Design and Analysis of Distributed Algorithms

2024-04-18 23:58

本文主要是介绍Design and Analysis of Distributed Algorithms,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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Design And Analyze algorithms for distributed computing environments

Design and Analysis of Distributed Algorithms focuses on developing problem-solving skills and fully exploiting design tools and techniques. Moreover, the author helps readers develop the analytical tools and skills needed to evaluate the costs of complex designs and protocols.

This text is based on a simple and fully reactive computational model that allows for intuitive comprehension and logical designs. The principles and techniques that users learn can be applied to any distributed computing environment (e.g., distributed systems, communication networks, data networks, grid networks, internet, etc.). Based on a method developed and refined during the author's twenty years of teaching experience, the text provides a wealth of unique material and learning aids that enable the reader to learn how to design algorithms and protocols to solve problems and perform tasks efficiently in a distributed computing environment. Features include:

*Emphasis on developing problem-solving skills and fully leveraging design tools and techniques with a straightforward, easy-to-follow writing style
*Chapter on distributed data and structures, an important area not covered in comparable texts
*Detailed coverage of synchronous computations, a necessary element for "energy aware" computing Theoretical and experimental exercises in each chapter that allow readers to apply their newfound skills
*All algorithms and protocols presented in the text, as well as those in the exercises, are easily and immediately programmable. References at the end of each chapter lead readers to additional materials for further study.

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