Fermat’s Chirstmas Theorem

2023-11-08 11:33
文章标签 fermat theorem chirstmas

本文主要是介绍Fermat’s Chirstmas Theorem,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Fermat’s Chirstmas Theorem

Time Limit: 1000MS Memory limit: 65536K


In a letter dated December 25, 1640; the great mathematician Pierre de Fermat wrote to Marin Mersenne that he just proved that an odd prime p is expressible as p = a2 + b2 if and only if p is expressible as p = 4c + 1. As usual, Fermat didn’t include the proof, and as far as we know, never
wrote it down. It wasn’t until 100 years later that no one other than Euler proved this theorem.
To illustrate, each of the following primes can be expressed as the sum of two squares:
5 = 2 2 + 1 2
13 = 3 2 + 2 2
17 = 4 2 + 1 2
41 = 5 2 + 4 2
Whereas the primes 11, 19, 23, and 31 cannot be expressed as a sum of two squares. Write a program to count the number of primes that can be expressed as sum of squares within a given interval.


Your program will be tested on one or more test cases. Each test case is specified on a separate input line that specifies two integers L, U where L ≤ U < 1, 000, 000
The last line of the input file includes a dummy test case with both L = U = −1.


L U x y
where L and U are as specified in the input. x is the total number of primes within the interval [L, U ] (inclusive,) and y is the total number of primes (also within [L, U ]) that can be expressed as a sum of squares.


10 20
11 19
100 1000
-1 -1


10 20 4 2
11 19 4 2
100 1000 143 69





using namespace std;
const int M=1000005;
int prime[1000005];
int flag[1000005];
int p_num;
void getP()
int i, j;
p_num = 0;
memset(flag, 0, sizeof(flag) );
for ( i = 2; i < M; i++ )
if ( !flag[i] ) prime[p_num++] = i;
for ( j = 0; j < p_num && i * prime[j] < M; j++ )
flag[ i * prime[j] ] = 1;
int main()
int l,u,x,y;
for(int i=0;i<p_num;i++)
if(l<=2&&u>=2) y++;
printf("%d %d %d %d\n",l,u,x,y);
return 0;


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Theorem,Proposition, Lemma 和 Corollary是什么 区别关系

文章中最重要的几个结论用 Prop 或 Thm. 其中有比较普遍意义的(可能被他人引用的)用Thm,比较特定、适用范围不大的用Prop。 用来推出这些 Thm 或 Prop 的引理用 Lemma. Theorem:定理。是文章中重要的数学化的论述,一般有严格的数学证明。 Proposition:可以翻译为命题,经过证明且interesting,但没有Theorem重要,比较常用。

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