最短路各种算法 稠密图 稀疏图 时间分析

2024-01-10 08:08

本文主要是介绍最短路各种算法 稠密图 稀疏图 时间分析,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

分别有下面这几种算法(heap写了好久 T T 。。)

其中未注明LIST的SPFA 和 dij 是邻接矩阵的形式。



下面是稠密图的时间统计,因为矩阵不能开太大,所以最大开了1250*1250。除了n = 10 都是秒过就统计一次,其他均生成三次数据。
2、floyd 这个算法,n大于300就最好不要用了,很有可能跑1秒以上了。
3、bellman-ford ,n大于200就不要用了,比floyd还耗时间 = =。。。

稀疏图的m 是边数,n是点数。
稀疏图总结:(前面的n比较小时可以用邻接矩阵,后面的floyd 啊 dijkstra等不能使用邻接矩阵的就删掉不考虑了)
2、bellman 超过50000边就不要用了。
4、超过3000个点就不要用dijkstra 加邻接表 不加任何优化的那种。
6、综上,dijkstra + priority 邻接表 是最好的选择。虽然比heap慢一点,跑3W点 300W边和heap没差多少。
8、特别恶心的可以用heap ,一般的恶心用priority足以^ ^


n = 10;*************************************
Dijkstra time is                       0
Dijkstra_priority time is              0
Dijkstra_List time is                  0
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         0
Dijkstra_heap time is                  0
SPFA time is                           0
SPFA_List time is                      0
Floyd time is                          0
Bellman time is                        0
The answer of SPFA is                    5782
The answer of SPFA_List is               5782
The answer of Dijkstra is                5782
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       5782
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           5782
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  5782
The answer of Floyd is                   5782
The answer of BellmanFord is             5782
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           5782
n == 100;********************************
Dijkstra time is                       0
Dijkstra_priority time is              0
Dijkstra_List time is                  1
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         0
Dijkstra_heap time is                  1
SPFA time is                           0
SPFA_List time is                      1
Floyd time is                          14
Bellman time is                        27
The answer of SPFA is                    2400
The answer of SPFA_List is               2400
The answer of Dijkstra is                2400
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       2400
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           2400
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  2400
The answer of Floyd is                   2400
The answer of BellmanFord is             2400
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           2400
Dijkstra time is                       0
Dijkstra_priority time is              0
Dijkstra_List time is                  0
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         1
Dijkstra_heap time is                  0
SPFA time is                           1
SPFA_List time is                      0
Floyd time is                          16
Bellman time is                        27
The answer of SPFA is                    365
The answer of SPFA_List is               365
The answer of Dijkstra is                365
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       365
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           365
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  365
The answer of Floyd is                   365
The answer of BellmanFord is             365
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           365
Dijkstra time is                       1
Dijkstra_priority time is              0
Dijkstra_List time is                  1
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         1
Dijkstra_heap time is                  0
SPFA time is                           0
SPFA_List time is                      1
Floyd time is                          15
Bellman time is                        29
The answer of SPFA is                    1411
The answer of SPFA_List is               1411
The answer of Dijkstra is                1411
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       1411
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           1411
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  1411
The answer of Floyd is                   1411
The answer of BellmanFord is             1411
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           1411
n = 150;*************************************
Dijkstra time is                       1
Dijkstra_priority time is              1
Dijkstra_List time is                  1
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         1
Dijkstra_heap time is                  1
SPFA time is                           0
SPFA_List time is                      1
Floyd time is                          49
Bellman time is                        105
The answer of SPFA is                    1797
The answer of SPFA_List is               1797
The answer of Dijkstra is                1797
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       1797
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           1797
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  1797
The answer of Floyd is                   1797
The answer of BellmanFord is             1797
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           1797
Dijkstra time is                       1
Dijkstra_priority time is              1
Dijkstra_List time is                  1
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         1
Dijkstra_heap time is                  0
SPFA time is                           1
SPFA_List time is                      1
Floyd time is                          51
Bellman time is                        113
The answer of SPFA is                    1358
The answer of SPFA_List is               1358
The answer of Dijkstra is                1358
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       1358
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           1358
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  1358
The answer of Floyd is                   1358
The answer of BellmanFord is             1358
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           1358
Dijkstra time is                       0
Dijkstra_priority time is              1
Dijkstra_List time is                  1
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         1
Dijkstra_heap time is                  1
SPFA time is                           1
SPFA_List time is                      0
Floyd time is                          50
Bellman time is                        203
The answer of SPFA is                    1633
The answer of SPFA_List is               1633
The answer of Dijkstra is                1633
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       1633
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           1633
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  1633
The answer of Floyd is                   1633
The answer of BellmanFord is             1633
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           1633
n = 200;******************************************
Dijkstra time is                       1
Dijkstra_priority time is              2
Dijkstra_List time is                  1
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         2
Dijkstra_heap time is                  1
SPFA time is                           1
SPFA_List time is                      1
Floyd time is                          234
Bellman time is                        279
The answer of SPFA is                    382
The answer of SPFA_List is               382
The answer of Dijkstra is                382
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       382
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           382
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  382
The answer of Floyd is                   382
The answer of BellmanFord is             382
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           382
Dijkstra time is                       1
Dijkstra_priority time is              2
Dijkstra_List time is                  1
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         2
Dijkstra_heap time is                  0
SPFA time is                           1
SPFA_List time is                      1
Floyd time is                          119
Bellman time is                        256
The answer of SPFA is                    970
The answer of SPFA_List is               970
The answer of Dijkstra is                970
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       970
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           970
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  970
The answer of Floyd is                   970
The answer of BellmanFord is             970
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           970
Dijkstra time is                       0
Dijkstra_priority time is              1
Dijkstra_List time is                  0
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         3
Dijkstra_heap time is                  0
SPFA time is                           1
SPFA_List time is                      1
Floyd time is                          122
Bellman time is                        250
The answer of SPFA is                    407
The answer of SPFA_List is               407
The answer of Dijkstra is                407
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       407
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           407
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  407
The answer of Floyd is                   407
The answer of BellmanFord is             407
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           407
n = 300;******************************************
Dijkstra time is                       1
Dijkstra_priority time is              2
Dijkstra_List time is                  2
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         4
Dijkstra_heap time is                  2
SPFA time is                           3
SPFA_List time is                      3
Floyd time is                          394
Bellman time is                        1066
The answer of SPFA is                    543
The answer of SPFA_List is               543
The answer of Dijkstra is                543
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       543
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           543
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  543
The answer of Floyd is                   543
The answer of BellmanFord is             543
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           543
Dijkstra time is                       2
Dijkstra_priority time is              4
Dijkstra_List time is                  2
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         4
Dijkstra_heap time is                  1
SPFA time is                           2
SPFA_List time is                      3
Floyd time is                          542
Bellman time is                        1081
The answer of SPFA is                    628
The answer of SPFA_List is               628
The answer of Dijkstra is                628
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       628
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           628
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  628
The answer of Floyd is                   628
The answer of BellmanFord is             628
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           628
Dijkstra time is                       2
Dijkstra_priority time is              3
Dijkstra_List time is                  3
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         4
Dijkstra_heap time is                  2
SPFA time is                           2
SPFA_List time is                      3
Floyd time is                          439
Bellman time is                        1009
The answer of SPFA is                    1000
The answer of SPFA_List is               1000
The answer of Dijkstra is                1000
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       1000
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           1000
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  1000
The answer of Floyd is                   1000
The answer of BellmanFord is             1000
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           1000
n = 500;******************************************
Dijkstra time is                       5
Dijkstra_priority time is              7
Dijkstra_List time is                  6
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         11
Dijkstra_heap time is                  4
SPFA time is                           9
SPFA_List time is                      10
Floyd time is                          3098
Bellman time is                        5135
The answer of SPFA is                    618
The answer of SPFA_List is               618
The answer of Dijkstra is                618
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       618
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           618
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  618
The answer of Floyd is                   618
The answer of BellmanFord is             618
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           618
Dijkstra time is                       7
Dijkstra_priority time is              8
Dijkstra_List time is                  7
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         12
Dijkstra_heap time is                  5
SPFA time is                           10
SPFA_List time is                      12
Floyd time is                          2625
Bellman time is                        5268
The answer of SPFA is                    496
The answer of SPFA_List is               496
The answer of Dijkstra is                496
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       496
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           496
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  496
The answer of Floyd is                   496
The answer of BellmanFord is             496
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           496
Dijkstra time is                       5
Dijkstra_priority time is              6
Dijkstra_List time is                  8
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         12
Dijkstra_heap time is                  5
SPFA time is                           9
SPFA_List time is                      13
Floyd time is                          2784
Bellman time is                        5328
The answer of SPFA is                    348
The answer of SPFA_List is               348
The answer of Dijkstra is                348
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       348
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           348
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  348
The answer of Floyd is                   348
The answer of BellmanFord is             348
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           348
n = 750;******************************************
Dijkstra time is                       11
Dijkstra_priority time is              12
Dijkstra_List time is                  80
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         19
Dijkstra_heap time is                  8
SPFA time is                           18
SPFA_List time is                      23
Floyd time is                          8399
Bellman time is                        15542
The answer of SPFA is                    320
The answer of SPFA_List is               320
The answer of Dijkstra is                320
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       320
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           320
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  320
The answer of Floyd is                   320
The answer of BellmanFord is             320
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           320
Dijkstra time is                       13
Dijkstra_priority time is              14
Dijkstra_List time is                  89
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         22
Dijkstra_heap time is                  12
SPFA time is                           22
SPFA_List time is                      32
Floyd time is                          8316
Bellman time is                        14367
The answer of SPFA is                    252
The answer of SPFA_List is               252
The answer of Dijkstra is                252
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       252
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           252
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  252
The answer of Floyd is                   252
The answer of BellmanFord is             252
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           252
Dijkstra time is                       13
Dijkstra_priority time is              13
Dijkstra_List time is                  13
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         20
Dijkstra_heap time is                  10
SPFA time is                           21
SPFA_List time is                      22
Floyd time is                          8072
Bellman time is                        14145
The answer of SPFA is                    443
The answer of SPFA_List is               443
The answer of Dijkstra is                443
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       443
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           443
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  443
The answer of Floyd is                   443
The answer of BellmanFord is             443
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           443
n = 1000;******************************************
Dijkstra time is                       24
Dijkstra_priority time is              21
Dijkstra_List time is                  26
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         38
Dijkstra_heap time is                  16
SPFA time is                           32
SPFA_List time is                      53
Floyd time is                          14839
Bellman time is                        30615
The answer of SPFA is                    230
The answer of SPFA_List is               230
The answer of Dijkstra is                230
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       230
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           230
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  230
The answer of Floyd is                   230
The answer of BellmanFord is             230
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           230
Dijkstra time is                       22
Dijkstra_priority time is              25
Dijkstra_List time is                  27
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         46
Dijkstra_heap time is                  15
SPFA time is                           41
SPFA_List time is                      56
Floyd time is                          14106
Bellman time is                        28779
The answer of SPFA is                    275
The answer of SPFA_List is               275
The answer of Dijkstra is                275
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       275
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           275
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  275
The answer of Floyd is                   275
The answer of BellmanFord is             275
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           275
Dijkstra time is                       29
Dijkstra_priority time is              22
Dijkstra_List time is                  24
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         35
Dijkstra_heap time is                  22
SPFA time is                           31
SPFA_List time is                      61
Floyd time is                          13779
Bellman time is                        28682
The answer of SPFA is                    280
The answer of SPFA_List is               280
The answer of Dijkstra is                280
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       280
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           280
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  280
The answer of Floyd is                   280
The answer of BellmanFord is             280
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           280
n = 1250*******************************************
Dijkstra time is                       97
Dijkstra_priority time is              31
Dijkstra_List time is                  39
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         48
Dijkstra_heap time is                  24
SPFA time is                           54
SPFA_List time is                      72
Floyd time is                          25924
Bellman time is                        55248
The answer of SPFA is                    185
The answer of SPFA_List is               185
The answer of Dijkstra is                185
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       185
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           185
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  185
The answer of Floyd is                   185
The answer of BellmanFord is             185
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           185
Dijkstra time is                       35
Dijkstra_priority time is              34
Dijkstra_List time is                  62
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         59
Dijkstra_heap time is                  24
SPFA time is                           63
SPFA_List time is                      77
Floyd time is                          25744
Bellman time is                        56472
The answer of SPFA is                    129
The answer of SPFA_List is               129
The answer of Dijkstra is                129
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       129
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           129
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  129
The answer of Floyd is                   129
The answer of BellmanFord is             129
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           129
Dijkstra time is                       47
Dijkstra_priority time is              30
Dijkstra_List time is                  42
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         68
Dijkstra_heap time is                  43
SPFA time is                           72
SPFA_List time is                      86
Floyd time is                          25993
Bellman time is                        56552
The answer of SPFA is                    188
The answer of SPFA_List is               188
The answer of Dijkstra is                188
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       188
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           188
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  188
The answer of Floyd is                   188
The answer of BellmanFord is             188
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           188


n = 500; m = 1000;*************************************
Dijkstra time is                       3
Dijkstra_priority time is              0
Dijkstra_List time is                  3
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         2
Dijkstra_heap time is                  0
SPFA time is                           0
SPFA_List time is                      0
Bellman time is                        18
The answer of SPFA is                    139408
The answer of SPFA_List is               139408
The answer of Dijkstra is                139408
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       139408
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           139408
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  139408
The answer of BellmanFord is             139408
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           139408
n = 500; m = 5000;
Dijkstra time is                       5
Dijkstra_priority time is              2
Dijkstra_List time is                  3
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         2
Dijkstra_heap time is                  0
SPFA time is                           3
SPFA_List time is                      2
Bellman time is                        85
The answer of SPFA is                    18603
The answer of SPFA_List is               18603
The answer of Dijkstra is                18603
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       18603
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           18603
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  18603
The answer of BellmanFord is             18603
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           18603
n = 500; m = 10000;
Dijkstra time is                       2
Dijkstra_priority time is              5
Dijkstra_List time is                  3
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         2
Dijkstra_heap time is                  0
SPFA time is                           3
SPFA_List time is                      2
Bellman time is                        153
The answer of SPFA is                    7388
The answer of SPFA_List is               7388
The answer of Dijkstra is                7388
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       7388
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           7388
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  7388
The answer of BellmanFord is             7388
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           7388
Dijkstra time is                       5
Dijkstra_priority time is              5
Dijkstra_List time is                  3
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         2
Dijkstra_heap time is                  0
SPFA time is                           3
SPFA_List time is                      2
Bellman time is                        180
The answer of SPFA is                    13578
The answer of SPFA_List is               13578
The answer of Dijkstra is                13578
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       13578
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           13578
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  13578
The answer of BellmanFord is             13578
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           13578
n = 500; m = 50000;
Dijkstra time is                       7
Dijkstra_priority time is              5
Dijkstra_List time is                  3
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         5
Dijkstra_heap time is                  2
SPFA time is                           8
SPFA_List time is                      5
Bellman time is                        1023
The answer of SPFA is                    2771
The answer of SPFA_List is               2771
The answer of Dijkstra is                2771
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       2771
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           2771
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  2771
The answer of BellmanFord is             2771
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           2771
Dijkstra time is                       5
Dijkstra_priority time is              5
Dijkstra_List time is                  5
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         5
Dijkstra_heap time is                  0
SPFA time is                           7
SPFA_List time is                      5
Bellman time is                        828
The answer of SPFA is                    2642
The answer of SPFA_List is               2642
The answer of Dijkstra is                2642
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       2642
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           2642
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  2642
The answer of BellmanFord is             2642
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           2642
n = 500; m = 100000;
Dijkstra time is                       5
Dijkstra_priority time is              5
Dijkstra_List time is                  25
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         15
Dijkstra_heap time is                  5
SPFA time is                           10
SPFA_List time is                      15
Bellman time is                        1678
The answer of SPFA is                    1126
The answer of SPFA_List is               1126
The answer of Dijkstra is                1126
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       1126
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           1126
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  1126
The answer of BellmanFord is             1126
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           1126
Dijkstra time is                       5
Dijkstra_priority time is              8
Dijkstra_List time is                  5
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         10
Dijkstra_heap time is                  10
SPFA time is                           10
SPFA_List time is                      27
Bellman time is                        1543
The answer of SPFA is                    717
The answer of SPFA_List is               717
The answer of Dijkstra is                717
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       717
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           717
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  717
The answer of BellmanFord is             717
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           717
n = 500; m = 200000;
Dijkstra time is                       7
Dijkstra_priority time is              8
Dijkstra_List time is                  137
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         30
Dijkstra_heap time is                  27
SPFA time is                           13
SPFA_List time is                      112
Bellman time is                        2740
The answer of SPFA is                    897
The answer of SPFA_List is               897
The answer of Dijkstra is                897
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       897
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           897
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  897
The answer of BellmanFord is             897
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           897
Dijkstra time is                       8
Dijkstra_priority time is              7
Dijkstra_List time is                  23
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         22
Dijkstra_heap time is                  18
SPFA time is                           12
SPFA_List time is                      57
Bellman time is                        3288
The answer of SPFA is                    552
The answer of SPFA_List is               552
The answer of Dijkstra is                552
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       552
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           552
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  552
The answer of BellmanFord is             552
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           552
n = 1000; m = 10000;
Dijkstra time is                       18
Dijkstra_priority time is              10
Dijkstra_List time is                  15
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         5
Dijkstra_heap time is                  2
SPFA time is                           20
SPFA_List time is                      0
Bellman time is                        310
The answer of SPFA is                    22265
The answer of SPFA_List is               22265
The answer of Dijkstra is                22265
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       22265
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           22265
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  22265
The answer of BellmanFord is             22265
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           22265
Dijkstra time is                       17
Dijkstra_priority time is              20
Dijkstra_List time is                  10
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         3
Dijkstra_heap time is                  2
SPFA time is                           10
SPFA_List time is                      0
Bellman time is                        400
The answer of SPFA is                    25732
The answer of SPFA_List is               25732
The answer of Dijkstra is                25732
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       25732
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           25732
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  25732
The answer of BellmanFord is             25732
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           25732
n = 1000; m = 100000;
Dijkstra time is                       18
Dijkstra_priority time is              12
Dijkstra_List time is                  18
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         12
Dijkstra_heap time is                  8
SPFA time is                           25
SPFA_List time is                      18
Bellman time is                        3302
The answer of SPFA is                    2350
The answer of SPFA_List is               2350
The answer of Dijkstra is                2350
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       2350
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           2350
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  2350
The answer of BellmanFord is             2350
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           2350
Dijkstra time is                       17
Dijkstra_priority time is              13
Dijkstra_List time is                  17
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         15
Dijkstra_heap time is                  5
SPFA time is                           25
SPFA_List time is                      50
Bellman time is                        3213
The answer of SPFA is                    2706
The answer of SPFA_List is               2706
The answer of Dijkstra is                2706
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       2706
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           2706
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  2706
The answer of BellmanFord is             2706
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           2706
n = 1000; m = 500000;
Dijkstra time is                       32
Dijkstra_priority time is              20
Dijkstra_List time is                  120
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         155
Dijkstra_heap time is                  65
SPFA time is                           60
SPFA_List time is                      387
Bellman time is                        12755
The answer of SPFA is                    545
The answer of SPFA_List is               545
The answer of Dijkstra is                545
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       545
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           545
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  545
The answer of BellmanFord is             545
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           545
Dijkstra time is                       32
Dijkstra_priority time is              35
Dijkstra_List time is                  100
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         340
Dijkstra_heap time is                  185
SPFA time is                           95
SPFA_List time is                      265
Bellman time is                        12843
The answer of SPFA is                    665
The answer of SPFA_List is               665
The answer of Dijkstra is                665
The answer of Dijkstra_priority is       665
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           665
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  665
The answer of BellmanFord is             665
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           665
n = 3000; m = 10000
Dijkstra_List time is                  100
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         5
Dijkstra_heap time is                  3
SPFA_List time is                      2
The answer of SPFA_List is               124335
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           124335
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  124335
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           124335
n = 3000; m = 100000;
Dijkstra_List time is                  110
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         27
Dijkstra_heap time is                  8
SPFA_List time is                      20
The answer of SPFA_List is               9309
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           9309
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  9309
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           9309
n = 3000; m = 500000;
Dijkstra_List time is                  205
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         140
Dijkstra_heap time is                  125
SPFA_List time is                      468
The answer of SPFA_List is               1880
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           1880
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  1880
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           1880
n = 3000; m = 1000000;
Dijkstra_List time is                  373
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         340
Dijkstra_heap time is                  265
SPFA_List time is                      780
The answer of SPFA_List is               902
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           902
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  902
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           902
n = 10000; m = 100000;
Dijkstra_List time is                  1445
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         43
Dijkstra_heap time is                  22
SPFA_List time is                      50
The answer of SPFA_List is               22591
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           22591
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  22591
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           22591
n = 10000; m = 500000;
Dijkstra_List time is                  1453
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         192
Dijkstra_heap time is                  200
SPFA_List time is                      220
The answer of SPFA_List is               5972
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           5972
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  5972
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           5972
n = 10000; m = 1000000;
Dijkstra_List time is                  1430
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         320
Dijkstra_heap time is                  308
SPFA_List time is                      645
The answer of SPFA_List is               3686
The answer of Dijkstra_List is           3686
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  3686
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           3686
n = 30000; m = 100000;
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         145
Dijkstra_heap time is                  78
SPFA_List time is                      73
The answer of SPFA_List is               91079
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  91079
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           91079
n = 30000; m = 1000000;
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         625
Dijkstra_heap time is                  453
SPFA_List time is                      1057
The answer of SPFA_List is               10881
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  10881
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           10881
n = 30000; m = 3000000;
Dijkstra_List_priority time is         963
Dijkstra_heap time is                  940
SPFA_List time is                      1762
The answer of SPFA_List is               2606
The answer of Dijkstra_List_priority is  2606
The answer of Dijkstra_Heap is           2606

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本文以商业化应用推荐为例,告诉我们不懂推荐算法的产品,也能从产品侧出发, 设计出一款不错的推荐系统。 相信很多新手产品,看到算法二字,多是懵圈的。 什么排序算法、最短路径等都是相对传统的算法(注:传统是指科班出身的产品都会接触过)。但对于推荐算法,多数产品对着网上搜到的资源,都会无从下手。特别当某些推荐算法 和 “AI”扯上关系后,更是加大了理解的难度。 但,不了解推荐算法,就无法做推荐系