Dialogue System for Unity文档中文对照版(简雨原创翻译)第三篇(口型,语音同步相关)

本文主要是介绍Dialogue System for Unity文档中文对照版(简雨原创翻译)第三篇(口型,语音同步相关),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

When the conversation uses thisdialogue entry, it will play the Voice() command in the Sequence field. Thiscommand will play the audio clip and the animation and wait until both aredone.



Usingentrytag To Simplify Sequences

In thesequencer, every dialogue entry has an associated "entrytag". This isa unique string in the format:




·        (ActorName)_(ConversationID)_(EntryID)



Forexample, say an actor named Adam is assigned conversation 27, line 42. Whenthis entry's Sequence field is being played in the sequencer, the reservedkeyword entrytag will be Adam_27_42.


You canget a list of all entrytags by exporting a Voiceover Script as described in theExporting Dialogue Databases section. This will generate a CSV spreadsheet filethat you can give to your voice director and actors.




Whenyou generate your voiceover audio files and/or animation clips, name themaccording to their entrytags. If you want to organize audio files by actor, youcan create a separate folder for each actor and put them in a Resourcessubfolder inside the actor's folder.


Then,instead of manually specifying each filename in each dialogue entry's Sequencefield, you can use a single Default Sequence in the Dialogue Manager such as:




·        Default Sequence:Voice(entrytag,entrytag)

Usingthe example above, when conversation 27 gets to line 42, it will play thissequence:


·        Voice(Adam_27_42, Adam_27_42)

Thiswill play an audio file named "Adam_27_42" and an animation clip onthe speaker named "Adam_27_42".


You canuse the entrytag keyword in any sequencer command. For example:


•Voice(entrytag,entrytag) – to play legacyanimation lipsync with audio and animations named "Adam_27_42".

•Audio(entrytag) – to play an audio clip named"Adam_27_42".

•AnimatorPlay(entrytag) – to play a Mecanimstate named "Adam_27_42".

•AnimatorTrigger(entrytag) – to set a Mecanimtrigger named "Adam_27_42".

•Animation(entrytag) – to play a legacy animationnamed "Adam_27_42".

•Camera(entrytag) – to cut to a camera anglenamed "Adam_27_42".

•Delay()(entrytag) – to wait for a sequencermessage "Adam_27_42".



















SequencesOutside Conversations

You canrun sequences outside of conversations by using a Sequence Trigger or bycalling PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.DialogueManager.PlaySequence() in yourscripts.




SequencerCamera & Angles

Thesequencer will use the camera specified in the Dialogue Manager's displaysettings. If no camera is specified, the sequencer will borrow the current maincamera and restore its position when the sequence is done. However, you maywant to use a separate camera with different post-processing effects from yourmain gameplay camera – perhaps adding a strong depth of field to focus on theconversants and blur out the background.


IMPORTANT:If you use a separate sequencer camera (or cameras), you must set their Tags toMainCamera.







CameraAngle Prefab

Thesequencer command Camera() moves the sequencer camera to angles specified in aprefab called the "camera angle prefab". This prefab is set in theDialogue Manager's Display Settings. (The camera angle prefab can actually bean object in the scene, but a prefab is usually more convenient.) If youhaven't assigned a camera angle prefab, the Dialogue Manager uses a defaultprefab located in Resources/Camera Angles.


Thecamera angle prefab is a hierarchy of game objects. Each child objectrepresents a camera angle. Camera angle positions are defined by the relativepositions of the child objects from the root object.


Forexample, the simple camera angle hierarchy described below defines three cameraangles (Closeup, Medium, and Full) progressively further from the subject.









·        Camera Angles [root] (0,0,0)

o    Closeup(0,2,1)

o    Medium(0,2,2)

o    Full(0,2,3)

Whenyou use the Camera(x) command in a sequence, it first checks the camera angleprefab. If it finds a child object whose name matches x, it uses the offset ofthat child object from the camera angle prefab. It then places the camera atthe same offset from the character.


Example:The default camera angle prefab has a child named "Closeup" that'sapproximately 2 units up and 1 unit back. The sequence command Camera(Closeup)moves the camera approximately 2 units up and 1 unit back from the character,as shown below:




It has another child named "Medium" that's 2 units up and2 units back, which places the camera a little further back from the character.

To add acamera angle to point at a seated character, you might add another child objectthat's only 1 unit up and 2 units back.

If theDialogue System doesn't find a matching child in the camera angles prefab, itlooks for an object named x in the scene. If it finds one, it uses it as anabsolute camera position. You can add empty game objects to the scene thatspecify absolute camera positions. The Feature Demo uses three of these. In thedemo scene, they're organized under the Dialogue Manager object, but they canbe anywhere in your scene hierarchy.







DefaultCamera Angles

Thedefault camera angle prefab contains these angles:


•Closeup: Face

•Closeup Back: Back of head

•Closeup Left: Left side of head

•Closeup Right: Right side of head

•Medium: Face and torso

•Medium Back: Back of head and torso

•Medium Left: Left side of head and torso

•Medium Right: Right side of head and torso

•Full: Front-on body

•Full Back: Back of body

•Full Left: Left side of body

•Full Right: Right side of body

•Wide: Body with space (farther than Mediumshots)

•OTS Left: Over the left shoulder

•OTS Right: Over the right shoulder

•Down: Looking down on the subject

•Up: Looking up at the subject

































CameraAngle Editor

You canuse the Camera Angle Editor to create camera angle prefabs.



To usethe Camera Angle Editor:


1.Selectthe menu item Window > Dialogue System > Tools > Camera Angle Editor.

2.Subject:Assign a character in the scene. The editor will show camera angles relative tothis character in the Game View.

3.CameraAngle Collection: Assign a game object. You could start with a copy of thedefault angle prefab in Prefabs/Camera Angles/Resources or create your own fromscratch. If you assign a prefab, you can only edit existing angles. To add newangles, you'll have to click the button to instantiate a scene object of the prefab.

4.CameraAngle: Select camera angles from the drop-down. The Game View will move to theposition of the selected camera angle. To add a new camera angle, click the"+" next to the drop-down.

Rememberto save your new camera angle collection (as a prefab or scene object) so youcan assign it to your Dialogue Manager's display settings.







Customizingthe Sequencer

SequencerDisplay Settings

You cancustomize the Sequencer's behaviour through the Dialogue Manager's displaysettings:


•Set Camera Angle Prefab to change the cameraangles that the sequencer uses.

•Set Subtitle Chars Per Second and Min SubtitleSeconds to specify how long to wait in the default sequence that's constructedwhen a dialogue entry isn't assigned a sequence.

•Set Default Sequence to specify the sequenceto use when a dialogue entry isn't assigned a sequence. The keyword"{{end}}" is automatically replaced with the duration determined by SubtitleChars Per Second.







?设置默认的顺序指定序列时使用的对话进入不分配一个序列。关键词“{ } { }结束“自动更换时间由字幕字符每秒。

CustomSequencer Commands

Tocreate your own sequence commands:


1.Copythe template found in Scripts/Templates/SequencerCommandTemplate.cs.

2.Deletethe lines containing the text [REMOVE THIS LINE].

3.Renamethe class from SequencerCommandTemplate to SequencerCommandFoo, where Foo isthe name of your command. In your sequences, you'll use the command Foo().

4.Addyour code to the Start(), Update(), and/or OnDestroy() methods.

◦Start():Initialize the command. You can use GetParameter() to read the arguments to thecommand.

◦Update():(Optional) Progress the command forward one frame. For example, if the commandsmoothly moves an object over time, you can update the transform byTime.deltaTime.

◦OnDestroy():Finish the command. For example, move the object to its final position.

◦Ineither Start() or Update() (wherever appropriate), call Stop(); to indicatethat the command is done.

To seeexamples, you can browse the source code to the built-in commands inScripts/Core/Model-View-Controller/View/Sequencer/SequencerCommands.





1。复制模板脚本/模板/ sequencercommandtemplate.cs发现。
















看到的例子,你可以浏览源代码到内置在脚本中的指令/核心/模型视图控制器/视图/音序器/ sequencercommands。


Thissequencer command loads a new level. Syntax: LoadLevel(My Level Name). (Makesure you've added the scene named "My Level Name" to your buildsettings.)






QuickTime Events (QTEs) are an entirely optional feature in the Dialogue System. Atauthor-specified times, the Dialogue System can display a QTE Indicator, whichis a prompt for the player to choose to hit a trigger button before theindicator disappears. If the player triggers the QTE, typically somethingcontext-specific happens.


Thebuilt-in dialogue UI prefabs define two QTE indicators: "QTE 0 Good"and "QTE 1 Evil". If you want to give the player the option ofperforming an "evil" action (typically during a conversation), youcan display "QTE 1 Evil" for a short time. Then your conversation cancheck if the player triggered the QTE and act accordingly.



内置的对话界面预设定义两个QTE的指标:“QTE 0好”和“QTE 1恶”。如果你想给玩家选择执行“邪恶”的行动(通常在谈话过程中),你可以显示“QTE 1恶”的时间很短。然后你的谈话可以检查如果玩家引发QTE和采取相应的行动。


How ToAdd QTEs

1.Inthe Dialogue Manager's Display Settings, define the QTE buttons. By default,QTE 0 is assigned the button "Fire1" and QTE 1 is assigned the button"Fire2". You can define new buttons by selecting the menu item Edit> Project Settings > Input.

2.DefineQTE indicators in your Dialogue UI. The built-in dialogue UI prefabs alreadydefine two indicators (good and evil). If you only want to change theappearance of the indicators, you can assign new textures to them.

3.Usethe QTE() command in a sequence.

◦Syntax:QTE(index, duration, luaVariable, luaValue)

◦Description:This shows a QTE indicator for the specified duration. If the player triggersthe QTE, a Lua variable is set to a specified value; otherwise it's set to ablank string.

◦Example:QTE(0, 2, Punch_NPC, yes) (Presents a two-second QTE opportunity for the playerto punch the NPC. If the player inputs the QTE trigger in time, the Luavariable Variable["Punch_NPC"] will be set to "Yes".

4.Ifthis is in a conversation, then in one or more of the links check the value ofVariable["Punch_NPC"] (using the example above). If it's set, thelinked dialogue entry can play a sequence that plays a punch animation.

Theconversation "Private Hart" in the Feature Demo contains a QTEexample.


















Bark System

Barksare one-off lines of dialogue, typically spoken by an NPC for atmosphere (e.g.,"Nice weather today"). Barks can also be used to give the player anidea of an NPC's internal state (e.g., "I'm reloading. Cover me!").


Thesource lines for barks are contained in conversations in your dialoguedatabase. (see Writing Bark Text)


Varioustriggers are available to make an NPC bark. (See Bark Triggers)


Barksare displayed through a bark UI component attached to the NPC. (See Bark UIs)








Writethe text of your barks in a conversation. The NPC will evaluate every dialogueentry linked from the START entry. If the conditions are true, it will add theentry to its list. Then it will choose an entry from the list based on whetherthe NPC is configured to play them in sequential or random order.


You canalso specify a cutscene sequence in each dialogue entry (in the Video Filefield). For example, the sequence could play a hand wave animation with a"Hello" bark. If the dialogue entry's sequence is blank, no sequencewill be played.


Formore information: Dialogue Creation






NPCSetup Wizard - Barks

The NPCSetup Wizard (Window > Dialogue System > Tools > Wizards > NPCSetup Wizard) can step you through configuring an NPC to bark when triggeredand/or on a timed basis. The sections below provide more details on how barkswork and how they're displayed.



设置向导(窗口> >工具>向导对话系统> NPC安装向导)可以配置您的NPC树皮当触发和/或定时的基础。以下章节提供更多细节如何工作,他们是如何显示的树皮。


To playa bark, add a trigger to your NPC (or another game object, if you specify theNPC as the speaker). These triggers will play barks:


•Bark On Idle: Barks on a timed interval. Ifyou only want the NPC to bark on idle when the PC is within a certain range (orsome other condition), you can also add a Range Trigger.

•Bark Trigger: Barks on a specified trigger,such as "using" the NPC or entering its trigger area.

•Bark On Dialogue Event: Barks on a dialogueevent such as the end of another bark or the end of a conversation.

Formore information: Triggers.


You canchain multiple barks using Bark On Dialogue Event. However, if the chain islong, you may prefer to run it as a conversation. If you want to run theconversation using the characters' bark UIs, you can use a Bark Dialogue UI forthe conversation.















Todisplay barks, the Dialogue System uses a component that implements thePixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.IBarkUI interface, such as the Unity Bark UI andNGUI Bark UI components. The bark UI component can display floating text abovethe NPC's head, write the text to a chat window, etc., depending on theparticular implementation




TextlessBark UI Component

TheTextless Bark UI component displays no text. It's an empty stub to satisfy therequirement that barkers have a bark UI. Use this component if the bark onlyuses a sequence, such as playing audio and animation.





UnityBark UI Component

TheUnity Bark UI component uses Unity GUI to display the text above the NPC'shead. To customize the appearance, you can specify a GUI Skin and GUI Style,text style (e.g., outline or shadow), and specify when bark text is shown. Youcan also tick Include Name to include the barker's name in the bark text.Ticking Wait Until Sequence Ends will keep the bark text onscreen until thebark's associated cutscene sequence (if any) is over.


Note:During gameplay, the Unity Bark UI adds a child component that contains theOnGUI() method that actually displays the bark text. The child component isonly active while a bark is being displayed. It's disabled at all other times,so you don't need to worry about any overhead from an OnGUI that isn't doinganything.


Bydefault, it positions the bark above the object's collider. If you specify aText Position transform in the bark UI, the bark will be positioned at thattransform instead. If you want to apply an offset, you can manually add aUnityBarkUIOnGUI component and set the (x,y,z) offset.


CheckIf Player Visible is ticked by default. When ticked, the barker runs a raycastto the main camera every frame that a bark is being displayed. If the raycasthits something, such as a wall, it hides the bark. If the raycast is clear, itshows the bark.


Scriptreference: PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.UnityGUI.UnityBarkUI












NGUIBark UI Component

TheNGUI Bark UI component uses NGUI to display text above the NPC's head. Settingup NGUI barks requires two steps:


1.NGUIrequires a UI (e.g., "UI Root (2D)") to display anything. You mustadd one copy of the UI Bark Root component to a game object in an NGUI UI. Allbarking NPCs will add their NGUI UILabels as children of this object. You onlyneed one UI Bark Root, regardless of how many NPCs will use it.

2.Addan NGUI Bark UI component to each NPC that will bark. Then set the Font. Tocustomize the appearance, you can also set the color, effect, and scale of thetext.

TheNGUI Bark UI will attempt to place the label above the NPC's head based on theheight of its CharacterController or CapsuleCollider. If the NPC has neither,or if you want to use a different position, you can set the Override BarkerTransform property or create and use a label template. Add NGUIFollowTarget.csto the label template and set Override Height.


You canalso tick Include Name to include the barker's name in the bark text. TickingWait Until Sequence Ends will keep the bark text onscreen until the bark'sassociated cutscene sequence (if any) is over.


CheckIf Player Visible is ticked by default. When ticked, the barker runs a raycastto the main camera every frame that a bark is being displayed. If the raycasthits something, such as a wall, it hides the bark. If the raycast is clear, itshows the bark.


Scriptreference: PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.NGUI.NGUIBarkUI
















NGUIHUD Text Bark UI Component

An NGUIHUD Text version is available in the NGUI HUD Text package.


CheckIf Player Visible is ticked by default. When ticked, the barker runs a raycastto the main camera every frame that a bark is being displayed. If the raycasthits something, such as a wall, it hides the bark. If the raycast is clear, itshows the bark.


Scriptreference: PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.NGUI.NGUIHUDTextBarkUI



一个NGUI HUD文本在NGUI HUD文本包是可用的。





DaikonForge Bark UI Component

TheDaikon Forge Bark UI component uses Daikon Forge GUI to display text above theNPC's head. Setting up Daikon Forge GUI barks requires two steps (and anoptional third):


1.DaikonForge GUI requires a UI (e.g., "UI Root") to display anything. Youmust add one copy of the Daikon Forge Bark Root component to a panel or other containerin a Daikon Forge UI. All barking NPCs will add their dfLabels as children ofthis object. You only need one bark root, regardless of how many NPCs will useit. Use a different layer for this UI (e.g., "Layer 9 - Barks") thanyour dialogue UI (e.g., "Layer 8 - GUI") to prevent their respectivecameras from trying to draw each others' controls.

2.Add aDaikon Forge Bark UI component to each NPC that will bark. Then set theappearance properties such as font, color, outline, etc. or use a template asdescribed in the optional step below.

3.(Optional)Instead of setting the properties on each bark UI, you can create a templatelabel in your bark root. Assign this to the template field of each bark UI. Thebark UI will clone the template and all of its appearance properties. You candeactivate the template object so it doesn't appear onscreen.

4.Youcan also tick Include Name to include the barker's name in the bark text.Ticking Wait Until Sequence Ends will keep the bark text onscreen until thebark's associated cutscene sequence (if any) is over.

CheckIf Player Visible is ticked by default. When ticked, the barker runs a raycastto the main camera every frame that a bark is being displayed. If the raycasthits something, such as a wall, it hides the bark. If the raycast is clear, itshows the bark.


Scriptreference: PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.DaikonForgeGUI.DaikonForgeBarkUI

















2DToolkit Bark UI Component

TheTK2D Bark UI component uses 2D Toolkit to display text above the NPC's head.Follow these instructions to set up 2D Toolkit barks:


1.Add atk2dTextMesh to a child object of the actor. Name it, for example, "BarkText Mesh".

◦Positionit above the actor's head [e.g., at (0,2,0)].

◦SetMax Chars to the maximum length of bark text that the actor will say.

◦Setthe Anchor to Middle Center.

◦ClickHFlip to flip the text horizontally.

◦SelectWindow > Dialogue System > Components > Example > Always FaceCamera if you want the bark text to always face the camera.

◦Optionallyadd a fader (Window > Dialogue System > Components > UI > 2DToolkit > Fader) if you want barks to fade in and out.

2.Add aTK2DBark UI to the actor (Window > Dialogue System > Components > UI> 2D Toolkit > Bark UI).

3.Optionallyassign the tk2dTextMesh to the TK2DBark UI. If you don't assign it, the bark UIwill automatically look in its children for a tk2dTextMesh; however, this runsthe risk of finding the wrong one if you have more than one under the actor'shierarchy.

4.Youcan also tick Include Name to include the barker's name in the bark text.Ticking Wait Until Sequence Ends will keep the bark text onscreen until thebark's associated cutscene sequence (if any) is over.

Scriptreference: PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.TK2D.TK2DBarkUI















?选择窗口> > > >对话系统组件实例总是如果你想要树皮文本总是面对镜头面对摄像机。


?选择添加一个推子(窗口> > > >界面对话系统部件的二维工具>推子)如果你想要树皮的淡入和淡出。


2。添加一个tk2dbarkUI的演员(窗口> > > >界面对话系统部件的二维工具>树皮UI)。


3。任意地分配给tk2dtextmesh到tk2dbark UI。如果你不把它的皮,UI会自动在其看来孩子一tk2dtextmesh;然而,这是发现错误的风险,如果你有一个以上的演员在层次结构。





CreatingYour Own Bark UI

Tocreate your own Bark UI:


1.Copythe template found in Scripts/Templates/TemplateBarkUI.cs.

2.Deletethe lines containing the text [REMOVE THIS LINE].

3.Renamethe class from TemplateBarkUI to the name of your bark UI.

4.Implementthe Bark() method and the IsPlaying property.

You canexamine the implementations for Unity GUI, NGUI, etc., for examples.








Alertsare gameplay messages that are reported to the player. You can show alerts togive the player feedback such as updating the status of a quest.


In Lua

In Luacode, assign a string to Variable["Alert"]. Commonly this is done ina dialogue entry's User Script (see Dialogue Creation), but you can also addthe Lua code to a Lua On Dialogue Event trigger or your own scripts.












In yourscripts, call PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.DialogueManager.ShowAlert().










InPlayMaker, use the "Show Alert" action. 


Alertsin the Dialogue UI

TheDialogue System uses the current Dialogue UI to display the alert. Depending onthe dialogue UI's implementation, it could flash the alert on the screen, addit to a chat window, or whatever you want.


Tocustomize the way alerts are displayed, you can customize the Dialogue UI. Thedefault implementations let you set up a label and an optional parent panelthat can contain any other controls that you want to show, including anoptional continue/close button.


Alertsthat are launched by setting Variable["Alert"] use the settings inDialogue Manager > Display Settings > Subtitle Settings. The duration isthe length of the alert divided by Subtitle Chars Per Second. For example, ifthe alert is 90 characters long and Subtitle Chars Per Second is 30, then theduration will be 3 seconds. Alerts will always be displayed at least Min SubtitleSeconds (default is 2 seconds).


You canalso use ShowAlert() within a cutscene sequence.










Questsare usually started and completed by conversing with NPCs, so it makes sense tointegrate the quest system with the dialogue system. This makes it very easy tomanage quests right inside dialogue entries. The quest system allows you todefine quests and subgoals (quest entries), update them, and query theirstates.




Questinformation is stored in the dialogue database and its corresponding Luaenvironment.


TheDialogue System utilizes the data model defined in Urban Brain Studios' ChatMapper. Chat Mapper provides built-in management for Actors, Conversations,User Variables, Locations, and Items.


Unityprojects generally don't make use of the Location or Item tables. The questsystem repurposes the Item table to keep track of quests. This makes itconvenient to manage quests in Chat Mapper by adding, removing, and modifyingitems in the built-in Item table.


Ifyou're not using Chat Mapper, you can add Items using the built-in DialogueEditor. If you're using Items as quests, tick the Use Quest System checkbox.


Withinthe Dialogue System, the Quest[] table is an alias for the Item[] table. Inyour Lua conditions and user scripts, you can use "Quest" instead of"Item" if you want. This alias is also defined in the Chat Mappertemplate project provided with the Dialogue System so you can use it in ChatMapper, too.












对话系统中,任务[ ]表是一个别名为项目[ ]表。在Lua条件和用户脚本,您可以使用“任务”而不是“项目”如果你想。这个别名也在聊天制图模板工程设置对话系统,所以你可以使用它在聊天的映射定义,太。

QuestData Fields

Thename of the item is the title of the quest. The quest system uses these fieldsin the Item record:


•Name: Title of the quest

•State: Valid values (case-sensitive):unassigned, active, success, failure, or done

◦(Ifusing Chat Mapper, add this custom field or use the Dialogue System templateproject)

•Description: The description of the quest

•Success Description: (optional) Thedescription to be displayed when the quest has been successfully completed

•Failure Description: (optional) Thedescription to be displayed when the quest has ended in failure

•Abandonable: (optional) A Boolean that, iftrue, specifies that the player can choose to abandon the quest in the QuestLog Window.

•Trackable: (optional) A Boolean that, if true,specifies that the player can choose to enable or disable tracking in the QuestLog Window.

•Track: (optional) A Boolean that, if true,specifies that the player wants to track the quest. The Quest Log Window allowsthe player to toggle tracking on and off. Your gameplay HUD is responsible fordisplaying tracking information. You can use the Quest Tracker HUD or writeyour own.

•Abandon Sequence: (optional) A sequence toplay if the player abandons the quest in the Quest Log Window. You must addthis field manually if you want to use it.

Note:The state done is essentially equivalent to success. In the remainder of theDialogue System's documentation, either done or success may be used inexamples, but when using the QuestLog script API, they both correspond to thesame enum state, QuestState.Success.


As anexample, you might define a simple quest like this:


•Item: "Kill 5 Rats"


◦Description:"The baker asked me to bring him 5 dead rats to make a pie."

◦SuccessDescription: "I brought the baker 5 dead rats, and we ate a delicious pie!Yum!"

◦FailureDescription: "I freed the Pied Piper from jail. He took all the rats. Nopie for me...."


Notethat the quest log system uses a field named State inside each item, not theChat Mapper GetStatus()/SetStatus() functions.


Questdescriptions may contain formatted text (e.g., tags such as [lua(code)]),although response menu-related tags are discarded, and emphasis tags areignored in order to give the display a consistent look in the Unity Quest LogWindow. You're free to observe these tags, of course, in your own quest windowimplementation if you choose to write one instead of using the Unity Quest LogWindow system.


The[lua(code)] tag can be very useful to add dynamic text to descriptions, such asadding a counter as in the example below:


•Description: The baker asked me to bring him 5dead rats to make a pie. I need to collect [lua(Variable["Rats_Remaining"])]more.










































请注意,日志系统使用一个叫做状态在每个项目领域,不聊天制图getstatus() / setstatus()功能。


任务描述可能包含格式化文本(例如,标签,如[ lua(代码)]),虽然响应菜单相关的标签被丢弃,并强调标签被忽略,给人以显示在统一的任务日志窗口一致的外观。你可以自由地观察这些标签,当然,在你自己的任务实现,如果你选择写一个而不是使用统一的任务日志窗口系统。




?描述:贝克问我给他带来5个死老鼠做馅饼。我需要收集[ lua(变量[“rats_remaining”])]地。



Questscan also have subgoals, called quest entries. Quest entries are numbered anduse these fields:


•Entry Count: The number of quest entries.

•Entry # State: The state of the entry(unassigned, active, success, failure, or done) where '#' is the entry number,starting from 1. (Again, "done" is just essentially the same as"success".)

•Entry #: The description of the entry, where'#' is the entry number.

As anexample, you might define a quest with subgoals like this:


•Item: "Escape the Prison Planet"


◦Description:"I've been unjustly imprisoned on this planet, but I'll escape!"

◦EntryCount: 4

◦Entry1 State: "active"

◦Entry1: "I woke up on this prison planet, but I won't die here."

◦Entry2 State: "unassigned"

◦Entry2: "I broke out of my cell by hacking the electronic lock."

◦Entry3 State: "unassigned"

◦Entry3: "I set up a distraction to lure the guard away from his ship."

◦Entry4 State: "unassigned"

◦Entry4: "I stole the guard's ship and finally made my escape."

If youreference these fields in Lua code, please remember to replace spaces andhyphens with underscores as described in Important Note About Table Indices.For example: Item["Escape_the_Prison_Planet"].Entry_1_State ="success"







































Descriptionand Entry fields support localization. Simply add fields such as (for French):


•Description FR-fr

•Success Description FR-fr

•Failure Description FR-fr

•Entry 1 FR-fr

•Entry 2 FR-fr, etc.

Rememberthat in Lua code the spaces and hyphens need to be replaced by underscores.


If youuse the built-in Dialogue Editor, you will almost certainly want to addlocalization fields to the template on the Dialogue Editor's Templates Foldout.This way, they will automatically be added to quests.






?描述fr FR


?成功描述fr FR


?故障描述fr FR


?进入1 FR FR


?进入2 FR FR,等。






GeneralQuest Design

At aminimum, your quest should have these elements:


•Quest Name

•Description (optional if you will onlyreference quests by name)














TheDialogue System does not lock you into any particular "reward" systemfor quests. The concept of a "reward" can mean completely differentthings depending on the type of game. If you're implementing a traditional RPG,you can add a custom field such as "XP" to record the quest's XPreward. If the player completes the quest in a conversation (for example,turning in the quest to the quest giver), then in the Script field you canwrite a short line of Lua code to apply the XP reward, such as:




Or youcould use Lua.RegisterFunction() to register your own C# code with the Luaenvironment. Say you've registered a C# method named RewardXP(). Then yourScript field could be:

或者你可以使用lua。registerfunction()与Lua环境注册自己的C #代码。说你已经注册了一个C#方法命名的rewardxp()。那么你的脚本可以:

If theplayer completes the quest outside of a conversation, you can look up thequest's XP value using DialogueLua.GetItemField():

如果玩家完成任务的对话外,你可以查看任务的XP值使用dialoguelua getitemfield():

If, onthe other hand, you're implementing an adventure game, perhaps you want tounlock a door when the player turns in a quest. In this case, the reward is achange to the game's state. You have a lot of options here, such as sending amessage to a GameObject by adding a SendMessage() sequencer command to theSequence field:


Assumingthere's an object named "Red Door" in the scene, it will receive themessage "Unlock".


Ifyou're implementing a visual novel, you might want to use the built-inSetRelationship() or IncRelationship() Lua functions to adjust arelationship/faction/status value between the player and an NPC:




Workingwith Quests in Conversations

CheckingQuest State

Tocheck the state of a quest inside a conversation, you'll write a simple Luacondition. This condition will usually be a part of a dialogue entry'sCondition string.


Reminder:When referencing table indices in Lua code, you must replace spaces and hyphenswith underscores as described in Important Note About Table Indices.


Usingthe example above, say the baker has a dialogue entry asking the PC to startthe quest. You only want to show this entry if the quest isn't assigned yet.You can set up the dialogue entry like this:












•Dialogue Entry (Baker to PC):

◦DialogueText: "If you bring 5 dead rats, I'll bake us a pie."

◦Condition:Item["Kill_5_Rats"].State == "unassigned"

Thedialogue entry will only be shown if the condition is true – that is, if thequest's state is "unassigned".


Tocheck a quest entry, check its state field:


•Condition:Item["Escape_the_Prison_Planet"].Entry_1_State == "active"





?条件:项目[“kill_5_rats”]状态= =“未分配”。






?条件:项目[“escape_the_prison_planet”]。entry_1_state= =“主动”

SettingQuest State

To setthe state of a quest, you'll write a simple Lua statement for a dialogueentry's User Script.


Usingthe same example, say the PC accepts the quest. Your dialogue entry will looklike this:


•Dialogue Entry (PC to Baker):

◦DialogueText: "Okay. I'll return with those rats."

◦UserScript: Item["Kill_5_Rats"].State = "active"

Whenthe player selects this dialogue entry, the PC will say this line, and thequest state will be set to "active".


To seta quest entry's state:


•User Script:Item["Escape_the_Prison_Planet"].Entry_1_State == "success"

Sincethe Item[] table is a normal table in Lua, you can use any Lua commands on it –for example, to add new quests, remove quests, change descriptions, etc. Youcan even add new quest entries by increasing Entry_Count and adding theadditional entry fields.












?用户脚本:项目[“kill_5_rats”] =“活跃”状态。






?用户脚本:项目[“escape_the_prison_planet”]。entry_1_state= =“成功”


由于项目[ ]表是在Lua中正常的表,你可以使用任何Lua命令–例如,添加新的任务,删除任务,变化的描述,等你甚至可以通过增加entry_count并增加额外的输入域添加新任务条目。

Questsin Lua

You canalso update quests in Lua code elsewhere, for example using the Lua On DialogueEvent trigger or in your own scripts. Most often you'll set the State like thisexample Lua code: State["Kill_5_Rats"] = "success".


Reminder:When referencing table indices in Lua code, you must replace spaces and hyphenswith underscores as described in Important Note About Table Indices.



你也可以在Lua代码更新其他任务,例如使用Lua的对话事件触发或您自己的脚本。通常你会把这样的状态例如Lua代码:状态[“kill_5_rats”] =“成功”。




You canalso modify quest states by adding these trigger components to your scene:

•Quest Trigger

•Set Quest State On Dialogue Event





Workingwith Quests in Scripts

Scriptreference: PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.QuestLog

TheQuestLog class provides methods to add and remove quests, get and set theirstate, and get their descriptions. This is a static class, so you can call itsmethods without having to create a QuestLog object.

Notethat quest states are usually updated during conversations. In most cases, youwill probably set quest states in Lua code during conversations, so you maynever need to use many of the methods in this class.

If youdo use these methods, converting spaces and hyphens to underscores (asdescribed in Important Note About Table Indices) is optional, since theQuestLog class will automatically do this for you.

Fordescriptions of each method, see the PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.QuestLogreference page.









SettingQuest State Observers

You canset watches on quest states using these methods:


QuestLog.AddQuestStateObserver():Adds a watch on a quest that will be checked on a specified frequency. Thefrequency can be EveryUpdate, EveryDialogueEntry, or EndOfConversation. If theexpression changes, the quest log system will invoke a delegate that takes theform:






You canremove watches using QuestLog.RemoveQuestStateObserver() orQuestLog.RemoveAllQuestStateObservers().


Note:For best performance, limit the number of watches you set, especially when thefrequency is EveryUpdate. Each watch requires an extra Lua call to evaluate thecurrent quest state.




QuestLog Window

Note:The Unity Quest Log Window (Old) has been replaced by a GUI-independent questlog window system. This section describes the new quest log window system ingeneral. Subsequent sections describe how to set up quest log windows inspecific GUI systems.




A questlog window displays the current state of active and completed quests. It getsthe titles, descriptions, states, and other information from thePixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.QuestLog class, which in turn gets the data fromthe Item[] table. If a quest is trackable, it allows the player to toggletracking. If a quest is abandonable, it allows the player to abandon it. Allquest log windows use a structure similar to the image above, although thepositions of controls and their appearance may be different.


Theelements of a quest log window are:


•Quest Heading: The name of the quest. Theplayer can click on the heading to expand the quest and view its descriptionand options.

•Quest Description: This text includes thecurrent description based on the state of the quest as well as all entries thatare not unassigned.

•Track: This button is only shown if the questis trackable. When clicked, it broadcasts a OnQuestTrackingEnabled orOnQuestTrackingDisabled message to the Dialogue Manager. See Quest Messages formore details.

•Abandon: This button is only shown if thequest is abandonable. When clicked, it sets the state of the quest to theabandon state defined in the quest log window. It also sendsOnQuestTrackingDisabled and plays the sequence defined in the "AbandonSequence" field if it's defined.

•Active & Completed: These buttons switchbetween viewing active quests and completed quests.

•Close: This button closes the window.
















How toShow a Quest Log Window

To showthe window, call the Open() method. The user can close the window by clickingthe Close button.


IfPause While Open is ticked, the quest log window pauses the game by settingTime.timeScale to 0. When closed, it restores the previous time scale.


TheFeature Demo script, FeatureDemo.cs, references a quest log window as a childobject and calls Open() when the player selects Quest Log from the main menu.





如果暂停而开放的勾选,日志窗口暂停的游戏设置time.timescale 0。关闭时,它恢复以前的时间尺度。



UnityGUI Quest Log Window

TheDialogue System provides pre-built prefabs for a selection of Unity GUI QuestLog Windows using the default, JRPG, Necromancer GUI, Sci-Fi, and Wheel2styles. You can find them in the Prefabs/Unity Dialogue UIs folder.


To setup a quest log window, add a prefab from the Prefabs folder or create your ownGUI layout and add the Unity GUI Quest Log Window component (not the old UnityGUI Quest Log Window). The Prefabs folder contains prefabs with differentappearances.


Ifyou're creating your own layout, you'll need to create the following controls:








You cansee them set up in this screenshot of the Sci-Fi quest log window:


Whichuses the object hierarchy shown below:


Thenassign a Unity GUI Quest Log Window component to the containing GameObject andassign the values as described below:


•Localized Text: (Optional) Localized text forbuttons and messages. See Localization for details.

•Quest Heading Source: Specifies whether to usethe quest's name or its description as the heading. If you've localized todifferent languages, set this to Description.

•Abandon Quest State: The state that getsassigned to abandoned quests.

•Pause While Open: Specifies whether to pausethe game while the quest log window is open.

•Gui Root: The GUIRoot object.

•Scroll View: A GUIScrollView control that willcontain the list of active or completed quests.

•Active Button: When clicked, the scroll viewis populated with the list of active quests. This button should send theClickShowActiveQuests message.

•Completed Button: When clicked, the scrollview is populated with the list of completed quests. This button should sendthe ClickShowCompletedQuests message.

•Abandon Quest Popup: A set of controls for themodal popup window used to ask the player to confirm abandonment of a quest.



















GuiStyle Names: GUI styles for the various elements of the window. Different GUIstyles are available for entries in the active, success, and failure states –for example to use a GUI style with a green checkmark next to successfulentries and a different GUI style with a red X for failed entries.

•Messages: Message text. If you've localized,these are the lookup fields in the localized text table.

•Padding: Pixel buffer between quests in thescroll view.

You donot need to assign the Close button. Instead, your close button (if you haveone) should send a ClickClose message to the window when clicked.


If youexamine any of the provided quest log prefabs, you'll see that you can addadditional controls, too, such as a containing window or other ornaments










NGUIQuest Log Window

TheNGUI support package contains a prefab that uses NGUI's example quest logwindow as a base.


To setup a quest log window, add a prefab from the NGUI Support Prefabs folder orcreate your own layout and add the NGUI Quest Log Window component.


Ifyou're creating your own layout, you'll need to create the following controls:








Whichuses the object hierarchy shown below:


Thenassign an NGUI Quest Log Window component to the containing GameObject andassign the values as described below:


LocalizedText: (Optional) Localized text for buttons and messages. See Localization fordetails.

•Quest Heading Source: Specifies whether to usethe quest's name or its description as the heading. If you've localized todifferent languages, set this to Description.

•Abandon Quest State: The state that getsassigned to abandoned quests.

•Pause While Open: Specifies whether to pausethe game while the quest log window is open.

•UI Root: The UI Root object.

•Main Panel: The main panel containing thequest log window controls.

•Active Quests Button: When clicked, the questtable is populated with the list of active quests. This button should send theClickShowActiveQuestsButton message.

•Completed Quests Button: When clicked, thequest table is populated with the list of completed quests. This button shouldsend the ClickShowCompletedQuestsButton message.

•Quest Table: The UITable that will contain thequests.

•Quest Template: The template to use forquests. Set up a layout in the quest table containing the following childcontrols, assign the NGUIQuestTemplate script to it, and assign the controls. Acopy of the template will be instantiated and customized for each quest.

◦HeadingUILabel: The label for the quest heading.

◦DescriptionUILabel: The label for the quest description.

◦TrackUIButton: The button to toggle tracking. You don't need to assign an action tothis button; the window will do it automatically. This button will only beshown if the quest is trackable.

◦AbandonUIButton: The button to abandon the quest. You don't need to assign an actionto this button; the window will do it automatically. This button will only beshown if the quest is abandonable.

•Abandon Popup: The main panel for the modalpopup window used to ask the player to confirm abandonment of a quest.

•Abandon Quest Title: The label in the popupwindow that will be assigned the quest title.





















You donot need to assign the Close button. Instead, your close button (if you haveone) should send a ClickCloseButton message to the window when clicked.


Daikon Forge GUI Quest Log Window

The Daikon Forge GUI support package contains a quest log window prefab.


To setup a quest log window, add a prefab from the Daikon Forge GUI Support Prefabsfolder or create your own layout and add the Daikon Forge Quest Log Windowcomponent.


Ifyou're creating your own layout, you'll need to create the following controls:








Whichuses the object hierarchy shown below:


Thenassign a Daikon Forge Quest Log Window component to the containing GameObjectand assign the values as described below:


•Localized Text: (Optional) Localized text forbuttons and messages. See Localization for details.

•Quest Heading Source: Specifies whether to usethe quest's name or its description as the heading. If you've localized todifferent languages, set this to Description.

•Abandon Quest State: The state that getsassigned to abandoned quests.

•Pause While Open: Specifies whether to pausethe game while the quest log window is open.

•UI Root: The root object containing thedfGUIManager.

•Main Panel: The main panel containing thequest log window controls.

•Active Quests Button: When clicked, the questtable is populated with the list of active quests. This button should send theClickShowActiveQuestsButton message.

•Completed Quests Button: When clicked, thequest table is populated with the list of completed quests. This button shouldsend the ClickShowCompletedQuestsButton message.

•Close Button: The button to close the window.

•Scroll Panel: The dfScrollPanel that willcontain the quests.

•Quest Heading Template: The template to usefor the quest heading.

•Quest Description Template: The template foruse for the quest description.

•Track Button Template The template to use forthe track button.

•Abandon Button Template The template to usefor the abandon quest button.

•Abandon Popup: The main panel for the modalpopup window used to ask the player to confirm abandonment of a quest.

•Abandon Quest Title: The label in the popupwindow that will be assigned the quest title.
































Controlswill be instantiated from the templates as necessary to populate the scrollpanel.


UnityQuest Log Window (Old)

Thissection applies to the old Unity Quest Log Window.


TheUnity Quest Log Window component displays a quest log window using Unity GUI.You can use it as-is or use it as a template for implementing your own questlog window in another GUI system such as NGUI or Daikon Forge GUI. As-is, thiscomponent is already quite flexible because you can assign any GUI layout toits properties, allowing you to completely change its look and feel:





统一的任务日志窗口组件显示使用Unity GUI任务日志窗口。你可以像或使用它作为另一个GUI系统如NGUI或萝卜伪造的GUI实现您自己的任务日志窗口模板使用它。例如,该组件已经相当灵活因为你可以指定任何界面布局的特性,让你彻底改变其外观和感觉:


这篇关于Dialogue System for Unity文档中文对照版(简雨原创翻译)第三篇(口型,语音同步相关)的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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