im, p1, p2, color, thickness=self.lw, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)if label:tf = max(self.lw - 1, 1)  # font thicknessw, h = cv2.getTextSize(label, 0, fontScale=self.lw / 3, thickness=tf)[0]  # text width, heightoutside = p1[1] - h >= 3p2 = p1[0] + w, p1[1] - h - 3 if outside else p1[1] + h + 3cv2.rectangle(self.im, p1, p2, color, -1, cv2.LINE_AA)  # filledcv2.putText(self.im,label, (p1[0], p1[1] - 2 if outside else p1[1] + h + 2),0,self.lw / 3,txt_color,thickness=tf,lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)def masks(self, masks, colors, im_gpu, alpha=0.5, retina_masks=False):"""Plot masks at once.Args:masks (tensor): predicted masks on cuda, shape: [n, h, w]colors (List[List[Int]]): colors for predicted masks, [[r, g, b] * n]im_gpu (tensor): img is in cuda, shape: [3, h, w], range: [0, 1]alpha (float): mask transparency: 0.0 fully transparent, 1.0 opaque"""if self.pil:# convert to numpy firstself.im = np.asarray(self.im).copy()if len(masks) == 0:self.im[:] = im_gpu.permute(1, 2, 0).contiguous().cpu().numpy() * 255colors = torch.tensor(colors, device=im_gpu.device, dtype=torch.float32) / 255.0colors = colors[:, None, None]  # shape(n,1,1,3)masks = masks.unsqueeze(3)  # shape(n,h,w,1)masks_color = masks * (colors * alpha)  # shape(n,h,w,3)inv_alph_masks = (1 - masks * alpha).cumprod(0)  # shape(n,h,w,1)mcs = (masks_color * inv_alph_masks).sum(0) * 2  # mask color summand shape(n,h,w,3)im_gpu = im_gpu.flip(dims=[0])  # flip channelim_gpu = im_gpu.permute(1, 2, 0).contiguous()  # shape(h,w,3)im_gpu = im_gpu * inv_alph_masks[-1] + mcsim_mask = (im_gpu * 255).byte().cpu().numpy()self.im[:] = im_mask if retina_masks else scale_image(im_gpu.shape, im_mask, self.im.shape)if self.pil:# convert im back to PIL and update drawself.fromarray(self.im)def rectangle(self, xy, fill=None, outline=None, width=1):# Add rectangle to image (PIL-only)self.draw.rectangle(xy, fill, outline, width)def text(self, xy, text, txt_color=(255, 255, 255), anchor='top'):# Add text to image (PIL-only)if anchor == 'bottom':  # start y from font bottomw, h = self.font.getsize(text)  # text width, heightxy[1] += 1 - hself.draw.text(xy, text, fill=txt_color, font=self.font)def fromarray(self, im):# Update self.im from a numpy arrayself.im = im if isinstance(im, Image.Image) else Image.fromarray(im)self.draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.im)def result(self):# Return annotated image as arrayreturn np.asarray(self.im)def plot_lr_scheduler(optimizer, scheduler, epochs=300, save_dir=''):# Plot LR simulating training for full epochsoptimizer, scheduler = copy(optimizer), copy(scheduler)  # do not modify originalsy = []for _ in range(epochs):scheduler.step()y.append(optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'])plt.plot(y, '.-', label='LR')plt.xlabel('epoch')plt.ylabel('LR')plt.grid()plt.xlim(0, epochs)plt.ylim(0)plt.savefig(Path(save_dir) / 'LR.png', dpi=200)plt.close()def plot_labels(labels, names=(), save_dir=Path('')):# plot dataset labelsLOGGER.info(f"Plotting labels to {save_dir / 'labels.jpg'}... ")c, b = labels[:, 0], labels[:, 1:].transpose()  # classes, boxesnc = int(c.max() + 1)  # number of classesx = pd.DataFrame(b.transpose(), columns=['x', 'y', 'width', 'height'])# seaborn correlogramsn.pairplot(x, corner=True, diag_kind='auto', kind='hist', diag_kws=dict(bins=50), plot_kws=dict(pmax=0.9))plt.savefig(save_dir / 'labels_correlogram.jpg', dpi=200)plt.close()# matplotlib labelsmatplotlib.use('svg')  # fasterax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(8, 8), tight_layout=True)[1].ravel()y = ax[0].hist(c, bins=np.linspace(0, nc, nc + 1) - 0.5, rwidth=0.8)with contextlib.suppress(Exception):  # color histogram bars by class[y[2].patches[i].set_color([x / 255 for x in colors(i)]) for i in range(nc)]  # known issue #3195ax[0].set_ylabel('instances')if 0 < len(names) < 30:ax[0].set_xticks(range(len(names)))ax[0].set_xticklabels(list(names.values()), rotation=90, fontsize=10)else:ax[0].set_xlabel('classes')sn.histplot(x, x='x', y='y', ax=ax[2], bins=50, pmax=0.9)sn.histplot(x, x='width', y='height', ax=ax[3], bins=50, pmax=0.9)# rectangleslabels[:, 1:3] = 0.5  # centerlabels[:, 1:] = xywh2xyxy(labels[:, 1:]) * 2000img = Image.fromarray(np.ones((2000, 2000, 3), dtype=np.uint8) * 255)for cls, *box in labels[:1000]:ImageDraw.Draw(img).rectangle(box, width=1, outline=colors(cls))  # plotax[1].imshow(img)ax[1].axis('off')for a in [0, 1, 2, 3]:for s in ['top', 'right', 'left', 'bottom']:ax[a].spines[s].set_visible(False)plt.savefig(save_dir / 'labels.jpg', dpi=200)matplotlib.use('Agg')plt.close()def plot_results(file='path/to/results.csv', dir=''):# Plot training results.csv. Usage: from utils.plots import *; plot_results('path/to/results.csv')save_dir = Path(file).parent if file else Path(dir)fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 5, figsize=(12, 6), tight_layout=True)ax = ax.ravel()files = list(save_dir.glob('results*.csv'))assert len(files), f'No results.csv files found in {save_dir.resolve()}, nothing to plot.'for f in files:try:data = pd.read_csv(f)s = [x.strip() for x in data.columns]x = data.values[:, 0]for i, j in enumerate([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 6, 7]):y = data.values[:, j].astype('float')# y[y == 0] = np.nan  # don't show zero valuesax[i].plot(x, y, marker='.', label=f.stem, linewidth=2, markersize=8)ax[i].set_title(s[j], fontsize=12)# if j in [8, 9, 10]:  # share train and val loss y axes#     ax[i].get_shared_y_axes().join(ax[i], ax[i - 5])except Exception as e:LOGGER.info(f'Warning: Plotting error for {f}: {e}')ax[1].legend()fig.savefig(save_dir / 'results.png', dpi=200)plt.close()

精确率曲线(Precision-Recall Curve)是一种用于评估二分类模型在不同阈值下的精确率性能的可视化工具。它通过绘制不同阈值下的精确率和召回率之间的关系图来帮助我们了解模型在不同阈值下的表现。
精确率曲线通常与召回率曲线(Recall Curve)一起使用,以提供更全面的分类器性能分析,并帮助评估和比较不同模型的性能。

召回率曲线(Recall Curve)是一种用于评估二分类模型在不同阈值下的召回率性能的可视化工具。它通过绘制不同阈值下的召回率和对应的精确率之间的关系图来帮助我们了解模型在不同阈值下的表现。
召回率(Recall)是指被正确预测为正例的样本数占所有实际为正例的样本数的比例。召回率也被称为灵敏度(Sensitivity)或真正例率(True Positive Rate)。
召回率曲线通常与精确率曲线(Precision Curve)一起使用,以提供更全面的分类器性能分析,并帮助评估和比较不同模型的性能。















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