本文主要是介绍Chapter 1 - 7. Introduction to Congestion in Storage Networks,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
Important Details About RDMA-capable Protocols
Note the following points about RDMA-capable protocols: 请注意有关支持 RDMA 的协议的以下几点:
1. Although FCoE and RoCE use lossless Ethernet, their networks are different. For RoCE, the network need not be aware of the contents of the Ethernet frame. Likewise, for RoCEv2 the network need not be aware of the content of the UDP/IP packet. In contrast, FCoE networks must be aware of the content of the Ethernet frame for enforcing Fibre Channel zoning and providing exchange-based load-balancing because the exchanges are carried within the Fibre Channel frames, which are prepended with FCoE headers. But the focus of this book is on network congestion and the PFC still works the same for FCoE, RoCE, and RoCEv2 networks. Therefore, their congestion management is similar, which is covered together in Chapter 7. 虽然 FCoE 和 RoCE 都使用无损以太网,但它们的网络是不同的。对于 RoCE,网络不需要知道以太网帧的内容。同样,对于 RoCEv2,网络也不需要知道 UDP/IP 数据包的内容。相比之下,FCoE 网络必须了解以太网帧的内容,以执行光纤通道分区并提供基于交换的负载平衡,因为交换是在光纤通道帧中进行的,而光纤通道帧前有 FCoE 标头。但本书的重点是网络拥塞,PFC 对 FCoE、RoCE 和 RoCEv2 网络的作用仍然相同。因此,它们的拥塞管理是相似的,将在第 7 章中一并介绍。
2. Despite iWARP being an RDMA-capable protocol, its congestion management is the same as a TCP network, which may be simultaneously used for many other storage protocols, such as iSCSI, NVMe/TCP, NFS, and SMB. Chapter 8 explains congestion management in TCP Storage Networks. 尽管 iWARP 是一个支持 RDMA 的协议,但其拥塞管理与 TCP 网络相同,可同时用于许多其他存储协议,如 iSCSI、NVMe/TCP、NFS 和 SMB。第 8 章介绍了 TCP 存储网络中的拥塞管理。
3. There are no dedicated headers for RoCE and RoCEv2. These are just the names. In contrast, iWARP has a dedicated header. RoCE 和 RoCEv2 没有专用的标头。它们只是名称而已。相比之下,iWARP 有一个专用报头。
4. RDMA verbs have a different mechanism to move data. For reading data, SCSI and NVMe use read commands, whereas RDMA uses the RDMA_WRITE verb in the reverse direction. Likewise, for writing data, SCSI and NVMe use the write command, whereas RDMA uses the RDMA_READ verb in the reverse direction. The SCSI and NVMe I/O Operations are explained in Chapter 5, and RoCEv2 I/O operations are explained in Chapter 7. Despite these differences, for the scope of this book, there is no need to be confused about these details. Ultimately, the applications define the traffic profile on the network regardless of the type of storage protocol and transport protocol. RDMA 动词有不同的数据移动机制。对于读取数据,SCSI 和 NVMe 使用读取命令,而 RDMA 则反向使用
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