Financial Markets 本文是学习这门课的学习笔记 这门课的老师是耶鲁大学的Robert Shiller Robert James Shiller (born Ma
Neural Networks and Deep Learning Course Certificate 本文是学习 这门课的笔记 Course Intro 文章目录 Neural Networks and Deep LearningWeek 03: Sh
An Introduction to American Law 本文是 这门课的学习笔记。 文章目录 An Introduction to American LawInstructors Week 03: P
An Introduction to American Law 本文是 这门课的学习笔记。 文章目录 An Introduction to American LawInstructors Week 02: C
The best way to understand a language construct is to understand how you would code it up in terms of other language constraints in another language. 原文件已上传到GitHub,分数是80: 点这里 本节需要用到标准库,sml标准库在这里:htt
Coursera有这门课的全部资料,就不放链接了:) 第一个课设一共13道题,都是sml编程题目 challenge没有时间就跳过了 原文件已上传到GitHub: 点这里 分数是90分 Write a function is_older that takes two dates and evaluates to true or false. It evaluates to true if th
Linux Fundamentals Course Certificate 本文是 Linux Fundamentals 这门课的学习笔记,如有侵权,请联系删除。 文章目录 Linux FundamentalsWeek 01: Linux Operating SystemLearning Objectives Specialization OverviewHistory of Li
Natural Language Processing with Sequence Models Course Certificate 本文是 这门课程的学习笔记,如有侵权,请联系删除。 文章目录 Natural Language Processing with Seque
Functions, Methods, and Interfaces in Go Course Certificate 本文是学习 Functions, Methods, and Interfaces in Go 这门课的学习笔记,如有侵权,请联系删除。 文章目录 Functions, Methods, and Interfaces in GoMODULE 1: FUNCTION
Machine Learning by Andrew Ng on Coursera 机器学习是近年来的一大热门学科,本人对此非常感兴趣,正好本学期学校开设机器学习MOOC课程,可以学习Coursera正版机器学习课程,于是决定每周在此总结学习的内容与大家分享。 Week1: 第一周的内容不多,主要是介绍一些基础知识,初步讲解代价函数和梯度下降法。 What is machi
Convolutional NN Foundations of CNN matrixs convolution Edge detection Vertical / horizontial conv-forward(tf.nn.cov2d) m a t r i x ( 6 × 6 ) ∗ f i l t e r ( 3 × 3 ) = m a t r i x ( 4 × 4 ) mat
Deep Learning & Art: Neural Style Transfer 算法为Gatys et al.(2015)提出的( 在本实验中,可以实现neural style transfer algorithm;使用算法生成艺术图像。 很多算法通过优化一个成本函数来获得一组参数值,在Neural Style Tra