O2O:Sample Efficient Offline-to-Online Reinforcement Learning

2024-03-08 23:36

本文主要是介绍O2O:Sample Efficient Offline-to-Online Reinforcement Learning,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!






optimistic exploration strategy

离线学习方法TD3+BC的行为策略 π e ( s ) \pi_e(s) πe(s)是由目标策略 π ϕ ( s ) \pi_\phi(s) πϕ(s)加上一个正态分布中采样的噪声。文章指出,目标策略被优化靠近离线数据集的保守策略,为了提高目标策略的探索能力,本文提出基于价值不确定性度量的方法:
π e = arg ⁡ max ⁡ π Q ^ U B ( s , π ( s ) ) , s . t . 1 2 ∥ π ϕ ( s ) − π ( s ) ∥ ≤ δ , \begin{aligned}\pi_{e}&=\arg\max_{\pi}\hat{Q}_{\mathrm{UB}}(s,\pi(s)),\\s.t.&\frac{1}{2}\|\pi_{\phi}(s)-\pi(s)\|\le\delta,\end{aligned} πes.t.=argπmaxQ^UB(s,π(s)),21πϕ(s)π(s)δ,
其中 Q ^ U B ( s , π ( s ) ) \hat{Q}_{\mathrm{UB}}(s,\pi(s)) Q^UB(s,π(s))为Q值的近似上界, 用来衡量认知不确定性。上述问题在保证策略约束的同时选择高不确信的动作。

σ Q ( s , a ) = ∑ i = 1 , 2 1 2 ( Q θ i ( s , a ) − μ Q ( s , a ) ) 2 = 1 2 ∣ Q θ 1 ( s , a ) − Q θ 2 ( s , a ) ∣ . \begin{gathered} \sigma_{Q}(s,a) =\sqrt{\sum_{i=1,2}\frac12(Q_{\theta_{i}}(s,a)-\mu_{Q}(s,a))^{2}} \\ =\frac12\Big|Q_{\theta_1}(s,a)-Q_{\theta_2}(s,a)\Big|. \end{gathered} σQ(s,a)=i=1,221(Qθi(s,a)μQ(s,a))2 =21 Qθ1(s,a)Qθ2(s,a) .
那么 Q ^ U B = μ Q ( s , a ) + β UB σ Q ( s , a ) \hat{Q}_{\mathrm{UB}} =\mu_Q(s,a)+\beta_\text{UB}\sigma_Q(s,a) Q^UB=μQ(s,a)+βUBσQ(s,a) β \beta β控制乐观程度,当取值-1时上式等价于:
Q ^ U B ( s , a ) ∣ β U B = − 1 = μ Q ( s , a ) − σ Q ( s , a ) = 1 2 ( Q θ 1 ( s , a ) + Q θ 2 ( s , a ) ) − 1 2 ∣ Q θ 1 ( s , a ) − Q θ 2 ( s , a ) ∣ = min ⁡ ( Q θ 1 ( s , a ) , Q θ 2 ( s , a ) ) , (9) \begin{aligned} &\hat{Q}_{\mathrm{UB}}(s,a)\Big|_{\beta_{\mathrm{UB}}=-1}=\mu_{Q}(s,a)-\sigma_{Q}(s,a) \\ &\begin{aligned}&=\frac{1}{2}(Q_{\theta_1}(s,a)+Q_{\theta_2}(s,a))-\frac{1}{2}|Q_{\theta_1}(s,a)-Q_{\theta_2}(s,a)|\end{aligned} \\ &=\min(Q_{\theta_{1}}(s,a),Q_{\theta_{2}}(s,a)),& \text{(9)} \end{aligned} Q^UB(s,a) βUB=1=μQ(s,a)σQ(s,a)=21(Qθ1(s,a)+Qθ2(s,a))21Qθ1(s,a)Qθ2(s,a)=min(Qθ1(s,a),Qθ2(s,a)),(9)
而当 β = 1 \beta=1 β=1时等价于 Q ^ U B ( s , a ) ∣ β U B = 1 = max ⁡ ( Q θ 1 ( s , a ) , Q θ 2 ( s , a ) ) , \left.\hat{Q}_\mathrm{UB}(s,a)\right|_{\beta_\mathrm{UB}=1}=\max(Q_{\theta_1}(s,a),Q_{\theta_2}(s,a)), Q^UB(s,a) βUB=1=max(Qθ1(s,a),Qθ2(s,a)),

π e naive ( s ) = arg ⁡ max ⁡ π Q ^ UB ( s , π ( s ) ) − λ ∥ π ϕ ( s ) − π ( s ) ∥ \pi_e^\text{naive}{ ( s ) }=\arg\max_{\pi}\hat{Q}_\text{UB}{ ( s , \pi ( s ) ) }-\lambda\|\pi_\phi(s)-\pi(s)\| πenaive(s)=argπmaxQ^UB(s,π(s))λπϕ(s)π(s)

为了解决该问题,提出在TD3的行为策略上增加一项扰动模型 ξ \xi ξ。行为策略改为
π e ( s ) = π ϕ ( s ) + ξ ω ( s , π ϕ ( s ) ) + ϵ \pi_e(s)=\pi_\phi(s)+\xi_\omega(s,\pi_\phi(s))+\epsilon πe(s)=πϕ(s)+ξω(s,πϕ(s))+ϵ
L ( ω ) = − E s ∼ B [ Q ^ U B ( s , π e ( s ) ) ] \mathcal{L}(\omega)=-\mathbb{E}_{s\sim\mathcal{B}}\left[\hat{Q}_{\mathrm{UB}}(s,\pi_e(s))\right] L(ω)=EsB[Q^UB(s,πe(s))]

Meta Adaptation for Distribution Shift Reduction

接着,为了解决在线微调存在的分布偏移问题,采用元学习的方法。具体的,保留两个buffer,Buffer B B B存储离线以及在线所有数据, B r B_r Br存储最新在线数据。

meta training

L t r n ( ϕ ) = − E s ∼ B [ Q θ 1 ( s , π ϕ ( s ) ) ] \mathcal{L}_{trn}(\phi)=-\mathbb{E}_{s\sim\mathcal{B}}\left[Q_{\theta_1}\left(s,\pi_\phi(s)\right)\right] Ltrn(ϕ)=EsB[Qθ1(s,πϕ(s))]
然后基于SGD的一次梯度下降得到: ϕ ′ = ϕ − α ∇ ϕ L t r n ( ϕ ) \phi^{\prime}=\phi-\alpha\nabla_{\phi}\mathcal{L}_{trn}(\phi) ϕ=ϕαϕLtrn(ϕ)

meta test

L t s t ( ϕ ′ ) = − E s ∼ B r [ Q θ 1 ( s , π ϕ ′ ( s ) ) ] \mathcal{L}_{tst}(\phi')=-\mathbb{E}_{s\sim\mathcal{B}_r}[Q_{\theta_1}(s,\pi_{\phi'}(s))] Ltst(ϕ)=EsBr[Qθ1(s,πϕ(s))]

meta optimization

ϕ = arg ⁡ min ⁡ ϕ L t r n ( ϕ ) + β L t s t ( ϕ − α ∇ ϕ L t r n ( ϕ ) ) \phi=\arg\min_\phi\mathcal{L}_{trn}(\phi)+\beta\mathcal{L}_{tst}(\phi-\alpha\nabla_\phi\mathcal{L}_{trn}(\phi)) ϕ=argϕminLtrn(ϕ)+βLtst(ϕαϕLtrn(ϕ))


  1. 原文中在meta optimization中对 ϕ \phi ϕ梯度更新是否修正为:
    ϕ ← ϕ − α ∂ ( L t r n ( ϕ ) + β L t s t ( ϕ − α ∇ ϕ L t r n ( ϕ ) ) ) ∂ ϕ \phi\leftarrow\phi-\alpha\frac{\partial\left(\mathcal{L}_{trn}\left(\phi\right) +\beta\mathcal{L}_{tst}\left(\phi-\alpha\nabla_{\phi}\mathcal{L}_{trn}\left(\phi\right)\right)\right)}{\partial\phi} ϕϕαϕ(Ltrn(ϕ)+βLtst(ϕαϕLtrn(ϕ)))
  2. 基于这个偏导出现的第二个问题。这是源码中元学习的训练过程
# Compute actor losseactor_loss = -self.critic.Q1(state, self.actor(state)).mean()""" Meta Training"""self.actor_optimizer.zero_grad()actor_loss.backward(retain_graph=True)self.hotplug.update(3e-4)"""Meta Testing"""self.beta = max(0.0, self.beta - self.anneal_step)meta_actor_loss = -self.critic.Q1(meta_state, self.actor(meta_state)).mean()weight = self.beta * actor_loss.detach() / meta_actor_loss.detach()meta_actor_loss_norm = weight * meta_actor_lossmeta_actor_loss_norm.backward(create_graph=True)"""Meta Optimization"""self.actor_optimizer.step()self.hotplug.restore()

其中,meta-testing中计算weight以及meta_actor_loss_norm不太明白。按照本人的理解,原文计算 L t s t L_{tst} Ltst ϕ \phi ϕ求偏导:
β ∂ L t s t ( ϕ − α ∇ ϕ L t r n ( ϕ ) ) ∂ ϕ = β ∂ L t s t ( ϕ − α ∇ ϕ L t r n ( ϕ ) ) ∂ ϕ ′ ∂ ϕ ′ ∂ ϕ \frac{\beta{\color{red}\partial}\mathcal{L}_{tst}\left(\phi-\alpha\nabla_{\phi}\mathcal{L}_{trn}\left(\phi\right)\right)}{\partial\phi}=\beta\frac{{\color{red}\partial}\mathcal{L}_{tst}\left(\phi-\alpha\nabla_{\phi}\mathcal{L}_{trn}\left(\phi\right)\right)}{\partial\phi'}\frac{\partial\phi'}{\partial\phi} ϕβLtst(ϕαϕLtrn(ϕ))=βϕLtst(ϕαϕLtrn(ϕ))ϕϕ
中间的偏导自然是由meta-test小节的损失函数所得到的meta_actor_loss。而 β ∂ ϕ ′ ∂ ϕ = β ∂ L t s t ∂ ϕ / ∂ L t s t ∂ ϕ ′ = β ∂ L t r n ∂ ϕ / ∂ L t r n ∂ ϕ ′ \beta\frac{\partial\phi'}{\partial\phi}=\beta\frac{\partial L_{tst}}{\partial\phi}/\frac{\partial L_{tst}}{\partial\phi'}=\beta\frac{\partial L_{trn}}{\partial\phi}/\frac{\partial L_{trn}}{\partial\phi'} βϕϕ=βϕLtst/ϕLtst=βϕLtrn/ϕLtrn就是那个weight。


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