一提到视觉算法的步骤,不得不提《A Taxonomy and Evaluation of Dense Two-Frame Stereo Correspondence Algorithms》这篇文章。 因为目前大多数提到这个步骤,都是引用了这边文章,因为是这篇文章首次提出了立体视觉的四个步骤。而且《Stereo Vision:Algorithms and Applications》也是按照这四个步
Abstract Many “big data” applications must act on data in real time. Running these applications at ever-larger scales re- quires parallel platforms that automatically handle faults and stragglers. Un
最近在研究数据中心的数据管理和性能优化,看了一篇2010的论文Nectar:Automatic Management of Data and Computation in Datacenters,还是有一定的启发的,简要介绍给大家。详细的建议大家download论文下来看下。 Nectar核心思路有两个: 1、大部分数据计算存储之后是无效的,根据论文中研究统计结果,有50%的文件在过去的250天
修改网络时 pytroch报错: RuntimeError: one of the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by an inplace operation: [torch.cuda.FloatTensor [1600, 16, 256]], which is output 0 of CudnnConv