
2023-11-23 03:50










myLoad <- champ.load(myDir)
save(myLoad,file="coread_methy_myload.rdata")myNorm <- champ.norm(beta = myLoad$beta,cores = 20)
save(myNorm,file = "coread_methy_mynorm.rdata")champ.SVD(beta = myNorm |>, pd=myLoad$pd)myDMP <- champ.DMP()
myDMR <- champ.DMR()
save(myDMP,myDMR,file = "coread_methy_dmpr.rdata")myGSEA <- champ.GSEA()
save(myGSEA,file = "coread_methy_gsea.rdata")







lapply(list.files("./coread_idat/",recursive = T,pattern = "idat$",full.names = T),file.copy, to = "./coreadidatAllinone/")



sample_sheet <- read.table("gdc_sample_sheet.2022-08-21.tsv",sep = "\t",header = T)


pd <- sample_sheet[,c("File.Name","Project.ID","Sample.ID","Sample.Type")]
pd$Sentrix_ID <- substr(pd$File.Name,1,36) 
pd$Sentrix_Position <- substr(pd$File.Name,38,41) 
pd$Sample_Group <- ifelse(pd$Sample.Type == "Solid Tissue Normal","normal","tumor")
pd <- pd[,c(3,7,2,5,6)]
names(pd)[c(1,3)] <- c("Sample_Name","Project")pd1 <- pd[duplicated(pd$Sentrix_ID),]


write.csv(pd1,file = "./coreadidatAllinone/sample_sheet.csv",quote = F,row.names = F)


# 加载R包


# 指定文件夹路径
myDir="./coreadidatAllinone"myLoad <- champ.load(myDir)


[<<<< ChAMP.LOAD START >>>>>]
-----------------------------[ Loading Data with ChAMP Method ]
Note that ChAMP method will NOT return rgSet or mset, they object defined by minfi. Which means, if you use ChAMP method to load data, you can not use SWAN or FunctionNormliazation method in champ.norm() (you can use BMIQ or PBC still). But All other function should not be influenced.[===========================]
[<<<< ChAMP.IMPORT START >>>>>]
-----------------------------[ Section 1: Read PD Files Start ]CSV Directory: ./coreadidatAllinone/sample_sheet.csvFind CSV SuccessReading CSV FileReplace Sentrix_Position into ArrayReplace Sentrix_ID into SlideThere is NO Pool_ID in your pd file.There is NO Sample_Plate in your pd file.There is NO Sample_Well in your pd file.
[ Section 1: Read PD file Done ][ Section 2: Read IDAT files Start ]Loading:./coreadidatAllinone/4edebe4a-9fb7-4d84-a260-97feb38fb16a_noid_Grn.idat ---- (1/406)
Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n) :truncating string with embedded nulsLoading:./coreadidatAllinone/25df3fb5-44fe-41b0-92ad-cf30bdb62584_noid_Grn.idat ---- (2/406)
Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n) :truncating string with embedded nulsLoading:./coreadidatAllinone/f946a265-a27e-4c20-bd53-266ab6aa3de6_noid_Grn.idat ---- (3/406)Loading:./coreadidatAllinone/4220d653-e946-4741-8864-cc8246939003_noid_Red.idat ---- (405/406)
Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n) :truncating string with embedded nulsLoading:./coreadidatAllinone/b9623ff8-8fd4-4124-bd08-b128767ea60a_noid_Red.idat ---- (406/406)
Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n) :truncating string with embedded nuls
## ........Extract Mean value for Green and Red Channel SuccessYour Red Green Channel contains 622399 probes.
[ Section 2: Read IDAT Files Done ][ Section 3: Use Annotation Start ]Reading 450K Annotation >>Fetching NEGATIVE ControlProbe.Totally, there are 613 control probes in Annotation.Your data set contains 613 control probes.Generating Meth and UnMeth MatrixExtracting Meth Matrix...Totally there are 485512 Meth probes in 450K Annotation.Your data set contains 485512 Meth probes.Extracting UnMeth Matrix...Totally there are 485512 UnMeth probes in 450K Annotation.Your data set contains 485512 UnMeth probes.Generating beta MatrixGenerating M MatrixGenerating intensity MatrixCalculating Detect P valueCounting Beads
[ Section 3: Use Annotation Done ][<<<<< ChAMP.IMPORT END >>>>>>]
[You may want to process champ.filter() next.][===========================]
[<<<< ChAMP.FILTER START >>>>>]
-----------------------------In New version ChAMP, champ.filter() function has been set to do filtering on the result of champ.import(). You can use champ.import() + champ.filter() to do Data Loading, or set "method" parameter in champ.load() as "ChAMP" to get the same effect.This function is provided for user need to do filtering on some beta (or M) matrix, which contained most filtering system in champ.load except beadcount. User need to input beta matrix, pd file themselves. If you want to do filterintg on detP matrix and Bead Count, you also need to input a detected P matrix and Bead Count information.Note that if you want to filter more data matrix, say beta, M, intensity... please make sure they have exactly the same rownames and colnames.[ Section 1:  Check Input Start ]You have inputed beta,intensity for Analysis.pd file provided, checking if it's in accord with Data Matrix...pd file check success.Parameter filterDetP is TRUE, checking if detP in accord with Data Matrix...detP check success.Parameter filterBeads is TRUE, checking if beadcount in accord with Data Matrix...beadcount check success.parameter autoimpute is TRUE. Checking if the conditions are fulfilled...!!! ProbeCutoff is 0, which means you have no needs to do imputation. autoimpute has been reset FALSE.Checking Finished :filterDetP,filterBeads,filterMultiHit,filterSNPs,filterNoCG,filterXY would be done on beta,intensity.You also provided :detP,beadcount .
[ Section 1: Check Input Done ][ Section 2: Filtering Start >>Filtering Detect P value StartThe fraction of failed positions per sampleYou may need to delete samples with high proportion of failed probes:Failed CpG Fraction.
TCGA-DC-6158-01A         0.0036394569
TCGA-F5-6864-01A         0.0170891760
TCGA-EI-6917-01A         0.0266790522
TCGA-AF-2690-01A         0.0019216827
TCGA-EI-6513-01A         0.0011801974
TCGA-EI-6885-01A         0.0056970785
TCGA-DT-5265-01A         0.0030545074
TCGA-AG-A036-11A         0.0004613686
TCGA-F5-6810-01A         0.0058433159
TCGA-EI-6506-01A         0.0021276508
TCGA-EI-6510-01A         0.0025993178
TCGA-EI-7002-01A         0.0132252138
## ...
TCGA-DM-A28C-01A         0.0013367332
TCGA-A6-5664-01A         0.0021297105
TCGA-D5-6533-01A         0.0019093246Filtering probes with a detection p-value above 0.01.Removing 59892 probes.If a large number of probes have been removed, ChAMP suggests you to identify potentially bad samplesFiltering BeadCount StartFiltering probes with a beadcount <3 in at least 5% of samples.Removing 205 probesFiltering NoCG StartOnly Keep CpGs, removing 1636 probes from the analysis.Filtering SNPs StartUsing general 450K SNP list for filtering.Filtering probes with SNPs as identified in Zhou's Nucleic Acids Research Paper 2016.Removing 47713 probes from the analysis.Filtering MultiHit StartFiltering probes that align to multiple locations as identified in Nordlund et alRemoving 10 probes from the analysis.Filtering XY StartFiltering probes located on X,Y chromosome, removing 8124 probes from the analysis.Updating PD fileFixing Outliers StartReplacing all value smaller/equal to 0 with smallest positive value.Replacing all value greater/equal to 1 with largest value below 1..
[ Section 2: Filtering Done ]All filterings are Done, now you have 367932 probes and 406 samples.[<<<<< ChAMP.FILTER END >>>>>>]
[You may want to process champ.QC() next.][<<<<< ChAMP.LOAD END >>>>>>]
[You may want to process champ.QC() next.]


# 数据预处理,聚类树由于样本太多显示不出来会报错



myNorm <- champ.norm(beta = myLoad$beta,cores = 20)


[>>>>> ChAMP.NORM START <<<<<<]
champ.norm Results will be saved in ./CHAMP_Normalization/
[ SWAN method call for BOTH rgSet and mset input, FunctionalNormalization call for rgset only , while PBC and BMIQ only needs beta value. Please set parameter correctly. ]Note that,BMIQ function may fail for bad quality samples (Samples did not even show beta distribution).
20 cores will be used to do parallel BMIQ computing.
[>>>>> ChAMP.NORM END <<<<<<]
[You may want to process champ.SVD() next.]
save(myNorm,file = "coread_methy_mynorm.rdata")
champ.SVD(beta = myNorm |>, # 这里需要注意pd=myLoad$pd)


[<<<<< ChAMP.SVD START >>>>>]
champ.SVD Results will be saved in ./CHAMP_SVDimages/ .Your beta parameter is data.frame format. ChAMP is now changing it to matrix.
[SVD analysis will be proceed with 367932 probes and 406 samples.][ champ.SVD() will only check the dimensions between data and pd, instead if checking if Sample_Names are correctly matched (because some user may have no Sample_Names in their pd file),thus please make sure your pd file is in accord with your data sets (beta) and (rgSet).]<Sample_Group>(character):tumor, normal
<Slide>(character):4edebe4a-9fb7-4d84-a260-97feb38fb16a, 25df3fb5-44fe-41b0-92ad-cf30bdb62584, f946a265-a27e-4c20-bd53-266ab6aa3de6, 50348bd8-7c8d-47d8-9d95-a1e20e5decc8, f3bd946a-f42f-4343-8de5-6092ab6de36b, 57628681-9510-4bdc-8183-c3ae5fbf5b6b, 95b971ce-8e6f-46dc-ab85-a7b729cc9944, 1ffe442d-6bc6-445e-8b68-0d3ed6552dec, 98a4f10a-a045-492a-a621-fe1f3b117103, 5d6285d0-d714-4c2e-836f-47dc65ad598c, 1679e880-0db3-4a64-9a40-9f962314aa9e, 
2853c315-b9f3-409e-bb60-25b05a5cfa64, 39cb9c2e-63a8-4513-a5f8-a657f4ec43b6, d16d1d2e-6ebf-4b72-8840-fcc9d3c2dd52, 4220d653-e946-4741-8864-cc8246939003, b9623ff8-8fd4-4124-bd08-b128767ea60a
[champ.SVD have automatically select ALL factors contain at least two different values from your pd(sample_sheet.csv), if you don't want to analysis some of them, please remove them manually from your pd variable then retry champ.SVD().]<Sample_Name>
[Factors are ignored because they only indicate Name or Project, or they contain ONLY ONE value across all Samples.][<<<<<< ChAMP.SVD END >>>>>>]
[If the batch effect is not significant, you may want to process champ.DMP() or champ.DMR() or champ.BlockFinder() next, otherwise, you may want to run champ.runCombat() to eliminat batch effect, then rerun champ.SVD() to check corrected result.]Sample_Group     Slide[1,] 2.289393e-26 0.4906548[2,] 3.959362e-03 0.4906548[3,] 8.836284e-01 0.4906548[4,] 7.938020e-17 0.4906548[5,] 3.373293e-14 0.4906548[6,] 9.808115e-01 0.4906548[7,] 4.995617e-08 0.4906548[8,] 1.220760e-06 0.4906548[9,] 1.619588e-04 0.4906548
[10,] 2.288907e-02 0.4906548
[11,] 6.407854e-01 0.4906548
[12,] 5.390941e-02 0.4906548
[13,] 1.308536e-02 0.4906548
[14,] 6.585889e-01 0.4906548
[15,] 2.557036e-02 0.4906548
[16,] 5.390941e-02 0.4906548
[17,] 2.045547e-02 0.4906548
[18,] 4.091545e-02 0.4906548
[19,] 1.601403e-02 0.4906548
[20,] 6.241584e-01 0.4906548


myDMP <- champ.DMP()


[<<<<< ChAMP.DMP START >>>>>]----------------------------
!!! Important !!! New Modification has been made on champ.DMP(): (1): In this version champ.DMP() if your pheno parameter contains more than two groups of phenotypes, champ.DMP() would do pairewise differential methylated analysis between each pair of them. But you can also specify to only do comparasion between any two of them.(2): champ.DMP() now support numeric as pheno, and will do linear regression on them. So covariates like age could be inputted in this function. You need to make sure your inputted "pheno" parameter is "numeric" type.--------------------------------[ Section 1:  Check Input Pheno Start ]You pheno is character type.Your pheno information contains following groups. >><tumor>:363 samples.<normal>:43 samples.[The power of statistics analysis on groups contain very few samples may not strong.]pheno contains only 2 parameter is NULL, two pheno types will be added into Compare List.tumor_to_normal compare group : tumor, normal[ Section 1:  Check Input Pheno Done ][ Section 2:  Find Differential Methylated CpGs Start ]-----------------------------Start to Compare : tumor, normalContrast MatrixContrasts
Levels    ptumor-pnormalpnormal             -1ptumor               1You have found 212017 significant MVPs with a BH adjusted P-value below 0.05.Calculate DMP for tumor and normal done.[ Section 2:  Find Numeric Vector Related CpGs Done ][ Section 3:  Match Annotation Start ][ Section 3:  Match Annotation Done ][<<<<<< ChAMP.DMP END >>>>>>]
[You may want to process DMP.GUI() or champ.GSEA() next.]
myDMR <- champ.DMR()


[<<<<< ChAMP.DMR START >>>>>]
!!! important !!! We just upgrate champ.DMR() function, since now champ.DMP() could works on multiple phenotypes, but ProbeLasso can only works on one DMP result, so if your pheno parameter contains more than 2 phenotypes, and you want to use ProbeLasso function, you MUST specify"A","B"). Bumphunter and DMRcate should not be influenced.[ Section 1:  Check Input Pheno Start ]You pheno is character type.Your pheno information contains following groups. >><tumor>:363 samples.<normal>:43 samples.[ Section 1:  Check Input Pheno Done ][ Section 2:  Run DMR Algorithm Start ]Loading required package: IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19
3 cores will be used to do parallel Bumphunter computing.
According to your data set, champ.DMR() detected 6693 clusters contains MORE THAN 7 probes within300 maxGap. These clusters will be used to find DMR.[bumphunterEngine] Parallelizing using 3 workers/cores (backend: doParallelMC, version: 1.0.17).
[bumphunterEngine] Computing coefficients.
[bumphunterEngine] Smoothing coefficients.
Loading required package: rngtools
[bumphunterEngine] Performing 250 bootstraps.
[bumphunterEngine] Computing marginal bootstrap p-values.
[bumphunterEngine] Smoothing bootstrap coefficients.
[bumphunterEngine] cutoff: 0.473
[bumphunterEngine] Finding regions.
[bumphunterEngine] Found 3289 bumps.
[bumphunterEngine] Computing regions for each bootstrap.
[bumphunterEngine] Estimating p-values and FWER.
Bumphunter detected 1226 DMRs with P value <= 0.05.[ Section 2:  Run DMR Algorithm Done ][<<<<<< ChAMP.DMR END >>>>>>]
[You may want to process DMR.GUI() or champ.GSEA() next.]
save(myDMP,myDMR,file = "coread_methy_dmpr.rdata")


# 富集分析
myGSEA <- champ.GSEA()


[<<<< ChAMP.GSEA START >>>>>]
<< Prepare Gene List Ready  >>
<< Start Do GSEA on each Gene List  >>
<< Do GSEA on Gene list DMP>>
<< Pale Fisher Exact Test will be used to do GSEA >><< The category information is downloaded from MsigDB, and only simple Fisher Exact Test will be used to calculate GSEA. This method is suitable if your genes has equalivalent probability to be enriched. If you are using CpGs mapping genes, gometh method is recommended.>> 
<< Done for Gene list DMP >>
<< Do GSEA on Gene list DMR>>
<< Pale Fisher Exact Test will be used to do GSEA >><< The category information is downloaded from MsigDB, and only simple Fisher Exact Test will be used to calculate GSEA. This method is suitable if your genes has equalivalent probability to be enriched. If you are using CpGs mapping genes, gometh method is recommended.>> 
<< Done for Gene list DMR >>
[<<<<< ChAMP.GSEA END >>>>>>]
save(myGSEA,file = "coread_methy_gsea.rdata")





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