Java的Object.wait(long)在等待时间过去后会继续往后执行吗 Object.wait(long)方法相比于wait,多了个等待时长,那么当等待时长过去后,线程会继续往下执行吗? 单个线程执行 多个线程并发执行 public class ThreadWaitDemo { public static final int WAIT_IN_SECONDS = 2;public s
参考链接 arrival time:the time when a process enters into the ready state and is ready for its execution.(进程进入就绪态的时刻) burst time: the total time taken by the process for its execution on the CPU(进程在CPU上执
一. 设有n个顾客同时等待一项服务。顾客i需要的服务时间为ti(1<=i<=n)。如何安排n个顾客的服务次序才能使顾客总的等待时间达到最小? n=int(input('请输入顾客的位数: '))times=[]for i in range(n):time=int(input(f'请输入顾客{i+1}的服务时间: '))times.append(time)times.sort()total