Markers With Custom Icons 这个教程中,将在marker中使用自定义的图标。 Preparing the images 为了制作常用的图标,我们通常需要二张图片,一张真实图片一张投影图片。下面我们利用树叶图片 来举例: 注意:图片空白部分要是透明的。 Creating an icon leaflet中marker的图标是由L.Icon事件来定义
问题: 今天在进行项目编写实现类时,出现编译错误 “Multiple markers at this line”,看看代码是没有错误的,当点击错误eclipse给出如下错误提示 Multiple markers at this line - The method comment(String, String) of type BookServiceImp must override
After the start of Eclipse i got the message “Android SDK: Resolving error markers’ has encountered a problem. Yeah , I also faced this problem many times and I got a very good solution , I think It