
2024-03-16 20:58


1.“Multifaceted protein–protein interaction prediction based on Siamese residual RCNN”



1.2 作者对于自己工作的概括

PIPR requires only the primary protein sequences as the input, and is trained to automatically preserve the critical features from the sequences.

(3)Third, the architecture of PIPR can be flexibly used to address different PPI tasks


In contrast to sentences, proteins are profiled in sequences with more intractable patterns, as well as in a drastically larger range of lengths.
(2)Precisely capturing the PPI requires much more comprehensive learning architectures to distill the latent information from the entire sequences, and to preserve the long-term ordering information.

1.4 处理PPI任务上,基于深度学习的方法的发展:

One recent work (Hashemifar et al., 2018), DPPI, uses a deep CNN-based architecture which focuses on capturing local features from protein profiles. DPPI represents the first work to deploy deep learning to PPI prediction, and has achieved the state-of-the-art performance on the binary prediction task. However, it requires excessive efforts for data pre-processing such as constructing protein profiles by PSI-BLAST (Altschul et al., 1997), and does not incorp-
orate a neural learning architecture that captures the important contextualized and sequential features.

(2)DNN-PPI (Li et al., 2018) represents another relevant work of this line, which deploys a different learning structure with two separated CNN encoders. However, DNN-PPI does not incorporate physicochemical properties into amino acid representations, and does not employ a Siamese learning architecture to fully characterize pairwise relations of sequences.

1.5 方法介绍


我觉得是可以的,引入如果不用预训练的embedding ,需要使用PSI-BLAST构造protein profiles,非常麻烦和耗时。

Each embedding vector is a concatenation of two sub-embeddings, i.e.
(1)The first part ac measures the co-occurrence similarity of the amino acids, which is obtained by pre-training the Skip-Gram model
(2)The second part aph represents the similarity of electrostaticity and hydrophobicity among amino acids. The 20 amino(哦一共有20种氨基酸!!) acids can be clustered into 7 classes based on their dipoles and volumes of the side chains to reflect this property. Thus, aphis a one-hot encoding based on the classification defined by Shen et al. (2007).

最大池化discretize the convolution results, and preserve the most significant features within each n-stride. By definition, this mechanism divides the size of processed features by n. The outputs from the max-pooling are fed into the bidirectional gated recurrent units in our RCNN encoder.
“In our development, we have found that the residual mechanism is able to drastically simplify the training process, and largely decreases the epochs of parameter updates for the model to converge.”

将上面的unit堆叠多次,将最后一层GRU的输出再经过一个CNN层和池化层得到最终的 high-level sequence embedding of the entire protein sequence
①分类问题使用了Cross-entropy loss。
②回归问题使用Mean squared loss

1.6 数据集


疑问:如果我们想与其他方法做比较是不是也需要用the Yeast dataset?

1.7 实验细节


2.Sequence-based prediction of protein-protein interactions: a structure-aware interpretable deep learning mode


Our key conceptual advance is that a well-matched combination of input featurization and model architecture allow for the model to be trained solely from sequence data, supervised only with a binary interaction label, and yet produce an intermediate representation that substantially captures the structural mechanism of interaction between the protein pair.

Using Bepler and Berger’s [12] pre-trained language model, we construct informative protein embeddings(需要重点看) that are endowed with structural information about each of the proteins. The internal representation of our model uses these features to explicitly encode the intuition that a physical interaction between two proteins requires that a subset of the residues in each protein be in contact with the other protein

We note that the use of Bepler and Berger’s pre-trained model allows us to indirectly benefit from the rich data on 3-D structures of individual proteins. In contrast, a PPI prediction method that was directly supervised with 3-D structures of protein complexes, in order to
learn the physical mechanism of interaction, would need to contend with the relatively small size of that corpus [14–16].

D-SCRIPT, like other recent successful deep learning methods PIPR and DPPI [17, 20], belongs to the class of methods that perform PPI prediction from protein amino acid sequence alone, in contrast to a different class of highly successful PPI prediction methods based on network information

2.2 这个模型的效果:

We find, as expected, that state-of-the-art PIPR substantially outperforms D-SCRIPT
when predicting interactions between proteins that have many PPI examples in the training set, but the situation is reversed for proteins with a paucity of PPI interactions in the training set. A simple hybrid method that jointly incorporates the confidence of each method performs best of all.

Among sequence-based methods, D-SCRIPT’s strength is in its greater cross-species generalizability and more accurate predictions
in cases where the existing training data is sparse.
(2)On evaluating the physical plausibility of the intermediate contact map representation, we remarkably find that the map partially discovers the structural mechanism of an interaction despite the model having been trained only on sequence data.

2.3 任务定义(模型输入输出)


2.4 方法介绍

这篇文章的创新之处还在于 其得到第一阶段的embeddings后,在第二阶段首先预测两个蛋白质序列各氨基酸之间的交互情况
(1) 得到蛋白质的embeddings
使用了” Bepler, T. & Berger, B. Learning protein sequence embeddings using information from structure. In 7th International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2019 (2019)”中的方法。这是一个基于Bi-LSTM的预训练模型。
(3)Residue Contact Module

(4)Interaction Prediction Module

2.5 与PIPR的详细比较





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