English trip V1 - B 3. I'd Like a Room,Please 请给我一间房? Teacher:Julia Key:

2024-02-01 15:20

本文主要是介绍English trip V1 - B 3. I'd Like a Room,Please 请给我一间房? Teacher:Julia Key:,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


In this lesson you will learn to say what you need.



twin size bed  单人床

elevator     n. 电梯;升降机;升降舵;起卸机


vt. 举起;提升;鼓舞;空运;抄袭
vi. 消散;升起;耸立
n. 电梯;举起;起重机;搭车

a double room  一个双人间

a single room  一个单人间

hotel  酒店

reception  接待



词汇(Key Word )

door man 酒店帮提行李的

reception 接待          #  Concierge n. 门房;看门人

Check in 办理入住/ Check out 办理离店

credit card   信用卡

debit card  借记卡

wake-up call  叫醒服务

Do not Disturb  请勿打扰!

5-star hotel  五星酒店

jacuzzi  极可意水流按摩浴缸

take a shower 淋浴(站着洗)

take a bath  洗澡 (浴缸泡泡浴)

All-include  全包

cash 现款;现金

form  表格;形式

tired 疲倦的;厌倦的

per night 每晚

keep going 维持下去


First Blood

Double Kill

Triple Kill    # triangle  三角形

Quadra Kill  # quadrangle  四边形

Penta Kill     # pentagon  五角星


towel  毛巾

pillow 枕头






Good evening. May I help you?

Yes.I'd like a room for the night.

A single or a double?

I'd like a single room,please.

How much is it?

It's $150 per night.

Can I pay by credit card?

Yes.Could you fill in this form,please?


Here's your key Your room number is 307,on the third floor.

Thank you. Where is the elevator?

It's over there.


Could you fill in this form,please?  请您填一下这个表格

It's over there 在那边

I'd like a single room,please.我想要一个单人间

The room is 30 dollars per night. 这个房间是每晚30美元。

He will pay with cash. 他会支付现金




You are going to the United Arab Emirates.You want to stay at the famous Burj AI Arab Hotel.Let's see what happens there.



a. Scenario One: 场景一

You have just entered the hotel. A receptionist greets you. Tell her you need a room for three days. Please fill in the form below.


Guest's NameType of Room(Single or Double)Length of StayMethod of Payment(Cash or Credit card)Room No.
LokiDouble3 DaysAli Pay WeChat Pay 307




b. Scenario Two:场景二

While resting in your room, you receive a call from a friend. He is just outside the hotel waiting for you! You go out and have dinner with him.


After the meal,You have to go back to the hotel alone. You are not familiar with the city, so you have to ask the way.You are at the World Trade Centre Hotel. Here comes a local;


ask him for directions.



You:Excuse me, where is the Burj Al Arab Hotel?  请问一下,Burj Al Arab Hotel在哪里?

Local: You are here at the World Trade Centre Hotel. Go out of the hotel and turn left.Walk along the road,  #  您在世贸中心大酒店。 走出酒店然后左转。走在路边,

and you will find Interchange No.4. Turn right, then walk straight. You will see the Burj Al Arab Hotel at the end of the road. #  你会发现4号交汇处。 向右转,然后直行。 您将在路的尽头看到Burj Al Arab Hotel酒店。

You: OK, Thanks.



阿拉伯塔酒店    = 帆船酒店

阿拉伯塔酒店,即Burj Al Arab(迪拜帆船酒店),位于阿联酋迪拜海湾,以金碧辉煌、奢华无比著称。


Do you know how much it costs to stay at  the Burj Al Arab Hotel?  您知道入住Burj Al Arab Hotel酒店需要多少费用吗?

The Burj Al Arab holds 28 double-storey floors that have bedroom suites. The smallest suite covers an area of 169m²,

Burj Al Arab酒店拥有28层双层楼,设有卧室套房。 最小的套房面积为169平方米,

and the largest covers 780m². It is one the most expensive hostels in the word. The cost of staying in a suite begins at US$1,000 per night;

而且最大的面积780平方米。 它是这个词中最昂贵的宿舍之一。 入住套房的费用为每晚1,000美元;

the Royal Suite is the most expensive, at US$28,000 per night.


Question: How much does it cost to stay in the largest suite for 3 nights?  US$84,000






这篇关于English trip V1 - B 3. I'd Like a Room,Please 请给我一间房? Teacher:Julia Key:的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




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