2020.3 Enhanced meta-learning for cross-lingual named entity recognition with minimal resources 阅读笔记

本文主要是介绍2020.3 Enhanced meta-learning for cross-lingual named entity recognition with minimal resources 阅读笔记,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


  • Problem Setting:
    • a) One source language with rich labeled data.
    • b) No labeled data in the target language.
  • 现有的 Cross-lingula NER 方法可以分为两大类:
    • a) Label projection (generate labeled data in target languages)
      • parallel data + word alignment information + label projection
      • word-to-word or phrase-to-phrase translation + label projection
    • b) Direct model transfer (exploit language-independent features)
      • Cross-lingual word representations/clusters/wikifier features/gazetteers.
    • STOA: multilingual BERT (direct model transfer)
  • 本文提出:direct model transfer 用到的 source-trained 模型可以进一步提升,因为:
    • a) Given test example, 相比于 directly test on it, 还可以 fine-tune the source-trained model with the similar examples.
      • 如何 retreive similar examples ? => 利用 cross-lingual 的 sentence representation model 计算source-target sentence pair 之间的 cosine simialarity.
      • 以何种方式 similar? => In structure or semantics.
    • b) 由于 retrieve across different languages, 所以 the set size of the similar examples 很小
    • c) 所以只能 finetune with a small set and only a few update steps.
      • => Fast adapt to new tasks (languages here) with very limited data.
      • => Apply meta-learning! (Learn a good parameter initialization of a model (more sentitive to the new task/data)
  • 进一步提出:
    • a) masking scheme
    • b) a max-loss term


  • i) 构建 Pseudo-Meta-NER Tasks:
    • 把每个 example 看做一个独立的 pseudo test set.
    • 用 mBERT [CLS] 做为 sentence representation 计算 cosine similarity.
    • 相应的 similar examples 作为 pseudo training set.
    • 由此构建 N个 pseuso tasks.
  • ii) Meta-training and Adaptation with Pseudo Tasks:
  • iii) Masking Scheme:
    • Motivation: The learned representations of infrequent entities across different languages are not well-aligned in the shared space. (infrequent entities 在 mBERT 的 training corpus 中出现的比较少)
    • How to? => Mask entities in each training examples with a certain probability, to encourage the model to predict through context information.
  • iv) Max Loss
    • Motivation: 对所有 token 的 loss 进行 average 会弱化对于 loss 最高的那个 token 的学习。=> Put more effort in learning from high-loss tokens, which would probably
      be corrected during meta-training.

Experimental Results


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目录   1.准备工作 2.运行例子 01.HelloWorld:在C#中,创建和销毁Lua虚拟机 和 简单调用。 02.ScriptsFromFile:在C#中,对一个lua文件的执行调用 03.CallLuaFunction:在C#中,对lua函数的操作 04.AccessingLuaVariables:在C#中,对lua变量的操作 05.LuaCoroutine:在Lua中,


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1 概念 产生与发展:人工管理阶段 → \to → 文件系统阶段 → \to → 数据库系统阶段。 数据库系统特点:数据的管理者(DBMS);数据结构化;数据共享性高,冗余度低,易于扩充;数据独立性高。DBMS 对数据的控制功能:数据的安全性保护;数据的完整性检查;并发控制;数据库恢复。 数据库技术研究领域:数据库管理系统软件的研发;数据库设计;数据库理论。数据模型要素 数据结构:描述数据库


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