做.net的事情的时候,都会与CLR打交道,那么究竟什么是CLR呢? CLR的全称是The Common Language Runtime 公共语言运行时,是微软.net框架虚拟机的组成部分,管理.net程序的执行。即时编译进程会把已经编译好的代码转换为CPU的机器指令然后执行。CLR提供了额外的服务包括内存管理、类型安全、异常处理、垃圾回收、安全和线程管理。为.net框架写的所有程序,不管什么
原文: Callback (computer programming) In computer programming, a callback is any executable code that is passed as an argument to other code, which is expected to call back (execute) the argument at a
英语就是准确啊!红色部分是我自己的理解。 OTT (Over the Top Technology) and IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) are two growing technology mediums(实际上就是两种机制) in the media(这个媒体指代媒体内容) distribution industry
gensim的使用 from gensim.models import word2vec #掉包 sentences = [s.split() for s in raw_sentences] #分词 model = word2vec.Word2Vec(sentences,min_count=1) #引包 min_c
准备:wikipedia-parallel-titles项目(老师给的) This document describes how to use these tools to build a parallel corpus (for a specific language pair) based on article titles across languages in Wik