ACOS GOSAT/TANSO-FTS Level 2 bias-corrected XCO2 and other select fields from the full-physics retrieval aggregated as daily files V7.3 (ACOS_L2_Lite_FP) at GES DISC 简介 ACOS Lite 文件包含经过偏差校正的 XCO2 以及
art aot This has been a bit slow coming, but I am now sticking to my promise to write a Behind the paper post for each of my published academic papers. This is about: 来的有点慢,但是我现在仍然信守诺言,为我发表的每篇学术论文写一
在Lotusscript中如何实现两个时间变量相减,我们可以使用TimeDifference函数: 首先两个时间变量的格式必须相同: Dim strDate As NotesDateTime Dim endDate As NotesDateTime Set strDate = New NotesDateTime(Format("01/09/2011","dd/mm/yyyy")