



    • canvas曲线运动&阳光下的泡沫效果&泡沫曲线运动&矩阵数字雨&烟花效果&方块旋转
    • 曲线运动
      • 勾股定理
      • 三角函数
      • 什么是弧度
      • 角度转弧度
      • 弧度转角度
      • 三角函数图像
        • 与canvas结合
      • 曲线运动案例代码
      • 阳光下的泡沫效果
        • 结合canvas实现气泡效果
        • 效果图
        • 完整代码
      • 泡沫曲线运动
        • 效果图
        • 完整代码
      • 矩阵数字雨
        • 效果图
        • 完整代码
      • 环形方块旋转
        • 效果图
        • 完整代码
      • canvas烟花效果
        • 效果图
        • 完整代码
      • canvas制作马赛克&飞鸟动画&小球拖拽动画
      • canvas实现移动端刮刮卡
      • 带你使用canvas实现时钟
      • 后记












a * a + b*b =c*c


	正弦 : sin余弦 : cos正切 : tan余切 : cot正弦定理a/sinA = b/sinB =c/sinC = 2r(r为外接圆半径)余弦定理cosA = b*b + c*c - a*a / 2bccosB = c*c + a*a - b*b / 2cacosC = a*a + b*b - c*c / 2ab


	一个角度到底代表多少弧度:这个角度所包含的外接圆的弧长/外接圆的半径360 角度 = 2*PI*r/r 弧度(360角度  = 2*PI 弧度)   		===> (单位换算)1角度 = PI/180  弧度 1弧度 = 180/PI 角度


弧度值 = 角度值*PI/180


角度值 = 弧度值*180/PI






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波峰 波谷的值

使用canvas api进行绘制



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/*!* Zdog v1.1.0* Round, flat, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine* Licensed MIT** Copyright 2019 Metafizzy*//*** Boilerplate & utils*/( function( root, factory ) {// module definitionif ( typeof module == 'object' && module.exports ) {// CommonJSmodule.exports = factory();} else {// browser globalroot.Zdog = factory();}
}( this, function factory() {var Zdog = {};Zdog.TAU = Math.PI * 2;Zdog.extend = function( a, b ) {for ( var prop in b ) {a[ prop ] = b[ prop ];}return a;
};Zdog.lerp = function( a, b, alpha ) {return ( b - a ) * alpha + a;
};Zdog.modulo = function( num, div ) {return ( ( num % div ) + div ) % div;
};var powerMultipliers = {2: function( a ) {return a * a;},3: function( a ) {return a * a * a;},4: function( a ) {return a * a * a * a;},5: function( a ) {return a * a * a * a * a;},
};Zdog.easeInOut = function( alpha, power ) {if ( power == 1 ) {return alpha;}alpha = Math.max( 0, Math.min( 1, alpha ) );var isFirstHalf = alpha < 0.5;var slope = isFirstHalf ? alpha : 1 - alpha;slope /= 0.5;// make easing steeper with more multiplesvar powerMultiplier = powerMultipliers[ power ] || powerMultipliers[2];var curve = powerMultiplier( slope );curve /= 2;return isFirstHalf ? curve : 1 - curve;
};return Zdog;}));
/*** CanvasRenderer*/( function( root, factory ) {// module definitionif ( typeof module == 'object' && module.exports ) {// CommonJSmodule.exports = factory();} else {// browser globalroot.Zdog.CanvasRenderer = factory();}
}( this, function factory() {var CanvasRenderer = { isCanvas: true };CanvasRenderer.begin = function( ctx ) {ctx.beginPath();
};CanvasRenderer.move = function( ctx, elem, point ) {ctx.moveTo( point.x, point.y );
};CanvasRenderer.line = function( ctx, elem, point ) {ctx.lineTo( point.x, point.y );
};CanvasRenderer.bezier = function( ctx, elem, cp0, cp1, end ) {ctx.bezierCurveTo( cp0.x, cp0.y, cp1.x, cp1.y, end.x, end.y );
};CanvasRenderer.closePath = function( ctx ) {ctx.closePath();
};CanvasRenderer.setPath = function() {};CanvasRenderer.renderPath = function( ctx, elem, pathCommands, isClosed ) {this.begin( ctx, elem );pathCommands.forEach( function( command ) {command.render( ctx, elem, CanvasRenderer );});if ( isClosed ) {this.closePath( ctx, elem );}
};CanvasRenderer.stroke = function( ctx, elem, isStroke, color, lineWidth ) {if ( !isStroke ) {return;}ctx.strokeStyle = color;ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth;ctx.stroke();
};CanvasRenderer.fill = function( ctx, elem, isFill, color ) {if ( !isFill ) {return;}ctx.fillStyle = color;ctx.fill();
};CanvasRenderer.end = function() {};return CanvasRenderer;}));
/*** SvgRenderer*/( function( root, factory ) {// module definitionif ( typeof module == 'object' && module.exports ) {// CommonJSmodule.exports = factory();} else {// browser globalroot.Zdog.SvgRenderer = factory();}
}( this, function factory() {var SvgRenderer = { isSvg: true };// round path coordinates to 3 decimals
var round = SvgRenderer.round = function( num ) {return Math.round( num * 1000 ) / 1000;
};function getPointString( point ) {return round( point.x ) + ',' + round( point.y ) + ' ';
}SvgRenderer.begin = function() {};SvgRenderer.move = function( svg, elem, point ) {return 'M' + getPointString( point );
};SvgRenderer.line = function( svg, elem, point ) {return 'L' + getPointString( point );
};SvgRenderer.bezier = function( svg, elem, cp0, cp1, end ) {return 'C' + getPointString( cp0 ) + getPointString( cp1 ) +getPointString( end );
};SvgRenderer.closePath = function(/* elem */) {return 'Z';
};SvgRenderer.setPath = function( svg, elem, pathValue ) {elem.setAttribute( 'd', pathValue );
};SvgRenderer.renderPath = function( svg, elem, pathCommands, isClosed ) {var pathValue = '';pathCommands.forEach( function( command ) {pathValue += command.render( svg, elem, SvgRenderer );});if ( isClosed ) {pathValue += this.closePath( svg, elem );}this.setPath( svg, elem, pathValue );
};SvgRenderer.stroke = function( svg, elem, isStroke, color, lineWidth ) {if ( !isStroke ) {return;}elem.setAttribute( 'stroke', color );elem.setAttribute( 'stroke-width', lineWidth );
};SvgRenderer.fill = function( svg, elem, isFill, color ) {var fillColor = isFill ? color : 'none';elem.setAttribute( 'fill', fillColor );
};SvgRenderer.end = function( svg, elem ) {svg.appendChild( elem );
};return SvgRenderer;}));
/*** Vector*/( function( root, factory ) {// module definitionif ( typeof module == 'object' && module.exports ) {// CommonJSmodule.exports = factory( require('./boilerplate') );} else {// browser globalvar Zdog = root.Zdog;Zdog.Vector = factory( Zdog );}}( this, function factory( utils ) {function Vector( position ) {this.set( position );
}var TAU = utils.TAU;// 'pos' = 'position'
Vector.prototype.set = function( pos ) {this.x = pos && pos.x || 0;this.y = pos && pos.y || 0;this.z = pos && pos.z || 0;return this;
};// set coordinates without sanitizing
// vec.write({ y: 2 }) only sets y coord
Vector.prototype.write = function( pos ) {if ( !pos ) {return this;}this.x = pos.x != undefined ? pos.x : this.x;this.y = pos.y != undefined ? pos.y : this.y;this.z = pos.z != undefined ? pos.z : this.z;return this;
};Vector.prototype.rotate = function( rotation ) {if ( !rotation ) {return;}this.rotateZ( rotation.z );this.rotateY( rotation.y );this.rotateX( rotation.x );return this;
};Vector.prototype.rotateZ = function( angle ) {rotateProperty( this, angle, 'x', 'y' );
};Vector.prototype.rotateX = function( angle ) {rotateProperty( this, angle, 'y', 'z' );
};Vector.prototype.rotateY = function( angle ) {rotateProperty( this, angle, 'x', 'z' );
};function rotateProperty( vec, angle, propA, propB ) {if ( !angle || angle % TAU === 0 ) {return;}var cos = Math.cos( angle );var sin = Math.sin( angle );var a = vec[ propA ];var b = vec[ propB ];vec[ propA ] = a*cos - b*sin;vec[ propB ] = b*cos + a*sin;
}Vector.prototype.isSame = function( pos ) {if ( !pos ) {return false;}return this.x === pos.x && this.y === pos.y && this.z === pos.z;
};Vector.prototype.add = function( pos ) {if ( !pos ) {return this;}this.x += pos.x || 0;this.y += pos.y || 0;this.z += pos.z || 0;return this;
};Vector.prototype.subtract = function( pos ) {if ( !pos ) {return this;}this.x -= pos.x || 0;this.y -= pos.y || 0;this.z -= pos.z || 0;return this;
};Vector.prototype.multiply = function( pos ) {if ( pos == undefined ) {return this;}// multiple all values by same numberif ( typeof pos == 'number' ) {this.x *= pos;this.y *= pos;this.z *= pos;} else {// multiply objectthis.x *= pos.x != undefined ? pos.x : 1;this.y *= pos.y != undefined ? pos.y : 1;this.z *= pos.z != undefined ? pos.z : 1;}return this;
};Vector.prototype.transform = function( translation, rotation, scale ) {this.multiply( scale );this.rotate( rotation );this.add( translation );return this;
};Vector.prototype.lerp = function( pos, alpha ) {this.x = utils.lerp( this.x, pos.x || 0, alpha );this.y = utils.lerp( this.y, pos.y || 0, alpha );this.z = utils.lerp( this.z, pos.z || 0, alpha );return this;
};Vector.prototype.magnitude = function() {var sum = this.x*this.x + this.y*this.y + this.z*this.z;return getMagnitudeSqrt( sum );
};function getMagnitudeSqrt( sum ) {// PERF: check if sum ~= 1 and skip sqrtif ( Math.abs( sum - 1 ) < 0.00000001 ) {return 1;}return Math.sqrt( sum );
}Vector.prototype.magnitude2d = function() {var sum = this.x*this.x + this.y*this.y;return getMagnitudeSqrt( sum );
};Vector.prototype.copy = function() {return new Vector( this );
};return Vector;}));
/*** Anchor*/( function( root, factory ) {// module definitionif ( typeof module == 'object' && module.exports ) {// CommonJSmodule.exports = factory( require('./boilerplate'), require('./vector'),require('./canvas-renderer'), require('./svg-renderer') );} else {// browser globalvar Zdog = root.Zdog;Zdog.Anchor = factory( Zdog, Zdog.Vector, Zdog.CanvasRenderer,Zdog.SvgRenderer );}
}( this, function factory( utils, Vector, CanvasRenderer, SvgRenderer ) {var TAU = utils.TAU;
var onePoint = { x: 1, y: 1, z: 1 };function Anchor( options ) {this.create( options || {} );
}Anchor.prototype.create = function( options ) {this.children = [];// set defaults & optionsutils.extend( this, this.constructor.defaults );this.setOptions( options );// transformthis.translate = new Vector( options.translate );this.rotate = new Vector( options.rotate );this.scale = new Vector( onePoint ).multiply( this.scale );// originthis.origin = new Vector();this.renderOrigin = new Vector();if ( this.addTo ) {this.addTo.addChild( this );}
};Anchor.defaults = {};Anchor.optionKeys = Object.keys( Anchor.defaults ).concat(['rotate','translate','scale','addTo',
]);Anchor.prototype.setOptions = function( options ) {var optionKeys = this.constructor.optionKeys;for ( var key in options ) {if ( optionKeys.indexOf( key ) != -1 ) {this[ key ] = options[ key ];}}
};Anchor.prototype.addChild = function( shape ) {if ( this.children.indexOf( shape ) != -1 ) {return;}shape.remove(); // remove previous parentshape.addTo = this; // keep parent referencethis.children.push( shape );
};Anchor.prototype.removeChild = function( shape ) {var index = this.children.indexOf( shape );if ( index != -1 ) {this.children.splice( index, 1 );}
};Anchor.prototype.remove = function() {if ( this.addTo ) {this.addTo.removeChild( this );}
};// ----- update ----- //Anchor.prototype.update = function() {// update selfthis.reset();// update childrenthis.children.forEach( function( child ) {child.update();});this.transform( this.translate, this.rotate, this.scale );
};Anchor.prototype.reset = function() {this.renderOrigin.set( this.origin );
};Anchor.prototype.transform = function( translation, rotation, scale ) {this.renderOrigin.transform( translation, rotation, scale );// transform childrenthis.children.forEach( function( child ) {child.transform( translation, rotation, scale );});
};Anchor.prototype.updateGraph = function() {this.update();this.updateFlatGraph();this.flatGraph.forEach( function( item ) {item.updateSortValue();});// z-sortthis.flatGraph.sort( Anchor.shapeSorter );
};Anchor.shapeSorter = function( a, b ) {return a.sortValue - b.sortValue;
};// custom getter to check for flatGraph before using it
Object.defineProperty( Anchor.prototype, 'flatGraph', {get: function() {if ( !this._flatGraph ) {this.updateFlatGraph();}return this._flatGraph;},set: function( graph ) {this._flatGraph = graph;},
});Anchor.prototype.updateFlatGraph = function() {this.flatGraph = this.getFlatGraph();
};// return Array of self & all child graph items
Anchor.prototype.getFlatGraph = function() {var flatGraph = [ this ];return this.addChildFlatGraph( flatGraph );
};Anchor.prototype.addChildFlatGraph = function( flatGraph ) {this.children.forEach( function( child ) {var childFlatGraph = child.getFlatGraph();Array.prototype.push.apply( flatGraph, childFlatGraph );});return flatGraph;
};Anchor.prototype.updateSortValue = function() {this.sortValue = this.renderOrigin.z;
};// ----- render ----- //Anchor.prototype.render = function() {};// TODO refactor out CanvasRenderer so its not a dependency within anchor.js
Anchor.prototype.renderGraphCanvas = function( ctx ) {if ( !ctx ) {throw new Error( 'ctx is ' + ctx + '. ' +'Canvas context required for render. Check .renderGraphCanvas( ctx ).' );}this.flatGraph.forEach( function( item ) {item.render( ctx, CanvasRenderer );});
};Anchor.prototype.renderGraphSvg = function( svg ) {if ( !svg ) {throw new Error( 'svg is ' + svg + '. ' +'SVG required for render. Check .renderGraphSvg( svg ).' );}this.flatGraph.forEach( function( item ) {item.render( svg, SvgRenderer );});
};// ----- misc ----- //Anchor.prototype.copy = function( options ) {// copy optionsvar itemOptions = {};var optionKeys = this.constructor.optionKeys;optionKeys.forEach( function( key ) {itemOptions[ key ] = this[ key ];}, this );// add set optionsutils.extend( itemOptions, options );var ItemClass = this.constructor;return new ItemClass( itemOptions );
};Anchor.prototype.copyGraph = function( options ) {var clone = this.copy( options );this.children.forEach( function( child ) {child.copyGraph({addTo: clone,});});return clone;
};Anchor.prototype.normalizeRotate = function() {this.rotate.x = utils.modulo( this.rotate.x, TAU );this.rotate.y = utils.modulo( this.rotate.y, TAU );this.rotate.z = utils.modulo( this.rotate.z, TAU );
};// ----- subclass ----- //function getSubclass( Super ) {return function( defaults ) {// create constructorfunction Item( options ) {this.create( options || {} );}Item.prototype = Object.create( Super.prototype );Item.prototype.constructor = Item;Item.defaults = utils.extend( {}, Super.defaults );utils.extend( Item.defaults, defaults );// create optionKeysItem.optionKeys = Super.optionKeys.slice(0);// add defaults keys to optionKeys, dedupeObject.keys( Item.defaults ).forEach( function( key ) {if ( !Item.optionKeys.indexOf( key ) != 1 ) {Item.optionKeys.push( key );}});Item.subclass = getSubclass( Item );return Item;};
}Anchor.subclass = getSubclass( Anchor );return Anchor;}));
/*** Dragger*/( function( root, factory ) {// module definitionif ( typeof module == 'object' && module.exports ) {// CommonJSmodule.exports = factory( root );} else {// browser globalroot.Zdog.Dragger = factory( root );}
}( this, function factory( window ) {// quick & dirty drag event stuff
// messes up if multiple pointers/touches// event support, default to mouse events
var downEvent = 'mousedown';
var moveEvent = 'mousemove';
var upEvent = 'mouseup';
if ( window.PointerEvent ) {// PointerEvent, ChromedownEvent = 'pointerdown';moveEvent = 'pointermove';upEvent = 'pointerup';
} else if ( 'ontouchstart' in window ) {// Touch Events, iOS SafaridownEvent = 'touchstart';moveEvent = 'touchmove';upEvent = 'touchend';
}function noop() {}function Dragger( options ) {this.create( options || {} );
}Dragger.prototype.create = function( options ) {this.onDragStart = options.onDragStart || noop;this.onDragMove = options.onDragMove || noop;this.onDragEnd = options.onDragEnd || noop;this.bindDrag( options.startElement );
};Dragger.prototype.bindDrag = function( element ) {element = this.getQueryElement( element );if ( !element ) {return;}// disable browser gestures = 'none';element.addEventListener( downEvent, this );
};Dragger.prototype.getQueryElement = function( element ) {if ( typeof element == 'string' ) {// with string, query selectorelement = document.querySelector( element );}return element;
};Dragger.prototype.handleEvent = function( event ) {var method = this[ 'on' + event.type ];if ( method ) { this, event );}
};Dragger.prototype.onmousedown =
Dragger.prototype.onpointerdown = function( event ) {this.dragStart( event, event );
};Dragger.prototype.ontouchstart = function( event ) {this.dragStart( event, event.changedTouches[0] );
};Dragger.prototype.dragStart = function( event, pointer ) {event.preventDefault();this.dragStartX = pointer.pageX;this.dragStartY = pointer.pageY;window.addEventListener( moveEvent, this );window.addEventListener( upEvent, this );this.onDragStart( pointer );
};Dragger.prototype.ontouchmove = function( event ) {// HACK, moved touch may not be firstthis.dragMove( event, event.changedTouches[0] );
};Dragger.prototype.onmousemove =
Dragger.prototype.onpointermove = function( event ) {this.dragMove( event, event );
};Dragger.prototype.dragMove = function( event, pointer ) {event.preventDefault();var moveX = pointer.pageX - this.dragStartX;var moveY = pointer.pageY - this.dragStartY;this.onDragMove( pointer, moveX, moveY );
};Dragger.prototype.onmouseup =
Dragger.prototype.onpointerup =
Dragger.prototype.ontouchend =
Dragger.prototype.dragEnd = function(/* event */) {window.removeEventListener( moveEvent, this );window.removeEventListener( upEvent, this );this.onDragEnd();
};return Dragger;}));
/*** Illustration*/( function( root, factory ) {// module definitionif ( typeof module == 'object' && module.exports ) {// CommonJSmodule.exports = factory( require('./boilerplate'), require('./anchor'),require('./dragger') );} else {// browser globalvar Zdog = root.Zdog;Zdog.Illustration = factory( Zdog, Zdog.Anchor, Zdog.Dragger );}
}( this, function factory( utils, Anchor, Dragger ) {function noop() {}
var TAU = utils.TAU;var Illustration = Anchor.subclass({element: undefined,centered: true,zoom: 1,dragRotate: false,resize: false,onPrerender: noop,onDragStart: noop,onDragMove: noop,onDragEnd: noop,onResize: noop,
});utils.extend( Illustration.prototype, Dragger.prototype );Illustration.prototype.create = function( options ) { this, options ); this, options );this.setElement( this.element );this.setDragRotate( this.dragRotate );this.setResize( this.resize );
};Illustration.prototype.setElement = function( element ) {element = this.getQueryElement( element );if ( !element ) {throw new Error( 'Zdog.Illustration element required. Set to ' + element );}var nodeName = element.nodeName.toLowerCase();if ( nodeName == 'canvas' ) {this.setCanvas( element );} else if ( nodeName == 'svg' ) {this.setSvg( element );}
};Illustration.prototype.setSize = function( width, height ) {width = Math.round( width );height = Math.round( height );if ( this.isCanvas ) {this.setSizeCanvas( width, height );} else if ( this.isSvg ) {this.setSizeSvg( width, height );}
};Illustration.prototype.setResize = function( resize ) {this.resize = resize;// create resize event listenerif ( !this.resizeListener ) {this.resizeListener = this.onWindowResize.bind( this );}// add/remove event listenerif ( resize ) {window.addEventListener( 'resize', this.resizeListener );this.onWindowResize();} else {window.removeEventListener( 'resize', this.resizeListener );}
};// TODO debounce this?
Illustration.prototype.onWindowResize = function() {this.setMeasuredSize();this.onResize( this.width, this.height );
};Illustration.prototype.setMeasuredSize = function() {var width, height;var isFullscreen = this.resize == 'fullscreen';if ( isFullscreen ) {width = window.innerWidth;height = window.innerHeight;} else {var rect = this.element.getBoundingClientRect();width = rect.width;height = rect.height;}this.setSize( width, height );
};// ----- render ----- //Illustration.prototype.renderGraph = function( item ) {if ( this.isCanvas ) {this.renderGraphCanvas( item );} else if ( this.isSvg ) {this.renderGraphSvg( item );}
};// combo method
Illustration.prototype.updateRenderGraph = function( item ) {this.updateGraph();this.renderGraph( item );
};// ----- canvas ----- //Illustration.prototype.setCanvas = function( element ) {this.element = element;this.isCanvas = true;// update related propertiesthis.ctx = this.element.getContext('2d');// set initial sizethis.setSizeCanvas( element.width, element.height );
};Illustration.prototype.setSizeCanvas = function( width, height ) {this.width = width;this.height = height;// up-rez for hi-DPI devicesvar pixelRatio = this.pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;this.element.width = this.canvasWidth = width * pixelRatio;this.element.height = this.canvasHeight = height * pixelRatio;var needsHighPixelRatioSizing = pixelRatio > 1 && !this.resize;if ( needsHighPixelRatioSizing ) { = width + 'px'; = height + 'px';}
};Illustration.prototype.renderGraphCanvas = function( item ) {item = item || this;this.prerenderCanvas(); item, this.ctx );this.postrenderCanvas();
};Illustration.prototype.prerenderCanvas = function() {var ctx = this.ctx;ctx.lineCap = 'round';ctx.lineJoin = 'round';ctx.clearRect( 0, 0, this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight );;if ( this.centered ) {var centerX = this.width/2 * this.pixelRatio;var centerY = this.height/2 * this.pixelRatio;ctx.translate( centerX, centerY );}var scale = this.pixelRatio * this.zoom;ctx.scale( scale, scale );this.onPrerender( ctx );
};Illustration.prototype.postrenderCanvas = function() {this.ctx.restore();
};// ----- svg ----- //Illustration.prototype.setSvg = function( element ) {this.element = element;this.isSvg = true;this.pixelRatio = 1;// set initial size from width & height attributesvar width = element.getAttribute('width');var height = element.getAttribute('height');this.setSizeSvg( width, height );
};Illustration.prototype.setSizeSvg = function( width, height ) {this.width = width;this.height = height;var viewWidth = width / this.zoom;var viewHeight = height / this.zoom;var viewX = this.centered ? -viewWidth/2 : 0;var viewY = this.centered ? -viewHeight/2 : 0;this.element.setAttribute( 'viewBox', viewX + ' ' + viewY + ' ' +viewWidth + ' ' + viewHeight );if ( this.resize ) {// remove size attributes, let size be determined by viewboxthis.element.removeAttribute('width');this.element.removeAttribute('height');} else {this.element.setAttribute( 'width', width );this.element.setAttribute( 'height', height );}
};Illustration.prototype.renderGraphSvg = function( item ) {item = item || this;empty( this.element );this.onPrerender( this.element ); item, this.element );
};function empty( element ) {while ( element.firstChild ) {element.removeChild( element.firstChild );}
}// ----- drag ----- //Illustration.prototype.setDragRotate = function( item ) {if ( !item ) {return;} else if ( item === true ) {/* eslint consistent-this: "off" */item = this;}this.dragRotate = item;this.bindDrag( this.element );
};Illustration.prototype.dragStart = function(/* event, pointer */) {this.dragStartRX = this.dragRotate.rotate.x;this.dragStartRY = this.dragRotate.rotate.y;Dragger.prototype.dragStart.apply( this, arguments );
};Illustration.prototype.dragMove = function( event, pointer ) {var moveX = pointer.pageX - this.dragStartX;var moveY = pointer.pageY - this.dragStartY;var displaySize = Math.min( this.width, this.height );var moveRY = moveX / displaySize * TAU;var moveRX = moveY / displaySize * TAU;this.dragRotate.rotate.x = this.dragStartRX - moveRX;this.dragRotate.rotate.y = this.dragStartRY - moveRY;Dragger.prototype.dragMove.apply( this, arguments );
};return Illustration;}));
/*** PathCommand*/( function( root, factory ) {// module definitionif ( typeof module == 'object' && module.exports ) {// CommonJSmodule.exports = factory( require('./vector') );} else {// browser globalvar Zdog = root.Zdog;Zdog.PathCommand = factory( Zdog.Vector );}
}( this, function factory( Vector ) {function PathCommand( method, points, previousPoint ) {this.method = method;this.points = mapVectorPoint );this.renderPoints = mapNewVector );this.previousPoint = previousPoint;this.endRenderPoint = this.renderPoints[ this.renderPoints.length - 1 ];// arc actions come with previous point & corner point// but require bezier control pointsif ( method == 'arc' ) {this.controlPoints = [ new Vector(), new Vector() ];}
}function mapVectorPoint( point ) {if ( point instanceof Vector ) {return point;} else {return new Vector( point );}
}function mapNewVector( point ) {return new Vector( point );
}PathCommand.prototype.reset = function() {// reset renderPoints back to orignal points positionvar points = this.points;this.renderPoints.forEach( function( renderPoint, i ) {var point = points[i];renderPoint.set( point );});
};PathCommand.prototype.transform = function( translation, rotation, scale ) {this.renderPoints.forEach( function( renderPoint ) {renderPoint.transform( translation, rotation, scale );});
};PathCommand.prototype.render = function( ctx, elem, renderer ) {return this[ this.method ]( ctx, elem, renderer );
};PathCommand.prototype.move = function( ctx, elem, renderer ) {return renderer.move( ctx, elem, this.renderPoints[0] );
};PathCommand.prototype.line = function( ctx, elem, renderer ) {return renderer.line( ctx, elem, this.renderPoints[0] );
};PathCommand.prototype.bezier = function( ctx, elem, renderer ) {var cp0 = this.renderPoints[0];var cp1 = this.renderPoints[1];var end = this.renderPoints[2];return renderer.bezier( ctx, elem, cp0, cp1, end );
};var arcHandleLength = 9/16;PathCommand.prototype.arc = function( ctx, elem, renderer ) {var prev = this.previousPoint;var corner = this.renderPoints[0];var end = this.renderPoints[1];var cp0 = this.controlPoints[0];var cp1 = this.controlPoints[1];cp0.set( prev ).lerp( corner, arcHandleLength );cp1.set( end ).lerp( corner, arcHandleLength );return renderer.bezier( ctx, elem, cp0, cp1, end );
};return PathCommand;}));
/*** Shape*/( function( root, factory ) {// module definitionif ( typeof module == 'object' && module.exports ) {// CommonJSmodule.exports = factory( require('./boilerplate'), require('./vector'),require('./path-command'), require('./anchor') );} else {// browser globalvar Zdog = root.Zdog;Zdog.Shape = factory( Zdog, Zdog.Vector, Zdog.PathCommand, Zdog.Anchor );}
}( this, function factory( utils, Vector, PathCommand, Anchor ) {var Shape = Anchor.subclass({stroke: 1,fill: false,color: '#333',closed: true,visible: true,path: [ {} ],front: { z: 1 },backface: true,
});Shape.prototype.create = function( options ) { this, options );this.updatePath();// frontthis.front = new Vector( options.front || this.front );this.renderFront = new Vector( this.front );this.renderNormal = new Vector();
};var actionNames = ['move','line','bezier','arc',
];Shape.prototype.updatePath = function() {this.setPath();this.updatePathCommands();
};// place holder for Ellipse, Rect, etc.
Shape.prototype.setPath = function() {};// parse path into PathCommands
Shape.prototype.updatePathCommands = function() {var previousPoint;this.pathCommands = function( pathPart, i ) {// pathPart can be just vector coordinates -> { x, y, z }// or path instruction -> { arc: [ {x0,y0,z0}, {x1,y1,z1} ] }var keys = Object.keys( pathPart );var method = keys[0];var points = pathPart[ method ];// default to line if no instructionvar isInstruction = keys.length == 1 && actionNames.indexOf( method ) != -1;if ( !isInstruction ) {method = 'line';points = pathPart;}// munge single-point methods like line & move without arraysvar isLineOrMove = method == 'line' || method == 'move';var isPointsArray = Array.isArray( points );if ( isLineOrMove && !isPointsArray ) {points = [ points ];}// first action is always movemethod = i === 0 ? 'move' : method;// arcs require previous last pointvar command = new PathCommand( method, points, previousPoint );// update previousLastPointpreviousPoint = command.endRenderPoint;return command;});
};// ----- update ----- //Shape.prototype.reset = function() {this.renderOrigin.set( this.origin );this.renderFront.set( this.front );// reset command render pointsthis.pathCommands.forEach( function( command ) {command.reset();});
};Shape.prototype.transform = function( translation, rotation, scale ) {// calculate render points backface visibility & cone/hemisphere shapesthis.renderOrigin.transform( translation, rotation, scale );this.renderFront.transform( translation, rotation, scale );this.renderNormal.set( this.renderOrigin ).subtract( this.renderFront );// transform pointsthis.pathCommands.forEach( function( command ) {command.transform( translation, rotation, scale );});// transform childrenthis.children.forEach( function( child ) {child.transform( translation, rotation, scale );});
};Shape.prototype.updateSortValue = function() {// sort by average z of all points// def not geometrically correct, but works for mevar pointCount = this.pathCommands.length;var firstPoint = this.pathCommands[0].endRenderPoint;var lastPoint = this.pathCommands[ pointCount - 1 ].endRenderPoint;// ignore the final point if self closing shapevar isSelfClosing = pointCount > 2 && firstPoint.isSame( lastPoint );if ( isSelfClosing ) {pointCount -= 1;}var sortValueTotal = 0;for ( var i = 0; i < pointCount; i++ ) {sortValueTotal += this.pathCommands[i].endRenderPoint.z;}this.sortValue = sortValueTotal / pointCount;
};// ----- render ----- //Shape.prototype.render = function( ctx, renderer ) {var length = this.pathCommands.length;if ( !this.visible || !length ) {return;}// do not render if hiding backfacethis.isFacingBack = this.renderNormal.z > 0;if ( !this.backface && this.isFacingBack ) {return;}if ( !renderer ) {throw new Error( 'Zdog renderer required. Set to ' + renderer );}// render dot or pathvar isDot = length == 1;if ( renderer.isCanvas && isDot ) {this.renderCanvasDot( ctx, renderer );} else {this.renderPath( ctx, renderer );}
};var TAU = utils.TAU;
// Safari does not render lines with no size, have to render circle instead
Shape.prototype.renderCanvasDot = function( ctx ) {var lineWidth = this.getLineWidth();if ( !lineWidth ) {return;}ctx.fillStyle = this.getRenderColor();var point = this.pathCommands[0].endRenderPoint;ctx.beginPath();var radius = lineWidth/2;ctx.arc( point.x, point.y, radius, 0, TAU );ctx.fill();
};Shape.prototype.getLineWidth = function() {if ( !this.stroke ) {return 0;}if ( this.stroke == true ) {return 1;}return this.stroke;
};Shape.prototype.getRenderColor = function() {// use backface color if applicablevar isBackfaceColor = typeof this.backface == 'string' && this.isFacingBack;var color = isBackfaceColor ? this.backface : this.color;return color;
};Shape.prototype.renderPath = function( ctx, renderer ) {var elem = this.getRenderElement( ctx, renderer );var isTwoPoints = this.pathCommands.length == 2 &&this.pathCommands[1].method == 'line';var isClosed = !isTwoPoints && this.closed;var color = this.getRenderColor();renderer.renderPath( ctx, elem, this.pathCommands, isClosed );renderer.stroke( ctx, elem, this.stroke, color, this.getLineWidth() );renderer.fill( ctx, elem, this.fill, color );renderer.end( ctx, elem );
};var svgURI = '';Shape.prototype.getRenderElement = function( ctx, renderer ) {if ( !renderer.isSvg ) {return;}if ( !this.svgElement ) {// create svgElementthis.svgElement = document.createElementNS( svgURI, 'path');this.svgElement.setAttribute( 'stroke-linecap', 'round' );this.svgElement.setAttribute( 'stroke-linejoin', 'round' );}return this.svgElement;
};return Shape;}));
/*** Group*/( function( root, factory ) {// module definitionif ( typeof module == 'object' && module.exports ) {// CommonJSmodule.exports = factory( require('./anchor') );} else {// browser globalvar Zdog = root.Zdog;Zdog.Group = factory( Zdog.Anchor );}
}( this, function factory( Anchor ) {var Group = Anchor.subclass({updateSort: false,visible: true,
});// ----- update ----- //Group.prototype.updateSortValue = function() {var sortValueTotal = 0;this.flatGraph.forEach( function( item ) {item.updateSortValue();sortValueTotal += item.sortValue;});// average sort value of all points// def not geometrically correct, but works for methis.sortValue = sortValueTotal / this.flatGraph.length;if ( this.updateSort ) {this.flatGraph.sort( Anchor.shapeSorter );}
};// ----- render ----- //Group.prototype.render = function( ctx, renderer ) {if ( !this.visible ) {return;}this.flatGraph.forEach( function( item ) {item.render( ctx, renderer );});
};// actual group flatGraph only used inside group
Group.prototype.updateFlatGraph = function() {// do not include selfvar flatGraph = [];this.flatGraph = this.addChildFlatGraph( flatGraph );
};// do not include children, group handles rendering & sorting internally
Group.prototype.getFlatGraph = function() {return [ this ];
};return Group;}));
/*** Rect*/( function( root, factory ) {// module definitionif ( typeof module == 'object' && module.exports ) {// CommonJSmodule.exports = factory( require('./shape') );} else {// browser globalvar Zdog = root.Zdog;Zdog.Rect = factory( Zdog.Shape );}
}( this, function factory( Shape ) {var Rect = Shape.subclass({width: 1,height: 1,
});Rect.prototype.setPath = function() {var x = this.width / 2;var y = this.height / 2;/* eslint key-spacing: "off" */this.path = [{ x: -x, y: -y },{ x:  x, y: -y },{ x:  x, y:  y },{ x: -x, y:  y },];
};return Rect;}));
/*** RoundedRect*/( function( root, factory ) {// module definitionif ( typeof module == 'object' && module.exports ) {// CommonJSmodule.exports = factory( require('./shape') );} else {// browser globalvar Zdog = root.Zdog;Zdog.RoundedRect = factory( Zdog.Shape );}
}( this, function factory( Shape ) {var RoundedRect = Shape.subclass({width: 1,height: 1,cornerRadius: 0.25,closed: false,
});RoundedRect.prototype.setPath = function() {/* eslintid-length: [ "error", { "min": 2, "exceptions": [ "x", "y" ] }],key-spacing: "off" */var xA = this.width / 2;var yA = this.height / 2;var shortSide = Math.min( xA, yA );var cornerRadius = Math.min( this.cornerRadius, shortSide );var xB = xA - cornerRadius;var yB = yA - cornerRadius;var path = [// top right corner{ x: xB, y: -yA },{ arc: [{ x: xA, y: -yA },{ x: xA, y: -yB },]},];// bottom right cornerif ( yB ) {path.push({ x: xA, y: yB });}path.push({ arc: [{ x: xA, y:  yA },{ x: xB, y:  yA },]});// bottom left cornerif ( xB ) {path.push({ x: -xB, y: yA });}path.push({ arc: [{ x: -xA, y:  yA },{ x: -xA, y:  yB },]});// top left cornerif ( yB ) {path.push({ x: -xA, y: -yB });}path.push({ arc: [{ x: -xA, y: -yA },{ x: -xB, y: -yA },]});// back to top right cornerif ( xB ) {path.push({ x: xB, y: -yA });}this.path = path;
};return RoundedRect;}));
/*** Ellipse*/( function( root, factory ) {// module definitionif ( typeof module == 'object' && module.exports ) {// CommonJSmodule.exports = factory( require('./shape') );} else {// browser globalvar Zdog = root.Zdog;Zdog.Ellipse = factory( Zdog.Shape );}}( this, function factory( Shape ) {var Ellipse = Shape.subclass({diameter: 1,width: undefined,height: undefined,quarters: 4,closed: false,
});Ellipse.prototype.setPath = function() {var width = this.width != undefined ? this.width : this.diameter;var height = this.height != undefined ? this.height : this.diameter;var x = width / 2;var y = height / 2;this.path = [{ x: 0, y: -y },{ arc: [ // top right{ x: x, y: -y },{ x: x, y: 0 },]},];// bottom rightif ( this.quarters > 1 ) {this.path.push({ arc: [{ x: x, y: y },{ x: 0, y: y },]});}// bottom leftif ( this.quarters > 2 ) {this.path.push({ arc: [{ x: -x, y: y },{ x: -x, y: 0 },]});}// top leftif ( this.quarters > 3 ) {this.path.push({ arc: [{ x: -x, y: -y },{ x: 0, y: -y },]});}
};return Ellipse;}));
/*** Shape*/( function( root, factory ) {// module definitionif ( typeof module == 'object' && module.exports ) {// CommonJSmodule.exports = factory( require('./boilerplate'), require('./shape') );} else {// browser globalvar Zdog = root.Zdog;Zdog.Polygon = factory( Zdog, Zdog.Shape );}
}( this, function factory( utils, Shape ) {var Polygon = Shape.subclass({sides: 3,radius: 0.5,
});var TAU = utils.TAU;Polygon.prototype.setPath = function() {this.path = [];for ( var i=0; i < this.sides; i++ ) {var theta = i/this.sides * TAU - TAU/4;var x = Math.cos( theta ) * this.radius;var y = Math.sin( theta ) * this.radius;this.path.push({ x: x, y: y });}
};return Polygon;}));
/*** Hemisphere composite shape*/( function( root, factory ) {// module definitionif ( typeof module == 'object' && module.exports ) {// CommonJSmodule.exports = factory( require('./boilerplate'), require('./vector'),require('./anchor'), require('./ellipse') );} else {// browser globalvar Zdog = root.Zdog;Zdog.Hemisphere = factory( Zdog, Zdog.Vector, Zdog.Anchor, Zdog.Ellipse );}
}( this, function factory( utils, Vector, Anchor, Ellipse ) {var Hemisphere = Ellipse.subclass({fill: true,
});var TAU = utils.TAU;Hemisphere.prototype.create = function(/* options */) {// call superEllipse.prototype.create.apply( this, arguments );// composite shape, create child shapesthis.apex = new Anchor({addTo: this,translate: { z: this.diameter/2 },});// vector used for calculationthis.renderCentroid = new Vector();
};Hemisphere.prototype.updateSortValue = function() {// centroid of hemisphere is 3/8 between origin and apexthis.renderCentroid.set( this.renderOrigin ).lerp( this.apex.renderOrigin, 3/8 );this.sortValue = this.renderCentroid.z;
};Hemisphere.prototype.render = function( ctx, renderer ) {this.renderDome( ctx, renderer );// call superEllipse.prototype.render.apply( this, arguments );
};Hemisphere.prototype.renderDome = function( ctx, renderer ) {if ( !this.visible ) {return;}var elem = this.getDomeRenderElement( ctx, renderer );var contourAngle = Math.atan2( this.renderNormal.y, this.renderNormal.x );var domeRadius = this.diameter/2 * this.renderNormal.magnitude();var x = this.renderOrigin.x;var y = this.renderOrigin.y;if ( renderer.isCanvas ) {// canvasvar startAngle = contourAngle + TAU/4;var endAngle = contourAngle - TAU/4;ctx.beginPath();ctx.arc( x, y, domeRadius, startAngle, endAngle );} else if ( renderer.isSvg ) {// svgcontourAngle = (contourAngle - TAU/4) / TAU * 360;this.domeSvgElement.setAttribute( 'd', 'M ' + -domeRadius + ',0 A ' +domeRadius + ',' + domeRadius + ' 0 0 1 ' + domeRadius + ',0' );this.domeSvgElement.setAttribute( 'transform','translate(' + x + ',' + y + ' ) rotate(' + contourAngle + ')' );}renderer.stroke( ctx, elem, this.stroke, this.color, this.getLineWidth() );renderer.fill( ctx, elem, this.fill, this.color );renderer.end( ctx, elem );
};var svgURI = '';Hemisphere.prototype.getDomeRenderElement = function( ctx, renderer ) {if ( !renderer.isSvg ) {return;}if ( !this.domeSvgElement ) {// create svgElementthis.domeSvgElement = document.createElementNS( svgURI, 'path');this.domeSvgElement.setAttribute( 'stroke-linecap', 'round' );this.domeSvgElement.setAttribute( 'stroke-linejoin', 'round' );}return this.domeSvgElement;
};return Hemisphere;}));
/*** Cylinder composite shape*/( function( root, factory ) {// module definitionif ( typeof module == 'object' && module.exports ) {// CommonJSmodule.exports = factory( require('./boilerplate'),require('./path-command'), require('./shape'), require('./group'),require('./ellipse') );} else {// browser globalvar Zdog = root.Zdog;Zdog.Cylinder = factory( Zdog, Zdog.PathCommand, Zdog.Shape,Zdog.Group, Zdog.Ellipse );}
}( this, function factory( utils, PathCommand, Shape, Group, Ellipse ) {function noop() {}// ----- CylinderGroup ----- //var CylinderGroup = Group.subclass({color: '#333',updateSort: true,
});CylinderGroup.prototype.create = function() {Group.prototype.create.apply( this, arguments );this.pathCommands = [new PathCommand( 'move', [ {} ] ),new PathCommand( 'line', [ {} ] ),];
};CylinderGroup.prototype.render = function( ctx, renderer ) {this.renderCylinderSurface( ctx, renderer );Group.prototype.render.apply( this, arguments );
};CylinderGroup.prototype.renderCylinderSurface = function( ctx, renderer ) {if ( !this.visible ) {return;}// render cylinder surfacevar elem = this.getRenderElement( ctx, renderer );var frontBase = this.frontBase;var rearBase = this.rearBase;var scale = frontBase.renderNormal.magnitude();var strokeWidth = frontBase.diameter * scale + frontBase.getLineWidth();// set path command render pointsthis.pathCommands[0].renderPoints[0].set( frontBase.renderOrigin );this.pathCommands[1].renderPoints[0].set( rearBase.renderOrigin );if ( renderer.isCanvas ) {ctx.lineCap = 'butt'; // nice}renderer.renderPath( ctx, elem, this.pathCommands );renderer.stroke( ctx, elem, true, this.color, strokeWidth );renderer.end( ctx, elem );if ( renderer.isCanvas ) {ctx.lineCap = 'round'; // reset}
};var svgURI = '';CylinderGroup.prototype.getRenderElement = function( ctx, renderer ) {if ( !renderer.isSvg ) {return;}if ( !this.svgElement ) {// create svgElementthis.svgElement = document.createElementNS( svgURI, 'path');}return this.svgElement;
};// prevent double-creation in parent.copyGraph()
// only create in Cylinder.create()
CylinderGroup.prototype.copyGraph = noop;// ----- CylinderEllipse ----- //var CylinderEllipse = Ellipse.subclass();CylinderEllipse.prototype.copyGraph = noop;// ----- Cylinder ----- //var Cylinder = Shape.subclass({diameter: 1,length: 1,frontFace: undefined,fill: true,
});var TAU = utils.TAU;Cylinder.prototype.create = function(/* options */) {// call superShape.prototype.create.apply( this, arguments );// composite shape, create child shapes// CylinderGroup to render cylinder surface then = new CylinderGroup({addTo: this,color: this.color,visible: this.visible,});var baseZ = this.length/2;var baseColor = this.backface || true;// front outside basethis.frontBase = = new Ellipse({addTo:,diameter: this.diameter,translate: { z: baseZ },rotate: { y: TAU/2 },color: this.color,stroke: this.stroke,fill: this.fill,backface: this.frontFace || baseColor,visible: this.visible,});// back outside basethis.rearBase = = this.frontBase.copy({translate: { z: -baseZ },rotate: { y: 0 },backface: baseColor,});
};// Cylinder shape does not render anything
Cylinder.prototype.render = function() {};// ----- set child properties ----- //var childProperties = [ 'stroke', 'fill', 'color', 'visible' ];
childProperties.forEach( function( property ) {// use proxy property for custom getter & settervar _prop = '_' + property;Object.defineProperty( Cylinder.prototype, property, {get: function() {return this[ _prop ];},set: function( value ) {this[ _prop ] = value;// set property on childrenif ( this.frontBase ) {this.frontBase[ property ] = value;this.rearBase[ property ] = value;[ property ] = value;}},});
});// TODO child property setter for backface, frontBaseColor, & rearBaseColorreturn Cylinder;}));
/*** Cone composite shape*/( function( root, factory ) {// module definitionif ( typeof module == 'object' && module.exports ) {// CommonJSmodule.exports = factory( require('./boilerplate'), require('./vector'),require('./path-command'), require('./anchor'), require('./ellipse') );} else {// browser globalvar Zdog = root.Zdog;Zdog.Cone = factory( Zdog, Zdog.Vector, Zdog.PathCommand,Zdog.Anchor, Zdog.Ellipse );}
}( this, function factory( utils, Vector, PathCommand, Anchor, Ellipse ) {var Cone = Ellipse.subclass({length: 1,fill: true,
});var TAU = utils.TAU;Cone.prototype.create = function(/* options */) {// call superEllipse.prototype.create.apply( this, arguments );// composite shape, create child shapesthis.apex = new Anchor({addTo: this,translate: { z: this.length },});// vectors used for calculationthis.renderApex = new Vector();this.renderCentroid = new Vector();this.tangentA = new Vector();this.tangentB = new Vector();this.surfacePathCommands = [new PathCommand( 'move', [ {} ] ), // points set in renderConeSurfacenew PathCommand( 'line', [ {} ] ),new PathCommand( 'line', [ {} ] ),];
};Cone.prototype.updateSortValue = function() {// center of cone is one third of its lengththis.renderCentroid.set( this.renderOrigin ).lerp( this.apex.renderOrigin, 1/3 );this.sortValue = this.renderCentroid.z;
};Cone.prototype.render = function( ctx, renderer ) {this.renderConeSurface( ctx, renderer );Ellipse.prototype.render.apply( this, arguments );
};Cone.prototype.renderConeSurface = function( ctx, renderer ) {if ( !this.visible ) {return;}this.renderApex.set( this.apex.renderOrigin ).subtract( this.renderOrigin );var scale = this.renderNormal.magnitude();var apexDistance = this.renderApex.magnitude2d();var normalDistance = this.renderNormal.magnitude2d();// eccentricityvar eccenAngle = Math.acos( normalDistance / scale );var eccen = Math.sin( eccenAngle );var radius = this.diameter/2 * scale;// does apex extend beyond eclipse of facevar isApexVisible = radius * eccen < apexDistance;if ( !isApexVisible ) {return;}// update tangentsvar apexAngle = Math.atan2( this.renderNormal.y, this.renderNormal.x ) +TAU/2;var projectLength = apexDistance / eccen;var projectAngle = Math.acos( radius / projectLength );// set tangent pointsvar tangentA = this.tangentA;var tangentB = this.tangentB;tangentA.x = Math.cos( projectAngle ) * radius * eccen;tangentA.y = Math.sin( projectAngle ) * radius;tangentB.set( this.tangentA );tangentB.y *= -1;tangentA.rotateZ( apexAngle );tangentB.rotateZ( apexAngle );tangentA.add( this.renderOrigin );tangentB.add( this.renderOrigin );this.setSurfaceRenderPoint( 0, tangentA );this.setSurfaceRenderPoint( 1, this.apex.renderOrigin );this.setSurfaceRenderPoint( 2, tangentB );// rendervar elem = this.getSurfaceRenderElement( ctx, renderer );renderer.renderPath( ctx, elem, this.surfacePathCommands );renderer.stroke( ctx, elem, this.stroke, this.color, this.getLineWidth() );renderer.fill( ctx, elem, this.fill, this.color );renderer.end( ctx, elem );
};var svgURI = '';Cone.prototype.getSurfaceRenderElement = function( ctx, renderer ) {if ( !renderer.isSvg ) {return;}if ( !this.surfaceSvgElement ) {// create svgElementthis.surfaceSvgElement = document.createElementNS( svgURI, 'path');this.surfaceSvgElement.setAttribute( 'stroke-linecap', 'round' );this.surfaceSvgElement.setAttribute( 'stroke-linejoin', 'round' );}return this.surfaceSvgElement;
};Cone.prototype.setSurfaceRenderPoint = function( index, point ) {var renderPoint = this.surfacePathCommands[ index ].renderPoints[0];renderPoint.set( point );
};return Cone;}));
/*** Box composite shape*/( function( root, factory ) {// module definitionif ( typeof module == 'object' && module.exports ) {// CommonJSmodule.exports = factory( require('./boilerplate'), require('./anchor'),require('./shape'), require('./rect') );} else {// browser globalvar Zdog = root.Zdog;Zdog.Box = factory( Zdog, Zdog.Anchor, Zdog.Shape, Zdog.Rect );}
}( this, function factory( utils, Anchor, Shape, Rect ) {// ----- BoxRect ----- //var BoxRect = Rect.subclass();
// prevent double-creation in parent.copyGraph()
// only create in Box.create()
BoxRect.prototype.copyGraph = function() {};// ----- Box ----- //var TAU = utils.TAU;
var faceNames = ['frontFace','rearFace','leftFace','rightFace','topFace','bottomFace',
];var boxDefaults = utils.extend( {}, Shape.defaults );
delete boxDefaults.path;
faceNames.forEach( function( faceName ) {boxDefaults[ faceName ] = true;
utils.extend( boxDefaults, {width: 1,height: 1,depth: 1,fill: true,
});var Box = Anchor.subclass( boxDefaults );Box.prototype.create = function( options ) { this, options );this.updatePath();// HACK reset fill to trigger face setterthis.fill = this.fill;
};Box.prototype.updatePath = function() {// reset all faces to trigger settersfaceNames.forEach( function( faceName ) {this[ faceName ] = this[ faceName ];}, this );
};faceNames.forEach( function( faceName ) {var _faceName = '_' + faceName;Object.defineProperty( Box.prototype, faceName, {get: function() {return this[ _faceName ];},set: function( value ) {this[ _faceName ] = value;this.setFace( faceName, value );},});
});Box.prototype.setFace = function( faceName, value ) {var rectProperty = faceName + 'Rect';var rect = this[ rectProperty ];// remove if falseif ( !value ) {this.removeChild( rect );return;}// update & add facevar options = this.getFaceOptions( faceName );options.color = typeof value == 'string' ? value : this.color;if ( rect ) {// update previousrect.setOptions( options );} else {// create newrect = this[ rectProperty ] = new BoxRect( options );}rect.updatePath();this.addChild( rect );
};Box.prototype.getFaceOptions = function( faceName ) {return {frontFace: {width: this.width,height: this.height,translate: { z: this.depth/2 },},rearFace: {width: this.width,height: this.height,translate: { z: -this.depth/2 },rotate: { y: TAU/2 },},leftFace: {width: this.depth,height: this.height,translate: { x: -this.width/2 },rotate: { y: -TAU/4 },},rightFace: {width: this.depth,height: this.height,translate: { x: this.width/2 },rotate: { y: TAU/4 },},topFace: {width: this.width,height: this.depth,translate: { y: -this.height/2 },rotate: { x: -TAU/4 },},bottomFace: {width: this.width,height: this.depth,translate: { y: this.height/2 },rotate: { x: TAU/4 },},}[ faceName ];
};// ----- set face properties ----- //var childProperties = [ 'color', 'stroke', 'fill', 'backface', 'front','visible' ];
childProperties.forEach( function( property ) {// use proxy property for custom getter & settervar _prop = '_' + property;Object.defineProperty( Box.prototype, property, {get: function() {return this[ _prop ];},set: function( value ) {this[ _prop ] = value;faceNames.forEach( function( faceName ) {var rect = this[ faceName + 'Rect' ];var isFaceColor = typeof this[ faceName ] == 'string';var isColorUnderwrite = property == 'color' && isFaceColor;if ( rect && !isColorUnderwrite ) {rect[ property ] = value;}}, this );},});
});return Box;}));
/*** Index*/( function( root, factory ) {// module definitionif ( typeof module == 'object' && module.exports ) {// CommonJSmodule.exports = factory(require('./boilerplate'),require('./canvas-renderer'),require('./svg-renderer'),require('./vector'),require('./anchor'),require('./dragger'),require('./illustration'),require('./path-command'),require('./shape'),require('./group'),require('./rect'),require('./rounded-rect'),require('./ellipse'),require('./polygon'),require('./hemisphere'),require('./cylinder'),require('./cone'),require('./box'));} else if ( typeof define == 'function' && define.amd ) {/* globals define */ // AMDdefine( 'zdog', [], root.Zdog );}
})( this, function factory( Zdog, CanvasRenderer, SvgRenderer, Vector, Anchor,Dragger, Illustration, PathCommand, Shape, Group, Rect, RoundedRect,Ellipse, Polygon, Hemisphere, Cylinder, Cone, Box ) {Zdog.CanvasRenderer = CanvasRenderer;Zdog.SvgRenderer = SvgRenderer;Zdog.Vector = Vector;Zdog.Anchor = Anchor;Zdog.Dragger = Dragger;Zdog.Illustration = Illustration;Zdog.PathCommand = PathCommand;Zdog.Shape = Shape;Zdog.Group = Group;Zdog.Rect = Rect;Zdog.RoundedRect = RoundedRect;Zdog.Ellipse = Ellipse;Zdog.Polygon = Polygon;Zdog.Hemisphere = Hemisphere;Zdog.Cylinder = Cylinder;Zdog.Cone = Cone;Zdog.Box = Box;return Zdog;
const radiansToDegrees = (_val) => {  return _val * (Math.PI/180);
}const componentToHex = (c) => {var hex = c.toString(16);return hex.length == 1 ? "0" + hex : hex;
}const rgbToHex = (r, g, b) => {return "#" + componentToHex(r) + componentToHex(g) + componentToHex(b);
}const hslToRgb = (_h, s, l) => {	var h = Math.min(_h, 359)/60;var c = (1-Math.abs((2*l)-1))*s;var x = c*(1-Math.abs((h % 2)-1));var m = l - (0.5*c);var r = m, g = m, b = m;if (h < 1) {r += c, g = +x, b += 0;} else if (h < 2) {r += x, g += c, b += 0;} else if (h < 3) {r += 0, g += c, b += x;} else if (h < 4) {r += 0, g += x, b += c;} else if (h < 5) {r += x, g += 0, b += c;} else if (h < 6) {r += c, g += 0, b += x;} else {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;}//return 'rgb(' + Math.floor(r*255) + ', ' + Math.floor(g*255) + ', ' + Math.floor(b*255) + ')';return rgbToHex(Math.floor(r*255), Math.floor(g*255) , Math.floor(b*255) );
}const createSpectrum = (length) => {var colors = [];// 270 if we don't want the spectrum to loop// 360 if we do want the spectrum to loopvar step = 360/length;for (var i = 1; i <= length; i++) {var color = hslToRgb((i)*step, 0.5, 0.5);colors.push(color);}return colors;
//48 because we have 4 faces to populate x 12 cubes
const spectrum = createSpectrum(48).reverse();let illo = new Zdog.Illustration({element: '.zdog-canvas',dragRotate: true
});var mainGroup = new Zdog.Anchor({addTo: illo,translate: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0 }
});var boxGroup = new Zdog.Group({addTo: mainGroup,translate: {x: -400, y: 0, z: 0 }
});const makeBoxes = () => {let leftFaceCount = 0, topFaceCount = 11, rightFaceCount = 23,  bottomFaceCount = 35;for(let i = 0; i < 12; i++){let boxAnchor = new Zdog.Anchor({addTo: mainGroup,rotate: {  y: radiansToDegrees(360 - (i * 30))},translate: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }});		let box = new Zdog.Box({addTo: boxAnchor,translate: {x: -200},width: 60,height: 60,depth: 60,stroke: 2,color: '#000',// remove left & right facesleftFace: spectrum[leftFaceCount],rightFace: spectrum[rightFaceCount],rearFace: '#000',topFace: spectrum[topFaceCount],bottomFace: spectrum[bottomFaceCount],backface: true,rotate: { z: radiansToDegrees((90/12) * i)}})leftFaceCount ++;rightFaceCount ++;topFaceCount ++;bottomFaceCount ++;}
}mainGroup.rotate.x = radiansToDegrees(-45);function render () {for(let i = 1; i < mainGroup.children.length; i++) {mainGroup.children[i].children[0].rotate.z -= (0.031)}illo.updateRenderGraph();requestAnimationFrame(render)






<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>HTML5 Canvas烟花绽放庆祝活动场景DEMO演示</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css"></head>
<div style="text-align:center;clear:both;">
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<canvas></canvas><script  src="js/index.js"></script></body>


body {margin: 0;background: black;
canvas {position: absolute;


class Shard {constructor(x, y, hue) {this.x = x;this.y = y;this.hue = hue;this.lightness = 50;this.size = 15 + Math.random() * 10;const angle = Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI;const blastSpeed = 1 + Math.random() * 6;this.xSpeed = Math.cos(angle) * blastSpeed;this.ySpeed = Math.sin(angle) * blastSpeed; = getTarget();this.ttl = 100;this.timer = 0;}draw() {ctx2.fillStyle = `hsl(${this.hue}, 100%, ${this.lightness}%)`;ctx2.beginPath();ctx2.arc(this.x, this.y, this.size, 0, 2 * Math.PI);ctx2.closePath();ctx2.fill();}update() {if ( {const dx = - this.x;const dy = - this.y;const dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);const a = Math.atan2(dy, dx);const tx = Math.cos(a) * 5;const ty = Math.sin(a) * 5;this.size = lerp(this.size, 1.5, 0.05);if (dist < 5) {this.lightness = lerp(this.lightness, 100, 0.01);this.xSpeed = this.ySpeed = 0;this.x = lerp(this.x, + fidelity / 2, 0.05);this.y = lerp(this.y, + fidelity / 2, 0.05);this.timer += 1;} elseif (dist < 10) {this.lightness = lerp(this.lightness, 100, 0.01);this.xSpeed = lerp(this.xSpeed, tx, 0.1);this.ySpeed = lerp(this.ySpeed, ty, 0.1);this.timer += 1;} else{this.xSpeed = lerp(this.xSpeed, tx, 0.02);this.ySpeed = lerp(this.ySpeed, ty, 0.02);}} else{this.ySpeed += 0.05;//this.xSpeed = lerp(this.xSpeed, 0, 0.1);this.size = lerp(this.size, 1, 0.05);if (this.y > c2.height) {shards.forEach((shard, idx) => {if (shard === this) {shards.splice(idx, 1);}});}}this.x = this.x + this.xSpeed;this.y = this.y + this.ySpeed;}}class Rocket {constructor() {const quarterW = c2.width / 4;this.x = quarterW + Math.random() * (c2.width - quarterW);this.y = c2.height - 15;this.angle = Math.random() * Math.PI / 4 - Math.PI / 6;this.blastSpeed = 6 + Math.random() * 7;this.shardCount = 15 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 15);this.xSpeed = Math.sin(this.angle) * this.blastSpeed;this.ySpeed = -Math.cos(this.angle) * this.blastSpeed;this.hue = Math.floor(Math.random() * 360);this.trail = [];}draw() {;ctx2.translate(this.x, this.y);ctx2.rotate(Math.atan2(this.ySpeed, this.xSpeed) + Math.PI / 2);ctx2.fillStyle = `hsl(${this.hue}, 100%, 50%)`;ctx2.fillRect(0, 0, 5, 15);ctx2.restore();}update() {this.x = this.x + this.xSpeed;this.y = this.y + this.ySpeed;this.ySpeed += 0.1;}explode() {for (let i = 0; i < 70; i++) {shards.push(new Shard(this.x, this.y, this.hue));}}}// INITIALIZATION
const [c1, c2, c3] = document.querySelectorAll('canvas');
const [ctx1, ctx2, ctx3] = [c1, c2, c3].map(c => c.getContext('2d'));
let fontSize = 200;
const rockets = [];
const shards = [];
const targets = [];
const fidelity = 3;
let counter = 0;
c2.width = c3.width = window.innerWidth;
c2.height = c3.height = window.innerHeight;
ctx1.fillStyle = '#000';
const text = 'HTML5';
let textWidth = 99999999;while (textWidth > window.innerWidth) {ctx1.font = `900 ${fontSize--}px Arial`;textWidth = ctx1.measureText(text).width;
}c1.width = textWidth;
c1.height = fontSize * 1.5;
ctx1.font = `900 ${fontSize}px Arial`;
ctx1.fillText(text, 0, fontSize);
const imgData = ctx1.getImageData(0, 0, c1.width, c1.height);
for (let i = 0, max =; i < max; i += 4) {const alpha =[i + 3];const x = Math.floor(i / 4) % imgData.width;const y = Math.floor(i / 4 / imgData.width);if (alpha && x % fidelity === 0 && y % fidelity === 0) {targets.push({ x, y });}
}ctx3.fillStyle = '#FFF';
ctx3.shadowColor = '#FFF';
ctx3.shadowBlur = 25;// ANIMATION LOOP
(function loop() {ctx2.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, .1)";ctx2.fillRect(0, 0, c2.width, c2.height);//ctx2.clearRect(0, 0, c2.width, c2.height);counter += 1;if (counter % 15 === 0) {rockets.push(new Rocket());}rockets.forEach((r, i) => {r.draw();r.update();if (r.ySpeed > 0) {r.explode();rockets.splice(i, 1);}});shards.forEach((s, i) => {s.draw();s.update();if (s.timer >= s.ttl || s.lightness >= 99) {ctx3.fillRect(,, fidelity + 1, fidelity + 1);shards.splice(i, 1);}});requestAnimationFrame(loop);
const lerp = (a, b, t) => Math.abs(b - a) > 0.1 ? a + t * (b - a) : b;function getTarget() {if (targets.length > 0) {const idx = Math.floor(Math.random() * targets.length);let { x, y } = targets[idx];targets.splice(idx, 1);x += c2.width / 2 - textWidth / 2;y += c2.height / 2 - fontSize / 2;return { x, y };}













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在数字时代的演进中,Web3和人工智能(AI)正成为塑造未来互联网的两大核心力量。Web3的去中心化理念与AI的智能化技术,正相互交织,共同推动数字生态的变革。本文将探讨Web3与AI的融合如何改变数字世界,并展望这一新兴组合如何重塑我们的在线体验。 Web3的去中心化愿景 Web3代表了互联网的第三代发展,它基于去中心化的区块链技术,旨在创建一个开放、透明且用户主导的数字生态。不同于传统

usaco 1.2 Name That Number(数字字母转化)

巧妙的利用code[b[0]-'A'] 将字符ABC...Z转换为数字 需要注意的是重新开一个数组 c [ ] 存储字符串 应人为的在末尾附上 ‘ \ 0 ’ 详见代码: /*ID: who jayLANG: C++TASK: namenum*/#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>int main(){FILE *fin = fopen (