题意:从地图数据创建 OpenAI Gym 环境 问题背景: I am just starting out with reinforcement learning and trying to create a custom environment with OpenAI gym. However, I am stumped with trying to create an enviro
题目链接:【codeforces】gym 101137 K - Knights of the Old Republic 考虑对图集合dp,一个连通块的dp值为两个连通块的值的和或者强制加一条新边后的最小值,取个最小值(边从小到大枚举,则强制加一条最大的边会导致连通块内较小的边一定都选,则会构成一个生成树)。用kruskal实现这个dp过程即可。 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
题目链接:K. The World of Trains 记录一个横着的前缀dp和以及斜着的前缀dp,复杂度 O(n2) O(n^2) #include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std ;typedef pair < int , int > pii ;typedef long long LL ;#define clr( a , x ) memset (
题意:怎样在 OpenAI Gym 环境中使用 “Discrete” 对象 问题背景: I am trying to create a Q-Learning agent for a openai-gym "Blackjack-v0" environment. I am trying to get the size of the observation space but its in
题意:OpenAI Gym 自定义环境:具有实数值的离散观测空间 问题背景: I would like to create custom openai gym environment that has discrete state space, but with float values. To be more precise, it should be a range of valu
题意:OpenAI Gym 的可视化功能如何在 Docker 中运行? 问题背景: I'd like to get OpenAI Gym working with the rendered OpenGL visualizations within a docker container. 我想在 Docker 容器中让 OpenAI Gym 与渲染的 OpenGL 可视化一起工作
C. Figures time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 512 megabytes input standard input output standard output You are given a map divided into n × m square fields which
1. 问题描述 alter table add index(xxx);时出现此问题,mysql服务版本5.5。 新特性“Fast index creation in Innodb”未出现以前,Innodb中创建索引的流程如下: 通过创建一个新的空的带有要创建索引的表,然后拷贝存在的行到新表中,同时更新索引,当此时key没有排序时插入条目极慢。在所有的行都被拷贝完成以后,旧表被删除,新表被改名。
Problem C — limit 1 second Fear Factoring The Slivians are afraid of factoring; it’s just, well, difficult. Really, they don’t even care about the factors themselves, just how much they sum to. We can
Everybody loves big numbers (if you do not, you might want to stop reading at this point). There are many ways of constructing really big numbers known to humankind, for instance: Exponentiation: 4
For the given integer N and digit D, find the minimal integer K ≥ 2 such that the representation of N in the positional numeral system with base K contains the maximum possible consecutive number of d
As you may know, the dates in historical documents and descriptions can be given rather inaccurately. It often occurs that in a description of a historic event, the closest thing to a date is somethin
Gerald’s job is to welcome the teams for this year’s NWERC at the airport in Linköping. One of his duties is to stand at the luggage carousel and collect all the knapsacks that the teams are bringing
Lukáš really likes orienteering, a sport that requires locating control points in rough terrain. To entertain the NWERC participants Lukáš wants to organize an orienteering race. However, it would
题意: A A A中取出一个前缀, B B B中取出一个后缀,问问拼出多少个字符串 思路: 感觉很巧妙的一道题。 首先能构造出的字符串总数为 l e n a ∗ l e n b lena*lenb lena∗lenb。 那么假设从 A A A中取出的前缀结尾字符为 x x x,那么从 B B B中取出的后缀首字符为 x x x的有 m m m个,那么将 A A A的结尾去掉或者将 B B
题意: 构造 k k k个相同哈希值的字符串 #include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#include <algorithm>#include <vector>#include <map>using namespace std;typedef long long ll;const int maxn = 1e5 + 7;int main() {freope
题意: 一个有向无环图,由1~n的点组成。 要求加至多k条边使得拓扑排序得到的最小字典序最大 思路: 首先确定,通过加边改变拓扑序,只是对于当前可选的点如 x 1 , x 2 , x 3 x1,x2,x3 x1,x2,x3,改变 x 1 , x 2 , x 3 x1,x2,x3 x1,x2,x3的输出相对顺序。而对于 a − > b − > c − > d a->b->c->d a−>b−>