


The scenario: you are an independent freelance developer with the good fortune to live in Waikiki, Hawaii. Site design is your primary source of income: as such, you’re particularly open to learning new ways to create web pages faster, speeding the delivery of each new commission.

场景:您是一名独立的自由开发人员,有幸住在夏威夷的威基基。 网站设计是您的主要收入来源:因此,您特别愿意学习新的方法来更快地创建网页,从而加快每笔新佣金的交付。

Your personal network has provided contact information for Kai Keanu, the owner of Kanaka Fashion, a boutique that has been in successful operation on Kalakaua Avenue for a year. When you enter the store, you find it busy with customers trying on high-end clothing decorated with strong native patterns. As Kai explains, these are not your standard knock-off Hawaiian shirt: he takes great pride in using native materials, designers and tailors to create every one of the garments.

您的个人网络已为Kanaka Fashion的所有者Kai Keanu提供了联系信息,Kanaka Fashion是在Kalakaua大街上成功运营了一年的精品店。 当您进入商店时,您会发现它正忙于顾客尝试使用装饰有强烈本机图案的高端服装。 正如Kai所解释的那样,这不是您的标准仿制夏威夷衬衫:他以使用本地材料,设计师和裁缝制作每件服装而感到自豪。

Kanaka Fashion does not yet have a web presence: to date, Kai has relied on pedestrian traffic from the boutique district and traditional advertising to drive sales. He wishes to change that, with your help.

Kanaka Fashion尚无网点:到目前为止,Kai依靠精品区的行人流量和传统广告来推动销售。 他希望在您的帮助下改变这一状况。

This is the second article in a twenty-part series. If you’d like, you can read the series from the beginning.

这是二十部分系列文章的第二篇。 如果愿意,您可以从头开始阅读该系列 。

Photograph of a Hawaiian dressKai ushers you into the back office, a small space festooned with fabric samples, button designs, and invoices. There is a traditional wooden longboard on the wall behind the desk, with a recent trace of white Waikiki beach sand on the tail. Kai’s office computer has a screensaver of native Hawaiian flowers; when the Apple laptop is jostled, you see that Safari is open.

The business owner quickly outlines his expectations: he needs a website that will attract the attention of potential customers, providing the store’s location, hours of operation and a preview of the garments and services. Kai stresses that he is not a designer, but an entrepreneur: like many people, he knows what he likes, but finds his tastes difficult to express in words.

企业主Swift概述了他的期望:他需要一个吸引潜在客户注意力的网站,提供商店的位置,营业时间以及服装和服务的预览。 Kai强调自己不是设计师,而是企业家:像许多人一样,他知道自己喜欢什么,但是发现他的品味很难用语言表达。

With a hard head for business, he immediately asks for the price, number of pages and delivery date for the site. Rather than answering, you seek a few more details:

他坚决地开展业务,他立即询问该网站的价格,页数和交货日期。 除了寻找答案以外,您还需要其他一些细节:

Does the site need to accept customer orders? 该站点需要接受客户订单吗?
Not immediately: we couldn’t handle the volume, but it may be an option in the future.
Should the site be mobile friendly? 该网站应该适合移动设备吗?
Definitely. We’ve had a few customers come in saying that they couldn’t find us on their phones. (You’re also both aware of the free WiFi signal that covers most of Waikiki beach and the boutique district.)
绝对是 我们有几个客户说他们在手机上找不到我们。 (您也都知道覆盖大部分威基基海滩和精品区的免费WiFi信号。)
How would you describe your average customer? 您如何形容普通客户?
High-end haole: tourists with money to spend, who want quality fashion that’s not bought in a stall off the beach. They tend to be green-conscious.
高端购物:有钱花的游客,他们想要高质量的时尚,而不是在海边的摊位上买到的。 他们倾向于绿色意识。
Does Kai expect to be able to change the site after delivery? Kai期望交付后能够更改站点吗?
Yes,  I’ll want to be able to add new items as they come into stock.
Is there a logo? A style guide for the store? 有徽标吗? 商店的风格指南?
We have a logo, sure. Not sure where the original file is. No style guide. We’ve been kind of feeling our way to work out what advertising works best.
当然,我们有徽标。 不知道原始文件在哪里。 没有样式指南。 我们一直在感觉自己的方式来确定哪种广告效果最好。
What about photographs? Body copy? Video? 那照片呢? 身体副本? 视频?
There are professional photographs you can use of the garments and fabric – we own the rights to those. We have some advertising copy, but I’m not sure that would be appropriate for the site. I don’t see video as being necessary.
您可以使用服装和布料的专业照片-我们拥有这些照片的权利。 我们有一些广告文案,但我不确定是否适合该网站。 我认为视频不是必需的。

After a little more discussion, you settle on a website that will consist of at least five pages: a general introduction and information page, a page each on men’s and women’s fashions, a detail on the development and manufacturing process of the garments, and a contact page. There is a general understanding that there will be no more than a few hundred words of body copy on each page.

经过进一步的讨论,您将访问一个至少由五页组成的网站:一个概述和信息页,一个关于男女时装的页,一个关于服装开发和制造过程的详细信息,以及一个联系页面。 人们普遍认为,每页正文的正文副本不得超过几百个字。

The phone on Kai’s desk starts ringing; you agree to cut this meeting short and catch up again in two days, when you’ll have a contract and a time estimate for the site.

Kai桌上的电话开始响起; 您同意缩短本次会议的时间,并在两天内再次赶上您,届时您将获得该站点的合同和时间估算 。

From this brief meeting, you’ve been able to deduce a few things:


Heading home, you start to sketch out a few ideas for the look and feel of the site, based on your initial impressions, but not holding to any one particular thought. You know your initial concepts could change entirely based the content that must be part of each page, which will be explored in more detail during the next meeting.

回到家后,您会根据最初的印象开始为网站的外观和风格勾勒出一些想法,但并不拘泥于任何一种特定的想法。 您知道您的初始概念可能会完全基于每个页面中必须包含的内容而发生更改,我们将在下一次会议中对其进行更详细的介绍。






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