oculus vr开发_如何从PC或Mac将VR视频或电影流式传输到Oculus Go

2024-01-15 21:59

本文主要是介绍oculus vr开发_如何从PC或Mac将VR视频或电影流式传输到Oculus Go,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

oculus vr开发

oculus vr开发

The Oculus Go is a great VR headset, but it doesn’t have a lot of storage. All your videos and movies are on your PC, so rather than copy them to your Oculus, why not just stream them? Here’s how to do that.

Oculus Go是一款出色的VR耳机 ,但没有太多的存储空间。 您所有的视频和电影都在您的PC上,因此,与其将它们复制到Oculus中 ,还不如直接将它们流化? 这是这样做的方法。

Watching a movie in a VR headset is a very cool experience—you can basically watch a movie in a huge virtual theater that makes it feel like you are really there. But that’s just the start, because you can get 3D movies that display in VR, and you can also get full VR videos that let you look all around and really feel like you’re there.

使用VR头戴式耳机观看电影是一种非常酷的体验-您基本上可以在大型虚拟影院中观看电影,感觉就像您真的在那儿一样。 但这仅仅是个开始,因为您可以获取在VR中显示的3D电影,还可以获取完整的VR视频,让您环顾四周,感觉就像在那儿。

您是否有Plex服务器? 只需使用Plex客户端 (Do You Have a Plex Server? Just Use the Plex Client)

If you’re a serious media-watching type person, you probably have a Plex server all running and organized. If so, you can simply grab the Plex client from the Oculus Store. Open it up, connect to your Plex server, and you’re ready to go. It’s definitely our preferred solution overall for organizing your movies and watching them anywhere.

如果您是认真的媒体观看型人员,则可能拥有一台Plex服务器,它们都在运行和组织 。 如果是这样,您可以简单地从Oculus Store获取Plex客户端 。 打开它,连接到Plex服务器,就可以开始使用了。 在组织电影和在任何地方观看电影时,这绝对是我们整体上首选的解决方案 。

没有Plex服务器,还是想观看不在Plex中的视频? 使用Skybox VR Player (No Plex Server, or Want to Watch Videos Not in Plex? Use Skybox VR Player)

Maybe you don’t want to put your more embarrassing stuff—like all of your linux fan club videos—onto your Plex server. Or maybe you don’t want to set up something as full-featured as Plex, and just want to quickly watch some videos to see what they are all about. It’s a heck of a lot easier to download stuff on your PC and stream them to your Oculus Go, rather than trying to clean up deleted files on the headset itself. Plus, it’s not like there’s a ton of space on your Oculus Go.

也许您不想将更令人尴尬的内容(如所有Linux粉丝俱乐部视频)放到Plex服务器上。 或者,也许您不想设置功能与Plex一样的功能,而只想快速观看一些视频以了解它们的全部内容。 在PC上下载内容并将其流式传输到Oculus Go上要容易得多,而不是尝试清除耳机本身上已删除的文件 。 另外,这并不是说Oculus Go上有很多空间。

If you’ve got a bunch of videos that you downloaded to your PC and you just want to stream them over to the Oculus Go headset, the easiest solution is Skybox VR Player. This works by running a small server piece on your actual PC or Mac. You add the videos to it, and then you can access them using the viewer piece on the actual headset.

如果您有大量视频下载到PC上,并且只想将它们流式传输到Oculus Go耳机,那么最简单的解决方案是Skybox VR Player 。 这可以通过在实际的PC或Mac上运行一个小型服务器来实现。 您将视频添加到其中,然后可以使用实际耳机上的查看器片段来访问它们。

This works for any type of video, whether it’s a full VR video experience, a 3D movie, or even just a regular 2D movie that you want to watch in a virtual theater. Keep reading for how to set it up, but it’s really easy.

它适用于任何类型的视频,无论是要在虚拟影院中观看的完整VR视频体验,3D电影,还是只是普通2D电影。 继续阅读如何设置它,但这确实很容易。

使用Skybox服务器设置PC或Mac (Setup Your PC or Mac with the Skybox Server)

Setting up the Skybox server on your PC or Mac is incredibly easy—just download and install the server application. After it’s installed, fire it up, and click the “Open” button. You can add movie files individually, or you can add an entire folder full of movies at once. Skybox even searches subfolders, as well.

在PC或Mac上设置Skybox服务器非常简单,只需下载并安装服务器应用程序即可 。 安装后,将其启动,然后单击“打开”按钮。 您可以单独添加电影文件,也可以一次添加包含电影的整个文件夹。 Skybox甚至还搜索子文件夹。

When the movies are all added, they should show up neatly in the list using the file names as the name of the video. You’ll probably need to wait a few minutes for it to generate thumbnails for everything, but when those are finished, you’re done.

全部添加完电影后,应使用文件名作为视频名称将它们整洁地显示在列表中。 您可能需要等待几分钟才能生成所有内容的缩略图,但是完成后就可以完成。

在耳机上安装Skybox VR客户端 (Install the Skybox VR Client on Your Headset)

Now that you have the server up and running, it’s time to install the client on your Oculus Go. This is also easy—just head to the Oculus Store, find Skybox VR Player, and install it.

既然服务器已经启动并正在运行,现在是时候在Oculus Go上安装客户端了。 这也很容易-只需前往Oculus商店,找到Skybox VR Player并安装它即可。

When it’s installed, open the application, look on the left-hand menu for the Airscreen option, and then you can search for and connect to your server—which should show up as your PC’s name.

安装后,打开应用程序,在左侧菜单上查看“ Airscreen”选项,然后您可以搜索并连接到服务器-该服务器应显示为PC的名称。

Once you’ve connected, you should be able to see all of your videos. Just click one to start playback.

连接后,您应该可以观看所有视频。 只需单击一个即可开始播放。

如果影片格式不正确,如何修复电影 (How to Fix Movies If They Don’t Play in the Right Format)

If you’ve got a 3D or VR video that isn’t playing in 3D or VR, you can fix that by pulling up the controls. Just click once, and then click the little cube on the far right of the menu. This pops up a window with options for playing in 2D, 3D, or VR mode (and for switching between VR 180 and VR 360). If you’re not sure of the exact format of your video, just keep testing until it looks right.

如果您的3D或VR视频无法在3D或VR中播放,则可以通过拉动控件来解决此问题。 只需单击一次,然后单击菜单最右边的小方块。 这会弹出一个窗口,其中包含在2D,3D或VR模式下播放(以及在VR 180和VR 360之间切换)的选项。 如果您不确定视频的确切格式,请继续进行测试,直到看起来正确为止。

It’s worth noting that Skybox can also play videos that are local on the device, so if you download something directly on the headset, it’s going to show up in Skybox as well under All Files instead of Airscreen. Just make sure that you’re using private browsing mode and you know how to delete downloaded files. Otherwise you’ll have to clear your browser history, and nobody wants that.

值得注意的是,Skybox还可以播放设备上本地的视频,因此,如果直接在耳机上下载内容,它将显示在Skybox以及“所有文件”而不是“ Airscreen”下。 只需确保您使用的是私人浏览模式,并且知道如何删除下载的文件 。 否则,您将必须清除浏览器的历史记录 ,而没人想要。

Image Credit: Oculus

图片来源: Oculus

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/351815/how-to-stream-vr-videos-and-movies-to-oculus-go-from-pc-or-mac/

oculus vr开发

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