E - Equal Digits Gym - 100519E(数学)

2024-04-16 01:18
文章标签 数学 gym equal digits 100519e

本文主要是介绍E - Equal Digits Gym - 100519E(数学),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

For the given integer N and digit D, find the minimal integer K ≥ 2 such that the representation of N in the positional numeral system with base K contains the maximum possible consecutive number of digits D at the end.

The input contains two integers N and D (0 ≤ N ≤ 1015, 0 ≤ D ≤ 9).

Output two integers: K, the answer to the problem, and R, the the number of consecutive digits D at the end of the representation of N in the positional numeral system with base K.

3 1
2 2
29 9
10 1
0 4
2 0
90 1
89 2

给一个数字 n n n。要求其在K进制下,末尾为D的连续数目最多,求K和连续数目R。

n n n的范围到了 1 e 15 1e15 1e15。但是很明显,如果要使得 R ≥ 3 R≥3 R3,K一定要小于 s q r t ( n ) sqrt(n) sqrt(n)。这一部分可以 f o r for for出来。而对于 R ≤ 2 R≤2 R2的部分,你可以直接算出来!

如果 ( n − D ) m o d D = = 0 (n-D) \mod D==0 (nD)modD==0 ( D ! = 0 ) (D!=0) (D!=0),那么就得到R=2。


#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <queue>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;const ll maxn = 3e7 + 4e6;ll N;
int D;int cal(int K) {int cnt = 0;ll x = N;while(x) {ll num = x % K;if(num == D) {cnt++;}else {return cnt;}x /= K;}return cnt;
}int main() {scanf("%lld%d",&N,&D);if(N == 0 && D == 0) {printf("2 1");return 0;}int mi = 0;ll pos = 2;for(int K = 2;K <= maxn;K++) {int num = cal(K);if(num > mi) {mi = num;pos = K;}}if(mi <= 2 && N >= maxn) {ll x = N;x -= D;if(mi < 1) {mi = 1;pos = x;}if(D != 0 && x % D == 0) {if(mi < 2) {mi = 2;pos = x / D;}}}printf("%lld %d\n",pos,mi);return 0;

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