本文主要是介绍【LSTM】北京pm2.5 天气预测--pytorch版本,有代码可以跑通-LSTM回归问题,工程落地一网打尽,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
- 前言
- 1. 知识理解
- 1.1 核心理解
- 1.2 原理
- 1.2.1 图解LSTM
- 1.2.1 分词
- 1.2.1 英语的词表示
- 1.2.2 中文的词表示
- 1.2.3 构建词表
- 2. 工程代码
- 2.1 数据预处理
- 2.2 数据集&模型构建
- 2.3 模型训练
- 2.4 保持模型&加载模型&预测
LSTM 少分析原理,更强调工程落地,今年年初有两篇LSTM的回归文章,是keras实现的。
《【LSTM】LSTM预测股票价格–单因素、多步、输出单步回归特征 -keras 1》https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_40293999/article/details/128635150
《【LSTM】多因素单步骤预测-keras 2》http://t.csdnimg.cn/vRmMe
1. 知识理解
1.1 核心理解
用前一天的日均温,预测当前天的日均温度—>1 步长 1 因素 预测 1步长 1因素
用前一天的日均温、光照时长、风速、湿度预测当前天的日均温–>1 步长 4因素 预测 1步长 1因素
用前一天的 光照时长、风速、湿度预测当前天的日均温–>1 步长 3因素 预测 1步长 1因素
用前7天的 光照时长、风速、湿度预测后三天的日均温–> 7步长 3因素 预测 3步长 1因素
用前7天的 光照时长、风速、湿度预测后三天的日均温、光照时长、风速、湿度–> 7步长 3因素 预测 3步长 4因素
1.2 原理
1.2.1 图解LSTM
原理 ref: https://colah.github.io/posts/2015-08-Understanding-LSTMs/
问题:特征 x1, x2,…xt 这t个x 对应的是什么?
就是一组特征向量,比如可以使7天的温度【一维向量 7】,也可以是7天的多维向量温度、湿度【二维向量 7X2】
1.2.1 分词
温度/湿度本身就是数字,但是若是影评数据呢?比如 当幸福来敲门的台词:
You got a dream, you gotta protect it. Dont ever let somebody tell you, you can’t do something. Not even me. People can’t do something themselves, they wanna tell you,you can’t do it.
1)去标点 2)转成全小写 3)按 “ ”【空格】分词
s = "You got a dream, you gotta protect it. Dont ever let somebody tell you, you can't do something. Not even me. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you,you can't do it."
import string
for c in string.punctuation:s = s.replace(c,' ').lower()
print("after deal with punctuation::",s)
punctuation:: !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~
after deal with punctuation:: you got a dream you gotta protect it dont ever let somebody tell you you can t do something not even me people can t do something themselves they wanna tell you you can t do it
array(['a', 'can', 'do', 'dont', 'dream', 'even', 'ever', 'got', 'gotta','it', 'let', 'me', 'not', 'people', 'protect', 'somebody','something', 't', 'tell', 'themselves', 'they', 'wanna', 'you'],dtype='<U10')
1.2.1 英语的词表示
多啰嗦一句,其实一个英文影评(同步类比外卖、商品评价)的单词数量,就是 x1,x2,…xt, 对应的是t个单词。但是torch只能计算,只能存储float,int…等数字类型的tensor,你这个文本算个啥,所以需要将英语表示为【数字】特征,也就是词表示【word representation】,通常使用词嵌入【word embedding】的方式。每个单词可以表示为n维度,比如200,这个可以自定义,也可以用预训练的。
1.2.2 中文的词表示
1.2.1 说清楚了英文的词表示,那么中文呢,中文和英语其实极为相似,但是最大的不同是,英语很好分词,因为天然的空格存在,按空格分词【token】,再词表示就可以,中文没空咋给一句话【一段话】分词呢?用个插件jieba即可。
['你', '说', '过', '两天', '来看', '我', ',', '转眼', '就是', '一年', '多', '!']
1.2.3 构建词表
但通常还需要另外的两个词和。因为数据对齐的问题,比如我们就想让一条评论是200【多少的长度是自己定的】个单词。 那多了,就截断了,少的就用填充。
然后,再用1.2的词表示。 这样,一条评论。最终就是 200个单词, 每个单词用100维的向量【数字】来表示。这样就和1.1的原理完全对上了。
2. 工程代码
2.1 数据预处理
pandas 读取数据,并完成预处理
No year month day hour pm2.5 DEWP TEMP PRES cbwd Iws Is Ir
0 1 2010 1 1 0 NaN -21 -11.0 1021.0 NW 1.79 0 0
1 2 2010 1 1 1 NaN -21 -12.0 1020.0 NW 4.92 0 0
2 3 2010 1 1 2 NaN -21 -11.0 1019.0 NW 6.71 0 0
3 4 2010 1 1 3 NaN -21 -14.0 1019.0 NW 9.84 0 0
4 5 2010 1 1 4 NaN -20 -12.0 1018.0 NW 12.97 0 0
数据处理:把PM2.5 为null的数据都用相邻的数据填充,我们取2010年1月2日以后的数据。
data = data.iloc[24:].bfill()
把年,月,日 和小时 合并为一列。
import datetime
data['time'] = data.apply(lambda x: datetime.datetime(year=x['year'],month =x['month'],day = x['day'],hour = x['hour']),axis = 1)
No year month day hour pm2.5 DEWP TEMP PRES cbwd Iws Is Ir time
24 25 2010 1 2 0 129.0 -16 -4.0 1020.0 SE 1.79 0 0 2010-01-02 00:00:00
25 26 2010 1 2 1 148.0 -15 -4.0 1020.0 SE 2.68 0 0 2010-01-02 01:00:00
26 27 2010 1 2 2 159.0 -11 -5.0 1021.0 SE 3.57 0 0 2010-01-02 02:00:00
27 28 2010 1 2 3 181.0 -7 -5.0 1022.0 SE 5.36 1 0 2010-01-02 03:00:00
28 29 2010 1 2 4 138.0 -7 -5.0 1022.0 SE 6.25 2 0 2010-01-02 04:00:
去掉 年,月,日 和小时,并且把 时间列 作为索引index
data.drop(columns=['No','year','month','day','hour'],inplace = True)
data = data.set_index('time')
pm2.5 DEWP TEMP PRES cbwd Iws Is Ir
2010-01-02 00:00:00 129.0 -16 -4.0 1020.0 SE 1.79 0 0
2010-01-02 01:00:00 148.0 -15 -4.0 1020.0 SE 2.68 0 0
2010-01-02 02:00:00 159.0 -11 -5.0 1021.0 SE 3.57 0 0
2010-01-02 03:00:00 181.0 -7 -5.0 1022.0 SE 5.36 1 0
2010-01-02 04:00:00 138.0 -7 -5.0 1022.0 SE 6.25 2 0
One-hot 编码 风向序列
data = data.join(pd.get_dummies(data.cbwd))
del data['cbwd']
pm2.5 DEWP TEMP PRES Iws Is Ir NE NW SE cv
2010-01-02 00:00:00 129.0 -16 -4.0 1020.0 1.79 0 0 False False True False
2010-01-02 01:00:00 148.0 -15 -4.0 1020.0 2.68 0 0 False False True False
2010-01-02 02:00:00 159.0 -11 -5.0 1021.0 3.57 0 0 False False True False
2010-01-02 03:00:00 181.0 -7 -5.0 1022.0 5.36 1 0 False False True False
2010-01-02 04:00:00 138.0 -7 -5.0 1022.0 6.25 2 0 False False True False
sequence_length = 6*24
delay = 24
data_ = []
for i in range(len(data) - sequence_length - delay):data_.append(data.iloc[i: i + sequence_length + delay])
data_ = np.array([df.values for df in data_])
x = data_[:, :-delay, :]
y = data_[:, -1, 0]
split_boundary = int(data_.shape[0] * 0.8)
train_x = x[: split_boundary]
test_x = x[split_boundary:]train_y = y[: split_boundary]
test_y = y[split_boundary:]
mean = train_x.mean(axis=0) #均值
std = train_x.std(axis=0) #标准差
train_x = (train_x - mean)/std
test_x = (test_x - mean)/std
2.2 数据集&模型构建
class Mydataset(torch.utils.data.Dataset):def __init__(self, features, labels):self.features = featuresself.labels = labelsdef __getitem__(self, index):feature = self.features[index]label = self.labels[index]return feature, labeldef __len__(self):return len(self.features)
train_ds = Mydataset(train_x, train_y)
test_ds = Mydataset(test_x, test_y)
train_dl = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(train_ds,batch_size=BTACH_SIZE,shuffle=True
test_dl = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(test_ds,batch_size=BTACH_SIZE
hidden_size = 64
class Net(nn.Module):def __init__(self, hidden_size):super(Net, self).__init__()self.rnn = nn.LSTM(train_x.shape[-1], hidden_size, batch_first=True)self.fc1 = nn.Linear(hidden_size, 128)self.fc2 = nn.Linear(128, 1)def forward(self, inputs):_, s_o = self.rnn(inputs)s_o = s_o[-1]x = F.dropout(F.relu(self.fc1(s_o)))x = self.fc2(x)return torch.squeeze(x)
model = Net(hidden_size)
if torch.cuda.is_available():model.to('cuda')
loss_fn = nn.MSELoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.001)
2.3 模型训练
def fit(epoch, model, trainloader, testloader):total = 0running_loss = 0model.train()for x, y in trainloader:if torch.cuda.is_available():x, y = x.to('cuda'), y.to('cuda')y_pred = model(x)loss = loss_fn(y_pred, y)optimizer.zero_grad()loss.backward()optimizer.step()with torch.no_grad():total += y.size(0)running_loss += loss.item()
# exp_lr_scheduler.step()epoch_loss = running_loss / len(trainloader.dataset)test_total = 0test_running_loss = 0 model.eval()with torch.no_grad():for x, y in testloader:if torch.cuda.is_available():x, y = x.to('cuda'), y.to('cuda')y_pred = model(x)loss = loss_fn(y_pred, y)test_total += y.size(0)test_running_loss += loss.item()epoch_test_loss = test_running_loss / len(testloader.dataset)print('epoch: ', epoch, 'loss: ', round(epoch_loss, 3),'test_loss: ', round(epoch_test_loss, 3),)return epoch_loss, epoch_test_loss
epochs = 100
train_loss = []
test_loss = []for epoch in range(epochs):epoch_loss, epoch_test_loss = fit(epoch,model,train_dl,test_dl)train_loss.append(epoch_loss)test_loss.append(epoch_test_loss)
epoch: 0 loss: 23.613 test_loss: 25.115
epoch: 1 loss: 23.081 test_loss: 24.546
epoch: 2 loss: 22.261 test_loss: 23.605
epoch: 3 loss: 21.603 test_loss: 23.745
epoch: 4 loss: 21.623 test_loss: 24.013
epoch: 5 loss: 21.449 test_loss: 24.356
epoch: 6 loss: 21.052 test_loss: 22.461
epoch: 7 loss: 21.267 test_loss: 24.883
epoch: 8 loss: 21.083 test_loss: 21.641
epoch: 9 loss: 20.027 test_loss: 24.942
epoch: 10 loss: 19.944 test_loss: 20.995
epoch: 11 loss: 20.05 test_loss: 23.553
epoch: 12 loss: 30.013 test_loss: 29.03
epoch: 13 loss: 23.522 test_loss: 22.274
epoch: 14 loss: 20.181 test_loss: 21.099
epoch: 15 loss: 19.553 test_loss: 20.401
epoch: 16 loss: 18.925 test_loss: 21.033
epoch: 17 loss: 18.798 test_loss: 19.627
epoch: 18 loss: 19.772 test_loss: 20.952
epoch: 19 loss: 19.922 test_loss: 20.91
epoch: 20 loss: 19.068 test_loss: 20.825
epoch: 21 loss: 18.103 test_loss: 19.203
epoch: 22 loss: 19.176 test_loss: 20.891
epoch: 23 loss: 17.713 test_loss: 19.167
epoch: 24 loss: 17.063 test_loss: 18.672
epoch: 25 loss: 19.715 test_loss: 23.334
epoch: 26 loss: 21.586 test_loss: 20.307
epoch: 27 loss: 18.127 test_loss: 19.236
epoch: 28 loss: 16.943 test_loss: 18.996
epoch: 29 loss: 17.403 test_loss: 19.15
epoch: 30 loss: 16.35 test_loss: 18.142
epoch: 31 loss: 16.166 test_loss: 18.056
epoch: 32 loss: 16.363 test_loss: 20.465
epoch: 33 loss: 16.122 test_loss: 17.937
epoch: 34 loss: 15.48 test_loss: 17.128
epoch: 35 loss: 17.159 test_loss: 19.565
epoch: 36 loss: 18.402 test_loss: 22.737
epoch: 37 loss: 17.671 test_loss: 19.016
epoch: 38 loss: 16.368 test_loss: 17.944
epoch: 39 loss: 15.901 test_loss: 18.256
epoch: 40 loss: 15.695 test_loss: 18.299
epoch: 41 loss: 15.447 test_loss: 16.485
epoch: 42 loss: 14.995 test_loss: 16.351
epoch: 43 loss: 14.906 test_loss: 17.371
epoch: 44 loss: 14.784 test_loss: 16.312
epoch: 45 loss: 15.204 test_loss: 17.165
epoch: 46 loss: 15.076 test_loss: 16.702
epoch: 47 loss: 14.528 test_loss: 15.929
epoch: 48 loss: 14.185 test_loss: 31.667
epoch: 49 loss: 22.848 test_loss: 20.964
2.4 保持模型&加载模型&预测
# 模型参数保存
torch.save(model.state_dict(), 'model_param.pt')
# 模型参数加载
model = Net(...)
data_test = data[-24*6:]
data_test = (data_test - mean)/std
data_test = data_test.to_numpy()
data_test = np.expand_dims(data_test,0)
pm = model(torch.from_numpy(data_test).float().cuda())
ref: https://www.aqistudy.cn/historydata/daydata.php?city=%E5%8C%97%E4%BA%AC&month=2015-01
这篇关于【LSTM】北京pm2.5 天气预测--pytorch版本,有代码可以跑通-LSTM回归问题,工程落地一网打尽的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!