本文为MIT博士论文(作者:Daryush Mehta),共49页。
Voice specialists make critical diagnostic,medical, therapeutic, and surgical decisions by coupling visual observations ofvocal fold tissue motion with auditory-perceptual assessments of voice quality.The details of the relationship between vocal fold tissue motion and theacoustic voice signal are not fully understood, and there is recent evidencethat the acoustic impact of visual judgments of vibratory asymmetry may beoverestimated during clinical voice assessment. A series of three descriptivestudies is proposed to systematically describe the co-variations among measuresof vocal fold vibratory asymmetries and visual-perceptual judgments, acousticvoice properties, and auditoryperceptual ratings. First, recent findingsdescribing co-variations between subjective visual judgments and basicobjective measures of vocal fold vibratory asymmetry in subjects with andwithout vocal pathologies will be validated with automated algorithms. Afterreplicating these results, image-based measures will be further refined toconsider additional dimensions in the left-right and anterior-posterior planesof the images. Second, it is proposed to apply the developed objective measuresof asymmetry to voice data from a new subject population with vocal pathologiesthat will be evaluated using a state-of-the-art system for laryngeal high-speedvideoendoscopy. The new system will enable the validation of hypothesizedrelationships between vocal fold vibratory asymmetry measures and objectiveacoustic voice measures at unprecedented temporal resolution. Preliminary workhas revealed mild co-variations between average values of vocal fold vibratoryasymmetry and traditional acoustic perturbation measures, and new acousticcorrelates of vocal fold vibratory asymmetries will be explored using knowledgeof their effects on voice production. Third, an initial study is proposed tocharacterize the influences of vocal fold vibratory asymmetry on the auditoryperception of voice quality. This study more directly addresses the clinicalreality that voices are assessed by relating vocal fold tissue vibratorypatterns to the voice quality of a patient during a standard examination.
- 引言
- 具体目标
- 项目背景与重要性
- 前期工作
- 研究设计与方法
- 基于人类的受试实验
- 参考文献