CS224d: Deep Learning for NLP Lecture1 概率复习(1)

2023-12-28 02:58

本文主要是介绍CS224d: Deep Learning for NLP Lecture1 概率复习(1),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!



The main content is the review of cumulative distribution functions(CDFs), probability mass functions(PMFs) and probability density functions(PDFs).

Axioms of Probability

  • P(A)0, for all A, is a set of events
  • P(Ω)=1, Ω represents a sample space
  • If A1,A2,... are disjoint events, then P(iAi)=iP(Ai)

Conditional Probability and Independence

The conditional probability of any event A given B is defined as,

P(A|B) means the probability measure of A when the event B occurs. We can see the event B as a universal set. Two events are called independent if and only if P(AB)=P(A)P(B) or P(A|B)=P(A) . Therefore, independence is equivalent to saying that observing B does not have any effect on the probability of A.

Random Variables

We denote random variables using upper case letters X(ω) or simply X . We denote the value that a random variable may take on using lower case letter x. Random variables are divided into discrete random variable and continuous random variable. When X can take on only a finite number of values, it is known as a discrete random variable. The probability of the set associated with a random variable X taking on some specific value k is:

When X can take on a infinite number of possible values, it is called a continuous random variable. The probability that X takes on a value between two real constants a and b is:


Cumulative Distribution Functions

A cumulative distribution function is a function FX:[0,1] which specifies a probability measure as,

- 0FX(x)1
- limxFX(x)=0
- limxFX(x)=1
- xyFX(x)FX(y)

Probability Mass Functions

When X is a discrete random variable, a simpler way to represent the probability of a random variable is to directly specify the probability of each value that the random variable can assume. A probability mass function is a function pX:Ω such that:

The notation Val(X) is the set of possible values that the random variable X may assume.
- 0pX(x)1
- xVal(X)pX(x)=1
- xApX(x)=P(XA)

Probability Density Functions

The CDF FX(x) is differentiable everywhere for some continuous random variables. The probability density functions is the derivative of the CDF:

According to the properties of differentiation, for very small x , P(xXx+x)fX(x)x
- fX(x)0
- fX(x)=1
- xAfX(x)dx=P(XA)


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