void TebOptimalPlanner::AddEdgesObstacles(double weight_multiplier){if (cfg_->optim.weight_obstacle==0 || weight_multiplier==0 || obstacles_==nullptr )return; // if weight equals zero skip adding edges!bool inflated = cfg_->obstacles.inflation_dist > cfg_->obstacles.min_obstacle_dist;Eigen::Matrix<double,1,1> information;information.fill(cfg_->optim.weight_obstacle * weight_multiplier);//mat.fill(n) 将 mat 的所有元素均赋值为 nEigen::Matrix<double,2,2> information_inflated;information_inflated(0,0) = cfg_->optim.weight_obstacle * weight_multiplier;information_inflated(1,1) = cfg_->optim.weight_inflation;information_inflated(0,1) = information_inflated(1,0) = 0;std::vector<Obstacle*> relevant_obstacles;relevant_obstacles.reserve(obstacles_->size());// iterate all teb points (skip first and last)for (int i=1; i < teb_.sizePoses()-1; ++i){double left_min_dist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();double right_min_dist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();Obstacle* left_obstacle = nullptr;Obstacle* right_obstacle = nullptr;relevant_obstacles.clear();const Eigen::Vector2d pose_orient = teb_.Pose(i).orientationUnitVec();// iterate obstaclesfor (const ObstaclePtr& obst : *obstacles_){// we handle dynamic obstacles differently below //我们以不同的方式处理下面的动态障碍if(cfg_->obstacles.include_dynamic_obstacles && obst->isDynamic())continue;// calculate distance to robot model// //! 根据不同的机器人模型(点,圆,多边形等),不同的障碍物模型(点,线,多边形),有不同的距离计算方法double dist = robot_model_->calculateDistance(teb_.Pose(i), obst.get());
1. 机器人是圆形时
/*** @brief Calculate the distance between the robot and an obstacle* @param current_pose Current robot pose* @param obstacle Pointer to the obstacle* @return Euclidean distance to the robot*/virtual double calculateDistance(const PoseSE2& current_pose, const Obstacle* obstacle) const{return obstacle->getMinimumDistance(current_pose.position()) - radius_;}
// implements getMinimumDistance() of the base classvirtual double getMinimumDistance(const Eigen::Vector2d& position) const{return (position-pos_).norm() - radius_;}
virtual double getMinimumDistance(const Eigen::Vector2d& position) const{return distance_point_to_polygon_2d(position, vertices_);}
/*** @brief Helper function to calculate the smallest distance between a point and a closed polygon* @param point 2D point* @param vertices Vertices describing the closed polygon (the first vertex is not repeated at the end)* @return smallest distance between point and polygon
*/inline double distance_point_to_polygon_2d(const Eigen::Vector2d& point, const Point2dContainer& vertices){double dist = HUGE_VAL;// the polygon is a pointif (vertices.size() == 1){return (point - vertices.front()).norm();}// check each polygon edgefor (int i=0; i<(int)vertices.size()-1; ++i){double new_dist = distance_point_to_segment_2d(point, vertices.at(i), vertices.at(i+1));
// double new_dist = calc_distance_point_to_segment( position, vertices.at(i), vertices.at(i+1));if (new_dist < dist)dist = new_dist;}if (vertices.size()>2) // if not a line close polygon 数组头和尾顶点的边也要算上{double new_dist = distance_point_to_segment_2d(point, vertices.back(), vertices.front()); // check last edgeif (new_dist < dist)return new_dist;}return dist;}
2. 机器人是多变形
* @brief Calculate the distance between the robot and an obstacle* @param current_pose Current robot pose* @param obstacle Pointer to the obstacle* @return Euclidean distance to the robot*/virtual double calculateDistance(const PoseSE2& current_pose, const Obstacle* obstacle) const{Point2dContainer polygon_world(vertices_.size());transformToWorld(current_pose, polygon_world);return obstacle->getMinimumDistance(polygon_world);}
// implements getMinimumDistance() of the base classvirtual double getMinimumDistance(const Point2dContainer& polygon) const{return distance_polygon_to_polygon_2d(polygon, vertices_);}
polygon代表机器人的多边形形状的顶点, vertices_代表障碍物的多边形的顶点。
/*** @brief Helper function to calculate the smallest distance between two closed polygons* @param vertices1 Vertices describing the first closed polygon (the first vertex is not repeated at the end)* @param vertices2 Vertices describing the second closed polygon (the first vertex is not repeated at the end)* @return smallest distance between point and polygon
*/inline double distance_polygon_to_polygon_2d(const Point2dContainer& vertices1, const Point2dContainer& vertices2){double dist = HUGE_VAL;// the polygon1 is a pointif (vertices1.size() == 1){return distance_point_to_polygon_2d(vertices1.front(), vertices2);}// check each edge of polygon1for (int i=0; i<(int)vertices1.size()-1; ++i){double new_dist = distance_segment_to_polygon_2d(vertices1[i], vertices1[i+1], vertices2);if (new_dist < dist)dist = new_dist;}if (vertices1.size()>2) // if not a line close polygon1{double new_dist = distance_segment_to_polygon_2d(vertices1.back(), vertices1.front(), vertices2); // check last edgeif (new_dist < dist)return new_dist;}return dist;}