An Independent Analysis Altera’s FPGA Floating-point DSP Design Flow

2024-01-11 12:18

本文主要是介绍An Independent Analysis Altera’s FPGA Floating-point DSP Design Flow,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


后续按照文章测试方法,做一个Xilinx DSP架构FPGA对比测试,就更有意义了。



FPGAs are increasingly used as parallel processing engines for demanding digital 
signal processing applications. Benchmark results show that on highly parallelizable 
workloads, FPGAs can achieve higher performance and superior cost/performance 
compared to digital signal processors (DSPs) and general-purpose CPUs. However, to 
date, FPGAs have been used almost exclusively for fixed-point DSP designs.  FPGAs 
have not been viewed as an effective platform for applications requiring high-performance 
floating-point computations.  FPGA floating-point efficiency and performance has been 
limited due to long processing latencies and routing congestion. In addition, the traditional 
FPGA design flow, based on writing register-transfer-level hardware descriptions in 
Verilog or VHDL, is not well suited to implementing complex floating-point algorithms. 
Altera has developed a new floating-point design flow intended to streamline the 
process of implementing floating-point digital signal processing algorithms on Altera 
FPGAs, and to enable those designs to achieve higher performance and efficiency than 
previously possible. Rather than building a datapath consisting of elementary floatingpoint operators (for example, multiplication followed by addition followed by squaring), the 
floating-point compiler generates a fused datapath that combines elementary operators 
into a single function or datapath.  In doing so, it eliminates the redundancies present in 
traditional floating-point FPGA designs. In addition, the Altera design flow is a high-level 
model-based flow using Altera’s DSP Builder Advanced Blockset and the MathWorks’ 
MATLAB and Simulink tools.  Altera hopes that by working at a high level, FPGA 
designers will be able to implement and verify complex floating-point algorithms more 
quickly than would be possible with traditional HDL-based design. 
BDTI performed an independent analysis of Altera’s floating-point DSP design 
flow.  BDTI’s objective was to assess the performance that can be obtained on Altera 
FPGAs for demanding floating-point DSP applications, and to evaluate the ease-of-use of 
Altera’s floating-point DSP design flow. This paper presents BDTI’s findings, along with 
background and methodology details.

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这个程序使用的是LabVIEW环境中的FPGA模块和I/O模块初始化功能,主要实现等待FAM(Field-Programmable Gate Array Module,FPGA模块)的初始化完成,并处理初始化过程中的错误。让我们逐步分析各部分的功能: 1. Wait for FAM Initialization框架 此程序框架用于等待I/O模块成功初始化。如果在5秒钟内模块没有完成配

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