
2023-11-11 04:59



touch pad



A touch-pad technology that simulates mouse function is

implemented. The functions of fingers correspond to the keys of the

mouse one by one. The middle finger corresponds to the pointer

locator of the mouse, the index finger corresponds to the left key

of the mouse, the ring finger corresponds to the right key of the

mouse, the small finger corresponds to the middle key of the mouse,

and the thumb corresponds to the vertical roller and the horizontal

roller of the mouse.







,仿鼠标式触摸板将成为未来笔记本电脑的标准配置 。



The inventor is based on the imitation mouse, which is a

patented technology of touch pad.

Hello, audience friends, This Technology

product solves the problem that the notebook Touchpad is not easy

to use and the external mouse is inconvenient to carry. The

Touchpad completely imitates the mouse. Functions do not require

external mouse is also very useful, although many notebooks, such

as Macbook, have gesture operation functions relatively convenient,

but the operation mode and mouse need to remember different and a

large number of the most commonly used left and right mouse keys

and roller basic combination operation of its convenience and mouse

is still very different, every step of basic operation after the

finger must be lifted away from touch. For example, moving to an

object and dragging to a place, the traditional touchpad's

operation step is 1. Any finger is placed on the touchpad to move

the pointer to the object position and then raise the finger. 2.

Double-click to select the object, but do not lift the finger and

move to the target position for the second click. There are two

independent steps. Operations, or the right hand moving pointer

left hand holding the physical mouse left key on the edge of the

touchpad to form two hands to cooperate with the operation, the

operation steps of the Mouse-Imitating Touchpad are as follows: the

finger is placed on the touchpad to move the pointer to the object

position, then the index finger is placed on the touchpad and moved

to the target position together with the middle finger. The action

is consistent just like the operation of the mouse, as well as the

mouse, for example. When left key and roller combination use frame

to select a large number of vertical content, traditional touchpad

can not do it. Mouse-Imitating Touchpad is operated by placing the

middle finger on the touchpad and moving to the target starting

point, then pressing the index finger, sliding the roller up and

down the thumb and releasing the index finger at the end point.

Complex operation can be accomplished smoothly and smoothly.

Traditional touchpad must be lifted when repeated operations are

large. The middle finger of this technology can be placed on the

touchpad all the time without leaving as the mouse pointer. The

index finger corresponds to the left key of the mouse, the ring

finger corresponds to the right key of the mouse, the small finger

corresponds to the middle key, the thumb corresponds to the mouse

wheel. These keys are realized by finger touch operation, and no

physical keys need to be set on the edge of the touchpad. It can't

be said in the same day, even more powerful than the mouse. It has

the basic left, middle and right buttons and vertical rollers of

the ordinary mouse and more horizontal rollers. If you want to play

games, it's a nightmare by the traditional touchpad, It's almost

impossible for most people to move the mouse pointer and operate

the left and right keys frequently. It's a piece of cake for the

Mouse-Imitating Touchpad. The League of Legends

and the Overwatch can play very fluently.












Application No. : CN201120338991

Application Date : 2011.09.11

Publication No. : CN202267933U

Publication Date : 2012.06.06

Invention Title : Mouse-imitating touch pad

IPC Classification No. : G06F3/041;

Applicant/Assignee : RUIPING HUANG;


Priority No. : CN201120338991

Priority Date : 2011.09.11

Agent :



Website Address of the State Intellectual Property Office of






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1 定义         从哲学角度看:特征是从事物当中抽象出来用于区别其他类别事物的属性集合,图像特征则是从图像中抽取出来用于区别其他类别图像的属性集合。         从获取方式看:图像特征是通过对图像进行测量或借助算法计算得到的一组表达特性集合的向量。 2 认识         有些特征是视觉直观感受到的自然特征,例如亮度、边缘轮廓、纹理、色彩等。         有些特征需要通


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