iptv与ott (转自维基百科)

2024-02-06 15:32
文章标签 转自 iptv 维基百科 ott

本文主要是介绍iptv与ott (转自维基百科),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


      OTT (Over the Top Technology) and IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) are two growing technology mediums(实际上就是两种机制) in the media(这个媒体指代媒体内容) distribution industry that are in place in the market(存在于市场中), yet not being used to their full capacity by advertisers or the critical mass.

   Both are systems(两种系统, 机制) through which television services(内容) are delivered using the Internet(都利用因特网), instead of the traditional terrestrial(传统落后的天线), satellite signal(传统落后的卫星信号) and cable television(传统落后的有线电视) formats. However there are several differences between the two, mainly that IPTV is delivered over a service provider’s own infrastructure(IPTV基于运营商自己的设施进行分发内容), while OTT comes over the public Internet(OTT基于公用的因特网进行分发内容).

   Over-the-top content (OTT) describes broadband delivery of video and audio without(在传输内容时候,OTT没有复杂的系统控制) a multiple system operator being involved in the control or distribution of the content itself. The provider may be aware of the contents of the IPpackets but is not responsible for, nor able to control, the viewing abilities, copyrights, and/or other redistribution of the content(你我他, 路人甲均可以作为内容提供者). This is in contrast to purchase or rental of video or audio content from an Internet provider, such aspay television video on demand or an IPTV video service(这点和IPTV的内容提供方式不同), like AT&T U-Verse. OTT in particular refers to content that arrives from a third party(他人, 别人, 第三方), such as NowTV,NetflixWhereverTVHuluEmagine or myTV, and is delivered to an end user device(广大用户设备), leaving the ISP responsible only for transporting IP packets(把传输过程交给Internet).

  Internet Protocol television IPTV is a system through which televisionservices are delivered using the Internet protocol suite over a packet-switched network such as the Internet(IPTV也利用因特网), instead of being delivered through traditionalterrestrialsatellite signal, and cable television formats(前面解释过, 此处不解释).

  IPTV services may be classified into three main groups:

  • live television, with or without interactivity related to the current TV show;(直播)
  • time-shifted television: catch-up TV (replays a TV show that was broadcast hours or days ago), start-over TV (replays the current TV show from its beginning);(时移)
  • video on demand (VOD): browse a catalog of videos, not related to TV programming.(点播)

  IPTV is distinguished from Internet television(IPTV和网络电视不同) by its on-going standardization process (e.g., European Telecommunications Standards Institute) and preferential deployment scenarios in subscriber-based telecommunications networks with high-speed access channels into end-user premises via set-top boxes(IPTV要用机顶盒) or other customer-premises equipment(或者其他的CPE。从上面的other可以看出, 机顶盒也是CPE的一种, 事实也正是如此).

     The main difference between OTT and IPTV is that though(表明后面的但是才是重点) both use internet, OTT streaming is delivered through open unmanaged internet(无限制的网), while IPTV use a dedicated, managed network(有限制的网)[1]

   OTT has been gaining widespread popularity over the past two years with relatively low cost service providers like Netflix, Hulu, myTV and many more, and provides more freedom, convenience and empowerment to users which gives a greater role for content providers to have a direct relationship with viewers(OTT是一个开放系统).

  OTT (Over the Top Technology) IPTV (Internet Protocol Television)
Content DeliveryUses open internet, unmanaged network "open ecosystem"Uses dedicated, managed network. "Walled Garden ecosystem"
Network TypeDelivered from the provider/content aggregator to the viewer using open networkClosed, proprietary network, accessed via a specific internet service provider
Network OwnershipWithout the need for intervening carriage negotiations, or infrastructure investmentsServices are optimized and customized to suit the network and end-device capability
Quality of Service (QOS)Not guaranteed, works under best effort conditionsEnables control over quality of delivery
ExamplesPopular Video on demand services like Sky Go,YouTube, Netflix, Amazon, Lovefilm, BBC iPlayer,Hulu, myTV etc.Service Example includes U-verse (AT&T), PrismTV (Century Link)
ProtocolDelivered using HTTP (TCP), a connected transport protocol. Emerging trends using adaptive streaming technologies like HLS (Apple), Smooth Streaming (Microsoft) and HDS (Adobe). Delivered content over UDP in combination with FEC (Octoshape)Traditional IPTV uses TS (transport stream) transmission technology. Delivers content over UDP in combination with FEC (Octoshape), connectionless protocol
Content CatalogWidely used for freemium and economical VOD delivery modelsUsed primarily for premium content and real time content delivery like broadcasting TV
Content TypePremium ContentPremium Content
Routing TopologyUnicast (Based on HTTP) or Simulated Multicast (UDP/TCP)Multicast, Unicast burst during channel change leading multicast join
CategoryComplementary ServiceParallel service catefory to Cable/Satellite
Major PlayersOVP (Kaltura, Brightcove, Ooyala), CDN Players (Akamai, L3, Limelight, Octoshape) and Content AggregatorsTSP and IPTV Platform vendors - Microsoft Mediaroom (Ericsson), Alu, Cisco
Key ChallengesLow quality, Non Premium Content No Live Broadcast, Unicast modelExpensive, Competition from Cable/ DTH industry, Bandwidth and Infrastructure
Key BenefitsLow cost, Flexibility of content consumption across devicesInteractive Service, Quality of Service and Quality of Experience

   总而言之, IPTV与OTT的in不同, System不同, out也不同, 看下面的图, 我就不多说了:

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 转自:http://blog.csdn.net/lizhiguo0532/article/details/6918849#comments 声明:此原创非彼原创,资料来源于网络,只是经过加工整理罢了。如果引用了你的资料并没有说明出处,敬请原谅!仅供学习参考。   一、变焦        通常指通过移动镜头内的透镜镜片位置来拉长或缩短焦距,也叫ZOOM。


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