遥感-超分-多光谱数据集内容格式链接论文备注MSRSD包括Pleiades、Worldview-2(WV-2)、Worldview-3(WV-3)、Quickbird-2、GeoEye-1和DEIMOS等几个卫星获取的大多数公开可用的甚高分辨率(VHR)卫星图像\[2102.09351] A Comprehensive Review of Deep Learning-based Single Im
NOMA Empowered Integrated Sensing and Communication. 文章目录 ModelCommunication ModelSensing ModelProblem Formulation Solution Model Dual-functional base station (BS) equipped with an N N N-ant
Convolutional Neural Network based Multiple-Rate Compressive Sensing for Massive MIMO CSI Feedback: Design, Simulation, and Analysis简记 文章目录 Convolutional Neural Network based Multiple-Rate Compres
2023/3/20,天大开学一个多月了,最近开始探索WIFI感知的idea阶段了。 ■ 不管研究什么课题,希望一边精读论文,先读个二三十篇,把阅读笔记保留下来; ■ 实验过程细节部分粗读即可,毕竟相研究问题也用不到; 一、文献信息 (1)标题:Placement Matters: Understanding the Effects of Device Placement for WiFi Sen
粗略翻译,方便快速阅读 abstract Anomalies of the omnipresent earth magnetic (i.e., geomagnetic) field in an indoor environment, caused by local disturbances due to construction materials, give rise to noisy di
1、解决ImportError: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.22‘ not foun 这个是默认路径下的libstdc++.so.6缺少GLIBCXX_3.4.22,你有可能缺少其它版本的比如3.4.23,解决方法一样,如下所示: (1)使用指令先看下目前都有哪些版本的 strings /u