mental ray for Maya, 3ds Max, and XSI: A 3D Artist's Guide to Rendering

2024-04-18 19:58

本文主要是介绍mental ray for Maya, 3ds Max, and XSI: A 3D Artist's Guide to Rendering,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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Render them speechless with this in-depth guide to mental ray

Turn 3D models into film-worthy digital animations by mastering mental ray rendering once and for all. This must-have guide is the only book on the market to focus exclusively on mental ray in Maya, 3ds Max, and XSI, and it's packed with techniques and insights you can't get anywhere else. Best of all, the book's advanced rendering concepts apply to other rendering software as well, including V-Ray, Brazil, Maxwell and RenderMan.

From scattering light to reducing render artifacts to deciphering rendering and shadow algorithms, you'll get a high-level look at advanced lighting, camera, and workflow techniques that usually take professionals years to figure out. This valuable book also covers the very latest on HDR image editing, viewing, and compositing toolsand features a sixteen-page color insert that showcases final rendered images.

*Get the fundamentals on light, cameras, and mental ray output
*Render from the host application or from the stand-alone renderer
*Explore the full array of mental ray shaders and shader libraries
*Get exclusive coverage of custom shaders that don't ship with any of the host applications
*Simulate light bounce with indirect illumination for more realism
*Apply textures, projections, and light profiles
*Perform subsurface scattering and Nuke compositing
*Master the fine points of Final Gather and ambient occlusion
*Create photo-realistic characters, objects, and landscapes

这篇关于mental ray for Maya, 3ds Max, and XSI: A 3D Artist's Guide to Rendering的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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opencascade AIS_InteractiveContext源码学习5 immediate mode rendering 即时模式渲染

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我的实验路子是想试试能不能帮我建一下实物模型 SO 我选择了一个成都环球中心的网图 但是生成的结果掺不忍睹,但是看demo来看,似乎如果你能给出一张干净的提示图片,他还是能做出一些东西的 这里我延申的思考是这个物体他如果没看过背面,他怎么猜? 他产出的物品为啥都是一张图的,我还是不太理解 但是如果多张图片,其实又和一个多图3D重建的能力似乎重复了 或者我感觉这个功能需求两张图片 正上面45