737. Sentence Similarity II

2024-06-20 05:48
文章标签 ii similarity sentence 737

本文主要是介绍737. Sentence Similarity II,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Given two sentences words1, words2 (each represented as an array of strings), and a list of similar word pairs pairs, determine if two sentences are similar.

For example, words1 = [“great”, “acting”, “skills”] and words2 = [“fine”, “drama”, “talent”] are similar, if the similar word pairs are pairs = [[“great”, “good”], [“fine”, “good”], [“acting”,”drama”], [“skills”,”talent”]].

Note that the similarity relation is transitive. For example, if “great” and “good” are similar, and “fine” and “good” are similar, then “great” and “fine” are similar.

Similarity is also symmetric. For example, “great” and “fine” being similar is the same as “fine” and “great” being similar.

Also, a word is always similar with itself. For example, the sentences words1 = [“great”], words2 = [“great”], pairs = [] are similar, even though there are no specified similar word pairs.

Finally, sentences can only be similar if they have the same number of words. So a sentence like words1 = [“great”] can never be similar to words2 = [“doubleplus”,”good”].



class Solution {
public:bool areSentencesSimilarTwo(vector<string>& words1, vector<string>& words2, vector<pair<string, string>> pairs) {int len = words1.size();if (words2.size() != len) return false;unordered_map<string, vector<string>> hash;unordered_set<string> isVisited;for (auto p : pairs) {hash[p.first].push_back(p.second);hash[p.second].push_back(p.first);}for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {if (words1[i] == words2[i]) continue;isVisited.clear();if (DFS(words1[i], words2[i], hash, isVisited)) continue;return false;}return true;}bool DFS(string s1, string s2, unordered_map<string, vector<string>>& hash, unordered_set<string>& isVisited) {if (isVisited.find(s1) == isVisited.end()) {isVisited.emplace(s1);for (auto s : hash[s1]) {if (s2 == s) return true;if (DFS(s, s2, hash, isVisited)) return true;}return false;}return false;}


class Solution {
public:bool areSentencesSimilarTwo(vector<string>& words1, vector<string>& words2, vector<pair<string, string>> pairs) {int len = words1.size();if (words2.size() != len) return false;unordered_map<string, vector<string>> hash;unordered_set<string> isVisited;for (auto p : pairs) {hash[p.first].push_back(p.second);hash[p.second].push_back(p.first);}for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {if (words1[i] == words2[i]) continue;isVisited.clear();stack<string> st;st.push(words1[i]);isVisited.emplace(words1[i]);bool flag = false;while (!st.empty() && flag == false) {string w1 = st.top();st.pop();for (auto s : hash[w1]) {if (isVisited.find(s) == isVisited.end()) {if (s == words2[i]) {flag = true; break;}isVisited.emplace(s);st.push(s);}}}if (flag == false) return false;}return true;}

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