龙迅LT6911GX HDMI2.1 to Quad-port MIPI/LVDS with Audio规格简介

2024-03-14 07:10

本文主要是介绍龙迅LT6911GX HDMI2.1 to Quad-port MIPI/LVDS with Audio规格简介,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

     龙迅新推出HDMI转MIPI   4K@120Hz芯片完美体现8K屏价值应用

  1. HDMI2.1 Receiver
    • Compliant with HDMI2.1/2.0b/1.4 and DVI1.0
    • Data rate up to 8Gbps
    • Support HDCP 1.4/2.2/2.3
    • Support HDCP repeater
    • Support 8K@30Hz
    • Support 4K@120Hz
    • Support HDR10
    • Support FEC
    • Support CEC
    • Integrated EDID shadow (max 512-byte)
  2. Four-Port MIPI® DSI/CSI Transmitter
    • Compliant with D-PHY1.2 & DSI 1.3 & CSI-2 1.3 ;1 clock lane, and 1/2/3/4 configurable data lanes, and 8 configurable data lanes only for CSI;2.5Gbps per data lane
    • Compliant with C-PHY1.0 & DSI-2 1.0 & CSI-2 2.0;1/2/3 configurable data lanes;5.7Gbps per data lane
    • Support 1/2/4 configurable ports and only 1 port for CSI D- PHY 8lanes mode
    • Support 4K@120Hz
    • Support 8K@30Hz for CSI D-PHY 8lanes mode
    • Support overlap mode
    • DSI Support 16/20/24-bit YCbCr4:2:2, 24/30-bit RGB
    • CSI Support RGB888/666, YUV422 8/10bit, YUV420 8bit(legacy)
    • Support side by side 3D
  3. Four-Port LVDS Transmitter
    • Compatible with VESA and JEIDA standard
    • Support 1/2/4 configurable ports
    • 1 Clock lane and 3/4/5 configurable data lanes
    • Data rate up to 1.2Gbps per data lane
    • Support 4k@60Hz
    • Support side by side 3D
    • Programmable transmitter swing
    • Support SSC
  4. Digita Audio Output
    • I2S interface supports up to 8-channel audio, with sample rates of 32~192 KHz and sample sizes of 16~24 bits
    • SPDIF interface supports PCM, dolby digital, DTS digital audio at up to 192KHz frame rate
    • Compliant with IEC60958 or IEC61937
  5. Miscelaneous
    • VESA DSC v1.2a decode and encode support up to 4K@120Hz
    • Zoom scaling up and down
    • Vertical blanking interval expansion
    • CSC: RGB <-> YUV444 <-> YUV422<-> YUV420
    • Integrated 100/400KHz I2C slave
    • Integrated microprocessor
    • External oscillator 25MHz, +/-100ppm
    • Embedded SPI flash for firmware and HDCP keys
    • Embedded LPDDR4
    • Firmware update through SPI or I2C or USB interface
    • Power supply: 3.3V ,1.1V and 1.8V
  1. General Description

The LT6911GX is a high performance HDMI2.1 to MIPI or LVDS chip for VR/Display application.

HDCP RX as the upstream of HDCP repeater, can cooperate with HDCP TX of other chips to realize the repeater function.

For HDMI2.1 input, LT6911GX can be configured as 3/4 lane. Adaptive equalization makes it suitable for long cable application and the maximum bandwidth is up to 32Gbps.

For MIPI output, LT6911GX features configurable single- port or dual-port or quad-port MIPI®DSI/CSI with 1 high- speed clock lane and 1~4 high-speed data lanes operating at maximum 2.5Gbps/lane with D-PHY, which can support a total bandwidth of up to 40Gbps for four port. Also support 5.7Gbps/lane with C-PHY, which can support a total bandwidth of up to 68.4Gbps for four port.

For LVDS output, LT6911GX can be configured as single, dual or quad-port LVDS with 1 high-speed clock lane, and 3~5 high-speed data lanes, operating at maximum 1.2Gbps per lane, which can support a total bandwidth of up to 24Gbps. LT6911GX supports flexible video data mapping path for 2D and 3D applications.

Two digital audio output interfaces are available, I2S and SPDIF. The I2S interface supports 8-ch LPCM and the

        SPDIF interface supports 2-ch LPCM or compressed audio, both at maximum 192 KHz sample rate.

The device is capable of automatic operation which is enabled by an integrated microprocessor that uses an embedded SPI flash for firmware storage. System control is also available through the configuration I2C slave interface.

LT6911GX is fabricated in advanced CMOS process and implemented in 9mmx9mm BGA169 package.

  1. Applications
  1. Display
  2. VR


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