Mike Alexander, Microsoft Excel MVP, and madcap owner of DataPig Technologies, is interviewing Excel people this summer, and posting the interviews on his Bacon Bits blog. Lots of fun!
Microsoft Excel MVP和DataPig Technologies的疯子老板Mike Alexander今年夏天将采访Excel人员,并将这些访问发布在他的Bacon Bits博客上。 超有趣!
Here's the only picture that I have of Mike, and apparently John Walkenbach has a photo of me.
It's funny, that picture reminds me of something, but I can't quite remember what it is.
面试题 (The Interview Questions)
Mike sent each of us a list of thought-provoking questions, then published our answers, along with his astute comments and career-enhancing photos. This week it was my turn, and you can read the results here: DataPig's Interview with Debra Dalgleish
迈克向我们每个人发送了一系列发人深省的问题,然后发布了我们的答案,以及他的敏锐评论和职业发展照片。 本周轮到我了,您可以在这里阅读结果:DataPig对Debra Dalgleish的采访
The first picture in Mike's article was from a Microsoft conference that I attended in 2008. As you can see below, I've already given the poor guy beside me a headache.
I'm surprised that my lightning-fast throat chop was captured on film. Or, it might not have been a throat chop. I might have been telling someone how much frosty beverage to put in my glass.
令我惊讶的是,我的快如闪电的喉咙被电影拍下了。 或者,它可能不是喉咙。 我可能一直在告诉某人我杯子里放了多少冰镇饮料。
谁在Excel电影中扮演您? (Who Plays You in the Excel Movie?)
One of Mike's interview questions was "Who plays your role in a movie about Excel?" You'll have to read Mike's article to see my answer. And what about you? When they make "Excel: The Movie", who will play your role? ____________
迈克的采访问题之一是“谁在有关Excel的电影中扮演您的角色?” 您必须阅读Mike的文章才能看到我的答案。 那你呢? 当他们制作“ Excel:电影”时,谁来扮演您的角色? ____________
翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2010/07/23/who-plays-your-role-in-a-movie-about-excel/