--解析场景表的数值 local levels_str=getFile("/Users/student/Desktop/bbbb/res/scene.txt") self.levels_table = unserialize(levels_str) for k,v in pairs(self.levels_table) do if k
VR开发有着独特的优势与劣势,同时也需要独特的新型头脑风暴和原型构建。本文总结自GDC 2016游戏开发者大会“从I Expect You To Die中学到的经验(Lessons Learned from I Expect You To Die.)”,是会上主要的心得之一。 I Expect You To Die Trailer(点击链接 观看视频,需科学上网) VR原型构建
游戏关卡设计 A couple of months ago, my son Hugo (12) and I decided to learn to develop games with Unity. We would do that by actually making one. We thought up a puzzle game called Elemaze, were littl
we now directly supporting playing audio from arbitrary locations in particle systems.users have control over volume and pitch,and the system can directly play sound waves,or sound cues which have
Texture sampling is only supported on the GPU at the moment.(纹理采样目前仅在GPU上受支持) 效果:textures can be referenced within GPU particle systems。this demo maps a texture to a grid of particles(纹理可以在GPU粒子系统中
sprites can face the camera,or they can face any arbitrary vector,in this case the vector between the center of the system and the particle itself(粒子可以面对摄影机,也可以面对任意向量,在这个实例中的向量是系统中心和粒子本身之间的)。 步骤: