写在最前面,感觉这一篇的技术更贴近于密码学,所以部分核心技术读起来比较吃力。仅供大家参考哇~ Abstract—In this paper, we address the problem of privacypreserving training and evaluation of neural networks in an N-party, federated learning setting
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onion routing, online tracking, privacy policies, genetic privacy, social networks 传统隐私保护方法概览 k-anonymityk-mapl-diversityδ-presence Why differential privacy is awesome We no longer need attack m
privacy loss 的定义 : the p r i v a c y l o s s privacy \, loss privacyloss incurred by observing ξ \xi ξ is (ε-δ)-差分隐私的复合性质 : 加性切诺夫界、乘性切诺夫界 : Azuma不等式 : 斯特林公式 : Laplace机制的 bound : u
算法&基本思想 By line 7 in Algorithm 1, it can be seen that the noise added to the original data affects the gradient. (adds noise to original data instances, leading perturbation on the gradient and ev
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参考文献: [MP12] Micciancio D, Peikert C. Trapdoors for lattices: Simpler, tighter, faster, smaller[C]//Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques. Berlin,
问题:今天小程序手机号授权登录,后端返回“AES解密失败”,getphonenumber方法也返回报错“fail api scope is not declared in the privacy agreement” 解决:登录微信公众平台 》设置》服务内容声明》完善 用户隐私保护指引 等审核通过即可 下面是原因:传送门
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被拒原因: We noticed that your app requests the user’s consent to access the local network information, but doesn’t sufficiently explain the use of the local network information in the purpose string.
建议先看CREDO:Efficient and Privacy-preserving Multi-level Medical Pre-Diagnosis Based on ML-KNN读书笔记(一)https://blog.csdn.net/qq_42145187/article/details/106999076 Zhu D, Zhu H, Liu X, et al. CREDO: Effic