
Paper Note | Efficient DRL-Based Congestion Control With Ultra-Low Overhead

文章目录 IntroductionDesignRL AgentCC ExecutorHierarchical Recurrent Architecture Introduction 深度强化学习能够用于网络拥塞控制决策中,但是之前的DRL方案耗时且占用了很多CPU资源。这篇文章提出了一种低开销的DRL方案,实现细粒度的包级别控制。 SPINE采用了层次控制架构,包含一个轻量级

Chapter 1 - 7. Introduction to Congestion in Storage Networks

Important Details About RDMA-capable Protocols Note the following points about RDMA-capable protocols: 请注意有关支持 RDMA 的协议的以下几点: 1. Although FCoE and RoCE use lossless Ethernet, their networks are diff

Chapter 8 - 19. Congestion Management in TCP Storage Networks

Queue Depth Monitoring and Microburst Detection Queue depth monitoring and microburst detection capture the events that may cause congestion at a lower granularity but are unnoticed by other means du

Chapter 8 - 15. Congestion Management in TCP Storage Networks

User Actions After learning the states of queue utilization, the following are the actions that admins and operators can take while using TCP transport for storage traffic. 了解了队列利用率的状态后,管理员和操作员在使用 TC

Chapter 8 - 16. Congestion Management in TCP Storage Networks

Active Queue Management As previously mentioned, dropping or marking schemes for packets that are waiting in a queue can significantly influence TCP’s behavior on the end devices. These schemes are c

Chapter 8 - 13. Congestion Management in TCP Storage Networks

Switch Buffer Management Recall that during network congestion, a TCP sender relies on the following events for reducing its transmission rate. 回想一下,在网络拥塞期间,TCP 发送端依靠以下事件来降低传输速率。 1. When the sender

Chapter 8 - 10. Congestion Management in TCP Storage Networks

Comparison with Lossless Networks As Chapter 2 explains, Fibre Channel defines a maximum frame size of 2148 bytes. Users do not have to change the MTU value, and hence, it is never a consideration. 如

Chapter 8 - 7. Congestion Management in TCP Storage Networks

TCP Flow Monitoring versus I/O Flow Monitoring TCP flow monitoring shouldn’t be confused with I/O flow monitoring because of the following reasons: TCP 流量监控不应与 I/O 流量监控混淆,原因如下: 1. TCP belongs to the

数字IC后端设计实现 | PR工具中到底应该如何控制density和congestion?(ICC2Innovus)

吾爱IC社区星友提问:请教星主和各位大佬,对于一个模块如果不加干预工具会让inst挤成一团,后面eco修时序就没有空间了。如果全都加instPadding会导致面积不够overlap,大家一般怎么处理这种问题? 在数字IC后端设计实现中经常会有这方面的困扰。这也是小编在咱们社区IC后端训练营中一直强调每个步骤做完都要做physical方面的检查——congestion和density map r

Chapter 7 - 8. Congestion Management in Ethernet Storage Networks以太网存储网络的拥塞管理

Stomped CRC Counters Stomped CRC counters help in finding the location of bit errors in a network that uses cut-through switches. More precisely, these counters help in finding where bit errors do no

Chapter 7 - 6. Congestion Management in Ethernet Storage Networks以太网存储网络的拥塞管理

Dedicated and Converged Ethernet Network专用和融合以太网网络 Just because a network is configured as a converged Ethernet network (lossy and lossless traffic), doesn’t necessarily mean that lossy and lossless

Chapter 7 - 3. Congestion Management in Ethernet Storage Networks以太网存储网络的拥塞管理

Pause Threshold for Long Distance Links长途链路的暂停阈值 This section uses the following basic concepts: 本节使用以下基本概念:  Bit Time (BT): It is the time taken to transmit one bit. It is the reciprocal of the bi

Chapter 7. Congestion Management in Ethernet Storage Networks以太网存储网络的拥塞管理 - 2

Location of Ingress No-Drop Queues入口无损队列的位置 Ingress queues for no-drop traffic are maintained by all the ports in a lossless Ethernet network. For the sake of simplicity, Figure 7-1 shows ingress no-


congestion是与绕线好坏直接挂钩的参数,如何分析和解决congestion问题可以通过整体和局部两个方向入手。 一,整体 1.floorplan 模块的形状或floorplan导致的core内摆放standard cell的区域呈现整体或局部长宽比例失调的长方形,容易造成单一方向绕线资源紧张,需要调整模块形状或者sram的摆放。 2.power plan 过多占用绕线层做power

Congestion Control for Large-Scale RDMA Deployments

文章目录 IntroductionDCQCNBuffer Setting Introduction PFC是粗粒度的流量控制机制,在端口层面发挥作用,不区别不同的流。这会导致很多弊端,比如不公平,受害流等。 解决PFC限制的解决方法是flow-level的拥塞控制,DCQCN就是一种RoCEv2上的end-to-end的拥塞控制协议。 DCQCN DCQCN包括sender


我正在「拾陆楼」和朋友们讨论有趣的话题,你⼀起来吧? 拾陆楼知识星球入口 已知某模块的DCG结果显示存在congestion,有congestion部分逻辑结构如下图: 问题1: 如何分析该电路有congestion问题的原因?   答:data selection模块和后面的logic cone组成了更大的logic cone,一起优化,congestion问题会引起的