Lin Haoran’s “Zeno’s Paradox Grand Battle”
In a mysterious world known as the “Mathematics Realm,” there lived a sage named Lin Haoran. Endowed with exceptional skills, he excelled in the art of Limit Swordsmanship—a martial technique derived from calculus, especially designed to unravel the ancient puzzle of “Zeno’s Paradox.”
话说有一天,芝诺悖论四大护法——“飞矢不动”、“阿基里斯追龟”、“ Dichotomy二分悖论”和“ Stadium运动场悖论”,联手挑战林浩然,试图证明运动是不可能的,时间与空间可以被无限分割。
One day, Zeno’s Paradox Four Guardians—“Arrow in Flight,” “Achilles and the Tortoise,” “Dichotomy Paradox,” and “Stadium Paradox”—united to challenge Lin Haoran, attempting to prove the impossibility of motion and the infinite divisibility of time and space.
Facing the Guardian of “Arrow in Flight,” Lin Haoran smiled faintly, executing his “Limit Swordsmanship”: “At any given moment, the arrow is indeed at rest. However, this does not hinder us from continuously dividing time infinitely, stacking each instant’s motion to form an uninterrupted flight trajectory.” With these words, a sword of thought instantly shattered the defense of the Arrow in Flight.
Next, Achilles and the Tortoise stepped forward, mocking, “No matter how fast Achilles runs, as long as the tortoise sets off first, he can never catch up.” Lin Haoran burst into laughter, once again wielding the Limit Sword, “Although each time Achilles reaches the tortoise’s previous position, the tortoise has crawled forward a bit, with the infinite progression of this process, the time Achilles takes tends toward a finite value, naturally catching up with the tortoise.” With this move, Achilles stood in front of the tortoise.
Then came the combined attack of the Dichotomy Paradox and Stadium Paradox, claiming that even the shortest distance could become impassable through infinite division. Lin Haoran remained composed, responding calmly, “In the realm of limits, any seemingly infinite process actually has its endpoint. While each distance can be infinitely divided, the cumulative sum is finite. It’s akin to this Limit Sword in my hand—seemingly intangible, yet capable of overcoming any obstacle.”
After a fierce battle, Lin Haoran, utilizing the power of limit thinking, systematically solved the four challenges posed by Zeno’s Paradox, successfully defending the possibility of motion and the continuity of time and space. This grand battle enlightened people that seemingly contradictory paradoxes are often a result of not yet reaching the essence of the problem. The power of limit thinking acted as a magical key, unlocking the door to understanding the world.
Henceforth, tales of Lin Haoran’s triumph in unraveling Zeno’s Paradox circulated through the Mathematics Realm. He earned the title of “Limit Sword Saint.” Whenever someone encountered a logical dilemma, they would recall the witty and wise Lin Haoran and his Limit Swordsmanship, finding the answers to their questions.