Yolov8_obb(prob loss) 基于anchor_free的旋转框目标检测,剪枝,跟踪(ByteTracker)

本文主要是介绍Yolov8_obb(prob loss) 基于anchor_free的旋转框目标检测,剪枝,跟踪(ByteTracker),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Yolov8_obb(prob loss) 基于anchor_free的旋转框目标检测,剪枝,跟踪(ByteTracker)




一、 项目地址和运行命令


python detect.py --weights  yolov8_obb/runs/train/exp/weights/best.pt   --source yolov8_obb/dataset/your datafile/images/val/   --img 640 --device 0 --conf-thres 0.25 --iou-thres 0.2 


python train.py      --data 'data/yolov8obb_demo.yaml'   --hyp 'data/hyps/obb/hyp.finetune_dota.yaml' --cfg models/yolov8n.yaml   --epochs 300   --batch-size 128   --img 640   -- is_use_DP


python train.py      --data 'data/yolov8obb_demo.yaml'   --hyp 'data/hyps/obb/hyp.finetune_dota.yaml' --cfg models/yolov8n.yaml   --epochs 300   --batch-size 8   --img 640   --device 1
python val.py --data data/yolov8obb_demo.yaml  --weights yolov8_obb/runs/train/exp/weights/best.pt --task 'val'  --img 640
python export.py --weights  yolov8_obb/runs/train/exp/weights/best.pt  --batch 1


python train_sparity.py  --st --sr 0.0002  --data 'data/yolov8obb_demo.yaml'   --hyp 'data/hyps/obb/hyp.finetune_dota.yaml' --cfg models/yolov8n.yaml   --epochs 300   --batch-size 8   --img 640   --device 2  --weights yolov8_obb/runs/train/exp/weights/best.pt
python prune.py --percent 0.3 --weights runs/train/exp299/weights/last.pt --data data/yolov5obb_demo.yaml --cfg models/yolov8n.yaml --close_head
python prune_finetune.py --weights prune/pruned_model.pt --data data/yolov5obb_demo.yaml  --epochs 100 --imgsz 640 --batch-size 8

video_save_path: 跟踪视频预测完的保存路径
weights: 旋转框检测模型路径

python track_predict.py  --video_path --video_fps --weights  --video_save_path

二、 旋转框的转换和定义

dota的四个角点格式的数据转化成(x, y, w, h, theta)的格式,通过cv2.minAreaRect()获取框的中心点(x,y),宽高(w,h),以及角度angle,angle∈ [0, 90],将角度映射成pi,由于存在w>h和h>w两种形式,统一设置成长边为h,短边为w,旋转的theta角度映射到 [-pi/2, pi/2]范围内。即长边表示法,如下图所示,(代码处理完之后逆时针为正,顺时针为负,跟图里画的相反,请注意,可以自行推导求证)

    poly = np.float32(poly.reshape(4, 2))(x, y), (w, h), angle = cv2.minAreaRect(poly) # θ ∈ [0, 90]angle = -angle # θ ∈ [-90, 0]theta = angle / 180 * pi # 转为pi制# trans opencv format to longedge format θ ∈ [-pi/2, pi/2]if w != max(w, h): w, h = h, wtheta += pi/2rboxes.append([x, y, w, h, theta])

将预测的结果重新投影到图片上,需要将(x, y, w, h, theta)格式重新转换成四个角点坐标的格式。

        center, w, h, theta = obboxes[:,:, :2], obboxes[:,:, 2:3], obboxes[:,:, 3:4], obboxes[:,:, 4:5]Cos, Sin = torch.cos(theta), torch.sin(theta)vector1 = torch.cat((w/2 * Cos, -w/2 * Sin), dim=-1)vector2 = torch.cat((-h/2 * Sin, -h/2 * Cos), dim=-1)point1 = center + vector1 + vector2point2 = center + vector1 - vector2point3 = center - vector1 - vector2point4 = center - vector1 + vector2order = obboxes.shape[:-1]return torch.cat((point2, point3, point4,point1), dim=-1).reshape(*order, 4,2)


三、 yolov8_obb旋转框检测


1、 数据格式




1) w: 创建水平矩形目标框

2) e: 创建旋转矩形目标框

3) zxcv: 旋转目标框,键z和建x是逆时针旋转,键c和键v是顺时针旋转



# 文件名称   :roxml_to_dota.py
# 功能描述   :把rolabelimg标注的xml文件转换成dota能识别的xml文件,
#             再转换成dota格式的txt文件
#            把旋转框 cx,cy,w,h,angle,或者矩形框cx,cy,w,h,转换成四点坐标x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4
import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import mathcls_list=['你的类别']
def edit_xml(xml_file, dotaxml_file):"""修改xml文件:param xml_file:xml文件的路径:return:"""tree = ET.parse(xml_file)objs = tree.findall('object')for ix, obj in enumerate(objs):x0 = ET.Element("x0")  # 创建节点y0 = ET.Element("y0")x1 = ET.Element("x1")y1 = ET.Element("y1")x2 = ET.Element("x2")y2 = ET.Element("y2")x3 = ET.Element("x3")y3 = ET.Element("y3")# obj_type = obj.find('bndbox')# type = obj_type.text# print(xml_file)if (obj.find('robndbox') == None):obj_bnd = obj.find('bndbox')obj_xmin = obj_bnd.find('xmin')obj_ymin = obj_bnd.find('ymin')obj_xmax = obj_bnd.find('xmax')obj_ymax = obj_bnd.find('ymax')#以防有负值坐标xmin = max(float(obj_xmin.text),0)ymin = max(float(obj_ymin.text),0)xmax = max(float(obj_xmax.text),0)ymax = max(float(obj_ymax.text),0)obj_bnd.remove(obj_xmin)  # 删除节点obj_bnd.remove(obj_ymin)obj_bnd.remove(obj_xmax)obj_bnd.remove(obj_ymax)x0.text = str(xmin)y0.text = str(ymax)x1.text = str(xmax)y1.text = str(ymax)x2.text = str(xmax)y2.text = str(ymin)x3.text = str(xmin)y3.text = str(ymin)else:obj_bnd = obj.find('robndbox')obj_bnd.tag = 'bndbox'  # 修改节点名obj_cx = obj_bnd.find('cx')obj_cy = obj_bnd.find('cy')obj_w = obj_bnd.find('w')obj_h = obj_bnd.find('h')obj_angle = obj_bnd.find('angle')cx = float(obj_cx.text)cy = float(obj_cy.text)w = float(obj_w.text)h = float(obj_h.text)angle = float(obj_angle.text)obj_bnd.remove(obj_cx)  # 删除节点obj_bnd.remove(obj_cy)obj_bnd.remove(obj_w)obj_bnd.remove(obj_h)obj_bnd.remove(obj_angle)x0.text, y0.text = rotatePoint(cx, cy, cx - w / 2, cy - h / 2, -angle)x1.text, y1.text = rotatePoint(cx, cy, cx + w / 2, cy - h / 2, -angle)x2.text, y2.text = rotatePoint(cx, cy, cx + w / 2, cy + h / 2, -angle)x3.text, y3.text = rotatePoint(cx, cy, cx - w / 2, cy + h / 2, -angle)# obj.remove(obj_type)  # 删除节点obj_bnd.append(x0)  # 新增节点obj_bnd.append(y0)obj_bnd.append(x1)obj_bnd.append(y1)obj_bnd.append(x2)obj_bnd.append(y2)obj_bnd.append(x3)obj_bnd.append(y3)tree.write(dotaxml_file, method='xml', encoding='utf-8')  # 更新xml文件# 转换成四点坐标
def rotatePoint(xc, yc, xp, yp, theta):xoff = xp - xc;yoff = yp - yc;cosTheta = math.cos(theta)sinTheta = math.sin(theta)pResx = cosTheta * xoff + sinTheta * yoffpResy = - sinTheta * xoff + cosTheta * yoffreturn str(int(xc + pResx)), str(int(yc + pResy))def totxt(xml_path, out_path):# 想要生成的txt文件保存的路径,这里可以自己修改files = os.listdir(xml_path)i=0for file in files:tree = ET.parse(xml_path + os.sep + file)root = tree.getroot()name = file.split('.')[0]output = out_path +'\\'+name + '.txt'file = open(output, 'w')i=i+1objs = tree.findall('object')for obj in objs:cls = obj.find('name').textbox = obj.find('bndbox')x0 = int(float(box.find('x0').text))y0 = int(float(box.find('y0').text))x1 = int(float(box.find('x1').text))y1 = int(float(box.find('y1').text))x2 = int(float(box.find('x2').text))y2 = int(float(box.find('y2').text))x3 = int(float(box.find('x3').text))y3 = int(float(box.find('y3').text))if x0<0:x0=0if x1<0:x1=0if x2<0:x2=0if x3<0:x3=0if y0<0:y0=0if y1<0:y1=0if y2<0:y2=0if y3<0:y3=0for cls_index,cls_name in enumerate(cls_list):if cls==cls_name:file.write("{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}\n".format(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, cls,cls_index))file.close()# print(output)print(i)if __name__ == '__main__':# -----**** 第一步:把xml文件统一转换成旋转框的xml文件 ****-----roxml_path = r" 已标注并需要转换的xml文件"  dotaxml_path = r'存储dota格式的xml文件的输出路径'  #out_path = r'存储data格式yolov5_obb可训练的txt文件的路径'   filelist = os.listdir(roxml_path)for file in filelist:edit_xml(os.path.join(roxml_path, file), os.path.join(dotaxml_path, file))# -----**** 第二步:把旋转框xml文件转换成txt格式 ****-----totxt(dotaxml_path, out_path)
1.3 数据的分布如下:
path: yolov8_obb/datasets/your data/ # dataset root dir
# path: /home/yuanzhengqian/yolov8_obb/datasets/35kv_tading_230617/ # dataset root dir
train: train.txt #images   # train images (relative to 'path') 
val: val.txt #images  # val images (relative to 'path') 
test: val.txt  #images # test images (optional)nc: 2  # number of classes
names: ['1','2']  


2、 输出头的修改


class Detect_v8(nn.Module):stride = None  # strides computed during buildonnx_dynamic = False  # ONNX export parameterdynamic = False  # force grid reconstructionanchors = torch.empty(0)  # initstrides = torch.empty(0)  # initshape = Noneexport = False  # export modedef __init__(self, nc=80, ch=(), new_channle=(),inplace=True):  # detection layersuper().__init__()self.nc = nc  # number of classesself.reg_max = 16  # DFL channels (ch[0] // 16 to scale 4/8/12/16/20 for n/s/m/l/x)#dflself.no_box = nc + self.reg_max * 4 +1   # number of outputs per anchorself.nl =  len(ch) # number of detection layersself.na = 3  # number of anchorsself.stride = torch.zeros(self.nl)  # strides computed during buildself.theta=1#如果要对输出头的卷积层进行剪枝,这把剪枝后的新的通道数按照卷积的顺序传入if len(new_channle)>0:self.cv2 = nn.ModuleList(nn.Sequential(Conv(ch[x], new_channle[0][x][0], 3), Conv(new_channle[0][x][0], new_channle[0][x][1], 3), nn.Conv2d(new_channle[0][x][1],self.reg_max * 4, 1)) for x in range(len(ch)))self.cv3 = nn.ModuleList(nn.Sequential(Conv(ch[x], new_channle[1][x][0], 3), Conv(new_channle[1][x][0], new_channle[1][x][1], 3), nn.Conv2d(new_channle[1][x][1], self.nc, 1)) for x in range(len(ch)))self.cv4 = nn.ModuleList(nn.Sequential(Conv(ch[x], new_channle[2][x][0], 3), Conv(new_channle[2][x][0], new_channle[2][x][1], 3), nn.Conv2d(new_channle[2][x][1], self.theta, 1)) for x in range(len(ch)))else:c2, c3,c4 = max((16, ch[0] // 4,self.reg_max * 4)), max(ch[0], self.nc),max(ch[0],1)   # channelsself.cv2 = nn.ModuleList(nn.Sequential(Conv(x, c2, 3), Conv(c2, c2, 3), nn.Conv2d(c2,self.reg_max * 4, 1)) for x in ch)self.cv3 = nn.ModuleList(nn.Sequential(Conv(x, c3, 3), Conv(c3, c3, 3), nn.Conv2d(c3, self.nc, 1)) for x in ch)self.cv4 = nn.ModuleList(nn.Sequential(Conv(x, c4, 3), Conv(c4, c4, 3), nn.Conv2d(c4, self.theta, 1)) for x in ch)self.inplace = inplace  # use in-place ops (e.g. slice assignment)self.dfl = DFL(self.reg_max) if self.reg_max > 1 else nn.Identity()def forward(self, x):shape = x[0].shape  # BCHWfor i in range(self.nl):x[i] = torch.cat((self.cv2[i](x[i]),self.cv4[i](x[i]), self.cv3[i](x[i]) ), 1)# print(' x[i]', x[i].shape)if self.training:return xelif self.dynamic or self.shape != shape:self.anchors, self.strides = (x.transpose(0, 1) for x in make_anchors(x, self.stride, 0.5))self.shape = shape#dfl_boxbox,theta, cls = torch.cat([xi.view(shape[0], self.no_box, -1) for xi in x], 2).split((self.reg_max * 4, self.theta ,self.nc), 1)dbox = dist2bbox(self.dfl(box), self.anchors.unsqueeze(0), xywh=True, dim=1) * self.stridesy = torch.cat((dbox,theta, cls.sigmoid()), 1)return y if self.export else (y, x)


def parse_model(d, ch):  # model_dict, input_channels(3)LOGGER.info(f"\n{'':>3}{'from':>20}{'n':>3}{'params':>10}  {'module':<40}{'arguments':<30}")# anchors, nc, gd, gw = d['anchors'], d['nc'], d['depth_multiple'], d['width_multiple']nc, gd, gw = d['nc'], d['depth_multiple'], d['width_multiple']# na = (len(anchors[0]) // 2) if isinstance(anchors, list) else anchors  # number of anchors# no = na * (nc + 185)  # number of outputs = anchors * (classes + 185)print('ch',ch)layers, save, c2 = [], [], ch[-1]  # layers, savelist, ch outfor i, (f, n, m, args) in enumerate(d['backbone'] + d['head']):  # from, number, module, argsm = eval(m) if isinstance(m, str) else m  # eval stringsfor j, a in enumerate(args):try:args[j] = eval(a) if isinstance(a, str) else a  # eval stringsexcept NameError:passn = n_ = max(round(n * gd), 1) if n > 1 else n  # depth gainif m in [Conv, GhostConv, Bottleneck, GhostBottleneck, SPP, SPPF, DWConv, MixConv2d, Focus, CrossConv,BottleneckCSP, C3, C3TR, C3SPP, C3Ghost,ECA,C2f,SEModel,C2f_SE,CAConv,C2fTR,CBAM,RFCAConv2]:c1, c2 = ch[f], args[0]if c2 != nc:  # if not outputc2 = make_divisible(c2 * gw, 8)args = [c1, c2, *args[1:]]if m in [BottleneckCSP, C3,c2f, C3TR, C3Ghost]:args.insert(2, n)  # number of repeatsn = 1elif m is nn.BatchNorm2d:args = [ch[f]]elif m is Concat:c2 = sum(ch[x] for x in f)elif m is Detect:args.append([ch[x] for x in f])if isinstance(args[1], int):  # number of anchorsargs[1] = [list(range(args[1] * 2))] * len(f)elif m is Detect_v8:args.append([ch[x] for x in f])print('args',args)elif m is Contract:c2 = ch[f] * args[0] ** 2elif m is Expand:c2 = ch[f] // args[0] ** 2else:       c2 = ch[f]m_ = nn.Sequential(*(m(*args) for _ in range(n))) if n > 1 else m(*args)  # modulet = str(m)[8:-2].replace('__main__.', '')  # module typem.np = sum(x.numel() for x in m_.parameters())  # number paramsm_.i, m_.f, m_.type = i, f, t  # attach index, 'from' index, typeLOGGER.info(f'{i:>3}{str(f):>20}{n_:>3}{m.np:10.0f}  {t:<45}{str(args):<30}')  # printsave.extend(x % i for x in ([f] if isinstance(f, int) else f) if x != -1)  # append to savelistlayers.append(m_)if i == 0:ch = []ch.append(c2)return nn.Sequential(*layers), sorted(save)


# Parameters
nc: 2  # number of classes
depth_multiple: 0.33  # scales module repeats
width_multiple: 0.25  # scales convolution channels# YOLOv8.0n backbone
backbone:# [from, repeats, module, args][[-1, 1, Conv, [64, 3, 2]],  # 0-P1/2[-1, 1, Conv, [128, 3, 2]], # 1-P2/4[-1, 3, C2f, [128, True]],[-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]],  # 3-P3/8[-1, 6, C2f, [256, True]],[-1, 1, Conv, [512, 3, 2]],  # 5-P4/16[-1, 6, C2f, [512, True]],[-1, 1, Conv, [1024, 3, 2]],  # 7-P5/32[-1, 3, C2f, [1024, True]],[-1, 1, SPPF, [1024, 5]],]  # 9
# YOLOv8.0n head
head:[[-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, 'nearest']],[[-1, 6], 1, Concat, [1]],  # cat backbone P4[-1, 3, C2f, [512]],  # 13[-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, 'nearest']],[[-1, 4], 1, Concat, [1]],  # cat backbone P3[-1, 3, C2f, [256]],  # 17 (P3/8-small)[-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]],[[-1, 12], 1, Concat, [1]],  # cat head P4[-1, 3, C2f, [512]],  # 20 (P4/16-medium)[-1, 1, Conv, [512, 3, 2]],[[-1, 9], 1, Concat, [1]],  # cat head P5[-1, 3, C2f, [1024]],  # 23 (P5/32-large)[[15, 18, 21], 1, Detect_v8, [nc]],]  # Detect(P3, P4, P5)

3、 计算loss

需要计算的loss有分类loss:lcls_loss ,边框回归loss:box_loss +dfl_loss。原版v8是矩形框边框回归用的是CIOU_loss,我们现在做的是旋转框检测,所以需要将原来的CIOU_loss,替换成旋转框计算loss:probiou_loss或kld_loss。

class ComputeLoss:# Compute lossesdef __init__(self, model, autobalance=False):device = next(model.parameters()).device  # get model deviceh = model.hyp  # hyperparameters# Define criteriaBCEcls = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(pos_weight=torch.tensor([h['cls_pw']], device=device))#边框和角度lossself.kld_loss_n = KLDloss(1,fun='log1p')# Class label smoothing https://arxiv.org/pdf/1902.04103.pdf eqn 3self.cp, self.cn = smooth_BCE(eps=h.get('label_smoothing', 0.0))  # positive, negative BCE targets# Focal lossg = h['fl_gamma']  # focal loss gammaif g > 0:BCEcls= FocalLoss(BCEcls, g)det = model.module.model[-1] if is_parallel(model) else model.model[-1]  # Detect() moduleself.no_box=det.no_boxself.nc = det.ncself.assigner = TaskAlignedAssigner(topk=10, num_classes=self.nc, alpha=0.5, beta=6.0)self.device=deviceself.varifocal_loss=VarifocalLoss().to(device)self.reg_max=15self.stride = det.stride # tensor([8., 16., 32., ...])self.balance = {3: [4.0, 1.0, 0.4]}.get(det.nl, [4.0, 1.0, 0.25, 0.06, 0.02])  # P3-P7self.ssi = list(self.stride).index(16) if autobalance else 0  # stride 16 indexself.BCEcls,  self.gr, self.hyp, self.autobalance = BCEcls, 1.0, h, autobalancefor k in 'na', 'nc', 'nl':setattr(self, k, getattr(det, k))def __call__(self, p, targets,model_l='l1'):  # predictions, targets, model# loss = torch.zeros(2, device=self.device)  # box, cls, dfllcls_loss = torch.zeros(1, device=self.device)box_loss = torch.zeros(1, device=self.device)dfl_loss = torch.zeros(1, device=self.device)feats = p[1] if isinstance(p, tuple) else p# print('self.stride',self.stride)anchor_points, stride_tensor = make_anchors(feats, self.stride, 0.5)#dflpred_distri,pred_theta,pred_scores = torch.cat([xi.view(feats[0].shape[0], self.no_box, -1) for xi in feats], 2).split((64, 1,self.nc), 1)pred_scores = pred_scores.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous()  #[16, 8400, n]pred_distri = pred_distri.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous()  #[16, 8400, 64]pred_theta = pred_theta.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous()    #[16, 8400, 1]pred_bboxes = bbox_decode(anchor_points, pred_distri)  # xywh, (b, h*w, 4),#[16, 8400, 4]pred_theta   = (pred_theta.sigmoid()- 0.5) * math.pipred_bboxes=torch.cat((pred_bboxes, pred_theta), -1)dtype = pred_scores.dtype   #torch.float16batch_size = pred_scores.shape[0]  #16imgsz = torch.tensor(feats[0].shape[2:], device=self.device, dtype=dtype) * self.stride[0]  # image size (h,w)#tensor([640., 640.], device='cuda:0', dtype=torch.float16)#将batch的gt维度进行合并targets = preprocess(targets.to(self.device), batch_size, self.device,scale_tensor=imgsz[[1, 0, 1, 0]]) #torch.Size([16, 2, 6])gt_labels, gt_bboxes = targets.split((1, 5), 2)  # cls, xyxy torch.Size([16, 2, 1]),torch.Size([16, 2, 5])mask_gt = gt_bboxes.sum(2, keepdim=True).gt_(0)  #torch.Size([16, 2, 1])#TAL动态匹配target_labels, target_bboxes, target_scores, fg_mask, _ = self.assigner(pred_scores.detach().sigmoid(), (pred_bboxes.detach() * stride_tensor).type(gt_bboxes.dtype),anchor_points * stride_tensor, gt_labels, gt_bboxes, mask_gt)target_scores_sum = max(target_scores.sum(), 1)# cls losstarget_labels = torch.where(target_scores > 0 , 1, 0)#分类losslcls_loss += self.varifocal_loss(pred_scores, target_scores, target_labels) / target_scores_sum  # VFL #边框+角度lossif fg_mask.sum():#旋转边框值进行下采样,切记不能加入角度target_bboxes[:,:,:4] /= stride_tensorweight = target_scores.sum(-1)[fg_mask].unsqueeze(-1)# weight = target_scores.sum(-1)[fg_mask].unsqueeze(-1).pow(2)probloss = probiou_loss(pred_bboxes[fg_mask], target_bboxes[fg_mask])# probloss = probiou_loss(pred_bboxes[fg_mask], target_bboxes[fg_mask], model_l)box_loss +=(probloss* weight).sum() / target_scores_sum# kldloss = self.kld_loss_n(pred_bboxes[fg_mask], target_bboxes[fg_mask])# box_loss +=kldloss.mean()#DFL losstarget_ltrb = bbox2dist(anchor_points, target_bboxes[:,:,:4], self.reg_max)dfl_loss = df_loss(pred_distri[fg_mask].view(-1, self.reg_max + 1), target_ltrb[fg_mask]) * weightdfl_loss = dfl_loss.sum() / target_scores_sumdfl_loss=dfl_loss.unsqueeze(-1)lcls_loss *= self.hyp['cls']box_loss *= self.hyp['box']dfl_loss *= self.hyp['box']# return ( box_loss + lcls_loss ) * batch_size, torch.cat(( box_loss,lcls_loss)).detach()return ( box_loss + lcls_loss+dfl_loss ) * batch_size, torch.cat(( box_loss,lcls_loss,dfl_loss)).detach()

4、 TAL正负样本匹配机制(旋转框版本)


def check_points_in_rotated_boxes(points, boxes):"""Check whether point is in rotated boxesArgs:points (tensor): (1, L, 2) anchor pointsboxes (tensor): [B, N, 5] gt_bboxeseps (float): default 1e-9Returns:is_in_box (tensor): (B, N, L)"""# [B, N, 5] -> [B, N, 4, 2]corners = rbox2poly2(boxes)# [1, L, 2] -> [1, 1, L, 2]points = points.unsqueeze(0)# [B, N, 4, 2] -> [B, N, 1, 2]a, b, c, d = corners.split((1,1,1,1), 2)ab = b - aad = d - a# [B, N, L, 2]ap = points - a# [B, N, L]norm_ab = torch.sum(ab * ab, dim=-1)# [B, N, L]norm_ad = torch.sum(ad * ad, dim=-1)# [B, N, L] dot productap_dot_ab = torch.sum(ap * ab, dim=-1)# [B, N, L] dot productap_dot_ad = torch.sum(ap * ad, dim=-1)# [B, N, L] <A, B> = |A|*|B|*cos(theta) is_in_box = (ap_dot_ab >= 0) & (ap_dot_ab <= norm_ab) & (ap_dot_ad >= 0) & (ap_dot_ad <= norm_ad)return is_in_box



def rotated_iou_similarity(box1, box2):"""Calculate iou of box1 and box2Args:box1 (Tensor): box with the shape [N, 5]box2 (Tensor): box with the shape [N, 5]Return:iou (Tensor): iou between box1 and box2 with the shape [N]"""rotated_ious = []for b1, b2 in zip(box1, box2):b1=b1.unsqueeze(0)b2=b2.unsqueeze(0)rotated_ious.append(box_iou_rotated(b1, b2).squeeze(0).squeeze(0))return torch.stack(rotated_ious, axis=0)


   def get_box_metrics(self, pd_scores, pd_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_bboxes, mask_gt):"""Compute alignment metric given predicted and ground truth bounding boxes."""na = pd_bboxes.shape[-2]mask_gt = mask_gt.bool()  # b, max_num_obj, h*woverlaps = torch.zeros([self.bs, self.n_max_boxes, na], dtype=pd_bboxes.dtype, device=pd_bboxes.device)bbox_scores = torch.zeros([self.bs, self.n_max_boxes, na], dtype=pd_scores.dtype, device=pd_scores.device)ind = torch.zeros([2, self.bs, self.n_max_boxes], dtype=torch.long)  # 2, b, max_num_objind[0] = torch.arange(end=self.bs).view(-1, 1).expand(-1, self.n_max_boxes)  # b, max_num_objind[1] = gt_labels.squeeze(-1)  # b, max_num_obj# Get the scores of each grid for each gt clsbbox_scores[mask_gt] = pd_scores[ind[0], :, ind[1]][mask_gt]  # b, max_num_obj, h*w# (b, max_num_obj, 1, 4), (b, 1, h*w, 4)pd_boxes = pd_bboxes.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, self.n_max_boxes, -1, -1)[mask_gt]gt_boxes = gt_bboxes.unsqueeze(2).expand(-1, -1, na, -1)[mask_gt]#是否采用欧式距离约束正负样本选择,0 false 1 truedistance_constraint=0if distance_constraint==1:#计算每个anchor中心点与gt中心点之间的欧氏距离Euclidean_distance = torch.zeros([self.bs, self.n_max_boxes, na], dtype=pd_bboxes.dtype, device=pd_bboxes.device)pdist = nn.PairwiseDistance(p=2)Euclidean_distance[mask_gt] = pdist(gt_boxes[:,:2],pd_boxes[:,:2])#归一化欧氏距离eps=0.0001min_score=Euclidean_distance[mask_gt].amin(0)max_score=Euclidean_distance[mask_gt].amax(0)Euclidean_distance[mask_gt]=(Euclidean_distance[mask_gt]-min_score+eps)/(max_score-min_score)Euclidean_distance[mask_gt]=Euclidean_distance[mask_gt].pow(0.1)overlaps_distance = torch.zeros([self.bs, self.n_max_boxes, na], dtype=pd_bboxes.dtype, device=pd_bboxes.device)#计算旋转框iou并除以欧氏距离得到overlaps_distance,距离越小overlaps_distance越大overlaps[mask_gt]=rotated_iou_similarity(gt_boxes,pd_boxes)overlaps_distance[mask_gt]=overlaps[mask_gt]/Euclidean_distance[mask_gt] min_score_overlaps=overlaps_distance[mask_gt].amin(0)max_score_overlaps=overlaps_distance[mask_gt].amax(0)overlaps_distance[mask_gt]=(overlaps_distance[mask_gt]-min_score_overlaps+eps)/(max_score_overlaps-min_score_overlaps)#align_metric得分已overlaps_distance的得分值为主导align_metric = bbox_scores.pow(2) * overlaps_distance.pow(1)return align_metric, overlaps_distanceelse:overlaps[mask_gt]=rotated_iou_similarity(gt_boxes,pd_boxes)align_metric = bbox_scores.pow(2) * overlaps.pow(1)return align_metric, overlaps




   # Batched NMSc = x[:, 6:7]  * (0 if agnostic else max_wh)  # classesrboxes = x[:, :5].clone() rboxes[:, :2] = rboxes[:, :2] + c # rboxes (offset by class)scores = x[:, 5] _, i = obb_nms(rboxes, scores, iou_thres)  #dets (tensor/array): (num, [cx cy w h θ]) θ∈[-pi/2, pi/2)# if i.shape[0] > max_det:  # limit detectionsi = i[:max_det]

6、 yolov8_obb与yolov5_obb在UAV-ROD数据集上的训练效果对比






python detcet_save_xml.py --save-xml --xml_save_path_dir your_xml_save_path/  --weights  runs/train/exp/weights/best.pt   --source dataset/your datafile/images/val/   --img 640 --device 0 --conf-thres 0.25 --iou-thres 0.2 


五、 yolov8_obb模型剪枝


六、 yolov8_obb旋转框跟踪




这篇关于Yolov8_obb(prob loss) 基于anchor_free的旋转框目标检测,剪枝,跟踪(ByteTracker)的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




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LntonAIServer视频质量诊断功能中的抖动检测是一个专门针对视频稳定性进行分析的功能。抖动通常是指视频帧之间的不必要运动,这种运动可能是由于摄像机的移动、传输中的错误或编解码问题导致的。抖动检测对于确保视频内容的平滑性和观看体验至关重要。 优势 1. 提高图像质量 - 清晰度提升:减少抖动,提高图像的清晰度和细节表现力,使得监控画面更加真实可信。 - 细节增强:在低光条件下,抖

usaco 1.3 Prime Cryptarithm(简单哈希表暴搜剪枝)

思路: 1. 用一个 hash[ ] 数组存放输入的数字,令 hash[ tmp ]=1 。 2. 一个自定义函数 check( ) ,检查各位是否为输入的数字。 3. 暴搜。第一行数从 100到999,第二行数从 10到99。 4. 剪枝。 代码: /*ID: who jayLANG: C++TASK: crypt1*/#include<stdio.h>bool h

烟火目标检测数据集 7800张 烟火检测 带标注 voc yolo

一个包含7800张带标注图像的数据集,专门用于烟火目标检测,是一个非常有价值的资源,尤其对于那些致力于公共安全、事件管理和烟花表演监控等领域的人士而言。下面是对此数据集的一个详细介绍: 数据集名称:烟火目标检测数据集 数据集规模: 图片数量:7800张类别:主要包含烟火类目标,可能还包括其他相关类别,如烟火发射装置、背景等。格式:图像文件通常为JPEG或PNG格式;标注文件可能为X

poj 2187 凸包or旋转qia壳法

题意: 给n(50000)个点,求这些点与点之间距离最大的距离。 解析: 先求凸包然后暴力。 或者旋转卡壳大法。 代码: #include <iostream>#include <cstdio>#include <cstdlib>#include <algorithm>#include <cstring>#include <cmath>#include <s

基于 YOLOv5 的积水检测系统:打造高效智能的智慧城市应用

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JavaFX开发的桌面应用属于C端,一般来说需要版本检测和自动更新功能,这里记录一下一种版本检测和自动更新的方法。 1. 整体方案 JavaFX.应用版本检测、自动更新主要涉及一下步骤: 读取本地应用版本拉取远程版本并比较两个版本如果需要升级,那么拉取更新历史弹出升级控制窗口用户选择升级时,拉取升级包解压,重启应用用户选择忽略时,本地版本标志为忽略版本用户选择取消时,隐藏升级控制窗口 2.