Algorithms and Protocols for Wireless, Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

2024-04-18 17:18

本文主要是介绍Algorithms and Protocols for Wireless, Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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Learn the fundamental algorithms and protocols for wireless and mobile ad hoc networks

Advances in wireless networking and mobile communication technologies, coupled with the proliferation of portable computers, have led to development efforts for wireless and mobile ad hoc networks. This book focuses on several aspects of wireless ad hoc networks, particularly algorithmic methods and distributed computing with mobility and computation capabilities. It covers everything readers need to build a foundation for the design of future mobile ad hoc networks:

*Establishing an efficient communication infrastructure
*Robustness control for network-wide broadcast
*The taxonomy of routing algorithms
*Adaptive backbone multicast routing
*The effect of inference on routing
*Routing protocols in intermittently connected mobile ad hoc networks and delay tolerant networks
*Transport layer protocols
*ACK-thinning techniques for TCP in MANETs
*Power control protocols
*Power saving in solar powered WLAN mesh networks
*Reputation and trust-based systems
*Vehicular ad hoc networks
*Cluster interconnection in 802.15.4 beacon enabled networks

The book is complemented with a set of exercises that challenge readers to test their understanding of the material. Algorithms and Protocols for Wireless and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks is appropriate as a self-study guide for electrical engineers, computer engineers, network engineers, and computer science specialists. It also serves as a valuable supplemental textbook in computer science, electrical engineering, and network engineering courses at the advanced undergraduate and graduate levels.

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Study Plan For Algorithms - Part24

1. 包含min函数的栈 定义栈的数据结构,要求在该类型中实现一个 min 函数,能够获取栈的最小元素。在该栈中,调用 min、push 以及 pop 函数的时间复杂度均为 O (1)。 方法: class MinStack:def __init__(self):self.stack = []self.min_stack = [float('inf')]def push(self, x):sel


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