
2024-02-17 22:50




Lin Haoran’s Manifold Odyssey and Adventures in Differential Geometry


In another realm of the mathematical kingdom, our protagonist Lin Haoran is an avid explorer keen on discovering the unknown. This time, he will lead us through the mysterious “Manifold World,” weaving a humorous tale that combines topology, calculus, and geometry on this enchanting stage.


Returning from his adventures in point-set topology, Lin Haoran discovers that while the concept of limits has taken root in various corners, mathematicians are not satisfied. They aspire to wield the wand of differentiation in this infinite universe. Thus, Lin Haoran picks up the magical wand of “modern differential geometry” and embarks on a brand-new journey.


Upon encountering manifolds, Lin Haoran is awe-struck. These are not merely topological spaces but are equipped with a precise differential structure—like sewing latitude and longitude lines onto an abstract fabric. This allows detailed measurements and calculations in what initially appears to be an ordinary space. Curvature? Those are mischievous elves dancing in the traditional two or three dimensions, adorned in even more splendid attire in the broader world.


Facing the differential definition on manifolds, Lin Haoran jokingly remarks that he feels like he has three heads and six arms, for he has witnessed three different equivalently explanatory perspectives. Sometimes, this diversity makes the problem seem like a tangled mess, but more often, it acts like three keys unlocking a secret room, providing unexpected inspiration for problem-solving.

在流形这个大家庭里,林浩然结交了许多奇特的朋友,如切向空间(Tangent space)这位瞬息万变的魔术师,余切空间(Cotangent space)那位内敛而深邃的诗人,还有推前映射(Push forward)和拉回映射(Pull back)这对默契十足的相声搭档,以及纤维丛(Fibre bundle)这个构造精巧的微观宇宙模型。当然,还有流动(Flow)、浸入(Immersion)和子射影(Submersion)这些各具神通的角色。

In this manifold family, Lin Haoran befriends many unique characters—like the ever-changing magician Tangent Space, the reserved and profound poet Cotangent Space, the witty duo of Push Forward and Pull Back mappings, and the intricately constructed microcosm Fiber Bundle. Of course, there are characters like Flow, Immersion, and Submersion with their own magical abilities.


Just as the trendy wave of machine learning surges into the manifold domain, Lin Haoran can’t help but chuckle to himself: “Hey, youngsters, don’t think that simply donning the attire of manifolds will grant you the comprehension of its mysteries! However, if you want to play with a few basic manifold algorithms, you don’t need an overly profound background in differential geometry.”


Yet, in Lin Haoran’s heart, the true treasure of differential geometry lies in the union of Lie groups and Lie algebras. These two major families, one a charming prince of analysis, the other a cold and elegant princess of algebra, their union is like the mathematical version of Romeo and Juliet. It not only gives birth to countless beautiful theorems but also propels the evolution of the entire mathematical universe. As for the brothers of Functional Analysis and Harmonic Analysis, born of the same father but different mothers, they also join forces in their respective fields, composing a harmonious and profound melody.


In this manner, Lin Haoran navigates the ocean of manifolds, revealing the rich connotations and extensive applications of differential geometry with a witty and humorous attitude. His story tells us that whether classical or modern, mathematics always captivates with its unique charm, attracting anyone daring to explore the unknown and challenge the boundaries of wisdom.



Shiing-Shen Chern and His “Dimensional Magic”: A “Harry Potter”-esque Revolution in the World of Geometry


In the era when mathematical wizards were still weaving magical geometric patterns in the Hogwarts Academy of two-dimensional surfaces using Gauss-Bonnet spells, there emerged a great sorcerer named Shiing-Shen Chern. Armed with the wand of wisdom, he cast a spell that transcended dimensional barriers.


In 1945, the “Hogwarts Annual Showcase” in the realm of geometry unfolded, and Professor Chern waved his theoretical quill, inscribing his masterpiece on the mystical parchment — “Characteristic Classes of Hermitian Manifolds.” This was no ordinary academic paper; it was a tangible “advanced magic manual.” In this manual, Master Chern successfully upgraded the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, originally confined to two-dimensional space, into a multi-dimensional “super-transformation spell.” This allowed the geometric elves, who originally leaped only in the flat world, to freely soar in spaces of any dimension.


What truly astonished the audience was that Chern, from scratch, created two entirely new magical concepts: “Chern class” and “Chern number.” You can imagine these concepts as precious as the golden snitch and the invisibility cloak in the wizarding world. They revealed the hidden structures behind complex high-dimensional manifolds, causing geometric scholars worldwide to be as excited as young wizards catching the golden snitch.


When the giant in the international mathematical community, Professor André Weil, read this paper, the enthusiasm he showed was comparable to Dumbledore’s admiration for Harry Potter. Professor Weil not only gave high praise but also transformed into the magical world’s owl post, spreading Chern’s research achievements rapidly to every corner of the globe’s mathematical research institutes. It was like distributing magical candies to young mathematicians overnight, turning them into little geniuses mastering the new magic.


In this way, Shiing-Shen Chern, with this groundbreaking research, ushered in a new era in the field of global differential geometry. Similar to how Harry Potter led the rise of a new generation of young wizards, Chern sparked a profound transformation in the mathematical world. Since then, countless geometry enthusiasts have dedicated themselves to practicing the techniques of “Chern class” and “Chern number.” With curiosity and an exploratory spirit, they continue to paint their own geometric canvases in the endless universe of dimensions.




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