
2024-02-04 01:48



排第三的是韩国人后裔让人印象深刻: 六个月就开始说话了



out right, they can often puzzle out fairly easily. Like with most gifts, having a high IQ can be used for good or ill. Here is a list of the 10 Most Intelligent People in the World based on IQ.
10. James Woods – IQ: 180

The three-time Emmy winner and Oscar nominee was taking linear algebra classes at UCLA before he finished high school. He was offered full scholarships to Tufts and Johns Hopkins University for both undergraduate and graduate study, but chose to attend MIT. He ultimately left the school to pursue an acting career. You probably recognize him for his work in such projects as “Nixon”, “Ghosts of Mississippi”, “My Name is Bill W”, “Shark”, and “Ray Donavan”.

9. Marilyn vos Savant – IQ: 190

Ever wonder why the author of “Ask Marilyn” seems able to answer almost anything? It’s because she’s smarter than just about everyone. Readers of Parade Magazine have been sending her puzzles and riddles for decades, and she is rarely stumped. The Guinness Book of World Records used to include highest IQs with each publication. They stopped doing so in 1990. She was the last person to be recognized by the Guinness board.
8. Kenneth Ferrell – IQ: 190

An IQ test “hobbyist”, Dr. Ferrell often takes IQ tests for fun. Based in North Carolina, he belongs to a number of IQ societies, including GenerIQ and the Epimethius Society. He also writes IQ tests. Some of his more well-known tests include the “12354″ and “QUINTIQ”.
7. Garry Kasparov – IQ: 190

Garry Kasparov is most widely recognized for becoming the youngest chess world champion ever, at age 22. The Russian grandmaster held the title of World Champion longer than anyone, though not without some controversy. He launched his own chess association, the Professional Chess Association in the mid-90s.
6. Mislav Predavec – IQ: 192

Mislav Predavec is a deceptively boyish-looking Croatian math professor. He is also the founder and President of GenerIQ Society, one of the most elite IQ societies on the planet. In addition to teaching in Zagreb, he also runs his own trade company, and is a fan of classic rock and “Mafia Wars”.
5. Rick Rosner – IQ: 192

This former stripper, nude model, bouncer, and roller-skating waiter, is one of the smartest people on Earth. He is most widely recognized for his appearances on “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”. When he is not wowing television audiences with his smarts, he is taking IQ tests. He has turned taking the tests into a full-time job, and is on a mission to increase his score.
4. Dr. Evangelus Katsioulis – IQ: 198

A psychiatrist and medical doctor, Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis actually earned advanced degrees in multiple subject areas – philosophy, medical research technology, and psychopharmacology. He went on to found the World Intelligence Network (WIN), and AAAA.GR, a Greek society for identifying highly-intelligent Greek citizens. He has also written several screenplays and academic papers.
3. Kim Ung Yong – IQ: 210

If you start speaking at 6 months, there’s a fair chance that you are going to grow into someone very intelligent. Kim Ung Yong is notable for his seemingly boundless abilities with mathematics and languages. Not content to stop with his astonishing ability to talk at 6 months, he was reading and communicating in Korean, Japanese, German and English, as well as solving complex calculus problems, by age three. A true child prodigy who was invited to study with N.A.S.A. scientists when he was eight, he has not slowed down as an adult. He began working for N.A.S.A. when he was in his teens, and has published multiple books and findings, including 90 papers on hydraulics alone.
2. Christopher Hirata – IQ: 225

The International Physics Olympiad is part of the prestigious International Science Olympiad. The competition, which consists of a five hour test made up of three questions, is held annually for high school students around the world. Christopher Hirata won a Gold Medal at the Physics Olympiad… when he was 13. He then went on to enroll at CalTech… at age 14. He earned his Ph.D. from Princeton when he was 22. He is now part of the team of scientists at N.A.S.A. who are developing a way to colonize Mars.
1. Terence Tao – IQ: 230

Terence Tao began “playing” with math when he was a toddler. By the time he was two, he had graduated to solving complex problems. He was completing college level math courses by age nine, and earned a Gold Medal at the International Math Olympiad when he was 13. He followed all that up, by earning a Ph.D. from Princeton when he was twenty. He became a Professor at UCLA just four years later, and became the Chair of the Mathematics Department in 2006. He has published over 200 research papers on such topics as additive combinatorics, ergodic Ramsey theory, analytic number theory, random matrix theory, partial differential equations, and harmonic analysis.

- See more at: http://akpraise.com/2014/02/05/10-most-intelligent-people-in-the-world-photos/#sthash.z88bU0CQ.dpuf





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2024.06.23【读书笔记】丨生物信息学与功能基因组学(第十七章 人类基因组 第四部分)【AI测试版】

第四部分:人类基因组的伦理、法律和社会问题(ELSI) 摘要: 本部分探讨了人类基因组计划所引发的伦理、法律和社会问题(ELSI),这些问题涉及基因信息的所有权、隐私权、基因歧视以及基因技术在社会中的运用等方面。 学习目标: 理解人类基因组计划实施过程中所引发的ELSI问题。掌握基因信息的伦理学考量,包括隐私保护和数据共享。学习基因技术在医疗、法律和社会层面的应用及其带来的挑战。 正文


思维方式要是不对,再多的努力也是徒劳。比努力更重要的是思维 好思路,千万条,本书以有趣的形式,分享了50种思维方式。这些好材料,不一定能包你当场见效,但有一点可以肯定,这些经典的思维方式,总有一朝,会让你饱尝甜头。 本文作者将50种思维方法分成了三大类:最经典的思维、最有效的思维以及最实用的思维等,具体内容如下: 最经典的思维 最有效的思维 最实用的思维


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足球的世界,就像人生一样,包罗万象,千人千面。有人天生就是王者,有人怎么努力也碌碌无为,而有的人,平时看似没有那么闪耀,却注定为大场面而生。 比如瑞士国脚沙奇里。在对阵苏格兰的欧洲杯小组赛中,开局球队0-1落后,瑞士队很快发起反击但队友的传球力度不够,皮球将将传到了苏格兰后卫的身后就停止了滚动,接球球员如果按照常理趟球,很容易就会被另一个协防的后卫逼住,而错失良机。 说时迟那时快,一道白光

2024.06.22【读书笔记】丨生物信息学与功能基因组学(第十七章 人类基因组 第二部分)【AI测试版】

第二部分:人类基因组的主要结论与网络资源 摘要: 第二部分深入总结了人类基因组计划的关键发现,并介绍了用于探索人类基因组的网络资源。这些结论不仅为我们理解人类生物学提供了新的视角,而且揭示了人类基因组的复杂性和动态性。 学习目标: 掌握人类基因组计划的主要科学结论。熟悉人类基因组中基因的数量和复杂性。了解人类基因组中非编码区域的功能和重要性。学习如何利用网络资源进行人类基因组数据的检索和分