题意 求下式的值: Sn=⌈ (a+b√)n⌉%m S_n = \lceil\ (a + \sqrt{b}) ^ n \rceil\% m 其中: 0<a,m<215 0< a, m < 2^{15} 0<b,n<231 0 < b, n < 2^{31} (a−1)2<b<a2 (a-1)^2< b < a^2 解析 令: An=(a+b√)n A_n = (a +
Vector3 三维向量 Struct Representation of 3D vectors and points. 表示3D的向量和点。 This structure is used throughout Unity to pass 3D positions and directions around. It also contains functions for doin